Trump administration strips some COVID-19 data from CDC website.

Trump administration strips some COVID-19 data from CDC website

Restricting the public's access to information is always a good sign for a free society, right?!

The website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) usually contains a trove of publicly available data about health issues. During the coronavirus crisis, the COVID-19 data published on the site has been a crucial source for researchers and experts studying the pandemic as well as journalists tracking and publicizing the virus' spread.

The Trump administration is changing that. The website will no longer publish and make data available to the public on some key coronavirus metrics, CNN reports

The website edit comes thanks to a Trump administration policy change. On Tuesday, the government announced that hospitals should no longer send their daily COVID-19 reports on patients, equipment, and capacity to the CDC. Instead, hospitals are to send the data to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). 

The Trump administration says the change is a way of reorganizing and consolidating the data. However, unlike data sent to the CDC, what's submitted to the HHS won't be available to the public. 

The data that will no longer appear on the COVID-19 module of the website, according to CNN, is: "current inpatient and intensive care unit bed occupancy, health care worker staffing, and personal protective equipment supply status and availability."

Experts are alarmed by the change, saying that removing the data from public view indicates that the Trump administration may restrict and politicize health information. Throughout the pandemic, Trump's stance has been to downplay the disease that has so far killed some 138,000 Americans. Despite a current surge in cases, Trump is currently pushing to re-open schools in the fall, even though his own health experts strongly advise against it.

Typically, the CDC is more politically independent than the HHS. Indeed, the current director of the CDC has advocated strongly for a universal mask-wearing policy, while the Trump administration has equivocated on the issue. Meanwhile, the current head of HHS is seen as a Trump stalwart who has led initiatives restricting Medicaid and protecting health-care workers who decline to provide contraception on the basis of religious beliefs.

Just another sunny day in America, people!

WATCH: Why is the U.S. failing at coronavirus testing?


  1. See that bound to happen when all results would be sent to him to report so he can downplay the numbers to his thinking and say the virus is declining & hardly any cases are being reported?
    What a farce this President is feeding the people and still keep praising him for his great leadership capability!
    He sure has brain washed his follows!

  2. If they would've just called this guy from the beginning, we could've solved this disease in an hour with commercials.

  3. Because the CDC was doing such a bang up job being truthful about numbers


    2. Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t make it a conspiracy.

    3. never said it was a conspiracy. It has been proven that the numbers have been skewed all across the nation

    4. I am quite intelligent but thanks for the warning

  4. He cannot strip the minds of the scientists.Unlike him they are smart and can retain alot.

  5. Where was this article when Twitter started censoring?

  6. Patient data from the medical centers. Not the CDC.

  7. They’re desperate

  8. FB is blocking discussion on certain drugs.

    1. welcome to a private company that doesn't promote some of the BS that comes from your fake president. This is why some people like you can't think for yourself. Seems like you have nothing but time to look up BS.

    2. but, Data is clear the it inhibits budding of virus. And attachment to tissue. Proven back in 2004 during SARS CoV epidemic. Did the study’s used patient who where far too advanced. Vs early cases. The idea is to prevent them from ending in respiratory failure from cytokines attack. The issue is how to set up treatment. Currently we are only treating advance cases.
      German study. Showed T cell immunity in 30 % Germans from other Coronavirus infections. Such as HK 1. Commonly seen in Europe and USA.
      I’m trying to help patients. Seeing about one to two cases daily.
      You seem to just spill out hate when you speak.
      Btw chief medical office in Capitol si currently treating Senators and congresspersons with drugs.

    3. seems like you don’t have much education.

    4. like so many people on Facebook

    5. you seem ill informed for someone accusing others of not having much education. I mean for one most humans would show some immunity for general coronavirus infections considering that they are common and some will cause the 'common cold' so why is this news and important to our current discussion?
      Also I am willing to read. Show your work and provide some reputable links that shows the statements you are arguing.

    6. Huh, that’s funny — the significant majority of major healthcare institutions and research facilities don’t agree with you.

    7. ha ha. A "discussion"? Spreading misinformation about a drug does not qualify as a discussion.

  9. So says the cancel culture folks. He’s taking out the numbers that they are exploiting that you don’t understand! The contraction numbers are actually good when spiking and the mortality rate going down that your not being told about.... it’s called we are gaining heard immunity....

  10. 🤔🤔🤔🤔

  11. Seriously? When FB and google scrub information consistently? Double standards and disreputable.

    1. There is a difference between government and a private company...

    2. Kind of different when it's a private company doing it and then a leader of a "free" country doing it.

    3. They basically want the count to be lower regarding positive cases for his re election campaign because how Trump looks is more important than our lives.

    4. Do you understand public organization and private company? No, you are not a victim.


  12. More corruption and deceit. Cooking the books like a true con artist

  13. Worst president in US history

    People are one pay check from becoming homeless, and trump's incompetent response put us on the path of becoming homeless if we do not die first from the virus.

    Already people are getting kicked out of their homes because they cannot pay their rent. While Trump and his family are spending millions from the tax payers pocket

    People are sick and DEAD actually because of Trump's hoax. Over 140 THOUSAND Americans died because of Trump's incompetence.

    Trumps incompetent response killed over 140 thousand Americans.

    Trump failed to put a national strategy that the governors will use to organize the response between the 50 states.
    Trump disbanded the pandemic task force.

    Trump called the pandemic a hoax

    Trump orders to SLOW DOWN testing

    Although Trump was aware that there was shortage of medical supplies for THREE YEARS AND HALF of his presidency, he did NOT order to replenish the supplies . WHAT THE HELL WAS HE DOING for three years?

    Watch trump admit

    1. Trump blocked outsiders from traveling to USA early on, saved lives. Trump told about hydroxychloroquine and it was the deep state actors (also on his task force) who have worked to shut it down because they don't want you to be cured by a cheap drug because the plan is for you to take the vaccine! Trump didn't do the shutdown...governor's did! Trump didn't push masks...governor's and task force did, Trump had AG Barr make sure that churches got fair treatment. He touts the future vax but always stresses it must be safe and hopes it won't be needed if we have effective and safe therapeutic therapies.

      Plz tell me how he's a murderer? It was governors who put covid patients in nursing homes which caused the deaths of many!

      Vote red!!!! And in person!!!!

    2. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

    3. That’s a very interesting view of the current situation. ;D

    4. buy into the propaganda much?

    5. Are you really that dense? Tanja Davidson was truth, regardless if you don't like it. Trump's decision to let the state government do things their way has been one of the better things he's done. So don't blame him for Cuomo killing the elderly.

    6. Well my degree and years of work in STEMs would indicate I am not THAT dense but even the brightest can be wrong. Now I am not an expert in the field but know enough to know to defer to the experts and scientific consensus as per Dunning–Kruger effect.

    7. I am writing this from a Canadian province that has just had 4 cases from people traveling after over two weeks without any cases and last death was well over a month ago. Now we did a hybrid of local and federal but even the local level and provincial regulations where widely done in consultation between medical officers and experts and the federal government. We also during our peak did more testing per capita than the US locally and all covered by our socialist health insurance with typical day or two turnaround times. So.... You go with that...

    8. what really is the point of testing? You test positive, you stay home, which is what we're already being told. You test negative, you're told to stay home to keep from getting it. Increased positive testing only indicates the population is moving towards heard immunity. Which is how our species has overcome disease for our entire history. What's going on with the death rate? Seems to be going down. Hmm, maybe we should reopen the country now.

    9. US has had horrible test rates and contact tracing compared to South Korea... Go and look up their numbers. We had better testing and contact tracing also and here we are with no community spread at the moment. How is the US doing?

    10. that death rate is a fear tactic and has absolutely NO BASIS of observation. None.

    11. again, what's the point in testing just to tell people to stay home? Actually, the more testing we do, the more we find out it's not as deadly as we thought. The same people at risk for flu are the same people at risk with this. So go ask Cuomo why he sent infected patients into a living community of the most at risk? That wasn't Trump who did that.

    12. you are over 156,000 dead and that appears to be an understatement given how many people are not being tested and tests are not typically being wasted on dead people. You do realize your arguments are weak and look silly by this point, right? You aren't offering anything solid to refute what I have said.

    13. contact tracing... Already mentioned you just chose to ignore it

    14. dude, the expected number of people infected is 10 times what we know of. At a minimum. The death rate is not going to suddenly jump 10x in the time it takes to get heard immunity. And if you want to wait for a vaccine, that's fine, but vaccines are far from a guarantee that you won't die.
      You've ignored Cuomo's incompetence everytime it comes up. So who's really looking silly? You're diverting the conversation away from something you don't like.

    15. look I know I cant change your mind. You do you as the US has areas that are going back into lockdown and has over flowing ERs and refrigeration trucks being use to keep the dead. I will do me where we only have 4 active cases, no known community spread, no cases in the hospital, and almost everything is open back up with only minor restrictions.


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