Elon Musk still needs pre-approval for some tweets, judge rules.

Elon Musk still needs a Twitter babysitter, judge rules

The Tesla CEO agreed back in 2018 to get pre-approval for some tweets. He's apparently had second thoughts.

No backsies! Credit: Win McNamee / Getty

Elon Musk may soon own Twitter, but that doesn't mean he can tweet whatever he wants about Tesla.

So declared a federal judge Wednesday, who determined that — despite the billionaire's plea — Musk cannot simply get out of a previously agreed to 2018 settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission merely because he feels like it. That agreement, which required Musk to pay a $20 million settlement and step down from his role as Tesla's chairman for a period of three years, followed an extremely ill-considered 2018 "funding secured" tweet from Musk, and included a provision that any tweet by the Tesla CEO concerning his car company get pre-approved by Tesla's lawyers.

"Musk, by entering into the consent decree in 2018, agreed to the provision requiring the pre-approval of any such written communications that contain, or reasonably could contain, information material to Tesla or its shareholders," wrote U.S. District Judge Lewis Liman in part. "He cannot now complain that this provision violates his First Amendment rights."

Musk's lawyers first asked the courts for a hearing on this issue back in early March, and Wednesday's ruling is the result of that. Things, clearly, did not go as hoped for Musk.

Even so, it's unclear if the latest ruling will have any discernible impact on Musk's Twitter habit. Time and time again, since 2018, Musk has repeatedly tweeted about Tesla.

His pending acquisition of Twitter is unlikely to dampen that habit.                                     

More in TeslaTwitterElon Musk


  1. He's been using the platform as a tool for stock manipulation for a number of years now.

    1. learned it from the best . Gates , Bezos , Jobs and Buffet . But mostly from the political elite .

    2. Nope. Sometimes "whataboutism" just doesn't work. Buffet hasn't been on Twitter since 2017, and Steve Jobs didn't use Twitter at all, so . . .

    3. has nothing to do with Twitter . It has to do with information leaks about the companies they run . They us in to manipulate the market cap .

    4. "has nothing to do with Twitter"? This story is specifically about Twitter. My posted response about Musk using the platform was specifically about Twitter. You said, "he learned it from the best". How is that not a reference to Twitter?

    5. it about the Fine the put on Musk for manipulation of stock price . They all do it .

    6. https://www.cnbc.com/.../sec-wants-stronger-insider...

  2. Well this is not going to end well with him on the edit button.

  3. Hopefully he behaves himself & doesn’t throw any more tantrums!

  4. No government interference is what he wants. No government control.

  5. I don't think he bought twitter to talk cars, more about FREE SPEECH!

    1. or stock manipulation.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. could be.....but i doubt it.....if he did he could lose everything....I don't think he's that greedy

    4. LOl. Are you being sarcastic? He literally used the platform to talk down his own stock price, dogecoin's stock price and other holdings he's had.

    5. just my opion

  6. spaceship man bad

  7. You can always get a buddy to tweet

  8. Every time he breaks a law he gains billions. Gets fined only millions. He has no incentive to stop. Anyone who believes he bought Twitter as a free speech move for the people, is sadly ill informed.

  9. Well said, 2018...

    I believe that nowadays he knows WELL what he does!

  10. If they did that to him imagine what it's like for the people struggling because everything ain't what it seems..

  11. Tesla yes. Twitter, no

  12. He should close his account on Twitter. Cannot participate in discussion on a platform which he controls (cannot be judge and a side at the same time)

  13. Liberal rag Mashable doing everything it can to attack Elon Musk now that he purchased Twitter. It's sad really.

    Waits for the "but..." replies.

  14. Take a look at all of these anti-Twit articles. Have you ever seen such hand-wringing and fear from the corporate media?

    Mashable is voluntarily carrying heavy water for corporate media & the elites. Propaganda overdrive.

  15. Boy the dumbocrats are really upset about this

    1. And the insurrectionists are celebrating… did you have a point ?


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