Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal. The 'Home Alone' house is on Airbnb.

Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal. The 'Home Alone' house is on Airbnb.

We hope no one breaks in.

Credit: AirBnb/ Sarah Crowley

The ultimate 90's holiday movie is moving from reel life to real life.

This December, the original house from Home Alone is available to book for a one-night stay through Airbnb, if you're lucky.

That's right, the house where Kevin McCallister spent one significant Christmas (while the rest of the family jetted off to Paris), will be the home of one lucky group of people who manage to book the famous locale, based in Winnetka, Illinois just north of downtown Chicago. An added bonus is that you'll be hosted by Kevin's big brother Buzz, otherwise known as actor Devin Ratray.                                                                            

Do not leave any ornaments on the floor as burglar deterrents, please. Credit: Airbnb / Sarah Crowley.

You can sleep here, and not in the attic with Fuller McCallister, who did not go easy on the Pepsi. Credit: Airbnb / Sarah Crowley.

The home features some carefully-curated moments and details from the iconic movie, which will be instantly recognizable for diehard Home Alone fans. This includes actual booby traps (that guests will set up themselves) for potential intruders, '90s junk food (presumably to inhale while watching rubbish), Kevin's ostentatious green robe to wear, and Buzz's pet tarantula.

It's all a clever bit of promo for both Airbnb and the latest instalment of the Home Alone film franchise, Home Sweet Home Alone, which guests can watch in the house (you might have to watch this in place of Angels with Filthy Souls).                                     

You guys give up? Or are you thirsty for more? From the nostalgia-inducing photographs of the house, it seems very clearly decked out in time for Christmas, with an array of stockings, a fully-decorated tree, and a dining table set up for a candlelit, highly nutritious, microwavable macaroni and cheese dinner — although it must be said, the McAllisters seemingly decorated their house for the season permanently, with all those reds and greens in the wallpaper and carpet.

You might have to BYO aftershave if you're looking to recreate certain mirror moments, it's not clear whether you'll be able to order cheese pizza from nearby, and hopefully no one...actually tries to break in?

We're unsure if you're able to ride a sled down this. Credit: AirBnb / Sarah Crowley.

Bless this highly nutritious microwavable macaroni and cheese dinner and the people who sold it on sale. Credit: Airbnb / Sarah Crowley.

Lush parental robe. Credit: Airbnb / Sarah Crowley.

Ah, family memories. Credit: Airbnb /Sarah Crowley.

Alongside this event, Airbnb will be making a one-time donation to Chicago’s La Rabida Children’s Hospital, dedicated to improving and sustaining the lives of patients with chronic illnesses, disabilities, and complex conditions.

Potential guests can request to book this stay beginning Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 1 p.m. CT at — yes, it's seemingly the luck of the draw who gets to stay here. The house will be available on Dec. 12.

More in Airbnb


  1. Everyone who stays there clogs the sink and leaves the faucet running.

  2. unless they remodeled most of it was filmed in a school

  3. Looks just like the Sigma Kappa house at Illinois !

  4. This movie is incredible.

    Mainly the 2, beautiful movie!

  5. Don't even need a house tour

  6. No one tell my kids.

  7. I would so stay here! Good job @Airbnb !

  8. How can this movie be so good?

  9. You don't make movies like this anymore.

  10. "We hope no one breaks in."

  11. Airbnb launches such an event, and the best part is that they are doing it for the hospital, this is a Christmas miracle!

    1. In the days we are living in, in the world we are actually living in, it is a beautiful action.

  12. If you go to their website it says it is being hosted by Buzz LMAO, I don't think Kevin will be present with Buzz at home.

    1. They made up in the second movie.

    2. Made?



      I did not remember.

  13. Very good that scene, and the movie too.


  15. Family, you can't live with her, you can't live without her.

  16. LMAO you little Jerk ;D ;D ;'D

  17. This event gonna be epic !

  18. Bird Lady : The man I loved fell out of love with me. That broke my heart. When the chance to be loved came along again, I ran away from it. I stopped trusting people.

    Kevin McCallister : No offense, but that seems like sort of a dumb thing to do.

    Bird Lady : I was afraid of getting my heart broken again. Sometimes you can trust a person, and then, when things are down, they forget about you.

    Kevin McCallister : Maybe they're just too busy. Maybe they don't forget about you, but they forget to remember you. People don't mean to forget. My grandfather says if my head wasn't screwed on, I'd leave it on the school bus.

    Bird Lady : I'm just afraid if I do trust someone, I'll get my heart broken.

    Kevin McCallister : I understand. I had a nice pair of rollerblades. I was afraid to wreck them, so I kept them in a box. Do you know what happened? I outgrew them. I never wore them outside. Only in my room a few times.

    Bird Lady : A person's heart and feelings are very different than skates.


  20. Day 6 I leave the computer on, with auto click to buy.

    1. I believe it will be out of stock very quickly.

    2. Booking opens Dec 7 at 4:00 PM BRT


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