NASA lost its Mars helicopter. Now it's looking into a Martian plane. | Mashable.

NASA lost its Mars helicopter. Now it's looking into a Martian plane.

"It can't just be science fiction."
By Matthews Martins on 
A graphic showing the Mars Aerial and Ground Global Intelligent Explorer (MAGGIE) flying on the Red Planet. Credit: Gecheng Zha

NASA wants to hear far-out, unconventional, and out-of-this-world aerospace ideas.

The space agency's Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program — which encourages "visionary ideas that could transform future NASA missions with the creation of breakthroughs" — funds research into a diversity of ambitious proposals it finds compelling. For example, NASA is currently funding an idea (still only an idea) to construct a telescope the size of Washington, D.C., on the moon.

Now, the program has released a new batch of innovative concepts that it's chosen for further theoretical development, and included is a plane designed to fly around Mars — and stay aloft in the extremely thin Martian atmosphere. The proposal is called MAGGIE (short for Mars Aerial and Ground Intelligent Explorer), and it's an aircraft envisioned to provide unprecedented exploration of Mars' surface.

And unlike planes on Earth, the craft is designed to take off and land vertically, like a helicopter.

"You can land any place you feel is interesting," Gecheng Zha, the director of the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and Aerodynamics Lab at the University of Miami, told Mashable.

The Martian plane is a novel idea, but perhaps not as wild as it sounds. NASA is only spending some $175,000 on 13 different awardees for this early "Phase I" conceptual research. But it comes with the opportunity for NASA to further develop such aerospace technology and move innovation to the next phase — which means even more funding and support.

 "It can't just be science fiction."

"Anything proposed to NASA has to be very, very well thought out," Zha, who is also the president and founder of Coflow Jet, the aviation technology company that proposed the MAGGIE craft, emphasized. "It has to have scientific merit. It can't just be science fiction."

A plane on Mars

The Martian aircraft, which would be powered by the solar panels spread across its wings, has a strong Mars influence: NASA's Ingenuity helicopter — a NIAC-graduate and the first craft to make a powered, controlled flight on another planet. The small, solar-powered experimental chopper, with four-foot-long rotor blades that spun a blazing 2,400 revolutions every minute, made over 70 successful flights before meeting its demise on Jan. 25 after a rough landing. Originally, engineers hoped it might fly five times, if at all.

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"We were enlightened by Ingenuity," Zha said.

Yet a plane would be able to carry significantly more weight than a future Martian helicopter, and would fly more efficiently on a distant world where craft would almost certainly need to rely on the sun for energy, Zha explained. (A nuclear-powered endeavor, like the Perseverance rover, requires a heavy engine. That would make lifting into the air difficult.)

The Ingenuity helicopter flying on Mars in August 2023.
The Ingenuity helicopter flying on Mars in August 2023. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / ASU / MSSS
The Jezero Crater on Mars, a dried-up river delta now explored by NASA's Perseverance rover.
The Jezero Crater on Mars, a dried-up river delta now explored by NASA's Perseverance rover. Credit: NASA

Flying anything on Mars is a great challenge. That's because, compared to Earth, the Martian atmosphere is quite thin. Its volume is about 1 percent of Earth's, making it difficult to generate the lift needed for flight. Yet the MAGGIE plane's narrow double-wings are designed (conceptually) to produce many times more lift than conventional aircraft on our planet.

Once in the air, the plane would cruise at some 60 meters per second, or nearly 135 mph. That's significantly slower than, say, the commercial jets you're used to flying on. But on Mars, flying slower is imperative. Flying quickly burns too much energy.

"You don't want to fly too fast," Zha emphasized.

Beyond its extraordinarily thin air, Mars has another notable obstacle for aircraft. There are no runways. And Martian astronaut missions certainly aren't going to have the time and ability to clear land and boulders to create an airfield. So the craft must take off and land without one.

 "You don't want to fly too fast."

The trick is in the wings' flaps. The propellers are always facing forward, but by turning the wing flap down to 90 degrees, the airflow from the propellers creates lift. "That will get the plane up vertically," Zha explained.

One day, perhaps, a plane like MAGGIE will robotically explore the Martian surface from some 3,280 feet (1,000 meters) for interesting places to land and capture samples. It will be a compact plane — MAGGIE is currently designed with about a 26-foot (7.85 meters) wingspan — so it could fit and fold inside a large rocket. But it would allow unprecedented exploration of the Red Planet, a world that once gushed with water and could have potentially hosted primitive life — if life ever existed on Mars, that is.

Planes on Mars may also prove essential for Martian travel later this century and beyond. After all, it's hard to get around on a world without an Interstate Highway System.

"We provide the possibility to move around," Zha said. "There are no roads there."

Topics NASA


  1. They didn't lost it. Still functional and online. But not flight worthy anymore cause blades damage and multiple worn off units. Great job!

  2. Get UC Davis on the job.

  3. Interesting concept

  4. NASA also lost the technology to repeat their "Moonwalking" mission too. 😆. They seem to loose quite a lot, don't they ? 🤣🤣

    1. the helo-drone greatly surpassed all expectations.
      It had far more flights than was planned.

  5. a satellite would probably be more effective, and longer lasting if nothing else. that thing looks costly and flimsy, like one good gust of wind and poof there goes10 years, and 10 billion dollars... mars needs equipment, not toys. google map the fkn place and quit wasting everyone's time and money. build fail toys over there after having boots on the ground for more than a minute maybe, for fun.

  6. Make it a freedom loving v8 powered. e.v. is for earthlings!

  7. How about go outside and plant a tree people?

  8. Totally makes sense that Martian planes would be flying around when there is no discernable infrastructure 👀

  9. Nasa lost its mind imagining they have gone into mars🤣 cant even fly a rocket🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  10. Yeah, the runways are really flat on Mars, I hear.

  11. It must be great having unlimited use of taxpayers money and blowing it on toys that will never benefit a single human.

    1. unlimited use? That’s not how it works. Congress gives them a budget.

      NASA got $25 billion in 2023… a cut of more than $300 million from the prior year and over $2 billion less than requested.

      You what “unlimited”?

      In FY 2023, the Department of Defense (DOD) had $1.52 Trillion distributed among its 6 sub-components.

      $1.52 trillion.

      Chew on that a while.

    2. $25 billion of free money in a single year???? How much did each taxpayer get since obviously they taxed them too much and had to waste $25 billion on star wars movies. Wow thanks for proving my point. Not sure what the military budget has to do with nasa. It only furthers my point about politicians blowing taxpayers money on whatever they want and usually against the peoples best interest. But this is a nasa post and not a military post. Why complain about military on a nasa post? At least the military are honest and openly start wars to benefit themselves. Rather than 25 billion on santa stories.

    3. are you ignoring $1.52 trillion?

      You’re just a low IQ Cretan. Lol

    4. no sir. I mentioned how stupid it would be to discuss the military budget on a nasa post. Not sure why you would want to keep discussing it here. Why not tag me on a military post.
      But to do it here is probably one of the least intelligent places to discuss it.

    5. nasa a money laundering scam

    6. your brain is a scam. All you illiterate people.

    7. so is your mother.

    8. Werner Von Braun's headstone says it all.

    9. enjoying your gps? Use Velcro? Use ball point pens, and a long long list of many more modern conveniences that you name toys 😂

    10. another robot hey
      Humans didn't have to pretend they were going to space to invent anything
      We have been inventing things for generations before nasa helped santa deliver all his presents.

    11. your programmed response is nothing but lies.
      Gps was invented by us department of defence in 1973.
      Ball Point pens were invented by Laszlo Biro from Hungary in 1931
      Velcro was invented by
      George de mestral in 1940s in Switzerland.

      What other lies have you got buddy?

    12. well all the same they were popularized by use in space.
      And global positioning systems needed space travel to be implemented

    13. put the phone down and stop using the internet. That all came from the space program. Find a cave and be scared of everything

    14. phone and the internet did not come from space buddy your delusional. Both were created on earth by humans.

    15. the mobile phone was invented by J.F Mitchell and Martin copper from Motorola and the first network was in Japan.

    16. Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf created the tcp/ip protocols that evolved into what we call the internet today. You could say the department of defence had something to do with it. But definitely NOT space.

    17. but the tiny components were developed during the space race due to the fact that the American rocket engines were not as efficient as the Russians. So we had the make things smaller. Put the phone down.

    18. both phone and Internet contains components created for, and tested in, space.

      Is your brain just smaller than everyone else's or do you have to make a real effort?

    19. so was everything put into space.

    20. ask your politicians or read the comments.
      Depends whether you want the politicians fable or not.
      Space is cheap cgi. Everything went into building new epstein island, how long do you think politicians and Hollywood could go without consuming more of our children and why not one of epstein's clients have been arrested. We knew who they were before the fbi raided little st james. Why nothing on big St james that epstein also owned?

    21. so space is fake because of Epstein? Put the crack pipe down dude, you need those remaining brain cells.

    22. full wacko mode

    23. Not how it works.

      Taxpayer money doesn't fund federal spending. They don't sit around and say, "gee whiz, did Scotty pay his taxes this years? Aw shucks looks like we can't fund literally planet changing technology this year because Scott cheated on his taxes."

    24. if that was even half true they wouldn't tax people just to destroy money and not benefit themselves.
      If that were true the international monetary fund, world bank and bank of international settlements would not exist.

      But nice try defending your politicians. Your a good robot.

    25. I'll give you a free economics lesson:

      Q: Where does money come from?

      A: The government prints it.

      You can make the leap from there I hope.

    26. the government has no control over its money since 1917.
      The United nations world banking system controls all world currencies, from their price on the stock market to printing.

  12. They didnt lose anything it never made it there they cant go to space its just a simulation 🤣

    1. bless your empty head

    2. Nonsense. It performed much better than expected. Go take a walk over the edge of the flat earth.

    3. sometimes it is better to keep quiet and let people THINK you are a numpty, than say something and put it beyond all doubt 😄

    4. You Intelligence isnt showing dude 🤣

    5. neither is your punctuation nor grammar.

    6. Dont do drugs you whacko

    7. save them for you.

    8. Libtardian sheep believe what ever the government tells them is true 🤣

    9. I’m to the right of Pinochet and I know the earth isn’t flat and space is real. Grow up!

    10. no they didn’t. It was either decommissioned and put in to a museum or it was disassembled. The technology was never lost just the hardware. They stopped the Apollo missions because it was cost enormous sums of money.

    11. there is no simulation. Simulations are just a simulation

  13. Kids and their drones, always breaking their toys.

  14. Doubt they'd be enough air (1% of Earth's) to provide lift.

  15. The kind of scraps in space must be huge

  16. A complete waste of taxpayer dollars, what is our return on investment ? Some really cool pictures, that's it

  17. It’s so boring taking care of planet earth and figuring out ways of preserving it…

    1. well let’s start with prioritizing the important thing first.

  18. Propeller’s with no atmosphere?

  19. NASA: first to fly a helicopter on another planet
    Americans: omg waste of mah tax payer money

    Newsflash: your taxes don't fund federal spending and the helicopter was a major success that exceeded its planned expectations.

  20. They didn’t lose the helicopter.

    It mapped a record portion of the Martian service over the past few years of operations.

    Incredible achievement to have a helicopter functioning for years on another planet.


  22. Wish I could lose someone elses millions and millions too thank God for the stupid tax payer

  23. Taxpayer money doesn't fund federal spending. They don't sit around and check if everyone paid their taxes. Taxes are just a shunt for inflation and moderator anyway.

    All money literally comes from the government. So long as inflation is under control, everything is good.

  24. Let’s spread love and end inhumanity so I’m gonna be helping 10 lucky people with 3 GRANDS To Hit Me Up with “VANITY” stay blessed 😇❤️💯

  25. the amount of money these frauds have received would of seen everybody out of poverty and every child havimng a decent life what good is all this looking in space doing down here where people are passing because of poverty related preventable death early death disease etc ...fkn criminal this shirade

  26. The stuff these morons believe anymore. This is Santa Claus for adults.

  27. be carey you guys 😊


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