Elon Musk is Time's Person of the Year.

Elon Musk is Time's Person of the Year

It's because of the jokes, right?

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, meme connoisseur, and the man who seemingly lives on Twitter is Time's 2021 Person of the Year.

It was a bit of an easy choice, really: In 2021, Tesla's soaring stock has propelled Musk into the "richest man in the world" position with a $67 billion buffer between him and the guy in the second place. SpaceX also did well, with numerous successful rocket launches and very few fumbles this year.

And Musk himself was seemingly everywhere, tweeting out memes, selling his houses for hundreds of millions, moving crypto markets with single tweets, selling Tesla stock worth billions (after conducting a Twitter poll about it), and brushing his problems away as they were nothing (notably, though, some of his tweets were horrible).

"For creating solutions to an existential crisis, for embodying the possibilities and the perils of the age of tech titans, for driving society’s most daring and disruptive transformations, Elon Musk is Time's 2021 Person of the Year," the magazine explained.                                                                                                                                             

Born in Pretoria, South Africa in 1971, Musk showed potential from an early age; he coded a video game at 12 and sold it to a computer magazine for $500. His first major success came in 1999, when Compaq bought Zip2, the company he co-founded with brother Kimbal, for $22 million. Later on, the sale of PayPal to eBay netted him $180 million (Musk founded the company X.com which was merged with Confinity to become PayPal). Even after these successes, Musk never sat still, investing nearly all he had into SpaceX and Tesla. He heads both companies today, and still finds time and energy for side projects such as Neuralink and Boring Company.

Time also published a lengthy interview with the man himself, and a fairly comprehensive overview of the good and not-so-good deeds Musk has done this year.

Time also chose Olivia Rodrigo as Entertainer of the Year, Simone Biles as Athlete of the Year, and COVID-19 vaccine scientists as Heroes of the Year.

More in Elon Musk


  1. Lots of hurt feelings here… this is fantastic. You guys should look up some others who have won this award. O.O

  2. so many other worthwhile people.. ugh

  3. Says it all about society. Ugh.

  4. Now it's time to pay your taxes

  5. “If you earned it that's good, you still deserve it, but even if you earned it you still owe.” -Tupac

  6. Being 'average' became taboo a long time ago...capitalism requires exceptionalism...exceptionalism produces classes...winners and losers...

    The American dream has gone from working hard to get ahead, to have nice things...to working hard to not become homeless your next paycheck...and working hard all day so that Musk can become Times person of the year, well is not for me...

    1. I'm sure Elon Musk hasn't worked hard at all to get to where he is in life...

    2. Capitalism (strongly) favors the rich...yes Musk worked hard but today he pays zero taxes...none at all...the richest person is the world pays no personal income taxes...Times person of the year pays zero personal taxes...people celebrate Musk not paying taxes...that is beyond absurd (IMO)...let this sink in for awhile...

      And then ponder (if you can) how a one way trip to Mars becomes a (somewhat) national 'unifying' goal...(hint, becoming Times person of the year helps...a lot)...never mind the facts...ie, long term interplanetary space travel is deadly to humans...but Musk says we are going to Mars...he is a great motivational speaker...optimism is real but some visions cannot come true...yet the visionary reaps rewards in real time...

    3. Why the sour grapes? The obvious solution is to get rich. What are you missing here? Work hard and be creative and then you don't have to pay taxes. The solution to your bitterness is literally in your comment.

    4. Not sour grapes...but do really think the poor deserve to pay taxes, while the rich should not?...

      Inequality is mostly looked down on in many cultures and societies...except maybe by those who have gained some real status and power...striving to be better does not equal striving to be rich and powerful...

    5. he is paying 15 million in taxes at least…. Just because he doesn’t have an income and doesn’t pay an income tax doesn’t mean he isn’t paying taxes, they are just classified differently

    6. It's called the "American Dream" because you have to be asleep to believe it. :P

    7. He will be paying roughly $15 billion dollars in taxes this year from selling shares. All this while challenging the statue quo in the automobile and energy industry, forcing every other player in the industry with him.
      Fortunately your emotions won't change anything :)

    8. I see you are totally uneducated of how taxes work.

    9. tax on paying shares? What about paying tax on actual revenue? And honestly, his technology isnt nearly green enough get

    10. life isn’t about winners and losers. Musk isn’t a winner. He is just wealthy.

    11. Musk is a winner, a genius, and a great role model.

  7. Billionaire worship needs to stop

    1. People worship money so automatically anyone with money will be worshipped

    2. He is mostly hated for being rich (atleast judged by what I read and also comments in this thread).
      However he is idolised by countless people for his contributions to humanity. Every company in the space and automotive industry is trying to follow his footsteps, yet there are still so many people who don't acknowledge any of his accomplishments. It's sad..

  8. Clearly musk deserves one trillion dollars a year, I mean, how hard is it to understand we should all sell both our kidneys and just buy a flame thrower. So that musk can have a 100 trillion dollars a year. Noobs. 420,69.

  9. Well deserved as a true visionary of our time in so many ways. He’s changed the world and redefined it here on earth and in space.

    1. Yup, shortly we will have a network of thousands of satellites for internet service...woo-hoo...let me know when we get back to the moon...its going to be a while...

  10. Acute narcicist, an absolute clown

  11. https://media1.tenor.co/images/ac3918bcad26f546b2658421577aaae0/tenor.gif?ver=1112&c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2tfd2ViY29tbWVudHM&itemid=11138737&fbclid=IwAR0jVNUpeOm3tA-XlSdw1uOIv-3OeRt23Rj-g2-dVJ-Qy3HxCIvKNESFBSk

  12. Who will be their Man of the Year?

  13. clear commentary on the crappy value system our so called civilization is based on.

    1. Yeah, why not instead choose someone who never accomplished anything? Also the Olympic gold should be handed out for last place.

    2. haha, hur länge har du ogillat Musk? Det här var nyheter för mig. Jag visste ju om din hÃ¥llning till clowner men detta… :D

    3. time of the year should have gone to Mr. Beast. Elon Musk's company has a huge history of racism and all he has done is bought out companys to use as money laundering fronts. now if space x is a front for reverse engineered technology then MAYBE the award could go to him.


      and that is supposed to be a joke...why?

  14. Why do people hate billionaires so much like these were what people strive to be I mean if you made it like that surely do you deserve the hate and I’m not saying he’s perfect but I geuss everyone who makes it gets haters who can’t function with out hate

  15. Not Jussie??? How dare they??

  16. Pos of the year more like it

  17. The time person of the year thing isn’t an award.

  18. https://media1.tenor.co/images/18d63901ccfefb1981f556bed081f366/tenor.gif?ver=1112&c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2tfd2ViY29tbWVudHM&itemid=16597300&fbclid=IwAR3LSHw_K7JqCvSdCuqNswzHxOl20GuZCKBKBaoaYO3x0kesCpJ9vuZXyQA

  19. What? Because he's the richest guy in the world?

    1. Atleast read his wiki page before commenting ;D

  20. Oh yea let's celebrate another rich douche bag just like every other times person of the year. What a joke

  21. Definitely a big influencer an intellectual and someone who tells it how it is.

    1. ur thought bro based on what u know to tell how it is to someone

    2. Like it is?...not even close...they tell you what to believe, and you believe it...not only that you want to believe it, which is the saddest part of it...

    3. If youre gonna make a rebuttal at least back it up with specific examples. Saying something doesn't make it true.

    4. so you too beliebe the planet has a human underpopulation problem?

    5. Definitely not, we need a Thanos solution lol

  22. Why can’t an average person like a doctor or a nurse who’s not a billionaire and does more for humanity to keep them alive be the person

  23. They used to shoot War Profiteers but we put Pandemic Profiteers on Time these days.

  24. Well deserved for rugging all the dogcoiners in May.

  25. Remember everyone, Hitler was once person of the year.

  26. Yea.. so was Joseph, so was adolf.


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