Pete Buttigieg once again uses a Fox News interview to calmly dismantle the Trump campaign's logic.


Pete Buttigieg once again uses a Fox News interview to calmly dismantle the Trump campaign's logic

Pete Buttigieg is certainly making the most of his time on Fox News this week.

On Wednesday he was interviewed by Martha MacCallum and Bret Baier, and managed to completely turn around their question on policy differences between Senator Harris and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden using a simple comparison to the Trump campaign.

Then, on Thursday, he popped up on the network once again — this time chatting to Steve Doocy of Fox & Friends about Trump's refusal to appear in a virtual debate.

"Well it's too bad, I don't know why the president's afraid to participate in a debate. All of us have had to get used to virtual formats," says Buttigieg, before attacking the president's decision directly in relation to safety.

"It's not something I think most of us enjoy, but it's a safety measure. And I think part of why the U.S. is falling behind, is badly behind the rest of the developed world on dealing with the pandemic is because every time there's been a choice between doing something that's more safe, or less safe, this president seems to push forward less safe.

"Of course, the only reason that we're here in the first place is that the president of the United States is still contagious, as far as we know, with a deadly disease," Buttigieg concluded. "I don't know why you'd want to be in a room with other people if you were contagious with a deadly disease."

You can watch the full interview, which also includes some fairly scathing comments from Buttigieg about Trump's denial that he called fallen troops "suckers" and "losers," below


  1. That was an awesome clip!

  2. Go, Pete! True hero and patriot! Bring the reality to the fake media channel that misinforms and lies for the Agent Orange

  3. Proving again why he should have been the nominee ;(

  4. At this stage, Biden doesn't have to do another thing and can even stay in his basement if he wanted to and just let Trump do his thing. The more Trump is unhinged, the better for Biden.

  5. Pete you did a great job telling it like it is on FOX NEWS ha ha ha

  6. I guess it's not a real court if the defendant speaks to the judge remotely through a video screen. Or when a Dr. consults with you then orders treatment through a zoom application.

  7. Trump is afraid to use virtual reality because he doesn’t know how to use it he went to trump university ;D ;D ;D ;D

    1. and also dodged the draft. We have a coward in the white house who prefers to hide in a bunker behind three barrier fences and incite others to fight and risk life or imprisonment for him.

  8. Peter dropped Truth bomb after truth bomb! The Fox News host was speechless! ;D


  10. According to the new Journalism Ethics, isn’t CNN their battle field?

  11. Biden can't think for himself, its called DEMENTIA, debate has to be together in person

  12. This is the great fear of the sociopathic orange.

    1. yeah. Right up there with that "hope and change". :|

    2. How about law and order from a president who has countless pending indictments, his cronies in jail, and women accusing him of rape?

    3. yep, anyone who would insist on going out in public when you have the virus that has killed over 210,000 Americans can’t be too stable and only thinks of himself. We need a president who cares for people. The reason why this country has so much unrest right now is solely because of Trump and his division. We need a president that unites and can lead us through this pandemic. Spreading the virus is not an answer.

  13. Moderator has a mute button

  14. Mashable been biased again!

    1. ;| . Not used to hearing the truth?

  15. No its smart what part of contagious do you not understand

  16. Hes afraid of the mute button

  17. Old man wants to talk to a real person, not virtually? And he scared being mute! ;)

  18. Yeah with wires and teleprompters

  19. Mayor Pete has a very bright future ahead of him. Love this guy.

  20. Oh , I think I’d ray watch Peter smooch his boyfriend on tv

  21. Do much truth in Buttigieg’s words....trump doesn’t care about other people

  22. How to handle bullies

  23. Pete is so awesome

  24. So good. Love Buttigieg. He always says it like it is.

  25. Hello 911: Yes, I would like to report a murder.

  26. He'll submit an executive order that he can't be cut off by the moderator.....he will show, otherwise he's a coward!!

  27. No longer watching fox so don’t really care

  28. Can't we stick him on an island typhoid Mary style so he quits infection everyone?

  29. He won’t do virtual because they’ll mute his fat mouth if he tries to interrupt as is his prescription

  30. Maybe he can use that “lower your stress” dating app you reviewed the other week!

  31. Because Biden cheaters would set up teleprompters on what to say to answer questions. He needs to do this debate on his own....hes Harris and Nasty Nancy's puppet

  32. “For the Debate Commission to now rush to Joe Biden’s defense by unilaterally canceling an in-person debate is pathetic," Trump said in a statement, adding, "We'll pass on this sad excuse to bail out Joe Biden and do a rally instead.”

    After the White House released a memo from the president's physician Thursday saying the president can resume normal activities as early as Saturday, Stepien said in another statement that the commission should "reverse course" and have the debate in person.

    "There is therefore no medical reason why the Commission on Presidential Debates should shift the debate to a virtual setting, postpone it, or otherwise alter it in any way," he said. "The commission must stop protecting Joe Biden from this in-person debate and allow the event to proceed as it was agreed to months ago."

  33. This is another sign of the Democrats changing the rules to help them , do you really believe this is not to benefit Biden

  34. Wow you guys believe anything, haha

  35. Trump is not mentally capable to debate

  36. Trump is just mad that he won’t be able to talk over Biden because he can get muted ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

  37. Replies
    1. that will go so well!!! ;D ;D

    2. I hope he gets a cabinet position in Pres. Biden’s administration!

    3. too bad mayor is as far as he'd EVER go in politics!!! ;D

  38. Daniel George this was awesome. Listen to the video interview.

  39. Trump just can't take being call a clown one more time in person


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