X, aka Twitter, now worth 71 percent less than what Elon Musk paid for it | Mashable.

X, aka Twitter, now worth 71 percent less than what Elon Musk paid for it

The valuation comes from a company with equity in Musk's social media platform.
By Matthews Martins on 
Elon Musk's X is now worth 71 percent less than what it was valued at when Musk took over the company. Credit: Pavlo Gonchar/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

Oof. That's not a good way to kick off the New Year.

Elon Musk's social media platform X is currently worth around $12.5 billion, according to a recent analysis by the mutual fund Fidelity.

X's value dropped significantly since Musk's takeover

For those keeping score, that's 71.5 percent lower than Musk's value of the company when he took it over in October 2002. Musk, with the backing of a group of investors, paid $44 billion to acquire the social media platform, then-known as Twitter. Fidelity is one of those companies with equity in X.

The analysis by Fidelity, which was first reported by Axios, runs through November 2023. That means X's valuation includes at least some of the losses incurred by the company following the advertiser exodus, which began in mid-November. According to Axios, 10.7 percent of those losses came from that month alone.

On the evening of Nov. 15, Musk seemingly endorsed an antisemitic, white supremacist conspiracy theory on X. The following day, Media Matters for America published a report that found ads from major brands being run on X alongside pro-Nazi content. The fallout was swift as companies like Apple and Disney suspended advertising on the social media platform.

In a report from The New York Times late last year, X was looking at an estimated $75 million in advertising losses over the final weeks of 2023 as a result of the advertiser boycott. 

Musk capped off the end of November by telling those very advertisers to "go fuck yourself" during an interview at The New York Times' DealBook Summit. It's unclear how much Musk's recent antics affected Fidelity's current valuation of X. Musk would go on to taunt Disney CEO Bob Iger in December on X for Disney's continued advertising on other social media platforms like Instagram. 

Fidelity has continuously decreased the value of its equity in X over the past year. In May 2023, for example, they valued the company at around $15 billion. Unless Musk makes some drastic changes, it doesn't look like that decline will reverse any time soon. 2024 will certainly be an interesting year regarding the future of X.

Topics Social Media Twitter Elon Musk


  1. And he’s still stiffing employees on their severance. Real top notch human.

    1. Yeah.

      They quit.
      Didn't show up for work.
      No severance deserved.

      I don't blame him.

    2. At the bare minimum, you should learn the definition of severance pay.

    3. how does it feel having if an internet man as daddy?

    4. Maybe you should know what severance is before you talk about it again.

    5. Click here to join the real Elon musk Private telegram account


    6. He made speech free which is worth the loss

  2. Elon is the man!!! He makes so much money in other ventures X is like a hobby!

    1. I’m sure his investors love that and will continue to invest in his other companies now 😂

    2. That´s why he´s constantly crying that investors are pulling out.

    3. ...and why he's losing out on more and more subsidization.

    4. he has no assets? Laughable.

    5. His debt far outweighs his assets

  3. All those years of having to solve for the value of X

    1. write me directly on Facebook messenger saying done ❤️🇺🇲

    2. Seems like the function of x has a negative exponent. 😉

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  7. For the Musket fans in the back! #hesbrilliant

    1. in case you forgot, Twitter boards was forcing Musk to buy Twitter when he realized Twitter was overvalued due to all the fake/bot accounts making up more than 40% of the platform. 👌

    2. How do you not know that Twitter is a fake/bot platform? Asking for myself.

    3. how do you confirm? Twitter was very reluctant to disclose the real data on actual users and fake accounts until Elon Musk promised an amount to acquire Twitter.

      How would you know for sure if Elon Musk didn’t buy Twitter? People benefiting from the fake accounts will swear on their lives that there are less than 10% fake of fake account if it was not exposed by the deal Elon made with Twitter.

    4. Have you ever used twitter?

  8. And he is still richer than any of the Musk haters... .

  9. To be fair, it was only worth some that much when he bought it

    1. to be fair, who's the idiot who offered to buy it for $44 billion when it wasn't even up for sale?

    2. he didn't really want to buy it in the end but they made him honour his promises.

  10. gotta have it to lose it - just sayin 😉

    1. write me directly on Facebook messenger saying done ❤️🇺🇲

    2. Just sayin what? That he lost way more than the average person, or that money doesn't equal knowing what you're doing?

    3. He’s not writing you a check, Dude.

      And before you protest that you don’t need it…whatever you say. But he still won’t notice you.

    4. Plus he borrowed all the money from the Saudis, because he didn't have it.

    5. got to borrow it to lose it you mean.

  11. "What a genius" 🙄

  12. Haha brilliant business move 😂😜

  13. Doesn't seem to have phased him one bit. Just looked on the Forbes live billionaire list page and he has gained more than $50 billion in the past two months.

    1. No he hasnt. His actual cash at hand is 10 times less than Bill Gates for example.

    2. Bill Gates sold off almost all of his Microsoft holdings whereas Musk is still heavily invested in his companies. Had Gates not divested his holdings, he would likely still be the wealthiest person. Gates is obviously going to have way more cash in hand.

    3. And when did elon musk pay income tax last time?

    4. so long as he holds the stock in his companies, he won't pay tax on that just like any other investor until he sells and has a realized gain.

  14. Musk has done more for free speech than anyone has/will, as most of the rest pushes agenda’s and suppresses what doesn’t help that agenda or narrative. Thank goodness you Elon.

    1. yeah he censured anyone who said anything against him

    2. Censorship, you mean like the old Twitter and Facebook? Get a clue.

    3. no, like really booted people. Turns out you only have free speech on X if he likes what you say.

    4. so, you’re saying it’s ok?

      Wasn’t he a free speech absolutist?

      Oh except when it hurts his feefees and fragile ego. Lol

    5. Ok Russian bot that clearly has no concept of how much white supremacy now pervades the platform...

    6. whatever you say buddy!

    7. Russian bots LOVE white supremacy. 🙂

    8. if "free speech" includes "as long as he likes what you're saying"

    9. oh my. You actually fell for the free speech is the reason why he bought Twitter. Lol. Now that's dumber than replying to the Nigerian Prince email about a financial transaction

    10. Twitter ❌ 2.0 is much better than the original. But, do you, dude!

    11. I'd say those that actually created and protected the 1A have actually done something for free speech, real free speech.

    12. Twitter is global so your 1a means nothing

    13. Musk immediately censored information for the Turkish and Indian ruling parties during elections.

      You can't even define free speech. It's no wonder you think Elon is a paragon of it.

    14. Uh uh. Sure. Your infantile accusation doesn't make my statement any less true. Elon will never pick you.

    15. I don’t want him to pick me. I still stand by Elon. Twitter is far superior than version 1.0

    16. You know... except for that whole so called "free speech absolutist" immediately doing the bidding of far right governments to censor opposition.

  15. Elon must be a example of what a CEO shouldn’t do

    1. Yea, he's the richest man in the world. You wanna try again?

  16. And the guy had to sell Tesla shares to buy Twitter 😂🤣

    1. Click here to join the real Elon musk Private telegram account


  17. Couldn’t happen to a bigger 🍆. 😆

  18. A true financial genius eh?

  19. Who would’ve thought, nobody saw it coming 🙄

  20. Not surprising. The brand 'Twitter' bust have been worth billions on its own. The platform has deteriorated over the last few years. Sad. Used to be a healthy platform and now it is toxic attracting the degenerates of our society.

    1. Which degenerates, the ones who before he bought the company were promoting that men can be women and taking medals away from female athletes, plus entering into women's changerooms? The employees he laid off because they censored good women for speaking up for our rights? The remaining employees have a rule that they can't censor women anymore.

  21. What is 2x what it was worth, when he bourht it.

  22. Sacrifice For Freedom!!!

  23. So even if Elon sells x for half its current value, he is richer than everyone posting here

    1. he still owes the banks all the billions of dollars he borrowed to buy it in the first place. If you take out a mortgage to buy a house and then sell the house, you still have to pay back the loan.

    2. and even after paying those banks he would have 200 billion in wealth. Plus no he wouldn’t have to pay the bank a dime as he would declare x bankrupt. Same with a hole if you can’t make the payments and home is worth less than the loan you declare personal bankruptcy and you don’t have to pay off the mortgage.

  24. What CEO ruins a company in 6 months flat? That took skill

    1. Donald Trump? Failed Trump branded businesses; chocolate, golf, magazine, steaks, wine, university, travel, Ice, mortgage, shuttle, etc etc etc 🤣🤣🤣

    2. That’s business try and try again and then you succeed

    3. but all failed miserably. 🥰🥰🥰

  25. That's what businesses do. They bring down business and write it if as a tax loss

  26. He is such a business genius. 🤣🤣🤣💩🕳️

    1. Click here to join the real Elon musk Private telegram account

    2. Well.. Bots don't t get irony. Loosers.

  27. A true genius as his fans imply. And they’ll be here to conflict with our comments against him.

  28. Musk increased his net worth by $100B in 2023 and is officially the richest man in the world again. You have no point. Why do you care anyway? Mashable is just jealous because they are irrelevant leftist propaganda.

  29. in case you forgot, Twitter boards was forcing Musk to buy Twitter with lawsuit when Elon realized Twitter was overvalued due to all exposed fake/bot accounts making up more than 40% of the platform.

    1. yeah, they forced him to honor the offer that he made... 🤷‍♂️

  30. as he said it himself, there's no price tag for freedom of speech

  31. Does anyone smell tax write off ? Just curious !

  32. He meant to do that 😂😂😂

  33. It was easy for former Twitter when they were taking millions from gov to push lies.

  34. Worth every penny exposing the Biden regime's "content moderation."


  35. It’s become the “ #Xsewerofsocialmedia and how long before it drops to 150% less than what #elontrollmusk paid for it …

  36. The price of freedom.
    Elon is a hero.

  37. His followers:
    “This is EXACTLY what he wanted!!”

  38. It’s only worth 12.5 billion if he could find someone to buy that cesspool that he created. So he spent 30 billion dollars so the angry, mean, ignorant, bigoted, and racists have a place to play. Hope it was worth it.

    1. And I hope the the marxist, power hungry Twitter employees became homeless after they kicked off good women for years who'd protested against perverts and trans cheaters. Fk them all!

    2. what makes them Marxists dim wit? Are they seizing the means of production? Marxism, communism actually have definitions and that definition doesn’t include I just use the word on things I don’t like.

      To top it off I expect crap like that from ignorant Americans you’re a Canadian you should have had a better education. Living in BC did you leave Alberta?

    3. Marxism begins with censorship and punishment. I'm a woman who saw women I admired kicked off the site for speaking up for our dignity and safety, also children's rights to freedom from perverts. Twitter had sick employees, glad they're gone.

    4. no where in the definition does Marxism have any thing to do with censorship. You flunk out of grade 10? All types of authoritarianism including Trumps brand includes censorship. You’re just okay with that t because he says the same hateful racist crap that you all believe in. Go get an education, read an actual book.

    5. except it seems every pervert they catch it’s a blood conservative or religious leader. Plus you can’t just go around calling people that crap without proof. Many are now in court for defamation and are losing and they didn’t know that the laws apply to them too.

    6. Lol look up history of USSR and China's concentration camps for those who disagreed. Using insults to a woman whose message you don't like isn't a valid debating tactic. Btw I know history and politics inside out. Are you a big Trudeau or Singh supporter?

    7. oh you’re a woman so you expect your stupidity to be treat s different, I thought you were equal, what is it? You require special treatment? Now go away goof.

    8. it is worth it.

    9. a fool and his money are soon parted.

    10. Nah. He’s got plenty left, and more to come. Nice thought though!

  39. https://media1.tenor.co/m/fRfVm1SS5A8AAAAd/that%27s-so-sad-sistine-stallone.gif?c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2tfd2ViY29tbWVudHM&fbclid=IwAR1DSY02Xk9BRSstZDgpb2yYyIqqaPkp3H2AJvxn5yhzoazUW1Sxjdlbz1k

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  40. Who cares, the Government will pay for his losses as they have been

  41. Well done😃🤦‍♀️

  42. Good. This makes me happy!

  43. hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha

    1. Click here to join the real Elon musk Private telegram account

  44. To me it is worthless..worth less.

  45. His followers will defend that as progress and vilify those who criticize as Elon haters

  46. Elon is not complaining... He won't buy evil narratives

  47. Replies
    1. kindly send me a private message now to claim your reward 🥰🥰

  48. https://media.tenor.co/GQQCv59WJzAAAAAC/white-chicks.gif?t=AAYOBIR-kcgHScDAPAbPQg&c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2s&fbclid=IwAR3QHZoU3YyUFvgQYcRggJm4Ydkx3zY9RmdrGhWaTuWPYw-cZMnX61scGyQ

    1. Click here to join the real Elon musk Private telegram account

  49. But he is such a good business man.😮🤣

    1. send me a private message now to claim your reward 🥰🥰

  50. I bet his investors are happy------

  51. Yet another antimusk article from Vanguard Group. As if they fear the man! As they should.

  52. Well, it can afford to lose 10 twitters, and still be a billionaire

  53. Just waiting on all the Elon worshippers to chime in on why he's still a genius and meant to do it.

    1. write me directly on Facebook messenger saying done ❤️🇺🇲

    2. https://giphy.com/gifs/3oEjI2g2PiRkCMuZWM

    3. You dipshits call anyone with an opinion outside of your an “Elon Supporter.” From time to time, you’ll just straight up call those people “Nazis” because you Leftards are all small-minded fuckwits.

    4. there you are. Hahahaha

    5. where?

      Na, you just proved my point, boomer 🤡

  54. Just here to read in disbelief how the Elon botlickers will transform this obvious sign of colossally bad business management by Musk into something virtuous and/or not his fault.

    1. They'll say something stupid like freedom isn't free or freedom has its price. They couldn't be dumber.

    2. https://youtu.be/x6YtRCbLjpA?si=fHMzEWzIQIUAB1Ju

    3. beat me to it. Lol.

      But I’ll enjoy them trying to defend daddy.

  55. hes another *stable_genius*👀👁😁😈🔥🌐🏁

  56. And look at that right in queue....

  57. Scroll all the way to the end and tell me we need billionaires.

  58. Liberals are so upset that a Democrat propaganda platform was taken away from them. Elon is living rent free in liberal heads, just like Trump.

  59. Lol. Traffic is way up. Relevance is up. If you believe it's worth 1/4 what he paid there's probably a reason Elon is Elon and you're you.

    1. kindly send me a private message now to claim your reward 🥰🥰

    2. ahh, there you are. Called it. Lol

    3. I cNt help but think it was clowns like you that laughed at him when he revolutionized banking with PayPal, revolutionized NASA with space X and changing the understanding of the human brain with neuralink....oh and let's not forget spearheading electric vehicles.....but yeah, the richest most popular person on the planet.... probably doesn't understand social media or how to make the most popular app profitable.

      It's hilarious that Twitter has never made a dollar and has been a failing business up until the point that Elon took it over and now it's about to be profitable in the next year and you guys are pretending that he doesn't know what he's doing

    4. Yvonne has already revolutionized all the most difficult industries on the planet. He'll do the same with Twitter because everything he touches turns to gold it's not a coincidence

    5. I think the business depends on advertisers money ... but what do I know? I am not Elon! LOL!

    6. that's why he's Elon musk, and you're nobody.

      Yes TYPICALLY that is the business model. But Incase you hadn't noticed.....AI is killing the advertiser model. Musk is, as usual, way ahead of the curve.

      TSLA and Twitter will make just a trillionaire. Remember I said it. And hint hint,.it won't be because of the cars.

    7. When has betting against Elon been a good bet? Every company he's ever run wasn't uphill battle and industry changing. I think you peons are underestimating how difficult that is and he's done it over and over again. But you're right a social media app where he has 100 million followers is going to be his downfall. 🤣🤣🤣

    8. is that a fact? Are their metrics up along with the traffic? That bit of data should eventually be all that matters and could trump everything else. Thats what the analysts will be looking at i would think.

    9. Revenue is down, advertising is down, and as mentioned it lost 71% of it's value. But ok more traffic generating less revenue. Yay for Elon. /s

    10. who determines this "value" By the way?

      The same people valuing trumps mar a Lago? 🤣🤣

    11. It's a shame that all that traffic has no way of generating revenue for X and its investors. At least the lenders are making money off interest payments. But that's what happens when you are hostile towards your advertisers.

    12. He's not hostile towards advertisers. He just doesn't succumb to blackmail or extortion. But that's all going to go away as soon as he puts media matters out of business.

    13. Correct me if i am wrong here...it would then be a buyer's market now for advertisers to step in now with more bang for your buck if user traffic has grown. Once the dust of this settles, those higher traffic metrics will be a definite boost for the company as well as a factor to be considered by the advertisers.

    14. Yes you're absolutely right. Advertisers will go where the eyes are. If not they would be going against their own interests and their competitors will go with the eyes are. It's really very simple. If whatever they're saying about musk was true he would have already went under. If Jack Dorsey can make Twitter work Elon musk will take it to the moon.

      But let's cut all the bs, everybody judging musk and Twitter is actually being emotional and political, they know why musk is being targeted and has nothing to do with the app. It's because must took over the number one propaganda machine for the US government.

    15. acknowledging reality is glazing?

      Smh I guess it's cooler to be a bitter hater than to acknowledge greatness.

      My ego isn't that fragile.

    16. meat riding your grifter daddy

    17. when that business model depends on advertising for its revenue, traffic is way down the list of relevant factors

    18. Fidelity Investments seems to believe it's worth 1/4 what he paid... and there's probably a reason they are who they are and you are you. 🤷‍♂️

    19. none of them are Elon

    20. Fidelity Investments has over $11 Trillion in total assets. 🤣

    21. lol. "Total assets". Translation, they manage other people's money.

      Are you really arguing a random investment banker is more successful than Elon or that they know more about his business than he does?

      Whatever you say bud. You sound crazy like you're vaccinated or something.

  60. The company never made a profit to begin with.

  61. Imagine thinking that this wasn't a part of the plan to begin with 🤦‍♂️😂 Nobody with a brain would want to "save" Twitter. It was always to destroy it from the inside and make it something new. Nor has it even remotely, negatively effected his finances 🤦‍♂️😂 Still a billionaire and counting. But yeah, let's keep making fun of the autistic billionaire 🤡🤣

  62. Somehow I don’t think he cares.

  63. And Musk is worth more than he was when he bought the thing.
    So . . . this really doesn't matter to anybody.

    1. a bunch of employees at Twitter would disagree with you as would the people holding the loans

    2. The laid off Twitter employees kicked women off the platform who protested the trans agenda, so fk them. I hope they're all homeless now after acting like Mullahs to free women.

    3. they still have employees

    4. and he is still paying the loans. Nobody has been defrauded. People get fired all the time.

    5. Yes, the remaining employees now have strict conditions not to censor women’s voices.

    6. I was referring to the people still working there, and I was just pointing out the two groups that do have an interest in the valuation. He may be make the loan payments, but it still doesn’t look great on the lenders balance sheets when they have a $44B loan on an asset only worth a small fraction of that amount.

    7. the people he fired are owed monies, being taken to court for that.

      Also...recently in the news.

      lon Musk's acquisition of Twitter involved a complex financing structure, including a significant portion of bank loans. Around $13 billion of the total sum needed for the takeover was backed by bank loans from various financial institutions such as Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, and others. Twitter, not Musk personally, is responsible for repaying these loans. However, recent reports suggest that some of the banks involved in financing the deal are preparing to book losses on these loans, indicating challenges in the loan repayment process. It's noted that the market conditions are such that if the banks tried to sell the loans now, they might not receive more than 60 cents on the dollar for the secured bond, which could lead to significant losses for the lending syndicate.

    8. That's his problem. He's clearly making.money overall. ZUCHINNIman on the other hand has made one bone head move after another with this meta crap.

      Musk!s alleged issues are all involved with DEI a d Cancel Culture.

    9. white supremacy is bad, dude.

    10. Élon musk logic: everything i own is now worth less, and therefor i am worth more.

    11. except it was Forbes who said it. Snark isn't knowledge.

    12. Okay, post the 2023 income for elon musk companies in a graph, let see if its actually worth more then.

  64. So...we were right. He ruined it and he will probably not be able to pay the loans back.

    1. Right now he has enough money to pay interest on those loans for decades. He is the definition of too big to fail. The only difference is that his fans see that as a compliment while the rest of the world understands what it means.

    2. I don't think he has the money, and here's why: he borrowed against his Tesla stock so he can't sell it. If anything, he's in more danger because of it. He has other ventures but he doesn't have cash to pay for it. He's worth a lot, but only if he sells or borrows more.

    3. Don’t forget about SpaceX. He owns almost half so that’s another $80 billion for him. Of course most of his money is tied up in stocks so he’s not really liquid but he can always attract more suckers to invest in his latest schemes. When you’re the richest person in the world, you attract rich idiots that are happy to lose their money just so they can drop your name at parties.

    4. I'm sure he will be fine, but it is fun to watch him screw up due to hubris.

    5. The only possible motivation for the statement you just made is jealousy and envy. And Mike, that's a female trait.

    6. it's possible that we know Elon is a bad person and it's fun to call him out on it on his own platform that he paid WAY TOO MUCH for lol. Is it jealousy? Or do we enjoy karma and his hubris undoing him? Either way, he's not playing chess like we were all told lol 😆😆😆

    7. if whatever Elon has is "karma" send some my way.

      You don't know anything about him being a bad person. You know baseless innuendo and fake news and decided to believe it to make you feel more secure about being such a failure.

      He's arguably the most successful and productive man in history..... I can't imagine the self loathing required to hate on that.

      Says a lot about your parents.

    8. lol, he doesn't know or care that you exist. You can stop simping. Odd hero to have, by the way. Enjoy the show!

    9. You’re confusing jealousy for pity. Everyone that knew Elon for at least a decade feels sorry for him because he has cut off all ties with real people and now surrounds himself with leeches and bots. But you can keep arguing with yourself about his success.

  65. And he just blamed Disney. How sad.

  66. No billionaires making comments on here, no millionaires either, just a bunch of indoctrinated leftist following their divisive ideology trying to cancel themselves.

  67. It's only money. He's brought back free speech!


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