John Oliver takes a deep dive into Trump's decision to leave the World Health Organization.


John Oliver takes a deep dive into Trump's decision to leave the World Health Organization

Following a sudden decision from Trump back in July, America is currently on track to leave the World Health Organization (WHO) on July 6, 2021.

In the video above from Last Week Tonight, John Oliver takes a look at how that all came about.

Oliver starts by explaining what the WHO is and what it does – including its past successes like eradicating smallpox – before moving onto how, exactly, it managed to incur Trump's anger (and why his decision to take America out says less about the WHO's failings and more about the president being "incapable of acknowledging nuance").

For example, one of Trump's arguments is that the U.S. pays too much towards the WHO, even though – as Oliver explains – "most of what the U.S. pays each year is voluntary contributions."

Ultimately, Oliver concludes that the decision to leave the WHO is another example of Trump deciding to blow something up because he either doesn't understand it, doesn't care, or both.

"We've seen this with the Paris Climate Agreement, and the Iran nuclear deal, and now he's doing it with the World Health Organization," says Oliver.

"And even though Trump likes to pretend that we can insulate ourselves from the rest of the world, if the coronavirus has shown us anything, it's that diseases don't recognise borders, and we're only as strong as our worst prepared country. And pulling out of the WHO at any time, but especially in the midst of a pandemic that's killed over 200,000 Americans and a million people around the world, is one of the most ill-advised, dumbest things we could possibly do."


  1. What do you expect from a President who doesn't believe in science? Maybe if he'd got the kind of grades in school he isn't totally ashamed of even 50 years later he would have more respect for those who can actually learn and process information logically.

    1. you realize WHO was deep in with China and said covid wasn't contagious right?

    2. The world health organization lied to the world and said this virus could not be passed from human to human. Instead of doing their own study on it they took china's word. Can you honestly blame any country for being pissed off with the W.H.O?

    3. no that dummy doesn't realize this because CNN didn't report. And if CNN doesn't report he, like many other liberals, won't learn about it.

    4. or if his daddy wouldn’t had paid for his grades he might had learn something in science ;D ;D ;D

    5. what we need to know is they are colluding with China to extort money from the world with little to NO benefits (except for a chosen few)

  2. I think they have mislead the world since day one on CoVID. Aside from their errors who is their biggest funder? Then I would need to question what power if any does their major funder have? I believe it is China. When they first knew of CoVID way back in Nov, WHO reported many false claims about it, to who’s agenda? Who benefited? I believe at one time the UN and WHO were respected organizations- now I believe they are bought like others, sad but many countries that sit on the UN are some of the most barbaric for human rights so that in itself make me question their agenda now.

    1. Pretty sure Gates is in there as well as a huge funder

    2. Biggest funder is the US.... did you even watch the piece?

  3. The stunning thing here are the people making comments like the statements in the article based on facts are somehow open to interpretation and their opinion should hold sway. The ‘alternate facts’ point of view by Trump and his staff and supporters has just gotten out of hand. People, facts are facts. Whether you choose to ignore them or not does not make them less true.

  4. Not only leave, we need to arrest their leader.

    1. Yes arrest Trump now that sounds fantastic ;D ;D ;D

  5. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽love John Oliver

  6. Advised? He doesn’t take advice

  7. Maybe you dud not deep, enough.

  8. Lol read the comments who is garbage

  9. The WHO Admitted they listen to China instead of posting the truth at the beginning, those same people?

  10. Vote BIDEN & HARRIS

    V O T E

    N O W

  11. So some bozo who’s whole show is only about Trump and what he can talk bad about him. You think he would fight to keep trump in so we have four more years of a show. I hope this guy goes down the tubes when Trump is reelected, just hoping he’s going to say he’s leaving the country If Trump wins

    1. Will you leave the country when Biden wins and we can start getting back to some kind of normalcy?

    2. I think Trump lost the popular vote, that would make John Oliver on the right side of the public opinion about him. Technically you’re in the minority... how does it feel?

  12. No wonder USA is doing terribly in containing COVID

  13. Interesting the WHO policy on COVID 19 is opposite of the Biden plan

  14. I take it he also believes the latest WHO science that masks do little if any good to mitigate the virus?


    2. not what the head of WHO said just 3 days ago



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