MacBook Pro's priciest 16-inch configuration costs $7K | Mashable.

The priciest 16-inch MacBook Pro costs an eye-watering $7,199

It hurtssss.

Hi, I'm a Mac. I cost up to seven thousand and two hundred dollars. Credit: Apple

You've saved for this moment. You knew Apple's top-performing MacBooks would be pricy, but you decided, deep inside, that you will get the absolute best one, no matter the cost.

Well, we've get the number for you, and it's not pretty.

Announced at the company's October event yesterday, Apple's top of the line, 16-inch MacBook Pro starts at $3,999. But if you tick all the boxes while ordering, the final tally for the laptop will be $7,199.

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For that money, you do get an absolute monster of a machine. It's a 16-inch MacBook Pro in Space Black (the color doesn't add to the price, but come on, we know you're getting the new one), with an Apple M3 Max processor that has a 16-core CPU, a 40-core GPU, 128GB of RAM memory, and a whopping 8TB of SSD storage.

Apple MacBook Pro
That sound you hear is your credit card crying. Credit: Apple

We haven't tested the new machine ourselves yet, and many questions remain unanswered; most importantly, will all that power reflect on the MacBook's thermal management, especially under heavy load. In other words, maybe don't go for the absolutely most powerful one just yet, even if you afford it.

Based on the specs sheet alone, and what Apple said during the event yesterday, this should be one of the most powerful portable computers you can buy.

Oh, and one more thing: If you do choose the 128GB option, it will increase the shipping time from seven to nine business days to two to three weeks. Good things are worth waiting for, we guess?

Topics Apple MacBook


  1. It’s the same process over and over.

    “The most powerful Mac ever built.”

    The price tag shocks, people eventually give in, pay the asking price, the industry follows and sets the threshold to more ridiculous price tags, then repeat.

    Don’t get me wrong, these MacBooks are monsters and I want one. I just hate the way it all works

  2. Let me tell you.... as someone who has children in college and now graduated. As a writer and producer of digital content, I use a Mac, because it doesn't crash, doesn't overheat, and doesnt delete ur work mysteriously. The quality of the camera and editing tools are consistent and they do last a long long time without requiring servicing or replacement . I still have my novelty MacBook all white unit board design from 2011. Still works. Slow because they stopped sending updates ( they want u to buy new ones) but it's still here But... a MacBook is pricey..... if I were to add up the costs of MacBooks purchased in the last 10+ years? It's an equal to a downpayment on a house . Fresh.. I have a headache from thinking about it

    1. my PC does None of those bad things and has lasted well over a decade with no issues, and outperforms a Mac system from the same year that would have cost 5x more... 😅😂

    2. What on earth type of computer deletes your work?
      All of the stuff you have mentioned as features can be had for 1/5 of the cost.

    3. what computer with 1/5 of the price of MBP in 2011 is still working well and doing everything as expected?

    4. all of them 😅😂 4th or fifth generation i7 or i5 based with actual GPUs still work fine for needs as above

    5. Take your pick!

    6. no thanks

    7. Install your choice of OS.
      The hardware is fine. More than fine.

    8. True story right here.

  3. That’s a maxed out one with enough power to melt the earth. The normal MacBook pros prices went down which is a good move

    1. yet it still can’t do half of what a pc does 🤣 apple products are a cash scam nothing more.

    2. Adults that need computers don't use them for gaming, that's a waste of time. I tripleboot macOS/linux/windows on my dell laptop and use them all for different needs.

    3. I use both Mac and pc as it is better for working on the go. Amazing battery life no random crashes can trust it to go through a presentation without forcing an update 😂. I use windows for some 3d work and games mostly . Editing presentations. Music production programming all work better on a Mac.. this is only the Mac’s with their custom silicon.. next year snapdragon will release pc chipsets that are close . Then there will be some proper competition.. but still it will take a while for windows software to catchup . Since it has too many different architecture to cator to.. I used to be an only windows user untill I bought the M1 Pro Mac for work. It’s been an amazing tool. As for games the m3 has a gpu built in and even the iPhone 15 pro can run resident evil ps5 version . So they will catchup soon in that field as well

    4. no one said anything about gaming but interesting you try to make a personal attack on the basis of one of many things I do because you truly have no cogent argument… typical troll.🤣

    5. Lmao I didn't even realize you game honestly, usually that's the hobby that goes along with that opinion

    6. Where's your argument, what can't I do on a mac that can be done on PC? Must be a long list if the mac can do half of it

    7. never been a fan of programming on a Mac but I do agree when it comes to music production apple products do excel greatly.

      Personally I just love the overall versatility of a pc over mac.

      Obviously gaming trumps on pc but that will be something I don’t think will ever change the apple focus has always been business and especially milking corporation’s for a brand name.

      I just don’t see mac as being worth the cost overall but they for sure have their areas where they for sure excel more than a pc and especially your average pc but for almost $8k… you can easily build a better pc that could do much more than that mac.

      If this was a few grand less I could understand the price point but 8k is unreal for what they are selling and considering what upgrades have been made overall.

      I don’t disagree mac can for sure be much better for on the go I personally hate laptops when it comes to pc but that’s due to how poorly the build design of them are.

      Personally never had an issue with any forced updates on my pc for presentations or otherwise in a long time but I also keep everything up to date as a content creator and owner of my own small business who does everything himself even a single update behind can cause issues.

      They for sure are totally different wheelhouses as far as who they cater to for sure I just find the mac prices absurd more often than not.

    8. Customizability: PCs are typically more customizable. You can build a PC from scratch or upgrade individual components, which can be cost-effective and tailored to your specific requirements.

      Gaming: PCs have a broader selection of games available, and gaming performance can often be better on high-end PCs due to more powerful graphics cards.

      Affordability: PCs offer a wide range of options at various price points, making them more budget-friendly for those looking for cost-effective solutions.

      Software Compatibility: While Macs can run Windows through Boot Camp, some specialized software and applications are more readily available for PCs.
      Hardware Variety: PCs come in many shapes and sizes, including laptops, desktops, all-in-ones, and gaming rigs, providing more options for users.

      Repairability: PCs are often easier to repair and upgrade, with more accessible internal components, which can extend the lifespan of the machine.

      Hardware Ports: PCs often have a wider variety of ports, including more USB options, HDMI, and options for additional displays.

      Virtual Reality (VR): PCs tend to be more compatible with high-end VR systems due to their powerful hardware and compatibility with VR components.

      Business and Enterprise Solutions: PCs are more common in enterprise environments due to their broad range of options and compatibility with business software.

      The list goes on and is extensive you uneducated 🤡

    9. my Mac was only 1.5 k 😂. Cheaper than a iPhone pro 🤭The 14-inch MacBook Pro with M3 starts at $1,599 (U.S.) ….. unless you are doing some crazy work you don’t need a 8k version

    10. this is true I got a custom pc rig myself just the graphics card costed me more than my MacBook Pro 😂

    11. ya the gpus especially with all the bs scalping has been a nightmare I overpaid for mine big time but I wasn’t going without the upgrade 🤣

      Oh I for sure agree their are much more affordable and logical options out to their in macs just the price of this one blew me away and had me laughing hard.

      At that price point custom build pc all the way. But for sure the reasonably priced macs have their place especially in the business world even more so if you work with government at all.

    12. Now please stop going on about physical difference or affordability, and tell me what the windows OS itself can do that macOS can't do half of?

    13. Why would macs "have their place especially with government"? that's the most moronic thing I think I've read, that's probably the one area I'd agree windows would be best suited

    14. ya they love to cator to all these YouTubers who have cash to throw and splurge on a 8000 dollar Mac that gets redundant in 2 years. I had a friend who bought all the 8k once for 4 is with his nieces student ids lol then it’s a amazing deal

    15. Redundant in 2 years? I'm still running the newest macOS(abiet had to be hacked obviously) on my 2012 sandy bridge i5 macbook pro I use if I want to type something out on the couch away from my tower Pc because I like the ergonomics of it. I bought it for $100 like 6 years ago lmao

    16. Ya I know people who use their Mac for over a decade but it depends The work you do fast renders it’s always nice to have faster machines .. so 8k for a editing machine is something a lot of editors won’t think twice spending on it’s just that after 2 years like every other tech . Have some dj friends who still use the really old Mac’s with the light up logo. I hope they bring that back some day lol.. I have to say the battery life of their custom silicon is what made me get a Mac as I am out for meetings a lot and wind up working from cafes with no power sockets . I don’t have to worry about this with a Mac.

    17. spoken like someone who never touched a Mac in their life

  4. There’s a new feature It makes u a coffee scary fast ☕️

  5. So does it last longer than a year then?

    1. my last one ran great for 7 years I upgraded just because I wanted to

    2. I had a 2015 MacBook Pro that I had until 2019 and it was running perfectly. I still have the 2019 one and the only reason I’m upgrading is because my editing has become slightly more complex and it cant handle it

  6. and no swarowsky or diamonds in sight - sad!

  7. It works for me or what?

  8. My typical MacBook Pro investment has been in the 3k range for nearly twenty years - and that’s just three machines since switching from desktops going back to the Pro, Cube and and G3 Power Mac. That expense has increased very little in each successive purchase, getting even more for the buck each time. Places I’ve worked for invested heavily in Dell, Lenovo and others only to see them swapped out every couple years. Apple may seem pricey, but for build quality, support, reliability and longevity I’ve seen few things compare.

  9. Wow, another Apple product for humans with more $$ than sense. Betcha' could get 20k for it if you gold plated it.

  10. Every development Mac I’ve ever bought, going back to my Mac plus, was about $3k. I’m actually happy to see a 16” M3 Pro MBP come in under the usual. In fact, I’d be hard pressed to think of any other thing whose price has remained as stable over the last 39 years than Macintosh.

  11. Yeah that's with every option maxed out with 128GB RAM and an 8TB SSD, of which there's no real world use cases for that amount of RAM. 32GB Is more than enough. 😅

    1. for video editing RAM is never enough 🙂

    2. Ahhh my mistake 😅 Turns out I wasn't aware that their 'Unified memory" combines RAM and VRAM and allows all components to dive into that memory pool at low latency. Gotta hand it to them, they have reinvented the wheel a little bit here 😅

    3. hahah anyway whatever new hardware setup for sure is f**** expensive 😬

    4. Aww there is no doubt. 7 grand for a laptop, you can sing for it 😅😅

    5. the unified memory is a large part of why the apple silicon performance is so amazing - it eliminated a huge amount of data copying between CPU memory and GPU memory!

    6. how about 3d rendering... fuggetaboutit...

    7. that is exactly what i said in early 90s when buying an 800 meg hard drive

    8. when you produce trailer music and you use 80-90 tracks of virtual instruments, 32gb is not enough. 😅

    9. disagreed for sure. I have 128 on my iMac and it’s still not enough for some projects.

  12. Thumbs down. Keep your 7.2k MacBook

    1. or better yet switch to a Windows laptop. Macs are terrible

    2. Or better yet, run macOS on a windows laptop with a touchscreen like a real man

  13. "scary fast" they forgot to mention "scary expensive too"

  14. Sadly you still cannot run any Ai software with an 8k machine.

  15. What a joke, it doesn't even have all the keyboard keys. 🤣

  16. My $400 PC can do more than my Macbook. My Macbook just has a better screen. Otherwise it’s basically a paperweight.

  17. Don’t worry get an M1 Pro. It’s the same

    1. I did that. They reduced the memory so I have to buy additional products

  18. Decades ago, a corporation called Apple decided to enter a fledgling computer market with the unique angle, 'we are different'. Of course they weren't, but the die was cast and Apple has consistently put forth the decree 'we are different' and ergo better than everyone else. Somehow, this approach worked even though Apple makes its stuff in the same places everyone else does. Apple has worked hard to make sure no one has looked under the hood

    In the end, a cult-like following has emerged, willing to pay whatever the great god Apple has demanded for sacrifice.

  19. just never enough.


  21. maybe you can add one to your unpaid student loan!

  22. you dont need 8TB SSD

    1. i said the same until I thought about it. Stuff eats up space. One episode we shot that was an hour on our blackmagic shot raw was 200gb. I was so mad lol

      That price is insane though

    2. or 128 gb memory.

  23. so affordable 😂😂 The fact they'll actually sell tens of thousands of those at least makes me genuinely worry for the future of the human race 😅😂

  24. Same as the priciest m2 and m1, guys it s always the same nothing new here...

  25. Wtf is apple up to….. company only for the ritch ????


  27. Lolz, what are the extra features.. In built massage and self validation programme for millenniums and Gen Z idiots who never leave the comfort of their bedroom 🤷🏻‍♂️

  28. Get windows laptop.

  29. Bet you could get 20k if you gold plated it.

  30. Store it in a safe deposit box

  31. Must be kept in Mueseum

  32. Only because they can,
    only because someone will.
    Meanwhile ...

  33. Worthless… if few years it’s value don’t compensate technology increases, but at the end people have the final word in the price

  34. It’s not a general purpose machine.

  35. silly click bait headline/article. I thought you guys were better than that. Basically no one is putting an 8 TB SSD in a laptop now are they? and unified memory means 128 GB ram is unnecessary for all but the most absolutely demanding workloads.
    Normal config prices? Dropped a bit, for better configurations.
    Every sturdily configured MacBook I have bought in the last 15 or 20 years? About $3000, each one significantly more powerful and better configured at that level than the one it replaced.

  36. good news is repair prices will also go up

  37. Welcome Lenovo 😮‍💨

  38. Apple 🍎 is garbage 🗑


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