Disney moves 'Mulan' release straight to streaming. You can watch in September.


Disney moves 'Mulan' release straight to streaming. You can watch in September.

After months of delays due to coronavirus, Disney has decided to release the highly anticipated live-action Mulan on streaming in September, per THR.

Unlike other Disney+ titles, which are available to users who pay for a monthly or annual subscription, Mulan will need to be purchased for $29.99. The "premiere access" price is higher than any single movie ticket in the U.S. but a bargain for families who would have needed several tickets.

The news was shared on a Disney earnings call Tuesday afternoon and described as a "pandemic anomaly" that will not serve as precedent for future theatrical releases. Mulan will still release theatrically where it can, but streaming will be available in areas where it is not yet safe to open movie theaters. Mulan was originally scheduled to hit theaters on March 27, but movie theater closures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 pushed it back.

“Despite the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, we’ve continued to build on the incredible success of Disney+ as we grow our global direct-to-consumer businesses,” Walt Disney Co. CEO Bob Chapek said in a statement. “The global reach of our full portfolio of direct-to-consumer services now exceeds an astounding 100 million paid subscriptions — a significant milestone and a reaffirmation of our DTC strategy, which we view as key to the future growth of our company.”

Mulan hits Disney+ on Sept. 24.

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  1. Great, I'll prepare my mask.

  2. “You can finally watch for 2 to 3 times the price of a movie seat, provided you already pay monthly”. What privilege. Hope it fails horribly enough that it forces Disney to reverse their marketing strategy here and realize sometimes the highest price point Isn’t always where they’ll forcefully keep their audience.

  3. I’m gonna watch it the same way I watched Hamilton... NOT!

    1. Wow. I thought I was the only one not interested in either.

    2. Nope Hamilton was included in Disney+ this will cost and extra 30$/€ to watch

  4. The wait is over. Now wait till September.

  5. For an ADDITIONAL $30.00 for people who already pay for a subscription fee.

  6. In life we face challenges when my husband left me for another lady I was so hurt and I used to cry every day. Whenever I could miss him I could just close my bedroom and cry because I never wanted my kids to see me crying. It was tough times to endure the stress and at work, I could not perform well being a nurse I work with many people but I could be moody and could even lose tempers for small things my colleagues complained and I signed many warning before the matron.
    I tried so much to move on but it was hard I love my husband sometimes I could see him in my dreams wake up thinking he would come but nothing, I used to SMS him but no response calling him he never picked my calls and finally blocked all my numbers not even to support the kids. many times I tried to talk to his family and friends they tried their best but he had completely changed and he regarded everyone as a stranger kept a deaf ear on everyone who tried to talk to him. I resorted to sangomas and spell casters but not even at one time did i see a change. I started drinking alcohol because I couldn't handle the stress but as you all know once you are drunk you are out of stress it could be worse once the alcohol is out . I can't forget the day I came back home and our firstborn asked me where is Daddy I miss him a lot why he is no longer coming home I never gave a right answer I went in the bedroom started crying at this time. I thought a lot of bad things but again because I loved my kids I knew I had to be strong because it was my role to play as a mother.
    I phoned one family friend she is such a darling to me and she gave me a number of Papa Abiblah +27787648977 she said he had helped her two years ago I had lost all my trust in everyone but she strengthened me and gave me the go-ahead to try Papa Abiblah +27787648977 I thought about it with all my heart and finally decided to contact Papa Abiblah I made everything known to him and she said that we had a future with my husband and we are compatible but the lady had used something on my man which had diverted his feelings away from not only me but also from the whole family. I was so angry at this point and I asked how-how was possible to get him back. Papa Abiblah assured me that I would get my happiness back in three days
    Before I began the prayer with Papa Abiblah , I sent him my info with that of my husband then I was given the instructions of the prayers we did together over the phone and after the fast day my husband texted me saying hi it was not a big message but I was so happy for that small massage I never replied though and after 48 hours of the prayer my husband came home I was not home by that time I was by neighbours I heard the car hooting and rushed to see who was it. He asked me to sit in the car we talked he was so romantic and he asked my forgiveness since then our lives have been progressing both in relationships and finances. I have written my story to tell everyone who may be in tears that I was like that before. Dont hesitate call or Watsapp
    Papa Abiblah for help on +27787648977

  7. The wait is over.

  8. Let's see - first, it's a remake of a movie, 2nd, you can wait for a while until it comes out on Blu-Ray that would be cheaper. It may be a worthy movie to watch, but for $30 it doesn't make sense on top of the monthly Disney+ charges. Nor is there any mention of "owning" the movie thereafter. If Disney+ elects to make it a free movie thereafter, you've essentially paid $30 for a rental. At least with a theater you know you're paying for the movie, the staff, the property rent. $30 for services you're already paying for - nope, not happening. I'm not liking this digital ownership garbage - locks you into paying for services in order to access it. Apple started it and others are getting onboard. I'd rather buy music and movies and know I'll be able to listen or watch it as I like. Unfortunately, I fear that these companies are working towards the elimination of media so that you'll be locked into digital rental only.

  9. Nonsense. Millions of people's lives destroyed and Disney still trying to make billions.

  10. Ridiculous. $30 for fora movie. I'll wait for the rerun.

  11. $30 and you only get to keep it as long as you keep paying for Disney+? Nope. I was going to watch it in the theater, but now I'll wait for the Blu Ray release and buy a digital code online for $5.

  12. I could see someone biting the bullet for a gathering of friends and families with kids one night and then ending the subscription shortly thereafter. They could charge for popcorn and soda. :-)

  13. Was wondering what they were going to do. Well, there’s zero chance I’d ever pay something like that for a rental, but the film looks good and I’d watch it eventually for free or as part of a cheap subscription.

  14. Nope Nope Nope $10 maybe

  15. I like Disney but that is just outrageous. I already do not watch CBS shows that are only on their All Access stream. A house hold cannot pay $10-$20 a month for multiple services just to watch a few scattered shows. That is worse than trying to pay for cable. The well only has so much water.

    1. I mean it’s replacing a theatrical release...it’s not comparable to what you’re describing regarding cbs all access. There’s zero chance I’d ever pay $30 for a rental, or even $5 for a rental, but I get why they’re doing it and don’t really think it’s outrageous even though I also don’t think people should pay it, and I certainly can’t.

  16. They should have all shows included on Disney+, and create a separate service, such as Disney+ First Run for paid shows.

    This makes D+ like Amazon Video. I watch Netflix, and keep paying their occasional increases, because no matter what anyone watches, there's no extra fee. I lock out Amazon Video when others are here so I don't get hit with extra fees. And that's why I rarely watch AV, you spend all that time searching for something to watch, then see a fee attached. That's when I close the app and go back to Netflix. I have and watch D+. I like the shows on there, mainly the nature and educational shows. I wouldn't watch this movie if it were free, but if this is the way they are going with this service, I'll be canceling it and just sticking with Netflix.

    And $30!?! For one movie? With a PPV show, people would invite their friends and fill up the house to watch it, make it a party. But with 35% of US one person households, and this beer virus keeping us from having parties, or even friends over, that's a lot of money for those stuck at home without a job, which, according to the latest statistics is also 35%. But not the same 35% I'm sure.

  17. This is the kind of greed horse hockey that will make me drop my Disney plus sub. I already pay for the service why should I have to pay for a "rental" as well. This is a definite no go for me and will make me reevaluate having the service. Imagine if Netflix did this people would lose it.

  18. Just to be clear, for comments about a "$30 rental" below, the article states:

    "Typically, that means a high-priced rental, but Disney will give customers access to watch Mulan indefinitely as long as they keep their Disney Plus subscription active. You're essentially buying the brand-new movie, rather than unlocking a one-time rental."

    By my read, it's more akin to purchasing a lifetime right-to-view license from VUDU or Fandango.

    Disclaimer: I am a Disney Plus subscriber, but will not be buying the movie.

    1. I am about to cancel Disney plus because my kids just not into watching it. So NO, I won't be a customer.

  19. The latest news is that Trump is demanding a kickback to the US Treasury on every view because China, y'know.

    1. No offense! But you sound retart!

  20. I splurged $19.99 to see "Aladdin".......but $30? No.

  21. No starter for Me a close to $40 and you don't own it. Go to a Theater or wait for the DVD for less and you own it. Wait till the price lowers on Disney+ in time.

    1. I'd apparently be paying for your wife, as there are only 2 of us. No dice. They wouldn't extend resident passes past Sept and now this? I used to love Disney, but hope this decision bites them in the butt.

    2. I was only kidding about spending the $30 on the film. I subscribed to Disney+ hoping my kids would enjoy the classics like I once did but they end up watching more stuffs on Netflix now. I do enjoy shows from Net Geo but not worth renewing.

  22. $30 to be bored & fall asleep? I can watch the news & be better entertained.
    This is one of Disney's last (to fail) attempts to make it's executives a bit more money before the "company" starts selling off assets &/or filling bankruptcy.

    1. selling off assets and filing for bankruptcy? What dream world do you live in? Disney is sitting on more cash than you can imagine, and Disney+ has been a surprise success. The parks have been cash cows and have slowly been reopening. This movie could fail completely and it will barely matter as Disney can afford any losses. What a silly comment.

    2. Many people just think of Disney as the parks, and with the beer virus going around, they think if they won't go no one will, and then Disney bites the dust. But although many companies sadly are closing up for good, Disney has far too many irons in the fire to fail. Not saying they couldn't, many companies are gone now that I couldn't have imagined.

      But certainly, I am among the many that will be canceling D+ if they continue this practice. Just like Amazon Video, I don't watch it, but instead Netflix, because everything is included. I have AV, we just don't watch it due to it's business model. Which it appears that D+ is copying.

    3. & wake me up when it's over

  23. Make it free with ads. :)

  24. Lot of babies on here crying about $30, which is nothing. Frankly, that's less than I'd pay to see it at the theater when you factor in taking the family and buying food. Instead, I can watch it on my nice home theater with even better snacks, and no idiots checking cell phones during the movie. Sign me up.

    1. 35% of working Americans are out of work right now, have a little compassion. To the average American it is a lot of money. You apparently are blessed, be thankful, not proud. Generally the proud fall hard. Just sayin'

  25. So, its either an "experiment", or it's not a good movie. Sounds to me like, Disney is trying to cut some losses. I won't spend 30.00 to sit at home and watch a new movie.

  26. $30 makes sense when you look at the numbers. It's not 30 vs the cost of a cinema ticket as it first appears, as hardly anyone would watch it alone. It's 30 vs the cost of 2-5 tickets assuming it's going to be a few friends or a family watching. Plus considering there is a limited number of people with Disney + vs the number of people who could see it at cinemas, the potential recouping of revenue is much lower.
    $30 seems at first a high price. Indeed it's too high for me. But from Disney's point of view, it's likely hardly making any money at all.

  27. LOL! $30 to rent a movie from garbage CCP actress who openly support police brutality in Hong Kong! No thanks. If I really want to watch this, I will make sure I get this illegally like through free download! I will never give this CCP garbage a penny!

    1. I don't know about her supporting police brutality, but I guess stealing movies is okay, right? Nice sense of justice.

    2. Stealing is wrong no matter how one tries to justify it. Whether it's movies or TV's.

      However; in our society today, they call rioting, blocking streets, destroying property, and stealing, peaceful protesting.
      So I guess that's where our society is heading now. 100% of those killed by police were resisting, 70% of them were white. I was taught obey the man with the gun, your turn is in the courtroom.

    3. I don't like to steal movie! I paid/rent most movie I watched! But for this one, I will make an exception if my kids really want to watch it! Otherwise, I will just skip it!

  28. Of course, upholding the almighty dollar and the blood it was made on above all. Nice sense of justice.

    Here is her support: https://www.slashfilm.com/boycott-mulan-explained-liu-yifei-hong-kong/

    1. To be clear, I'm with you on this issue, and completely against China and their tactics in dealing with Hong Kong. But I think this boycott is a waste of time and will solve nothing. This actress is just one person who holds no political power whatsoever, and if people want to spend their time and energy up in arms about every silly comment made by a celebrity, feel free. It won't have a single bit of impact on China's policies.

    2. man! are you kidding? celebrities hold a lot of power over politic... What country do you live in? If people don't stand up against tyranny, what good are we?

    3. man! are you kidding? celebrities hold a lot of power over politic... What country do you live in? If people don't stand up against tyranny, what good are we?


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