Etsy urges its shop owners to stand with the USPS.


Etsy urges its shop owners to stand with the USPS

Etsy is asking its sellers to voice their support for the United States Postal Service, since the vast majority of its users rely on it to ship orders. 

The online marketplace has launched a campaign urging its sellers to ask their local representatives to support the Postal Service Emergency Assistance Act, a Senate bill that would appropriate up to $25 billion to the Postal Service to make up for lost revenue and operational costs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill would also grant immediate access to a $10 billion loan from the U.S. Treasury that was approved by Congress in April. 

Thousands of Etsy sellers rely on the USPS to ship order to consumers. According to the site, 90 percent of U.S. sellers use the USPS, and for many in rural areas, it's the only shipping option available. 

"A global pandemic is not the time to make extreme cost cuts, reduce service, and raise postal rates for millions of Americans who are already suffering through the greatest economic downturn of our lifetime," the campaign's pre-written letter template reads. "Given the essential role USPS plays in the livelihoods of small and microbusinesses, I strongly support the Postal Service Emergency Assistance Act (S.4174), which would not only ensure this crucial service survives COVID-19, but would help to drive its long-term financial stability." 

This is not the first time Etsy has encouraged its sellers to be politically active. Etsy Advocacy also sponsors campaigns regarding net neutrality, international trade laws, and tax compliance for small businesses. If you want to read about other ways to support the USPS, Mashable has a helpful guide.


  1. I don’t think that urging by Etsy is political. I think it was practical and a way for them to stand up for a necessary service for every citizen.

    1. Yeah. Without them, who else would bring me junk mail I immediately trash?

  2. curious when's the last time people, even in foreign countries, were so interested in the American postal service, before the Democrats mentioned it last month, and the media has been shoving it down people's throats?

    No you're not sheeple.

    1. Ah yeah, another insightful sheeple comment. Original and hilarious.

    2. you're hilarious and dumb. First off its the left who are generally referred to as sheeple.
      Secondly, you could be more creative instead of taking the insult I used,
      and third of all,
      I didn't realize that you were such a fan of the US postal service and that it was the centre of your universe, and is on your mind 24 hours a day. Especially being from Ireland.
      I didn't realize the US postal service was such a big deal to you.

      Try having an independent thought for breakfast. You may find it enlightening.

      but I'll humour you, since you're obviously a fan of the US postal service.
      explain to me exactly why it is so important to an Irishman such as yourself? And how long have you thought about the US postal service before the Democrats mentioned it 3 weeks ago?

    3. Yes I am hilarious. Thank you. Much love. By the way, I lived in NYC for 15 years. So yeah, there's that.

    4. that's what I thought. Keyboard Warrior sheep, with no cognitive reasoning whatsoever.

      Don't you got to go play fortnite or something, or have your mom make you dinner? Oh wait it's the middle of the night there. Don't you have some self love to tend to?

    5. Ha! That's a good one. Yay you! Baaaaaaaaaahhhh.

  3. The USPS is less trustworthy and dependable than the DMV. They are incompetent and corrupt.

    1. Do you get mail? Bills? What about letters on wait who writes to you?

    2. say you and trump!!!! More lies!

    3. my DMV is outstanding, and being a rural customer I also depend on USPS for day to day needs. Until now they were exemplary. Please refuse the next glass of kool-aid.

    4. What evidence do you have for that? Your opinion does not count as proof.

    5. they never do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  4. I thought it read, ecstasy.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. did the top 1% need trillions in tax breaks?

    2. How is that related? And the 2017 Tax Cuts and Job Act were actually a positive thing. It benefited nearly 80% of American taxpayers.. Led to an historic economy and employment rate as it included a corporate tax reduction to make American companies more competitive internationally. You know also the top percentile pay 90% of taxes.. And as far as who benefited most, here you go- Taxpayers reporting between $40,000 and $50,000 per year had the largest percentage tax cut of any group, with a 14.5% tax cut. Overall, those who earned less than $200,000 per year saw a 10.96% tax reduction with the sharpest reductions for those who earned between $25,000 and $100,000.
      By contrast, those who earned over $1 million per year saw the smallest tax reduction (4.3%)

    3. ..and now tell me, why would you #1 give the USPS more than $10 billion that was offered? #2 They lose money, billions every year. It was built to be self- sustaining.. But, they have a horrible business model that was self inflicted with outrageous pensions, poor hiring practices.. bottom line you can't fix a business no matter how much money you throw at it when the expenses are always more than the revenue

    4. cant fix a business. After 11 bankruptcies anyway! Clown Show!

    5. ok, stay ignorant. Have a nice day

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. worry about your country as you have no idea what is going on in ours!

    8. fake account, to boot

    9. do you realize how little $25 Billion is in total for a business that size?

      There are 31,322 physical post office locations in the US employing over 500,000 people.

      On average, bi-weekly salaries paid out amount to almost $2B by itself.

      Not factoring in machinery/vehicle depreciation, gasoline, supplies, general cost of doing business, etc. etc.....(which is a ton of money).....$25B only funds the post office employee wages by itself for 25% of the calendar year.


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