JK Rowling, Elon Musk named in cyber harassment lawsuit filed by Imane Khelif | Mashable.

JK Rowling, Elon Musk named in cyber harassment lawsuit filed by Imane Khelif

The boxer is fighting back against posts on X made during the Olympics.
By Matthews Martins on 
Credit: Richard Pelham/Getty Images/Mike Marsland/WireImage/Marc Piasecki/Mashable composite

JK Rowling and Elon Musk have both been named in a cyber harassment lawsuit filed by Algerian boxer and Olympic gold medalist Imane Khelif.

The pair are mentioned in the body of the complaint, Variety confirmed with Khelif's attorney Nabil Boudi, over posts made on X (formerly Twitter) about Khelif during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. The suit has been filed in Paris against X itself, which gives French authorities scope to investigate anyone alleged to have been involved in cyber harassment against Khelif.

Specifically, the Paris prosecutor's office will examine "the counts of cyber harassment due to gender, public insult because of gender, public incitement to discrimination and public insult because of origin," per a statement given to the publisher.

Khelif received a huge amount of online hate and false accusations about her gender during the Paris Olympics, including from high profile accounts with millions of followers.

Rowling shared a number of posts on X about Khelif, some of which were viewed tens of millions of times. In one post she referred to Khelif as a "man" and a "bullying cheat", presumably referring to the International Boxing Association's (IBA's) decision to disqualify Khelif from the 2023 world championships due to an unspecified test that the IBA claimed gave her "competitive advantages over other female competitors."

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Musk, meanwhile, shared a post by American swimmer Riley Gaines reading, "Men don't belong in women's sports," with the X owner commenting, "Absolutely."

On the same day that Rowling and Musk made their posts, however, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) pushed back with its own statement.

"We have seen in reports misleading information about two female athletes competing at the Olympic Games Paris 2024," it reads. "The two athletes have been competing in international boxing competitions for many years in the women’s category, including the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, International Boxing Association (IBA) World Championships and IBA-sanctioned tournaments.

"These two athletes were the victims of a sudden and arbitrary decision by the IBA. Towards the end of the IBA World Championships in 2023, they were suddenly disqualified without any due process."

Khelif went on to win a gold medal in the women's 66kg. A few days later she filed the complaint.

Topics  Celebrities


  1. Please. this is such biased reporting. reciting a narrative we're all supposed to swallow. Sick to death of it. Freedom of speech still exists in this country.

    1. No. Freedom of speech has limitations.

      Plus Rowling isn't a US citizen, neither is Khelif, so "this country" doesn't mean anything at all in this case.

    2. People are so upset about this. Relax, nothing happened to you.

    3. Cry me a river

  2. She might Win some respect after doing that .

  3. I hope she takes them for a fortune and becomes a cautionary tale against people of influence using their platforms to incite hate.

    1. you mean him don’t you? Incredible how females slow man to pretend to be female and also take your sports. Wow

    2. if you dropped out of school before you reached basic biology class just say that

    3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so let me get this straight. The same lvl of testosterone as a regular man. Banned from the same sport in 2020 and here you are defending him? Poor thing.

      But hey, I guess your biology science also is saying that man can get pregnant right? 🤭

    4. no you didn't get this straight, but thanks for playing

    5. the one that is not getting is you. You dare to talk about biology and you believe man can get pregnant. You also allowed someone with testosterone levels same as man. Yea, for sure you are not getting it.

      I bet you also think Kamala is black 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️

    6. she’s half black you halfwit

    7. HAHAHAHA nope she is not.

      She is Jamaican and Indian. Jamaicans are not black. They are not African American and they don’t like to be compared to them.

      So yea, they got you hard hafwit. Hilarious, Caribbeans are now black HAHAHAHAHA. What a tool.

    8. From what I’ve read she has XY chromosomes, so by any normal definition is a biological male. She is born with DSD, so female genitals most likely due to hormonal imbalance/disturbance during the pregnancy… and she is of course free to identify as a female… but otherwise she is a biological male.
      Do you think it’s fair or right that a biological male is beating up women?

    9. that’s what you read, and all of the sources who printed this weren’t able to actually bring prove. Where is her medical report that would actually prove these allegations. Right, there is none. It was assumptions, speculations, and lies, they loved to spread. No one had an issue when Imane lost her fight in Tokyo. Now all of a sudden people want to know their chromosomes because she punched that Italian boxer (if you can call her a boxer) in the face?! Go and touch some grass!
      Furthermore, Rowling and Musk called her trans. Which she is very obviously not. And while I personally have nothing against trans people, they used this term as an insult! And again, she is not trans.

    10. Wrong. She was banned from previous games because she was tested by the IBA and found to have XY chromosomes and high testosterone levels. This has been confirmed by multiple sources, including an international medical expert, respected sports journalists, etc…
      The IOC on the other hand chose to ignore her XY chromosomes and her high testosterone levels, and go solely by the fact that she is registered female in her passport.


    11. it's just you making this inference that XY/testosterone = man strength, even as she lost to many other women in the ring. it's a fabrication, this argument is completely detached from reality where plenty of XY women are born with female anatomy and have no "man" qualities you could observe, in a fight or otherwise.

    12. Sorry but that’s absolutely not true. Having XY chromosomes and high testosterone levels means that she is built taller, bigger and stronger(muscles and bone structure) than if she was a biological female. She is relatively light weight for a biological male(less than 66 kg), so not nearly as strong as big male boxers of course.
      DSD persons born with XY chromosomes may have female genitals, but do not have other parts of the female reproductive system and can not have children, typically have internal testes and produce much higher testosterone levels than ordinary women.
      And also, she may have a lost a few fights sometimes, but she in fact won the gold medal in boxing at the Olympics…

    13. lmao that's simply not true. I've met dozens of intersex women and some are very slight in stature, some have little to no testosterone, many are less responsive to testosterone than XX women...lumping them all into one categorization just betrays how ignorant you are on the subject

    14. There are many variations within intersex, but if they are born with a full XY chromosomes then they are by any normal definition closer to a biological male than female.

    15. setting aside the fact that development of female anatomy is objectively closer to the definition of a biological female, it's ironic that you would assign a "normal definition" to the subject, given these variations are literally normal, and our instinct to make it all fit into a black or white narrative is abnormal.

    16. It’s unfair to biological females to have competitors that have XY chromosomes and therefore are biologically male(in this case with DSD)… Imane Khelif’s trainer, George Cazorla, confirmed after she won the Olympic gold that “There is a problem with her hormones, with her chromosomes”.
      In sports like boxing this is not just about what is fair, this could be a question of life or death… females can not be fighting against biological males in boxing.
      Intersex individuals should be allowed to compete against men, and perhaps there should be a separate category for intersex and transgender individuals… but we can not have persons who are by definition biological males competing in the female category.

    17. Look up Swyer Syndrome. There are thousands of females with xy chromosomes, elevated testosterone, and perfect normal female reproductive organs (who have gotten pregnant and given birth).

      There are also males with xx and male reproductive organs.

      It not as narrowly defined as you seem to think.

    18. I am perfectly aware of there being large variations within the definition of “intersex” individuals. But “females” with XY chromosomes should obviously not be allowed to compete against biological women with XX chromosomes.
      Otherwise there is no longer any point with having separate female sports categories.

      As far as I know there is no documentation of any individual with female genitals and full XY chromosomes that has ever gotten pregnant and given birth. That’s simply not possible as individuals with XY chromosomes do not have a uterus and ovaries…
      There are other variations, like XX/XY Mosaicism, which is probably what you have heard of. In that case some cells have XX chromosomes and some have XY. If the XX cells predominate in the gonadal tissue then the individual could have functioning ovaries and uterus, potentially allowing for pregnancy.

      Regardless, if we are going to continue to have female sports, then individuals with primarily male physiology can not be allowed to compete.

    19. You say you're are perfectly aware then go on to say there is no documentation based on your own very narrow definition of "full xy chromosomes".

      You can deny any science by putting up your own stipulations.

      It doesn't erase the FACT that there are females with xy, elevated testosterone and normal female reproductive organs (with some having non-functioning ovaries).

      You don't need to deny actual medical knowledge to make your point about sports.

      Interesting that you think you need to have it all YOUR way.

      And xx/xy Mosaicism is NOT the same as Swyer Syndrome. So, no, that is not what I "have heard of". Swyer is what I have heard of.

  4. This person took testosterone suppressor meds to qualify... Everyone would be broke if you can sue for cyber harassment. So this is dumb as fkuc like the Olympics in Paris was.

    1. the economist.com but even now I may question that source reading others. But it was a rule they had to follow for IBA butay not have been tested for Paris.

    2. I'm sure you've heard about the governing body that disqualified her for those reasons, had been banned from the IBA?

  5. Pandora box is open in France Court against x and others. For harassment and bullying. Algeria and almost all musslin world would approve. What a mess.

  6. https://media1.tenor.co/m/HXqnjWtS_AcAAAAC/alright-my-man-charlie-sheen.gif

  7. He's trying to make a quick buck riding on the wave of political delusion!

    1. she’s a woman.

    2. That's not what his chromosomes, buld or opponent's say, neither does his name!?!?!?

    3. why bother. They can’t tell you what a woman is. 😉 I guess when he hasn’t consensually touched one since his mother it makes sense though.

  8. Discovery means he has to show his junk.

    1. And if that happens and doctors testify to female reproductive organs then you would agree to her being female?

  9. Khelif was born a female, is a female, and has always been a female. Anyone who says otherwise has been duped by those preying on the gullible and paranoid.

    1. no born with both sets of chromosomes BUT raised as a girl there is a difference. Is not paranoia it’s science that thing that has been theorized tested and proved…science.

    2. where did you see medical records that show chromosome results. None have been reported by any sources I have found

    3. really? I thought he was a hermaphrodite like Lady Colin Campbell but it was discovered later has no uterus and ovaries and has undescended testes, and of course XY a chromosome’s. His testosterone levels would have been higher throughout life hence his bone structure and muscularity. For someone brought up a girl I wonder why there are hundreds of photos of him dressed as a man and non of him and a female? That’s curious to me.

    4. no. She was born female, childhood pictures show a little girl. She has competed in boxing for years, including at the Tokyo Olympics always as the woman she is.

    5. She has been banned from earlier games because she has XY chromosomes… she is a biological male born with DSD(disorder of sexual development), so although she may have female genitals, she is otherwise a biological male, can not get pregnant, has high testosterone production, etc.

    6. why you don’t fight against him? Or running, should be easier right? You people 🤣

    7. that’s very interesting thank you for the info. Interesting now she seems to exclusively dress as a male.

    8. she has undescended testicles as well. The only female thing about her is her outside genitalia.

    9. Yes, that's normal for intersex individuals with XY chromosomes.

    10. you must be seeing different sources than I am, I see her mostly in her athletic clothes. I have seen pictures of her as a very cute little girl.

    11. HAHAHA go to the ring and fight him and let us know how it goes. The testosterone lvls are the same as a man. Sorry 🐑

    12. that's not what his chromosomes say!

    13. So now it’s about chromosomes, not genitalia. Just like that the right redefines their gender criteria. #weird

      Imane was born A male. , with deformed male genitalia,so at birth doctors realigned his organs to female…. BUT IMANE IS STILL A MALE with XY chromosomes & high testosterone levels .. SO no matter what he is a MALE …FACT

    15. You can be all those things you mentioned and still have an XY chromosome pattern. The question then is what is fair in women’s sports.

    16. easily provable with a simple test. Will it take one though. Of course not.

    17. it ? Reform yourself 👍🏽

  10. I'm going to laugh a lot, because that guy is not going to win because what has been said against him is true, he is scientifically a man. He would have to prove that he is not one and he knows that he would lose, just like what happened with the IBA, he accepted the verdict and did not challenge it, because he knows what he really is!.

    1. you are obviously very ignorant. A trans person would be publicly executed in Algeria, not sent to the Olympics world stage wearing Algeria's flag. Quit talking about things you don't understand.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Well I was responding to someone saying the truth is known, asking how they know it is true.
      I was not discussing how true or false relates to harassment or libel.

    4. Yes but I was asking Chris how he knows what is the truth, not responding to your original post.

      Not sure why you want to lump me in with him or put words in my mouth as to what I would say in the future. Is it too hard for you to take on two streams of discussion?

      And I'm not here to "win" the discussion, so you're mistaken about that as well.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. And you know the truth how? There is no public record of tests or medical exams.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. What would be the point of that? I didn't feel any need to comment on your post, just on the one by the guy

      So no I won't comment there.

    9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    10. truth isn't harassing

    11. I didn't say the truth is harassing. I said it's irrelevant if it was told the truth to determine if there was harassment. I can provide some examples, if you want.

      Note: I removed my initial thread and created another one with the same text because I don't want to be notified of comments about different subjects.

    12. Criminal harassment doesn't imply saying something. You can, for instance, make a campaign to shame a fat kid, and it would be harassment, regardless what you said is true or false.

  11. I used to defend her ,but then she came up with the 🍉 so i hope she lose

  12. Great! Then Khelif can release his / her TWO independent laboratory results which will put this issue to bed... right?

  13. Artificial gender vs artificial intelligence

  14. Imagine being so plank grade stupid you'd think a nation like Algeria would send a trans person to represent them. Love seeing all the simpletons arguing with literal proof. Need an Olympics for transvestigators, watch all the mimblefucks make idiots of themselves.

  15. He a biological male this boxer.

  16. https://media1.tenor.co/m/16c_MDpEk5oAAAAC/austin-powers-its-a-man-man.gif?

  17. Cool HIS "opponents" should have him arrested for assault. Making it a hate crime given his XY chromosomes.

  18. And he won’t win. I guess the females on the left are ok for males to participate in female sports.

    1. because he was banned in 2020 and the level of testosterone are the same as a male. Is not that hard.

  19. Let’s gooo 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿

  20. That's just so Gay just be a man about it.

  21. How would you like your daughter to fight a. guy

  22. Page owners

  23. Reptards say no more

  24. Boooom..in the face of haters

    1. in the face of haters? I guess you now have man wining on man sports. Incredible. 🐑

  25. 🖕🏿france and 🖕🏿imane khelif

  26. And bloody well good for her. 💪

  27. Enfin jk et Elon ils vont se faire mettre à leurs place. 😅


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