'Avatar: The Last Airbender' teaser brings Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Zuko to live action | Mashable.

'Avatar: The Last Airbender' teaser brings Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Zuko to live action

Momo! Appa! The Kyoshi Warriors! It's all here!

The Netflix live-action series Avatar: The Last Airbender will hit Netflix on February 22, 2024.

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations anxiously waited for news of Netflix' live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender adaptation. Then, everything changed when the trailer arrived.

Avatar: The Last Airbender fans have been wary of Netflix's adaptation since its first announcement. After all, the live-action film from M. Night Shyamalan was a massive flop, and up until One Piece, Netflix didn't have the best track record translating animation to live action. But in a delightful turn of events, the trailer actually shows some promise.

Just like the original series, Avatar: The Last Airbender takes place in a world where certain people can bend (manipulate) the elements. Only the Avatar is able to bend them all, but right before a 100 year-long war with the Fire Nation, he vanished.

Now, the Avatar — an airbender named Aang (Gordon Cormier) — has resurfaced. Joined by Water Tribe siblings Katara (Kiawentiio) and Sokka (Ian Ousley), he sets off on a quest to learn how to bend all four elements and save the world. But his journey will be far from easy: Disgraced Fire Nation Prince Zuko (Dallas James Liu) will stop at nothing to hunt Aang down and regain his honor.

The trailer faithfully recreates several key locations from the cartoon, including the Earth Kingdom city of Omashu and Kyoshi Island. Plus, it gives us a cute glimpse at live-action Momo and Appa. Yip yip, and onward to February!

Avatar: The Last Airbender hits Netflix Feb. 22.                                                                       

Topics Netflix Trailers


  1. there’s literally already a live action movie

  2. It's not about how much money you have but how much money you keep, how hard it work for you, how many generations you hold it, start making good profits now with Jamison Robert

  3. I was a little skeptical, to be honest, but it looks like they're really putting some effort into it and trying to do the series justice.

    I'm VERY excited for this. Appa and Momo look so GOOD!

  4. I was definitely not prepared for this amazing surprise!. My eyes literally started watering but I couldn’t hold the tears when I saw Appa and Momo ❤
    Uncle Iroh’s voice, Aang, Fire Lord Ozai, Azula, the Kyoshi Warriors, Katara, Sokka, Omashu, the Agni Kai, Zuko… OMG!, goosebumps all over!
    I just hope it’s just not the visuals and that the story is done the justice it deserves. I have faith, I trust Netflix did a good job.

    1. That's Monk Gyatso narrating, it's confirmed. But yeah great casting, stunning cinematography, amazing fire bending.. so hyped!!!

    2. They look just like the shit in the movie 🤣

  5. This is going to be epic! The bending looks so much better than the last monstrosity and the scenery looks incredible. Can't wait to see it.

  6. I loved it. Hope you guys don't make it a serious dark show out of it. Let it stay fun filled, the way it was.

  7. Iroh's casting is ON POINT, he emanates huggable uncle vibes

  8. The tears I just shed as a 35 yr old watching this trailer… this is what we’ve wanted for so long.

  9. Looks amazing, but they better have well written character development just like the animated series. All the characters were progressively wiser and skillful over the three seasons. And the relationships between all of them was mature.

  10. Omashu, Ozai's throne room, the Kyoshi warriors, Sokka, Zuko, Aang, the Agni Kai, Katara, Appa, Momo, Iroh, they look so good, I teared up. At the very least we have the svenes from the trailer to feed the edits. Even if it sucks, we'll always have these scenes. But I really hope it won't suck.

    1. Why does no one care how that doesn't even look like Katara? Water tribe has BROWN skin.

    2. what ethnicity do you think she's supposed to be? Because she looks fine to me. Edit: I'm not being sarcastic. Just genuinely curious.

    3. Dude who cares ....good luck finding a good actress from the far far north where her character's ethnicity was inspired off

    4. thats pretty easy mane

  11. Cautiously optimistic. It looks great so far and this is honestly what we should’ve gotten the first time around. M. Shamalan really did a number on us 😂

    1. Well to be fair M. Night did what M.night does. It just happened to be this time the twist was that the movie was garbage

  12. The only Netflix show that I won't skip opening. I'm going to listen to that "Water,Fire, Earth, Air" every time!

  13. I'm soooo excited!! I literally had happy tears once the theme song came on ❤

  14. We’re actually seeing the Fire Nation attack the Airbenders during Sozin’s Comet which we didn’t even see in the OG show, I can tell this is going to be very different and I’m all for it

  15. I just cried so exited everyone who grew up watching this knows the trailer is nailing the show can’t wait to see this

    1. The only downside is I won't see TOPH in this first season

  16. I swear i saw this trailer in my dreams when i was like 12 years old. This looks way to good to be real. I got literal goosebumps when the theme music started playing

  17. NGL I got teary eyed from the teaser 🤣 I felt so much nostalgia back from my childhood when I was just 11 years old. I’ll be 30 in a year and half, but I couldn’t be any more excited about this movie. I hope it’s as good it looks so far!

  18. Zuko and Iroh look so good in this! They clearly understood the assignment with casting!

  19. I had low expectations coming into this but man... with how this trailer looked, my expectations are blown out of the roof. I haven't been this excited for avatar content in a long time!

    1. I don't see a huge difference between this trailer and the one for the movie other than making the races "accurate" (which is stupid).

  20. 1:06 That 1 second air bending scene was better than all of the bending scenes combined from the older movie.

  21. Visual looks good! Props especially to Aang, Suki, and young Zuko with the shaved head, the actors all came out looking good! I’d expected their looks/makeup to look off in live action, but the makeup team did well.

    1. This really is better off as a cartoon, that's what this shows me.

    2. Nah that was the last adaptation that did it a dirty

  22. Honestly… and this is just for me personally: This trailer has done its job well in bringing me back to my 6 year old self in my grandmother’s attic, accidentally coming across the premiere of ATLA on Nick Jr in 2005. The way nostalgia and familiarity came flooding back….Most of these scenes were instantly recognizable, and not in a cosplayed parody sort of way. They have finally managed to bring this beloved show to life, and I’m not sure I can wait a whole three months…🥹

  23. I'm actually looking forward to the time limit until Sozin's Comet. The actors aren't staying young forever, so I imagine they might give the characters more in-world time. That way it'll stay realistic because I can't imagine a 12-year-old Aang with the body of a teenager which grows taller every month

  24. Gave me goosebumps when the OG opening started playing. Really hoping it's a good live action!!!

  25. God I hope this does good!!! There’s so much they can do in that world

  26. Sokka looks on point and I'm here for it.. i hope he has the same comedic charm like the animation sokka..

  27. Been waiting over 2 years for this trailer... it didn't disappoint!

  28. Man, this looks fantastic. the costumes, casting. Looking forward to this now.

  29. This series is going to be amazing.

  30. The casting for sokka and zuko is looking like perfection . Now I can’t wait to see them embody their character 🎉

  31. If they nail this, I will finally have a worthy successor of a story I so deeply love since my childhood

  32. Honestly looks amazing! I feel the series will get some actual respect from this live action

  33. This avatar’s- cuter than the last one. Especially in that freeze frame where he wields his staff! Can’t wait to see more of it

  34. Characters look solid, atmosphere is on point, if the fighting and the action hold their grounds this could be great

  35. It looks good, the characters look good, but I think most Avatar fans are going to have doubts until we actually get to see it. Hopefully they'll show the actors speak in the next trailer instead of a voice over so we can see how they embody the characters. I know the original creators left the project, but dear God I want this to be good! Also Netflix please hire better cinematographers because why the hell is everything lit so damn dark on every single series!

  36. The producers delayed the release of this series because they wanted to give it the time it deserves, and honestly, I’m glad they did. This trailer looks STUNNING!

  37. This looks way better than the movies. I have high hopes for this! I'm excited!

  38. The way they nail this is by staying pure to the characters personalities.

  39. I'm excited for the live-action! This looks really good! 😁

  40. Loved it when Aang said "It's Avatar time!"

  41. Netflix I know you haven’t released it yet, but I have faith that you’ve done ATLA justice. The characters designs, the casting all keeps so true to the original. I’m fine with slight deviation from the source material, especially when it comes to filler, as long as the representation, motivations, and actions of the original characters remain the same.

    Dare I say, I’m genuinely excited to watch this.

  42. This looks just absolutely incredible

  43. As long as they stay true (within reason) to the source material...i think this is looks awesome!

  44. Esse é o nível de fidelidade que todo mundo gostaria de ter no casamento ❤️

  45. The casting is already phenomenal I’m excited for this one

  46. TA LINDÍSSIMO 😭😭😭😭😭😭

  47. Okay I’m fully on boardddds! Gave me chills! And already looks far superior than the first live action!

  48. I got the chills for every scene in this trailer. I cannot wait!

  49. If the writing, character developement and story are as well done as the look and sound of this trailer, it will be everything I could have hoped! Trying not to get my expectations sky high but this looks genuinely good!

  50. The visuals are stunning. The casting choices were well made. Let's see if they can do what the [redacted] couldn't. They did a decent job with One Piece, so I have some hope for this one.

  51. Okay this look fire and this has a lot more potential then I originally thought especially if they take a bit more of a mature route then the show and nail the pacing cause I’m the beginning the show did feel way more kiddie and had some pacing issues. But this has potential the desgins for each nation look incredible.

  52. I hope this is actually better than what we had gotten before

  53. I got chills and already started to tear up 😮

  54. anyone else tear up watching this ?? 🥹 So much emotion!! omg

    1. You are not alone 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  55. This show means so much to a lot of us and it looks like they are going to make us all proud to be fans. I can’t wait to see them nail this!

  56. Watched it with my kids when I was in my 20s and loved it. From the trailer seems like they nailed everything down. Would be a killer if they had the voice of Iroh for the narration. Still great. The release date is Feb 2024 so it seemed all the filming is done and finishing up post-production. Can't wait.

  57. Getting high hopes for this one, it’s already better then the last one and we only got a trailer

    Every shot looks like it's straight out of the anime. Well done! 👏👏👏👏👏

  59. You can keep this. I’ll just rewatch the timeless show for the 1000th time

  60. The [ light heart humor ] and [ joyful innocence of the young heroes ]will be very tough to pull out seeing the trailer. That's what give the show SOUL and not just visual eye candy.

    The fans loved the Spiritual SUBSTANCE this show carried. This allows for organic character progression and impactful story telling.

    This trailer succeed in the visual aspects but not much interaction is shown so I'm very reserved for its future.

  61. I can't remember the last time a trailer put a big smile on my face! Really looking forward to this... Excited! just a bit 😁

  62. I hope it does well enough to complete all three seasons.

  63. Like a lot of people, I am cautiously optimistic. At least all the characters look good and the costumes work. I am concerned on how much CG this will be (obviously I'm gonna assume they won't be sending real fire on set duh) but I hope it will be good.

  64. ¡Increible! por fin un buen live action de Aang

  65. So far this looks a million times better than the movie we got years ago

  66. I can't wait! - looks like Netflix did this beloved series justice.

  67. This looks magnificent. I was sceptical at first but after One Piece I’m optimistic

  68. As long as they stick to the story and don’t change anything it should be good

  69. I hope that the departure of the original creators don’t mean that this adaptation will not be good because it looks amazing 😭😭😭

  70. Looks stunning. I do hope they keep the humor from the animated series. Sokka is hilarious. ima have to rewatch the animated series before this comes out. its been awhile.

  71. I love when I have to eat my words, proven wrong. This looks really, really good. I'm ready, I'm ready as Aang was when Roku was going to help him at the fire temple. Awesome.

  72. Looks so much better than that live action movie that was made years ago. Looking forward to this show

  73. I really hope I live long enough to see this. Looks like they did a great job.

  74. This looks incredible can't wait for it

  75. Just off the trailer I’m beyond excited and I’m hoping this comes out amazing

  76. looks amazing!! really goosebumps every single scene 😊

  77. I hope they keep the legacy as it is.

  78. it looks freaking amazing, can't wait for this !!!

  79. It does look great. It definitely looks and feels like Avatar. Did Netflix nail it? Time will tell.

  80. looks cool. hope they can tell the whole story in under 3 seasons

  81. All I have to say is this, every shot, costume & set design, digital effects, and character casting is on point!

  82. I've been waiting so long for a live action Avatar movie! Don't know why they haven't made one before

  83. This teaser alone is already 100x better than the Last Airbender movie.

  84. Finally getting the live action it deserved!!!! So excited!!!!❤❤❤

  85. If nothing else, they have nailed the visuals

  86. I really like the movie wen it came and was hoping they come out with a trilogy so I hope this is more towards like the cartoon they cannot mess this up for the fans of avatar

  87. This trailer has a lot to learn before it’s ready to redeem the franchise. But I believe it can save the world.

  88. Already looking better than that live action movie that we no longer acknowledge 💯

  89. Honestly not sure how to feel about this

    I know it won't really compare to the original but it doesn't look too bad so far

  90. The movie waa totally effed up. Broke the hearts of millions. This looks very promising. We miss Aang ❤

  91. Visually, it looks awesome but if this turns out to be drama without the humor I’m not going to be able to watch much of it. What I loved in the cartoon was how they tackled big serious issues while maintaining a fun, light tone.

  92. Really hopes it lives up to the expectations 🤞

  93. I have been waiting for this for 3 years, i am liyerally in tears it looks so good

  94. I’m not making any judgments good or bad until I see the actual show, that said, the song hit hard

  95. Finally, some justice is being done to this awesome series.

  96. The scale and detail of the world is so unbelievable. I feel like a kid again

  97. I am actually excited to see how this goes.

  98. Love how they kept the original soundtrack...was in love with that tune🎶 since I was a kid😊
    ... can't wait📌for the show💯

  99. My actually so excited and looking forward to it, the production quality for the teaser is already so good so far

  100. Finally it is here 😢

    I am crying literally right now after the theme enters into my ears 😭

  101. The Theme gives me goosebumps everytime I hear it.

  102. Netflix did such a great job with the One Piece live action, so I believe they will do a good job with this as well ❤️

  103. This looks amazing. I hope the live action os just as good as it looks. At least we can see from this trailer that it's definitely better than the movie that doesn't exist in Ba Sing Se. SUKI LOOK AMAZING TOO!!!

  104. Did anyone else breath a sigh of relief when they saw Appa and Momo? Makes me think the charm in the world will be there

  105. Netflix is bringing out some good stuff recently for adaptations, hopefully they keep it up in this!

  106. This trailer more like medicine than teaser. Just to see some scenes done right compare to the whole movie back then, it warms me

  107. Please PLEASE let this be more of a One Piece and not so much a Death Note. If Netflix (and Hollywood in general) has learned their lesson to stick to the general source material rather than making a convoluted remake "inspired" by the original... This will be INCREDIBLE. The casting, the costumes, the CGI, the music, and did I say the CASTING (I mean look at Ozai!), and the spirit are all there. But the writing will make it or break it.

    If the writing is good, this could be the best live action adaptation of the decade. Something we've needed for years.

  108. This looks promising. If it’s done right, it’ll be a star Netflix forever classic

  109. Watched over 100 times , never get bored🤩🤩😍😍

  110. This looks promising. What did actually take so long to do a decent Avatar live action? I will never understand the producers... Ever...

  111. Goosebumps, cannot wait! 🎉

  112. A mí la anterior me gustó mucho es muy bueno lo de las energías aire fuego agua y tierra lástima no fue rentable en taquilla ya que quedó con final abierto. Espero con ansias ésta!!!!!

  113. OMG THEY NAILED SOKKA’S LOOK, LITERALLY IDENTICLE AND OMG IM SO EXCITED (there better be no cabbages harmed in this movie)

  114. my number 1 favorite show as a kid i watched this every day no nickelodeon. i hope they nail it .

  115. I was a kid when i used to watch this cartoon on a box tv now i am an adult and watching its trailer makes me feel like kid again.
    Time has passed so fast.

  116. I just really hope they go penguin sliding... I mean it looks really cool but also quite serious, part of the magic was its light hearted tone and humor. I really, really hope they don't make it too dark.


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