
Showing posts from August, 2020

BlackBerry 5G smartphone with physical keyboard is coming next year.

Facebook tries to warn users about Apple 'tax,' Apple says no.

Keanu Reeves has perfect answer for who'd win a fight between Neo and John Wick.

Etsy urges its shop owners to stand with the USPS.

You'll have to switch to the new Facebook look in September.

'Out of control': Kerry Washington gets kids' opinions on Trump.

Stephen Colbert calls on Congress to protect the Postal Service from Trump.

Amazon is liable for defective third-party products, Californian court rules.

Trevor Noah has thoughts on Joe Biden picking Kamala Harris as his running mate.

Facebook bans troll farm running fake pro-Trump accounts like ‘BlackPeopleVoteForTrump’.

Disney moves 'Mulan' release straight to streaming. You can watch in September.

'The Daily Show' mocks Fox News' one-sided treatment of gaffes in Trump montage.

Trump administration strips some COVID-19 data from CDC website.