Slow-motion video of a sneeze shows the importance of wearing a face mask.


Slow-motion video of a sneeze shows the importance of wearing a face mask

The next time you hear someone decrying the importance of face masks during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, just show them this video.

In the footage above, Gav from The Slow Mo Guys films himself counting aloud, coughing, and sneezing at 1000fps. The cough and the sneeze are as gross as you'd probably expect, but what's perhaps more unnerving is the number of particles ejected from his mouth even when he talks at normal volume. 

And when Gav repeats the experiment while wearing a face mask? Barely anything escapes.

"I think what you've just shown is a graphically beautiful demonstration of the importance of wearing masks and face coverings," says guest Dr Anthony Fauci, as they watch the footage back together.

"We know now that about 40-45 percent of the people who are infected don't have any symptoms, and yet they have virus in their nasopharynx," says the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. "And we know that a substantial proportion of infections are transmitted from someone who doesn't have any symptoms.

"So people have an understandable but incorrect interpretation that the only time you transmit infection is when you're coughing or sneezing all over someone. What they don't appreciate is that if you are speaking, even if you don't speak loudly — and if you are singing, which is even worse than just speaking — you have these particles that come out that can stay in the air for a period of time."

It's the same experiment seen published in the medical journal Thorax in July, which boasted a similarly vile video. You can't unsee it, can you?



  1. It’s one of the reasons that masks aren’t as effective as we are led to believe..... if your not using it correctly it could do more harm than good.

  2. But they dont protect.

    1. who don’t they protect? If you sneeze or cough in a mask if you wear a mask it keeps the spray and germs you emit from traveling very far. That’s what has been videotaped.

    2. how would that not protect others when you are sneezing into a mask and not in open air...common sense says they do

  3. Try walking through the grocery store, wearing a mask and having a sneezing fit ;D

  4. Noone goes round sneezing in ppls faces ffs. Plus one would put their hands in the way, plus who wants to full on sneeze in a mask and carry on wearing it? Posts like this are plain stupid

  5. Show it again with the mask on. Kinda hard to compare.

  6. Honestly seeing how many aerosolized particles came out and continued to just float when you said 1234 was pretty eye opening, I’d already been wearing a mask but that’s a lot of particles that we just normally don’t see

  7. I love how timid Dr.Fauci was at first, but once he got going he really delivered a great deal of knowledge for this video. Very nicely done thank you.

    1. Yeah, watching the way he responded to the video made me cringe. Reminded me of when sssniperwolf just tells you what happens in a video and calls it a reaction lmao

    2. The questions afterwards were interesting though

  8. I actually gagged multiple times when you showed the sneeze and I've NEVER had that from digital footage in my life

    1. Yep, did that too. I just skipped the parts

  9. So many people don't cover their nose with the mask. I wish you'd have tried some things with a mask not covering your nose.

    1. That would have been interesting. It's especially important because that's where the virus actually tends to shed from, not the inside of your mouth. (Viral particles do travel back through your sinuses into your mouth and out through your saliva, to be clear.)

  10. Why did I decide to eat while watching this

  11. I feel like gavin legitimately surprised Dr.Fauci. I dont think he expected such good questions, and I like that he respected gavin and slow-mo guys enough to to dig in amd give good answers.

    1. Fauci seems like the sort of person who will gladly answer honest questions with detail and humility.

    2. I bet he heard "youtuber" and expected TMZ like questions that just want the buzzwords to sell adversts and views and was shocked that lil gavvy wavvy was not only polite, but was well informed and had a video that proves that a picture is worth a thousands words, and then some.

  12. "How do I UNsee something" has gotta be the most slow mo guys phrase ever

  13. As a fellow Brit, I'd not heard Dr Fauci speak before. I had no idea he sounded so much like Christopher Walken!

    1. You should have heard him a couple months ago - before the 'procedure. He had one (or more) polyps removed from his vocal 'cords'
      He sounds much better now.
      Here is a link to a conversation at Georgetown uni from July.
      That is how he sounded before.

    2. I think he's got more of an Alan Alda feel, but that comes from seeing Alda play him in And the Band Played On.

  14. The subtle support for Meg by wearing her merch was very sweet.

    1. Who is Meg? I really like the mask

    2. meg turney! his girlfriend.

  15. I'd been wearing my mask anyway, but the visual helps as a reminder of how useful they really are!

    It can be disheartening when you see so many people dismissing public safety, but it helps to remember that what we are doing really does make a difference.

  16. Can we please get some Dr. Fauci appreciation. The guy is trying to save us from not only covid but selfish people to the point his family is getting death threats. Let’s show him some ❤

    1. i believe he was also highly influential in spreading awareness about aids? or something like that. but his resume is impressive and he definitely has helped a lot of people

    2. How naive you people are?!!!
      He has a lot $ to earn from vaccines.
      He is the one who started this (and not only this) in order to sell the vaccines right after...
      There is big strategy behind the beautiful face he wants to show us on media.
      5G with high GHz beams included

      You go ahead and trust him.

  17. Gavin, I love your content, to the point where I'd probably be a fan even without being a fan of your other works, but this was probably the most disgusting thing I've seen you do.
    It was very useful information, and quite fascinating, but also repulsively detailed. It makes me want to wear several masks, and invest in a poking stick, for both interacting with things, and keeping people away.
    Very well done.

    1. The worst was defo the slap on gruchy.. maybe the water filled ball from way back at the start.. Dan'd gob flying everywhere was gag inducing.,


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