Apple's got a ton of new products coming next year, report says.

Apple's got a ton of new products coming next year, report says

My wallet is crying.

Apple fans, start saving money now, because there's a ton of new Apple gear coming in 2022.

In his latest Power On newsletter (via 9to5Mac), Bloomberg's Mark Gurman has listed all the new products Apple is planning to launch next year, according to his sources.

Of course, the list includes the standard gadgets Apple releases every year, such as new iPhones (though, notably, an iPhone SE with 5G is also coming). And we’ve already heard rumors about most of these gadgets. But just seeing all this stuff in one place warms our heart and makes us excited for the year to come.

Starting with the Mac, Gurman says Apple will launch a new Mac Mini, a new high-end iMac, an upgraded Mac Pro, all with Apple silicon inside. There will also be a completely redesigned MacBook Air with an M2 processor, as well as a new, entry-level MacBook Pro.                                                                                                                                      

On the tablet front, Apple plans to update the iPad Air as well as the entry-level iPad. As for the iPad Pro, it's getting a new design with wireless charging, a first for the iPad.

A total of three new Apple Watch devices are coming: the regular new model, a new, affordable Apple Watch SE variant, and a ruggedized version for sporty types. Apple reportedly also plans to launch new AirPods Pro earbuds.

Finally, Gurman says Apple plans to launch its long-rumored augmented/virtual reality headset next year.

That's a lot of devices, and given the global chip shortage and the seemingly neverending COVID-19 pandemic, some of these might get delayed into next year. If all goes according to plan, though, it will be a very interesting year for Apple aficionados.

More in Apple


  1. My card is running away from me..i font know what happen..ahaha

  2. Mine isn't I never buy Apple :) got them for free.

  3. Mine too. Why don’t Apple having a Gift policy!!!!

  4. I wonder if they’ll be able to overcome material shortages to do so…

  5. It will all be the same shit with absurd prices.

  6. The stories remain the same, only the date changes.
    You could literally copy and past these articles year after year by writing a script that just adds +1 to whatever year they were written in.

  7. That would be awesome. I thought the iPhone would use this kind of charging before going completely port-less too...

    1. No! No! No! I don't want a port-less iPhone. I don't need the port for charging very often (Qi/MagSafe does fine for 99% of the time), nor for headphones (Bluetooth works fine for entertainment use) but a wired connection is better for some uses, and I definitely use it when videoing (to connect a decent mic - a Røde VMNTG).

  8. There was rumors a few years back on long range wireless charging, where there was a wireless charging base station with something like a 12ft or so range, but they never emerged. Maybe that technology is closer to be released to the market…

    If it was proven to be safe and no cause cancer or other issues, it would be cool to walk into a room or a car and as soon as the device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, smartwatch, etc.) gets close enough to the base station and start charging..

    1. Nope? What do you mean by Nope? Do you mean that it's not coming out next year? I'm not saying it is I just hope that maybe it's getting closer to being released to the market.

  9. I'm just getting into the Apple ecosystem so still seeing what products work best for my needs.

  10. "My wallet is crying." LMAO

  11. I just want the big iMac.

    1. 'Gimme the 27"... come on 2022 !

  12. My theory is that rather than Qi-charging type wireless charging, they'll introduce the same fast-charging MagSafe connector from the new MacBook Pros to the iPad Pros. It's thinner and seems like it would easily be able to fit on the flat edge of the current iPads. Then you could charge with either the MagSafe or the USB-C, or use both at the same time for charging/data transfer.

    1. So now your Space Grey iPad can look just as funny as your Space Grey MacBook with that awful silver-only MagSafe puck. I really hope they update it! ;D

    2. Yeah I really don’t get that…after going through the trouble of making matching accessories for 7 different iMac colors you would think they could make a space gray MagSafe…

    3. Exactly. I noticed someone on ebay with a cache of new Space Grey Magic Touchpads. He was selling them for $300 and they sold out in two days. Clearly there is a demand for Space Gray accessories with black keys and touch surfaces.

    4. If they hadn’t done the iMacs earlier in the year I would have let it slide, but this was very clearly a cheap/lazy move by Apple.

  13. All I want to know about the next iPP is WHEN. Spring I'll wait, fall I might have to bite the bullet and get the existing almost year old design.

    1. "the existing almost year old design" The current iPad Pro design is 3 years old. Not almost 1 year old.

    2. The shell is, but they changed the processor and screen last spring. TBH I don't really care about what it looks like, I keep it in a case. I'm wondering when they're going to update the guts.

  14. Ready for new AirPods

  15. This just in: Apple plans to update their products next year. These rumors are all the same, just the release date changes when it doesn't happen in the "rumored" or "predicted" period. It would be interesting to see some of these but not everything is going to make the list. Apple is hit or miss on annually updating the iPad Pro and there's no reason for them to put anything more than an M1 in the iPad Pro until more developers take advantage of the M1 (in iPadOS) and, realistically, iPadOS gains more macOS-like features. Until then, Apple could put an M1 Max or an M2 Super Duper Max in an iPad Pro and it will still be held back by iPadOS.

    What I would really like to see is an updated MacBook Air design. I hope the rumors are true about Apple adding colors to them, like with the iMac and iPad Air. I held off on getting the new MBP only because I know I would reserve a speced out blue MBA if Apple released one. I would love to see a modern iBook G3, like the iBooks that Apple made after Jobs came back to the company. The current M1 iMac gives me iMac G3 vibes, I want the same for a MacBook Air. They could even drop the Air name or call it something else altogether. I don't care, Apple should continue injecting color into their products.

  16. It's a little difficult adding wireless charging to a large screen tablet. Where are they going to put the coils in the back? If they had long range wireless charging where there was a base station with 12ft or so range, maybe that would be cool, but I don't know how close to coming to market that type of wireless charging is at this point.. I know there are companies working on that type of solution, the question is, how much is it going to cost, and how safe and effective is it?


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