Facebook tries to warn users about Apple 'tax,' Apple says no.


Facebook tries to warn users about Apple 'tax,' Apple says no

Apple and Facebook are clashing heads again. 

Facebook recently tried to inform its users that Apple is taking a 30 percent cut on Facebook's online events app, but Apple rejected the update, Reuters reported Friday

In fact, Apple said no to Facebook twice. 

First, the social network asked Apple to waive its 30 percent fee, which it charges on in-app purchases, on Facebook's upcoming tool that would let users host paid online events. The idea behind the request was to offset losses incurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, so Facebook wanted to pass on all revenue to users, but Apple declined.  

Then, Facebook planned to launch the app with a notice saying that Apple has declined to waive its Apple Tax, as the 30 percent fee is sometimes called. However, Apple said no to that as well, citing an App Store rule that prohibits sharing "irrelevant" information with users. 

"Don’t include irrelevant information, including but not limited to information about Apple or the development process," Apple's App Store guidelines say

A few weeks ago, Facebook released an image showing what this notice would look like. The iOS variant (on the left) says "Apple takes 30 percent of this purchase," while the notice on Android (right) says that "Facebook doesn't take a fee from this purchase." 

Notably, according to Reuters, the Android version doesn't display the notice, either. 

Facebook isn't giving up, though. 

"Now more than ever, we should have the option to help people understand where money they intend for small businesses actually goes. Unfortunately Apple rejected our transparency notice around their 30 percent tax but we are still working to make that information available inside the app experience," Facebook told Reuters. 

Earlier this month, the two companies had another public clash, as Facebook was forced to launch its Gaming app on iOS without games. Apple's stance was that the app breaks an App Store rule about apps whose main purpose is distributing games (only Apple is allowed to have such an app). Facebook responded by mocking Apple in its Android app, and calling out the company for "hurting players and developers."

Apple's App Store guidelines and rules have been under increased scrutiny in the past weeks, with Apple removing popular game Fortnite from the App Store for bypassing the 30 percent cut with in-game currency, and Fortnite's publisher Epic Games answering with a lawsuit. 

"Apple's removal of Fortnite is yet another example of Apple flexing its enormous power in order to impose unreasonable restraints and unlawfully maintain its 100 percent monopoly over the iOS In-App Payment Processing Market," reads a legal complaint by Epic Games.



  1. Apple is doing the right thing here. People are way too ignorant to see this. They are just haters. Apple needs to put in more security and privacy to block these ads as it is.

    1. Lol i got some boots you could lick clean if you want?

    2. So I just want to point this out, Apple, google, Xbox, PlayStation, bitesquad(cheapest of the food deliveries) all charge 30%. I don’t know why Apple is being attacked when their platform is the most secured of them all....

    3. They are just haters. Aren’t coherent of making a debate that has any logic to it. Quit whining about the 30% and quit being jealous of a successful business. If they don’t like it they can move on. No one is forcing them to buy anything Apple. I love my Apple products because I prefer quality of quantity and yes I don’t mind paying a little more because at the end of the day my iPhone can still get iOS updates compared to android. My iPhone 7 is running iOS 14 Beta. Guess what my Samsung S7 can’t run the latest OS unless it’s rooted and running Lineage OS. My Samsung S8 can’t even run the latest Android OS.

  2. If Apple wants to charge 30% that's up to them, equally, developers should be allowed to hike their prices for Apple users to cover the 30%. Its always the user who pays in the end.

  3. "Unfortunately Apple rejected our transparency notice around their 30 percent tax but we are still working to make that information available inside the app experience" - @facebook talking about transparency is very rich! Slimy Zuckenberg stealing ideas, copying competitors, selling personal data...

    1. transparency from Facebook hahahahaha haha


  4. You know it's funny how people are all go apple you're the best take an extra 30% but Epic yeah that Epic was in a similar situation on PC of offering more to the people who make the product and more value for tose who pay. Now much as Apple supporters have rallied that fight had it's combatants.

    Long story short people thought Epic was so awesome fpr undercutting Steam's pricing and compensation that they take but now Apple can do no wrong and they are very blatantly doing things that got Microsoft in a heap of hot water in the 90's for.

  5. Theres only one logical way to settle this, each company uses their vast wealth to pay Japan to build a giant mech each and the CEO's pilot them in a battle to the death.

  6. Facebook just mad because apple put in security on new models that blocks Facebook for their own marketing sales ;D

  7. I think Facebook already benefited a lot by selling our data and privacy to advertisers. They are just pissed iOS 14 is clamping on that behaviour.

  8. oooh. The big guns are starting to pick fights with each other. Us mere mortals are having a good laugh at all of this.

    1. Big guns? At their scale its the death star level. ;D

  9. I strongly dislike Apple's products. Kinda enjoying this saga though

    1. yeah, its like watching a kid having their candy taken away ;D ;D ;D

    2. the Ice Cream cone drop ;D

  10. This is an industry normative situation. Apple is protecting itself from unnecessary defamation.

  11. So I just want to point this out, Apple, google, Xbox, PlayStation, bitesquad(cheapest of the food deliveries) all charge 30%. I don’t know why Apple is being attacked when their platform is the most secured of them all....

  12. Im so sad! Poor multi billion dollar corporations :((( they’re barely scraping by :’(

  13. Apple has started to repeatedly reject our app for the same reason and we don’t even sell anything in our app, we are an app that accesses an enterprise tool. Every since release we are now getting blocked and having to appeal with the same message every time.

  14. Warn users ? ... Steve jobs announced in a public keynote when the AppStore was released there will be 30% tax and it has remains that way since day one.

    1. o why not let Facebook announce it every time you make purchase ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    2. loves paying 30% extra for no benefit whatsoever and believes everyone else should love doing that too?

    3. Apple implemented this to help pay for the upkeep of the AppStore as said in the keynote, you expect them to do it for free just because they have a large amount of money? The play store also charges 30% yet Apple seem to be taking all the flack because it’s trendy to hate Apple.

    4. no the play store is getting called out as well. Apple is just the biggest. It's a trickle down effect. Eventually these gaming stores such as ps store, steam, Xbox store. And even others stores. They all charge 30%. Once the big guy falls they all will.

    5. 30% fee or not, the cost will be exactly the same for the end user, the developers are just trying to get more of that 30%. Apple, google, etc will just find another way to source this revenue, so in all likelihood the consumer will just end up paying more. When these companies start jockeying for their share of the pie, it isn’t the consumer who wins

    6. finally some intelligence

    7. a company with a worth of 2 trillion dollars needs help with upkeep of their app store. I could go into the upkeep of servers, it is my job, but I'm gonna keep it simple. Apples 30% is about 99% profit and 1% upkeep. That is how much it takes for them to upkeep the servers running the app store. In fact the could take that loss for the next zillion years and it would amount to less than 1% of their overall profits.

    8. So now it boils down to jealously because they got all that money and still whining about 30%. Even though it’s been written in stone. If you don’t like it then create your own business and don’t charge 30%. Simple as that. Apple is a business about making money. Whether you think it’s fair or not. Accept the reality.

    9. But with Android there are several other app stores which can be use and the option to sideload APKs directly.

      Apple won't allow other stores within iOS and that goes against competition laws.

    10. that will Smith photo fits you perfectly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    11. also what this guy just said. The big deal here is you can't start your own business to compete with app store ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ several have tried including epic games, Facebook, and Microsoft. All got denied. But are all able to do it on Android. Android is not innocent by all means.

    12. Because of security you don’t want to sideline apps you don’t trust and especially off of something like APKPure or anything like that. Google Play gets far more malware on their App Store compared Apples. Google this stuff people. Google your own questions.

    13. ... or use Apple's own search engine instead of Google.

    14. The security angle is a load of nonsense. Malware in the apple evo system has risen over 400% in recent years.

    15. have you read the email from Epics CEO Sweeney? He sent it to Apples CEO Cook. It's public. Go take a look.

    16. Might actually get an idea what this is all about.

    17. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/read-the-email-that-epic-s-ceo-sent-apple-execs-declaring-war-over-fortnite/ar-BB18f3EA

    18. Found one for ya.

  15. Apple is doing the right thing. Apple is enforcing the SAME rules to EVERYONE, whereas Facebook is subjective and loves conspiracy theories.

    ***I heard that Mark Zuckerburg is still a virgin because he hates Asians and no women likes him (and hence the reason why he ‘bought’ his wife from China to abuse her and become more RACIST). He’s a paedophile***

    Facebook, if you are about to censor this, then you need to censor 900m+ other comments because frankly I’m just exercising my right to have free speech just like Zuckerberg himself said at his senate hearing

    1. wtf mate !!!!


    2. I know, right? Wtf @Mark ZuckerCock?!?!

  16. Apple is some goats ;D

  17. I love how Apple critics think the company should become a charity and just offer things cheap to free. They do have the right to make money ya know. If devs don’t think it is fair, go to the Google PlayStore or open your own platform away from iOS. There are choices. Use them.

    1. I love how ppl are cheering Apple on as they fight tooth and nail to squash any potential changes that in the end would only benefit smaller businesses and ppl like us, the consumers.. We complain about how everything in this country is too expensive and the cost of living is getting out of control etc and it’s bc of companies like Apple, who get so big that they can dictate an entire market.. Everyone agrees on these sort of things in general but then when we see particular instances of it, like this one.. We’re just like “oh well, it may be unfair but u signed the contract”..

    2. google has the same exact app tax

    3. and passed on the donations without the 30% take..

    4. no, they do take that percentage.


      I’m just sick and tired of oh apples the bad guy, google does the same thing.

      In fact, Apple was the first to start the 15% reduction, and google followed suit.


      I’m a professional software engineer, and can attest that the services Apple offers, including safety checks, overhead, infrastructure etc are legit and expensive.

      Side point if you’re interested:
      The whole debacle on how epic deployed the bypass is ridiculous and any dev/company could have done that and met with the same exact response.

      What if that was malicious code? It’s extremely easy to pull off what epic did, luckily it was in app payment bypass and nothing nefarious.

      The only apple/google difference is the recurring dev fee price on Apple accounts which is minor. 100 year apple dev vs 25 one time google dev fee.

      There’s a ton of extras Apple provides with that fee too along with supporting more so their quality gates and checks.

      It’s easy to deploy nefarious things in android, less so Apple.

      I just see more benefit from what Apple provides vs google for similar app tax/IAP tax.

      It’s why google also followed suit about fortnite. They had the same exact charging policy.

      Not only that epic only reduced their IAP by 20% not the 30% when activating the payment processor.

      Feel free to ask any questions regarding iOS/android development! I’m always eager to answer questions and make information available with sources as well.

  18. Lmaooo Facebook acting like it's part of the lil people


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