Elon Musk's $55.8 billion Tesla compensation has been thrown out by a US court | Mashable.

Elon Musk's $55.8 billion Tesla compensation has been thrown out by a US court

The board of directors breached their legal duty to the company when arranging the deal.
By Matthews Martins on 
Credit: Christian Marquardt - Pool/Getty Images

A Delaware court has thrown out Elon Musk's $55.8 billion Tesla compensation package, ruling that its board of directors breached their legal duty to the company when deciding their CEO's pay. It's a sizeable blow to the multi-billionaire's wallet, and might even put a dent in the richest man in the world's solid gold throne.

In a lengthy 201-page post-trial opinion on Tuesday, Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick found that Tesla's board of directors failed to act in the best interests of the company when determining Musk's compensation package, violating their legal obligation to its shareholders. Instead, they simply followed Musk's proposal and agreed to pay him "the largest potential compensation plan in the history of public markets." 

Announced in 2018, Musk's 10-year compensation plan would have granted him stock options provided he hit certain operational milestones.

This substantial compensation package might have still stood if Tesla's board could prove it was fair, or alternatively that most of the minority shareholders were "fully informed" when they approved it. However, the court also found that not only had shareholders not been fully informed, they had actually been misinformed about key factors in the decision making process.

"The process leading to the approval of Musk’s compensation plan was deeply flawed," wrote McCormick.

Musk: '[It was] me negotiating against myself'

The court found Musk had "extensive ties" to the committee of Tesla board members in charge of negotiating his compensation, including business and personal relationships dating as far back as 20 years. At least one director "whose admiration for Musk moved him to tears" acted as a go-between between the CEO and the board, to the point where the court found it unclear whether he was acting for Musk or for Tesla.

"Given the collection of people tasked with negotiating on Tesla’s behalf, it is unsurprising that there was no meaningful negotiation over any of the terms of the plan," wrote McCormick.

The committee even admitted that they approached the task of determining Musk's compensation as a cooperative rather than adversarial process, involving no oppositional negotiations that might have achieved a better result for Tesla. Instead, the company's directors effectively followed Musk's lead and agreed to what he asked for, with the CEO himself stating that the process resulted in "me negotiating against myself."

"Put simply, neither the Compensation Committee nor the Board acted in the best interests of the Company when negotiating Musk’s compensation plan," wrote McCormick. "In fact, there is barely any evidence of negotiations at all. Rather than negotiate against Musk with the mindset of a third party, the Compensation Committee worked alongside him, almost as an advisory body."

On top of this, the court found that details about how Musk's compensation was determined were "misleadingly omitted" from information supplied to shareholders. 

When shareholders voted on Musk's compensation package in 2018, Tesla claimed that it had been developed by the board of directors alongside a private compensation consulting firm, and that Musk had recused himself from the process. In actuality, it was Musk himself who proposed the size and structure of his compensation, dictating the terms the committee considered and eventually approved. 

"Musk made an initial proposal [regarding the size of his compensation], and that proposal was the only one seriously considered until Musk unilaterally changed it six months later," wrote McCormick.

Shareholders weren't made aware that Musk had authored his own compensation plan, nor were they informed of his close relationship with and dominating influence over Tesla's board members.

"In addition to his 21.9% equity stake, Musk was the paradigmatic 'Superstar CEO,' who held some of the most influential corporate positions (CEO, Chair, and founder), enjoyed thick ties with the directors tasked with negotiating on behalf of Tesla, and dominated the process that led to board approval of his compensation plan," wrote McCormick. "At least as to this transaction, Musk controlled Tesla."

Paying for attention

The court further found that Musk's $55.8 billion package was disproportionate to the value Tesla received from the deal. 

Tesla's board attempted to argue that Musk's comically large compensation was necessary to keep him and his attention at the company, as well as incentivise him to hit performance targets. However, the court noted that Musk had already made it clear he had no intention of leaving Tesla. In addition, the agreement did not include any requirements that Musk devote a certain amount of time to Tesla, despite his responsibilities at his other companies SpaceX, The Boring Company, Neuralink, and later Twitter/X. 

Musk also already had a 21.9 percent stake in Tesla at the time the compensation plan was approved, giving him "every incentive to push Tesla to levels of transformative growth."

"Swept up by the rhetoric of 'all upside,' or perhaps starry eyed by Musk’s superstar appeal, the board never asked the $55.8 billion question: Was the plan even necessary for Tesla to retain Musk and achieve its goals?" wrote McCormick.

Of course, none of this means Musk will be going empty handed. Though the court threw out his $55.8 billion compensation package, Tesla's board will now formulate a new agreement to compensate Musk for his work over the past six years. And regardless of what they cook up, the court noted that the stake Musk already had in Tesla has provided him "tens of billions of dollars for his efforts." 

Still, Musk is predictably unhappy that his personal wealth won't skyrocket as much as he had expected. The multi-billionaire is likely to appeal the decision, and has already taken to Twitter/X to express his dissatisfaction — including running a poll asking if Tesla should change its state of incorporation to from Delaware to Texas, "home of its physical headquarters."

"Never incorporate your company in the state of Delaware," Musk posted shortly after the judgement was handed down. "I recommend incorporating in Nevada or Texas if you prefer shareholders to decide matters."

The case was brought by a shareholder because Tesla's board did not give them the opportunity to make informed decisions. It doesn't seem as though Musk is interested in such details, though.

Topics  Tesla Elon Musk


  1. Whoever’s holding this bag…

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  4. Good. But also, what hubris.

  5. Hay if they make money, he makes money. That was the deal.

  6. He’s done more with Tesla as far as market value in 15 years than GM and ford combined in over 200 years combined…. But don’t pay the man. Ha ha government overreach in the private sector is a joke. And shame on the man who brought forth the suit. Don’t like their plan sell the stock buy one that aligned with your moral compass. Maybe Disney or some other sinking ship.

  7. no 0ne should be paid more than 50 times the lowest wage earner say 30,000 which would make 1,5 million not over 1,800 times.

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  9. It's his company, if the shareholders OK'd it then why can he not pay himself what he wants? Wall Streeters do it

  10. good. hope he loses more.

  11. Jealous wannabees... trying to tear down a successful go-get-er... disgusting!

  12. Oooh his mommy is gonna be mad.......

    1. “This is wrong. My son deserves this money. All my friends in Europe know how smart he is and love him.”

    2. The weirdest timeline

    3. Earth has jumped the shark

    4. It weirds me out that he’s more than likely using his mom’s name to put that shit out there.

    5. 10/10 He has Oedipus Complex.

  13. co-founder? Is that what you call a guy who bought the company early on?

    1. He was a Series-A investor. Then he edged out the founders and goes around telling everyone he founded it. You see that pattern a lot in his behavior.

      There are muskrats out there who genuinely think he's out there calculating aerodynamics for cars and rockets, ideal fuel mixtures, battery efficiency etc. Nope, just bought his way in and hyped it up til he got more investors/subsidies/contracts.

  14. 🎻🎻🎻

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Being appealed. Also you’re not getting your twitter echo chamber back, because even if it is upheld it would just result in him negotiating a new payment with the same people that approved of his original pay.

    3. Drive by comment and delete lol. Bitch made behavior

  15. 55 billion. I have no words.

  16. Oh god. How fucking delicious!

  17. Elon's statement (so far): "Never incorporate your company in the state of Delaware"


    Edit: Here's the decision - https://courts.delaware.gov/Opinions/Download.aspx?id=359340

    1. Ah yes, he charitably incorporated in Delaware for completely altruistic reasons and now he regrets being so magnanimous... I'm sure it had nothing to do with the EXTREMELY FAVORABLE CORPORATE TAX ENVIRONMENT. I'm sure it was OTHER reasons and he probably wrote them an extra check for bonus corporate taxes every year, just so he wouldn't take advantage of it...

  18. He’s going to whine and cry on his 4chan. I hope he spirals and does/says something really stupid 😂

    Let’s take $TSLA to $23

  19. Next he’ll need ten years to rollout an electric waaaaaaaaaambulance?

    1. I imagine the appeal will mean that he won’t have to, although you may want to call them anyway because you’re still not getting your twitter safespace back.

      Because even a “loss” here would just mean him going back to the negotiation table.

  20. I honestly bet he's freaking.

    I believe he backed off his Twitter trial only because he did NOT want to piss off this judge and lose THIS case.

    (The cases were set back to back in front of this judge.)

    This judge is incredibly well thought of. Chance of being overturned is as low as it gets.

    I haven't read it yet but if I had to guess, it has to do with the partiality of the board and that he packed it with family and friends.

    1. jup: https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/30/24056177/elon-musk-tesla-tornetta-55-billion-pay-package-rejected

    2. Thanks. Now I have to find time to read a 201 page opinion.

      Personally, I think she was right.

      I hope all his companies collapse.

    3. I know you guys are very, very buttblasted about Musk buying your twitter safespace, but there’s a few things wrong here.

      He bought twitter because he always wanted it. He threatened to back off because he wanted a discount.

      The decision here was not based on the board, but because he supposedly was not transparent. There’s a pretty good chance it still gets overturned, especially considering that most appeal judges were picked by republicans

      In the worst case scenario, him and the board would simply have to negotiate a new payout (which could in theory be higher than this one, or at least close to it). Anyway, always happy to ruin your night!

  21. $55B


    Holy fuck. That's deciding to pay someone $55M per year....for 1,000 years. That is ~4x the amount of time the United States has existed.

    Or to put it another way, they are paying him an hourly rate of $26k per hour for 1,000 years of work.

    All of that...for one person? And all that person did was invest in your company?

    And on top of all of this, Tesla's total gross earnings, for its entire lifetime as a company, is $55B. They are willing to literally give all of their profits to one man?

    Tesla Gross Profit 2010-2023 | TSLA | MacroTrends

  22. Unfortunately, Musk will be able to appeal this and it's possible the ruling doesn't survive. But if does... Musk will be PANICKING with all the debt Twitter is carrying.

  23. Co-founder? Hmmmm… not from what I understand. Isn’t he just the guy that bought in and forced out an actual co-founder?

    1. I thought he forced out both co-founders after he invested in their company. I could have it wrong though.

    2. Tesla was going bankrupt and hadn’t sold a car when he bought it.


    3. While this is correct, allot of younger companies will give people of great internal (funding counts for this) as a cofounder status. The start up i use to work at added two “founders” a few years into the company as some executives who came in early on kinda earned it. Not saying elon’s situation is the same my understanding is he forced them out like you said but its not uncommon to have founders who werent the actual initial founders.

    4. So wjat he means is he founded the current Tesla with its overinflated valuation.

    5. Legally, he has it as part of the deal. Maybe because Tesla was going bankrupt and hadn’t sold a car yet.

  24. He's going to need a double dose of Ambien and Ketamine tonight!

    1. Sounds like projection. Anyway:

      Considering that he is likely to win this appeal, Neuralink has shown early success, and Spacex may go public, his net worth will almost certainly increase this year. Meaning you won’t get your precious echo chamber back.

      Also if the appeal fails, it would just result in a renegotiation of the payment. It won’t make it $0

  25. They are going to start to look like Kenneth Lay

  26. Tell it to earth Elon

  27. Someone is doing enough Ketamine to numb a horse for open heart surgery tonight.

    1. isn't it the first purpose of ketamine? They had good trip way before we had

    2. Yes for horse surgery.

    3. Actually he’s appealing it, where most appeal judges are conservatives. And even if that fails, all that will happen is they will renegotiate a new payment. He won’t end up with $0 like the basement dwellers here think.

  28. At least a couple of them have to be SERIOUSLY rethinking his value to the company

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. lol deleted

      Edit: holy shit this dude was all over the thread shitting it up.

    3. 50-50 chance that literally was Elon on a burner

  29. They should give him a 20 for cab fare and tell him to get the fuck out

    Remember when a major corporation would NOT want to have the CEO bragging about being a drug addict?

    1. Remember when a person couldn't have blemishes on his record if they wanted to run for the presidency?

    2. He denied the drug charges, and received drug testing after the weed thing. Tesla stock also doubled last year.

      I know that he made your rectum bleed after he bought your safespace, but you need to get back to reality.

  30. He's got that wan, sweaty painkiller skin going on

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. His poor business decisions and lack of self-control have really harmed his reputation, and in turn, his business ventures. A fool & his money are soon parted.

    2. by any metric he is a failure 🤓

      My buttblasted friend, you predicted that Tesla would go bankrupt after he bought twitter. Instead the stock double and his net worth increased by $80 billion last year. Most of the money Tesla gets isn’t from subsidies; only a few billions. And those are mostly reduced tax rather than actual free money.

      Then there’s the fact that Tesla was on the verge of bankruptcy when bought them.

  32. I want to watch this Nazi fuck crash and burn. We will celebrate when he’s holed up in his ketamine den like a shittier Howard Hughes.

    1. I know you guys are very, very buttblasted about Musk buying your twitter safespace. But even if the appeal fails, they’ll just go back to the negotiation table.

      And twitter debt is still only $10 billion left, and SpaceX hasn’t even gone public yet.

    2. With the same people who approved this deal.

  33. $55B…..

    Yeeeesh. Plus how Twitter is bleeding his $$. 🤣

    1. He’s already paid $1 billion of the twitter debt out of $11 billion.

      And assuming his appeal fails, all that happens is they go back to the negotiation table again. And with the early success of Neuralink and SpaceX going public soon… you are not getting your twitter echo chamber back anytime soon. 😉

  34. Are we going to be hearing about that woke pedo judge now?

    1. You’re already hearing about it from Elon defenders in this thread.

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. The average Tesla employee doesn’t get $1. A loss here would also just send them back to the negotiation table, where he will make a deal with the same people that approved this package.

      He won’t end up with $0.

  36. huge implications...why oh why did he leverage tesla stock for twitter purchase 😭

    1. You know that even if the appeal fails, it will just result in them renegotiating the payout, right? The basement dwellers that think he’ll end up with zero are in for a surprise.

    2. or maybe they don't need you, elon...

  37. Yay some good news!

    1. If the appeal fails, he will simply have to renegotiate a payment with the same people that approved the original package. He won’t get $0.

  38. Lol $55 Billion for what? Designing the CyberJoke?

    1. Model Y is the highest selling car of 2023 🤔

      Although even if it is upheld, all that would happen is he would go back to the negotiating table with the same people that approved the payment in the first place. Redditors thinking he will end up with zero are delusional, and simply coping because they want their twitter safespace back.

  39. This is going to make it hard to ask for 25% of the company.

  40. It's a typo. It's meant to read flounder... co-flounder.

  41. He is not a co-founder of Tesla.

  42. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA get fucked Elmo

    1. Most appeal judges are republican 😘

      Although even if the decision is upheld, all that would happen is he would go back to the negotiating table with the same people that approved the payment in the first place. Redditors thinking he will end up with zero are delusional, and simply coping because they want their twitter safespace back.

  43. CEOs are already paid too much. There's no way he can possibly earn that much money.

  44. Holy crap!. I bet Elon is sweating VERY cold at the thought of just being a regular billionaire. How can he survive with just a few billion dollars?!, will someone think of him?!

  45. Can't believe they'd do this to him! He totally deserves that money after playing Diablo and tweeting all day every day! This is just discrimination against the poor rich white folk!

  46. “Musk testified during the compensation trial in November 2022 that the money would be used to finance interplanetary travel.” Oh GTFO

    1. That’s what he calls his k hole journeys

  47. He should be fine about this. He always talks about how he doesn't draw a salary right? And also he was ridding himself of material goods like houses etc.

  48. The Delaware Court of Chancery is notoriously woke.

    Order in Tornetta v Musk (200 Pages)

    1. Yeah, thankfully most appeal judges are republican 😘

      Although even if it is upheld, all that would happen is he would go back to the negotiating table with the same people that approved the payment in the first place. Redditors thinking he will end up with zero are delusional, and simply coping because they want their twitter safespace back.

  49. That judge is woke!

    1. Yeah, thankfully most appeal judges are republican 😘

      Although even if it is upheld, all that would happen is he would go back to the negotiating table with the same people that approved the payment in the first place. Redditors thinking he will end up with zero are delusional, and simply coping because they want their twitter safespace back.

  50. TO THE EARTH!!!!!! 🛩🛩🛩💥🔥💩

  51. He's not the co-founder

  52. Why do they keep calling him a "co-founder" of Tesla. It was founded before he bought it. He's just the current "CEO".

  53. They’ll speak. 😥

  54. 💃💃💃

  55. Lol what a dipshit

  56. …while making his employees to sleep on the floor at the work place, what a greedy motherfucker

  57. Tesla workers definitely need to unionize.

  58. I guess Elmo never actually needed The Boring Company to dig really deep holes…

    1. Elmo 🤓

      $10 billion in twitter debt over the span of 10 years is not “panic time” for a guy worth $160 billion (in the worst case where he loses the appeal). Even if he loses the appeal, him and Tesla will just go to the negotiation table again, where he can theoretically ask for even more money, from the same people that approved his previous payout. He won’t end up with $0.

      Considering that he is likely to win this appeal, Neuralink has shown early success, and Spacex may go public, his net worth will almost certainly increase this year. Meaning you won’t get your precious twitter echo chamber back anytime soon.

    2. Moron. He won’t win an appeal. He will get money in another more reasonable package, which will still be excessive.

    3. what success at neuralink? That’s not a real value company and will fade from memory at some point. It foesnt own any relevant BMI patents and has no real product.

  59. Nobody ever earns that kind of money

  60. Guess his lenders might have some concerns about this

  61. When rich people are demanding 55 BILLION for basically doing fuck all except fuck around on Twitter all day then they have absolutely NO BUSINESS WHATSOEVER IN LECTURING POOR PEOPLE ON HOW TO LIVE AND WORK!

    Fuck yes it’s excessive! Jesus fucking Christ!

  62. Oh no! The dude whose only work on the Tesla was designing the badges and shape of the charging handle can’t milk the company for his own uses!

    1. Don't forget, he's the mastermind behind the CyberTruck.

  63. Here’s what I want to see: Tesla finally changes their tune and turn on Musk. Musk leaves to (actually) found his own electric car company. And it fucking tanks. I’ll need a hot tub full of popcorn.

  64. That guy who went through here making all those weird, now deleted comments defending Elon, is 100% his burner correct? I know he’s got some aggressive fans but he’s also wildly petty.

  65. But he’s been working so hard! He deserves every dollar!


    1. Sarcasm tags ruined your sarcasm

  66. Maybe he'll finally quit

  67. Lmao imagine thinking you deserve $55 billion when your stocks are performing at their lowest point since 2022

  68. Xitter rage in 5… 4… 3…

  69. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  70. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2F7Ld_Mmph-o9RUksseF-kJ1thtSrZzWBdxS-5zmRuaok.gif%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D046940f18fa43882655d4c99b6579e476d6c19a8

  71. I have a bomber jacket. I'm cool. Like from WWII.

  72. Is this a pay package that is already paid out and he'll have to pay back?

  73. Oh no, is there a GoFundMe


  74. Thank you based shareholder

  75. TSLA should pop on this news. 10% less dilution for the big guy

  76. So, can someone explain to me what this means? Thanks in advance since I won’t reply for 8 hours

  77. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. According to his article tesla will have to come up with a new deal for him, but he is risking to drop down to 3rd richest man at $153B net worth.. so sad for him.

    2. Well except that most of his net worth outside of Tesla is pretty bogus. SpaceX is a cash furnace and certainly not worth $140bn. The Boring Company was valued at something like $6bn.

    3. He’ll get billions regardless. He could ask for even more, actually, from the same people that approved the first package. He just needs to be transparent.

  78. This should be great for TWTR! Lmao

  79. Does it cancel those he already excercised?

    1. Whatever you say, cutie 🥹

  80. Such a ridiculous pay package. He got that at the peak of his bullshit reputation as a super genius that never fails

  81. Without alien intervention things are changing. Just wait 😩

  82. To be honest, I don't see how this will stand if appealed to the Supreme Court. The board set goals for him to meet, assigned a value to each of those goals, and told him he would get those values if the goals were met.

    The goals were met, so he should get the agreed upon reward. He still has to hold on to those shares for 5 years before being allowed to do anything with them, so it's not like he doesn't have a vested interest in keeping the company going strong after acquiring them.

    I don't see how a court can come along and simply invalidate this. What was the actual reasoning for it? The best I can find is that the judge found the process to be "deeply flawed".

    1. It's because the board lied to investors who voted on this compensation package. They weren't made aware of all information prior to the vote. It's a lie of omission. Board wasn't doing their fiduciary duty to investors.

    2. Lied about what? I don't understand why the board would intentionally want to give Musk anything more than they had to. That doesn't really make a lot of sense for them.

    3. The board is a deeply corrupt body made up of Musk's literal family members and people Musk has some kind of dirt on (like the Solar City founders he bailed out)

      The whole basis of all these lawsuits is that the board is a sham that's been defrauding shareholders this whole time on behalf of Elon

  83. I don’t care how much money you have, that’s gonna sting

  84. Too bad he already got the last absurd one.

  85. Won't somebody please think of the poor billionaire?!

  86. I want him to run back to South Africa eventually. A disgraced man that South Africa will also hate

  87. He’s having a tantrum on Shitter right now. So much for not caring about money.

  88. Who do they mean by co-founder? Cause it sure as hell can't be Elmo

  89. I'm not on Tesla 's board but I'm pretty sure they'd save a lot of money by getting a new CEO.

  90. Excessive.. seems like an understatement.

  91. I can't get over being sad about the family of sheep that had to die to make him an ugly jacket.

  92. the teslarai will just panic. you cant criticize elmo. he is their trump.

  93. Absolutely fucking love it. 55+44 (TWTR)= almost $100bn hahahahaha go brrr

  94. Bet he hates being called a "co-founder" lmao

  95. You love to see it

  96. You trying to blackmail me with money!!!????

  97. did he already break his "bring them home" necklace? look at it up close, it's a bit bent. How? I got one myself (not pro Israel at all, but these necklaces are made by and all the revenue goes to the protests the families of the Israeli hostages have been doing against the Israeli government demanding a ceasefire and prisoner exchange deal to get their loved ones safely back home, a cause I support) and these things are pretty tough, not something that bends easily at all. How in the world did he already manage to bend it like that lmao


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