Stephen Colbert calls on Congress to protect the Postal Service from Trump.


Stephen Colbert calls on Congress to protect the Postal Service from Trump

Lagging behind Joe Biden in the polls, Donald Trump is on a mission to delegitimize and undermine mail-in voting in the middle of a pandemic, and he'll destroy the U.S. Postal Service to get it done. Stephen Colbert took a deep dive into the push during Thursday night's Late Show monologue, including a look at major Trump donor turned Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's glaring conflict of interest.

"DeJoy may have personal reasons to kill the post office," Colbert explained, "because the government review of the finances of DeJoy and his wife revealed the couple's holdings include between 30 and 75 million dollars in assets of Postal Service competitors or contractors. The guy heading the post office would make millions from its destruction. That's like replacing the Surgeon General with Joe Camel.

"Even for [Trump], this is a bold move, given the Postal Service is the most popular government agency in the country with a 91 percent favorability rating," Colbert said incredulously. "91 percent! That's the kind of popularity enjoyed only by chicken-fried orgasms.

"The point is, we can't let Trump get away with undermining our democracy by destroying a basic function of government," he went on. "Establishing post offices is in the Constitution. Congress needs to stand firm and protect the United States Postal Service with the same fervor the right uses to defend guns. What I'm saying is, you can have my sister-in-law's Christmas newsletter when you pry it from my cold dead hands."

Of course, Thursday's other big story was the latest Trump tell-all memoir — and because this one's by his former personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen, emphasis on the "all." Cohen announced the book and also released the foreword, which contains a laundry list of shit he helped Trump get away with, from tax fraud to "golden showers at a sex club in Las Vegas." A gleeful Colbert received this gift gratefully.

"That's right," he began. "He talks about the golden showers. Mr. President, urine trouble. And you know, I'm sure that makes you pissed. But Cohen was your number one! He used to be your whiz kid, now he's leaking everywhere. You might call it yellow journalism, but all you can do, little piggy, is go wee, wee, wee, all the way home."



  1. Ups us to make money until they were made to pay pension plans up front for 75 years ahead

  2. Stephen Colbert calls for the Postal Service (USPS) to lose many billions of dollars a year

    1. You need to do some more digging. Fox News has left out some key points.


    3. I mean, the military sells war bonds.

    4. the USPS sells stamps and charges fees for certain services to offset budget costs, not to generate a profit.
      And by your rationale, the military does the same thing. Whenever a defense contractor sells a bigger, better, faster whatever, we pay. So, where’s this disconnect between the military and the postal service?

    5. The USPS sells goods and services to make money. The Army, Navy, police or fire departments do not. The more money they lose, the more taxpayers like you and I have to pay. Or eventually service will be diminished

    6. do you think it’s fair to say that every police and fire department in America loses millions of dollars every year? Is is fair to say that the Army, Navy, Airforce, and Marines lose billions of dollars each year?

    7. it’s no different than any other public service. It doesn’t “lose” or “gain” money. It costs money. That’s it. It operates without a profit because it’s not meant to generate a profit. It never was meant to.

    8. fair but also dodging a response

    9. tell me how a service this important, operates without a profit. Also the USPS has been talked about transitioning into the private sector or even service to some Americans cut off because they’re operating on a loss, pal.

    10. Don't think so but keep drooling.

    11. it’s a service, pal. It’s not meant to generate a profit. Just like the military.

  3. Is he a wannabe politician or a protector of Political Corruption?

  4. Failure to do so is unpatriotic, against the Constitution and proven attempt to undermine US democracy. REMOVE THE IMPOSTER FROM THE WH

  5. Another irrelevant POS 💩 celebrity flapping his mouth ......

  6. Once again the devil is loose
    It is fearing being caged

  7. Pack his bags to ship Trump to Moscow.

  8. Without the mail they can’t treat! Otherwise why so eager?

  9. I am sooo tired of people’s ignorance about the failing USPS. Republicans have been trying to kill this constitutionally mandates service for over 15 years now. Don’t believe me? Well, here, let me help you look for the answer

  10. Nope
    With the Postal Workers Union coming out in support of Biden Mail Carriers cannot be trusted to handle ballots.

    1. The USPS has a Monopoly on the home delivery of the mail. Abolish it and watch as the Free market provides a better service.

    2. So the private sector can price gouge? No. The USPS provides a service, it isn’t meant to be a business or turn a profit. It provides a service that is actually in the constitution. Many small businesses, rural area residents, the elderly, etc. rely on the USPS.

      And if you’re so concerned about junk mail, that’s not the USPS’s fault — they aren’t the ones that generate it, it’s businesses. If you are tired of receiving junk mail, check out for help unsubscribing from unsolicited mail.

    3. First off why do Public Servants need a union?
      As for the USPS it has needed to be sold off and their monopoly on mail delivery abolished for decades now.
      Let the private sector handle delivering all that junk mail

    4. Right. The UNION came out in support, not the actual government agency itself. Just like when the police UNION in NYPD came out in support of Trump recently. Unions can support whoever they want.

      And of course the US postal workers union came out in support of Biden, when Trump is active trying to destroy the USPS! My god, it’s not a difficult concept.

    5. I sure as hell not voting by mail.

    6. so you going to stop accepting mail now?

  11. I love this craziness over the postal system they’re all frantic to be able to cheat because they know that’s the only way they can possibly win. So funny

  12. In 2016 Obama cut 12k postal jobs.

    1. Didn't seem to affect the mail delivery now did it until Trump started screwing with it?

    2. the USPS were showing a profit that year

  13. They have to stand up to the traitors.

  14. This should be an impeachable offense.
    This will cost business millions of dollars. Are they going to stand by and allow it?

  15. Our Russian troll app uses deep learning according to Moscow IT to develop contemporary political slogans. IT says we were hacked or the deep learning algorithm no longer like President Trump. Fix is coming soon we hope.


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