'The Daily Show' mocks Fox News' one-sided treatment of gaffes in Trump montage.

'The Daily Show' mocks Fox News' one-sided treatment of gaffes in Trump montage

It probably won't surprise you to learn that Fox News spends a fair bit of time bashing Joe Biden, with his "gaffes," "trouble reading" and "trouble getting through the words" regularly coming up as talking points on the network.

But as The Daily Show highlighted in a new montage, there's more wordplay afoot than Biden's.

In the clip above, Biden criticisms from Fox News hosts and contributors are cut together with the many clips of Donald Trump stumbling over his words, starting with his recent failure to pronounce "Yosemite" when talking about America's national parks.

The phrase "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" comes to mind.



  1. of his very short list of achievements - speaking English is not one of them

    1. Thanks For chiming in, British loser. Yeah he’s only one of the most famous and successful entrepreneurs, developers and reality tv stars in history. We can’t all clean toilets like you.

    2. “Famous”? Sure. “Successful”? You mean the guy who took a $400M inheritance from his daddy and within a decade turned it into a $1B debt while bankrupting six companies during the 1980’s (one of the most economically prosperous decades in US history)? The guy who refuses to show his taxes because he knows it will expose that he’s NOT a billionaire? THAT guy?

    3. this is how dumb Trump is


    4. I’m not sure you know what an “entrepreneur” is, but he definitely isn’t one.

      Also, why are you proud of having a reality TV star as your president? Should we all strive to have inexperienced people in office?

  2. fake profile 🇷🇺☝️🇷🇺☝️

    1. https://giphy.com/gifs/election2016-donald-trump-election-2016-3oz8xLd9DJq2l2VFtu

    2. more like infamous

    3. the word is notorious, not famous.

    4. All lies and fraud of the worst kind. Trump defrauded more people than people dying of the Trump virus.

  3. Exceptional Genius ! I love when he loses his teeth !

  4. Person, woman, man, camera, TV.

  5. Yosemite | yōˌsemīt - noun
    A group of Jews that got tired of wandering aimlessly in a dessert for forty years and ended up residing in what is now modern day California. They are also very fond of Hip-Hop music.

  6. ;D ;D ;D it is what it is!

  7. Yoseminite Sam was always my favorite cartoon character!

  8. New York gutter mob talk.. Trump is limited to only this.

  9. Yo- se “minion”ites

  10. https://giphy.com/gifs/looney-tunes-bugs-bunny-yosemite-sam-b1nVCMsZIwleE

  11. https://media1.tenor.co/images/4cb444560adc24e2a0d7c16e8d506a05/tenor.gif?itemid=4268889

  12. No different than all other networks bashing Trump

    1. I guess you don't like seeing minorities actually working to get out of poverty, or stand up to China and actually get some descent paying jobs back in the USA, made medicine cheaper. Or are you one of those who heard him call rioters thugs and assumed he was talking about black people when he was talking about criminals. He's done such a good job that Canada has been one of the biggest benefactors

    2. If you can't see the people eroding their freedom in the USA i can understand why you think i make no sense.

    3. I'm not trying to call anyone down. I just think the masses have been caught up in continual negativity when you should be looking at what each is trying to do for the country.

    4. they do the same to Biden, both can have the same said about him. But if you are more worried about little things like that you're definitely okay with losing your freedom which i see there's a big push for in America

  13. He is one permanent Gaffe!

  14. Replies
    1. Another example of how dumb trump is: FYI- the rest of the world is left shaking their heads


    2. I am trying to figure out how to dump people like u off of this thread???

    3. Trump is not fit


  15. Ok now do Biden. He thinks Arizona is a city.

    But the intellectual smarter-than-me Mashable crowd is going to willfully vote for a man with advanced dementia to have his finger in the nuclear button.

    Your support for Biden makes you all Unprincipled Jerkoffs, and therefore irrelevant

    Unless you can explain to me how your guy is so much sharper. Please please. Do it with a straight face.


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