BlackBerry 5G smartphone with physical keyboard is coming next year.

BlackBerry 5G smartphone with physical keyboard is coming next year

BlackBerry has risen from the ashes again.

When BlackBerry Mobile's partnership with TCL ended in February, the brand's survival as a phone maker seemed in jeopardy. But now it has a partnership with OnwardMobility and Foxconn subsidiary FIH Mobile Limited.

The three companies announced Wednesday that they are releasing a 5G Blackberry phone with a physical keyboard. 

There are no other details about this upcoming device, but the announcement points out that the emphasis will be on productivity and security. 

“BlackBerry smartphones are known for protecting communications, privacy, and data. This is an incredible opportunity for OnwardMobility to bring next-generation 5G devices to market with the backing of BlackBerry and FIH Mobile," Peter Franklin, CEO of OnwardMobility, said in a statement. 

You may be forgiven for not knowing about OnwardMobility. It's a fairly new company that hasn't made headlines before the partnership with BlackBerry. The company was in stealth mode until recently. Franklin, its CEO, previously founded design and software development agency 

According to the announcement, FIH Mobile will design and manufacture BlackBerry devices going forward, with OnwardMobility conducting product planning and market development. 

BlackBerry Mobile hasn't launched a new smartphone since 2018's Key2, which was alright for people who love physical keyboards on phones but far from perfect. Soon, we'll get a chance to see whether the world needs a 5G smartphone with a physical keyboard. 

The new BlackBerry phone will be available in the first half of 2021 in North America and Europe. 


  1. Blackberry is still a very vibrant company although their focus stopped being phones years ago. They can afford to release a phone every now and then.

  2. My first two smart phones were a Palm. They had the market cornered and they blew it. My second and third smart phones were a Blackberry. Ditto.

  3. A physical keyboard is not much better than a virtual one, but loses precious screen estate.

  4. Can’t wait to get you ‘’👻 come on Granny’’

  5. You can't set the clock back

  6. only 14 yrs too late.

  7. Stock Android, no bloatware and a reasonable price. Do that, I'll buy it in a heartbeat

  8. Seems like some phone companies think retro is the way to go. First Motorola with the Razr now a new Blackberry.

  9. Μαλακες το τερματίσατε

  10. The only thing I love about this company is being "different"
    They always stand out

  11. Can we get a New SIDEKICK?LOL

  12. The balance is all off with such a large display; it'll never be the same.

    1. imagine if them thicc cases has a slide out keyboard tho. Flick it back into place.

  13. this is similar

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  16. Better to hold your Covid germs!

  17. Y2K called and wants it’s phone back.

  18. They probably think the keyboard is (still) their distinctive signature of industry investing in voice control and NLP, but they are different


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