You'll have to switch to the new Facebook look in September.


You'll have to switch to the new Facebook look in September

In May, Facebook started offering a redesigned look, though everyone still had the option to switch back to the "classic" Facebook experience. 

Now, according to notices Facebook has started showing to users, as well as its help center, (via Engadget), it appears that the classic look is going away in September. 

"We've updated how looks. If you're using the new, you can switch back to the classic Facebook temporarily. Starting in September, everyone will have the new design," says Facebook's help center. 

The notice that popped up on my screen on Thursday said the "classic Facebook experience will no longer be available starting in September," and gave me the option to provide feedback on why I'd want to switch back. 

I actually switched to the new Facebook look as soon as it became available, as I ached to finally get the dark mode, but even though I've gotten used to it over time, it was not an easy transition (read my impressions here). Based on anecdotal feedback from my Facebook friends, many hated the new look so much that they immediately switched back, dark mode be damned. I expect to see a lot of angry comments in September. 

Unfortunately, even if you hate the new design, there probably isn't all that much you can do to keep the classic look. One thing you can do, though, is provide feedback on the redesign, by clicking the down arrow icon in the top right of Facebook, clicking Help & Support -> Report a Problem, and then reporting any issues or missing features in the new look. 



  1. New version sucks. The stuff on either side is huge and the part in the middle where the posts are is less than a third of the screen. Be nice if those panels were adjustable. The notifications list makes it hard to tell what you've seen and what's new. AND tho the fonts appear bigger, where you type comments is smaller, so if you like large fonts as I do, you make the whole thing absurdly bigger. It's a freaking mess. I'd post a screen grab to illustrate but it won't let me post a photo here.

  2. Arrrgg it put me into the new versionna few times but had to revert it everytime. The new version - just dont know what to say about it (dont like it anyway).

  3. Us: Hey, this almost works sort of well finally. Very nearly getting the hang of it!

    FB: Whoops. Best put a stop to that right now!

  4. I think it already looks like that. :(

  5. I hate the new look!

  6. It already hit me rhis morning

  7. Is there *anyone* competent at FB?

  8. hate it. But facebook doesnt care... too concerned with helping trump and his criminal enterprise.

  9. Great - new version has far more style amd features :) #like

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I still don’t have it. :disappointed:

    1. Same here. Still on the old interface with no opt-in for the new one.

  12. I had it for a while.

    The problem with having mostly older people on Facebook is that it’s raining complaints now, because a redesign = bad by default. Everyone will have adapted by next week no doubt, but man people just love to complain on social media …

  13. They forced me to switch over today and it’s gross, looks too much like a mobile app. But in a way it’s also great because at least it also forces me to stop using Facebook, so it’s a win overall

  14. I find Facebook one of the most difficult websites to navigate. I’d consider myself relatively tech savvy and I’m a designer so I should be able to get around the website but I genuinely have never found it easy to navigate no matter what design they have

    1. I’ve been saying this for years. For a company who employs some of the smartest people in the world, it’s one of the worst designed pieces of software I’ve used.

  15. Wondering if Facebook will make a macOS Catalyst app, now that Apple finally has the Catalyst technology fully useable?
    They already have a Messenger version.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. There’s a difference between white space and wasted space. In no way is the current version of the personal page any less cluttered than the one before. It has everything cramped in the middle in a thin column and then lots of empty space to the sides. It makes it look more cluttered, no less, imho. That screen capture you use as example must have been taken on a computer with lower resolution. I already got used to it because I have been using it for a few months, but that doesn’t mean it’s good.

    1. Oh, and in messenger with dark mode they decided to use the brightest blue as the background for your own messages, with ice white font. Just what you want in a dark mode, apparently

  18. It’s a lot cleaner, includes a lot more white space, and there’s also a dark mode for people who are into that sort of thing.
    In other words, it looks like every other modern website / app.

    I think ditching their blue branding is a huge mistake. If they were thought of as generic "social network" before it’ll be even worse now. Brands take years to build up – throwing them away is a big gamble. Not to mention a huge UI change will alienate the many older users on Facebook.

    Personally, Facebook has gotten less useful and more annoying every year I’ve used it since 2005. It’s also increasingly feeling abandoned as I see fewer and fewer people engaging on there, especially in the current toxic political environment.

  19. Interesting, new Facebook App does not support IE11, are they dropping support?

  20. Excuse me? Why would anyone still be using IE11 for anything? Especially for something personal-centric like Facebook.

  21. Switch to Edge if you need IE11 compatability for some sites, it has that built in. There is no legitimate reason to be using IE11 in 2020.

  22. IE11 is also going away next year. I don’t think it’s worth supporting it right now. Get the new Edge, it has IE11 compatibility, if you need it.

  23. Funny update: I’m entertained by the idea that people think I am requesting IE support.

    As a dev, I was stating the idea that IE is incredibly popular with the over 50 crowd that makes up the majority of FB desktop users. Them dropping IE support is a green flag for the rest of us to start doing the same in the professional world.

  24. Wishing the headline was:

    Facebook will disappear in September

  25. I’m glad maybe the old people will get to confused and stop using that damn MISINFORMATION MACHINE

  26. Does this mean they’re porting everything over properly? Facebook messages on business pages and some other bits are still just iframes of the old facebook

  27. Curious about what percentage of people use the desktop experience compared to mobile. :thinking:

  28. I use it more on desktop since quarantine, since I’m at a computer all day at home for work.. and everything else in my life haha

  29. Oh Grand! Another reason to stop using Facebook. It’s not like I want to see more than one post at a time in my WQHD monitor without having to zoom until the point of making the actual text tiny. Facebook UIs in both messenger and the main app have been surprisingly terrible since forever but they really overdid themselves this time. Mobile first shouldn’t mean mobile only.

  30. The redesign is really focused on Groups and Messenger. Given that I use neither, and don’t see a purpose for either, it just pushes me to use 3rd party apps on my phone for most FB.

    No big deal. I’m certainly a less valuable user for them.

  31. If I wanted mobile facebook I'd use it on mobile. Stop mobile-fying and streamlining everything to mobile. Not everyone is on their phones 24/7 or use facebook on it. I instantly changed back to classic. Only good thing was the dark mode. Let me hide the stupid contacts on the right, annoying. If I wanted to talk to them or see who is online I'd go to my messages, or like on the classic where I can click in the bottom right to open contacts and not have it always up on the side. Everything misplaced, things cluttered in spots where things are small and then things too large in other places. It looks horrendous on my desktop. Or better yet, let us be able to just untick the option for boxes of things we don't want to see, like the friends list. Or let us rearrange them. Too much coding for them I'm sure, they'd rather just let us all have the same crappy mobile layout. Seems like companies don't care or know that actual pc's exist and think everyone is using their phones. Sad really. A lot of the sites tend to not function as well for me after they "mobile streamlining/mobilefying"

  32. How about that “slow” rollout of dark mode for IOS? By slow, did you mean stagnant?


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