7 things you can't do anymore since Twitter became X | Mashable.

7 things you can't do anymore since Twitter became X

A lot has changed since the Elon Musk takeover.

A lot has changed since Elon Musk's Twitter takeover. Credit: Shuttershock

Gone are the days we used to sign into Twitter and share tweets. It's now November 2023, more than a year since Tesla CEO Elon Musk acquired the popular social media platform, and the cheery, avian blue-and-white icon got replaced with a dark insignia that simply says "X."

Many users, including Mashable's Chris Taylor, believe that Twitter — er, I mean "X" — has taken a turn for the worse. Others, on the other hand, find the rebrand to be refreshing. However, no matter where you stand, you can't deny that there are some features stripped from the platform that we'll all miss.

7 things you can no longer do on Twitter / X

In July, Musk called X an "everything app," but for an app that lets you do "everything," there's quite a lot we can no longer do.

1. You can't view X without logging in

Lurkers once had the luxury of sifting through Twitter without logging in or being a registered user.

Browsing through Twitter
Browsing through Twitter Credit: Shutterstock

Now, if you want to browse the social media platform, you have no choice but to sign into a Twitter account.

2. 'Quote tweets' are no longer within easy reach

As Mashable's Deputy UK Editor Sam Haysom mentioned in mid-September, quote tweets used to be easy to access during Twitter's heyday.

Sifting through one's X feed
Sifting through one's X feed. Credit: Shutterstock

Unfortunately, due to an irksome redesign, you have to take a few extra steps to see quote tweets. You must now click on the three-dot icon and tap on "View post engagements" before clicking on "Quotes." Plus, X no longer tells you how many quote tweets a post has.

3. You can't tweet to a subgroup of followers

In late September, X announced that it's sunsetting Circles, a feature that allowed users to pick and choose a subgroup of followers to receive specific posts.

In other words, with Twitter Circles, instead of tweeting to all of your followers, you could interact with a smaller crowd. Unfortunately, you can't do that anymore.

4. Headlines are now stripped from your links

Now, when you input a link into your tweet (e.g., an article), the headline will not be displayed. The Verge has a pretty good "before and after" picture that illustrates this frustrating new feature.

Musk, demonstrating his aptitude for crushing it at spelling bees, tweeted that he made this change to "improve the esthetics [sic]."

5. You must wait longer to open links from competitors

An analysis from The Markup discovered that X is throttling traffic from competitors, including Threads, Facebook, Instagram, Bluesky and Substack.

Woman surfing through Threads on phone
Rival apps like Threads are throttled on X. Credit: Shutterstock

This report isn't surprising considering the fact that Musk briefly banned links from Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, and other rivals in December 2022.

6. PlayStation and Xbox gamers lose integration with Twitter

Access to Twitter's API used to be free, but as we reported in March, Musk is putting a price on it now — its cheapest package is a whopping $42,000 per month.

Man playing with PS5 controller
PlayStation and Xbox gamers can no longer directly upload to X. Credit: Shutterstock

As a result, gaming platforms like Microsoft and Sony are terminating their integrations with X. In other words, gamers can no longer share their video game captures directly with Twitter / X.

7. The blue check is no longer earned

As CNN puts it, Musk transformed the blue check from a status symbol to a badge of shame.

Man holding phone with Elon Musk's X account
The blue check isn't what it used to be. Credit: Shutterstock

The blue check once authenticated influential accounts and high-profile figures, but now, Musk has eroded its value. Anyone can purchase a blue check by subscribing to X Premium. However, it'll cost you $16 a month as of this writing.

Final thoughts

This list is far from exhaustive — and it will continue to climb. Elon Musk said he will kill the block feature on X. Plus, Musk suggested that he may put X behind a paywall, too.

We can't wrap our minds around Musk's endgame for X, but as Mashable's Matt Binder discovered, it's not looking good for the Tesla CEO so far. Daily active users appear to be dwindling as we speak.


  1. Stable genius sure increased shareholder value.

    1. do you know who the stable genius is? The dummy that thinks that a privately owned company has shareholders.

  2. Replies
    1. https://t.me/+_2G_05Gkxnw5NTg0

    2. thanks for your love and support kindly click on this link to send me direct message privately

    3. bot bot bot bot

  3. The number one is navigate and be on a competent website.

  4. All I know is I’m never kicked off of X anymore but, I’m on my 24 Jail term on Facebook

    1. Facebook is less tolerant of Nazi content. Poor you.

    2. I’m a Republican! Democrats rule on Baby elimination and there is evidence in the House of Representatives that a few members support Terrorism! You like that? That’s closer to a Nazism than you realize

    3. nice deflection.

    4. he knows. He liked his own comment 😂

    5. sounds more like you are a QAnon conspiracy theorist. And, you lack grammar skills. In addition, try not to confuse Nazi propaganda with women's rights to choose.

    6. no, it’s actually the #1 topic on Fox News and they are #1

    7. fox is #1....for a cable news network. Don't brag about that lol haha

    8. how many people watch broadcast anymore! Do you have an Antenna with Rabbit Ears!

    9. so you watch main stream media and believe them.

    10. getting ratioed pretty easy.

    11. dude, most people aren't watching TV at all. Time to turn off the commercials bud

    12. ratioed? Do you dye your hair green?

    13. no. Just my pubes.

    14. you made me curious, so I gave it a quick Google and about the same number of people are watching MSNBC and CNN combined. The same number of people as fox but split between two networks. Fox is also falling behind month to month given current world events. Even still, no cable news network is close to broadcast big three networks. https://deadline.com/.../cable-news-ratings-fox-news.../

    15. Richer'n'6 feet up a bull's backside... congrats!!👍👏🤣

    16. you won that debate! Your really good at this! Lol!

    17. 👍👏 Recognized it!!
      No debating alt-right tools, Idiot Pirate's Parrots, Dumbpf blowers. No time for followers.🎈

    18. is that your debate strategy? Join the women’s team! Lol!

    19. another good one! You rock dude!

    20. there's a debate? Where? 🤔 I just see you getting ratioed.

    21. What I do, break your stride? Lol!

    22. Only 24th, amature

    23. I'm sure your fake news business is boomer for sure.

    24. how do you know it’s fake news? Maybe Trump is right and your News is fake! After all, our news is #1! Just saying

    25. I like Fox News because, I’m not going to side with inner city minorities with revenge, rich Brainwashed students and women who want abortions even after birth! You kiddin?

    26. nothing like living in a delusional bubble to make yourself feel good.

    27. Sounds like you need to stop being a 🍆

  5. Thought I closed my account but keep getting emails someone not me, logged in. Scam? Don't even recall my password or have the app now.

  6. It also didn't mention that your account gets a warning if you self-advertise your Twitch/Kick/Youtube Gaming Live Streams.

    1. Singh https://t.me/+_2G_05Gkxnw5NTg0

  7. It was a stupid rebranding that is for sure.

  8. Even more reasons to not use the app #elonmusk

  9. Is anyone still on this trainwreck?

    1. yes more people than ever are in X. Well except for bots, The FBI and The CIA.

    2. https://t.me/+_2G_05Gkxnw5NTg0

    3. never 'joined'...🙄

    4. just for the 🌽

  10. One of which is mentioning stupid ideals(like free speech absolutism) that influence one's investment choices.

  11. Twitter won't suppress information that might harm politicians' chances of getting elected, so that's a huge plus

    1. yeah. Pro nazi propaganda should not prevent a republican chances from keeping a job....

    2. what pro Nazi propaganda? Hunter's laptop was called "Russian misinformation" but then it was admitted to be real. And there's no Nazis in Russia. There are, however, actual Nazi units in the Ukrainian military

    3. and in US military, police departments.

    4. oh really? 🥱


    5. Hunter is not a politician.

    6. if you really understood ‘information’, you wouldn’t be a MAGAt 🤷‍♂️

  12. Changed, gone to crap, you know 🙄

  13. He would rather ban accounts of people he does not like, instead of making money. That's his choice, no one else's.

  14. Never used it so IDK

  15. A lot has changed indeed . From $44 billion to $19 billion in 💯

    1. well Joe Biden gave Musk 41 billion dollars in tax credits this year via The Inflation Reduction Act so there is that.

    2. https://t.me/+_2G_05Gkxnw5NTg0

    3. losing money making money. Isn't that the topic? Musk buys government propaganda machine and breaks it. Leftist cry boohoo, the leftist sing teehee when Musk loses money, but leftist miss the point. He didn't buy Twitter to make money. So when I get to make leftists cry boohoo again by telling them he's making billions off their own instrument of destruction, Joe Biden's IRA, it makes me go teehee.

    4. Biden is not the topic.

  16. Now charging for Tweetdeck

  17. I speak for everyone here when I say "It's a good thing all the racist boomers never figured out Twitter."

  18. Why is anyone still using it?

    1. Bots, incels, MAGA fanboys, and Russian trolls are there a plenty. Plus a few people worth listening to.

    2. https://t.me/+_2G_05Gkxnw5NTg0

  19. 8: Report

    But don't worry you can block them. Gavin I know it's a private company and all but are you sure we can't get Liberal Twitter back illegally.. I mean Musk doesn't own the electricity powering the servers

  20. But you get banned for saying anything negative about fascism.

  21. FOS not one of them. Ahhh,

  22. I didn’t even use Twitter until this year so 🤷🏼‍♂️

  23. https://giphy.com/gifs/heysp-dst-daylight-saving-time-BT7xLnq8LCHNfWibdu

  24. https://giphy.com/gifs/IntoAction-candle-never-forget-corrieliotta-jQauhVG6R3uNaEnklj

  25. Make money: Number 8 on the list! 😆

  26. I can’t even be on Twit’s-X Seems the “free speech absolutist” couldn’t handle me posting that unfortunate wet, shirtless photo of E, and my account disappeared. They pulled the plug on me. I’m better off. Thanks, Elmo!

  27. You forgot you can't be brainwashed by the government anymore.

  28. I don’t care. I’m not on the platform.

  29. And Trump still doesn’t tweet 😂

    1. He's under contract to Truth Social not to use other platforms

  30. And yet, I've never missed not being a twit... or tweeting.🙄😳🤣👍👏

  31. Including how much it’s worth

  32. Well one thing has remains the same. I don’t have an account and I’m not ever going to enter my CC info there so that SOB, who has more money than he deserves, can pilfer it from me.

  33. 1. You can no longer use X, because you are better than that, almost everyone is.


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