Michelle Obama makes powerful and candid closing argument for Joe Biden.

Michelle Obama makes powerful and candid closing argument for Joe Biden 

Michelle Obama isn't holding anything back ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

On Tuesday morning, the former first lady livestreamed a pre-recorded closing argument for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. In the video, she got extremely candid about Donald Trump and his poor handling of the coronavirus, addressed racism in America, and discussed what's really at stake in this election.

"The truth is, the events of the past few days are a bracing reminder of the tragedy that has been this administration's response to this crisis. And I'll be very honest: This is a message I'd planned to release earlier, and after everything that’s happened, I weighed whether or not to go public at all," Obama wrote alongside the video. "But I wanted you all to hear what's been on my mind. Because the drama of the past few days has only emphasized what’s at stake in this election, from the coronavirus to a constant drumbeat of fear, division, and chaos that’s threatening to spiral out of control."

In the powerful address, Obama appealed to voters who remain undecided, touched on Biden campaign policies, spoke on what it feels like to be a Black woman in America, and took clear shots at Trump's leadership.

"Racism, fear, division — these are powerful weapons and they can destroy this nation if we don't deal with them head-on," Obama said.

"...We can no longer pretend that we don't know exactly who and what this president stands for. Search your heart and your conscience, and then vote for Joe Biden like your lives depend on it."

Before Obama concluded her remarks, she urged listeners to visit IWillVote.com, make a concrete plan to vote, and reach out to others to ensure they do the same.



  1. All coming here to post your racist, I mean opposing viewpoints because... Well, we know why. To be anti-racist is to be racist, for those in the back that don’t understand. Everyone so comfortable with coming out from under your hoods fail to realize that you can’t go back underneath them again. So, hey! Glad to know who you are. Appreciate you showing your true form. At least we don’t have to worry about those pesky dog whistles from you. 🤡🤡🤡

  2. Huh, those are exactly the weapons the democratic party are using to tear our country apart. The playbook was written and proven throughout his husbands tenure in office.

    1. Trump’s latest endorsement: the Taliban.

  3. She's just awesome. I have so much respect for Michelle Obama! Articulate, caring, educated and successful in her own right. An inspiration for us all.

  4. "My husband all but refused to endorse Joe so...here I am..."

  5. Love, love, love this stunning, classy, intelligent woman. Imagine, I have no idea how she looks naked like I do our current trash...

  6. Oh I think it carries a ton of weight, a real First Lady!

  7. Let’s all be nice now.

  8. Your irrelevant and no one cares go crawl back in your hole 🕳

  9. The time its a problem is when you're wanting to be reelected....how racist is that?

  10. Where is the big guy?

  11. ...and injuring/defunding our law enforcement is ok????

  12. She needs to be in jail with her husband.

  13. yeah especially the part about ya know the thing

  14. Yes we all will listen to dumbo ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

  15. Everything the Democrats Practice

  16. She is a disgrace and thanks to your husband all the racial division started up again and just got worse and worse and worse.


    1. I usually try and ignore ignorance but this comment is so ugly, I can’t. HER husband didn’t praise white supremacists, HER husband didn’t refer to a Latina pageant participant as “Miss Housekeeping” HER husband has never been sued for discrimination. I’m sure it is possible to be a Republican and not a racist, I just haven’t seen it often and it is disheartening

    2. Obama caused racial division by labeling everything black this and black that. Why don't you ask me to elaborate more on what I was saying before you start making false accusations just like a typical Democrat. I am not the only one who feels this way. And by the way you can watch the video and learn perhaps what the truth is instead of having selective hearing:


  17. https://gph.is/g/4DBnxl9

  18. reply to the fact that blm and antifa started under her husbands presidency? The fear and division wasn't helped by his rhetoric now was it?

    1. Antifa has been going on for years and in multiple countries but hey, it's Obama's fault... Get real, even in this account it starts in 2007! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifa_(United_States) and that's ignoring all the antifacist movements in UK and Europe.

  19. Racism? That is why white Racist America voted for a black man TWICE. She is blowing smoke

  20. Trump supporter has changed, where is Clinton?


    1. Aye the reason the Ruskes want to work with Biden is so they buy him & family just like China

  21. De er i samme jolle etter deres berikelse av grådighet

  22. Dealing with them head on would be to make sure you corrupt group of children loving #DemonRATS friends including your war mongering killer of a husband who destroyed Ukraine, destroyed Libya, destroyed Syria and set the ground work to destroy America is jailed for good during the next 4 year drain dear Michelle.

    1. well the republicunts are lying to you. Tell me, if Hillary’s mishandling sensitive emails that contained classified information was a crime, what is it when trump orders those classified emails to be released? Isnt that mishandling classified information?

  23. This POS has no room to say anything about our next president. She spent 8 years, and 100 million of our dollars, on world tours with her whole f..king family. Money the VA could have used for veterans. This while her traitor of a husband and his bunch of thieves were stealing multi millions from us or giving billions to Iran. The less America sees the Obama's, the better!!!

    1. I know ignorance is a point of pride among cult 45 member members so you win another bottle of vodka, good work comrade.

    2. you need to get your facts straight!!!

  24. Racism, fear, division. She would know. That's exactly what the democrats have done these last 4 years in their quest for power. The Obamas are the most disgusting purveyors of these 3 qualities.

    1. that's some warped perspective

  25. said the peanut who caused the racism, division, hate and fear in the first place and then ran off to live in the whitest, richest most exclusive suburb in the world in a beach side multi million dollar

    yeah - go USA

    making racism normal for rich people to sell to poor people

  26. http://gph.is/1IRp81M


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