Two major tech executives leave Trump's Truth Social.

Trump's social media platform continues to flounder as two major tech executives ditch Truth Social

Adams and Boozer were key to the app's development.

Yet another big setback hits Trump's struggling Truth Social platform. Credit: Stefani Reynolds / AFP) (Photo By STEFANI REYNOLDS/AFP Via Getty Images

Just over a month after going live on the Apple App Store, two central tech figures working at Truth Social are saying "bye bye" to former president Donald Trump's social media endeavor.

According to a new report by Reuters, Truth Social's "chiefs of technology and product development" Josh Adams and Billy Boozer have resigned from the company. 

Their resignations could have major implications for the conservative media project. Sources highlighted to Reuters just how integral the two were, with one calling Adams the "brains" behind Truth Social's development. Boozer was described as having a "major leadership role" and acting as a manager across multiple teams working on Truth Social. As Reuters mentions in its report, the hiring pool was already fairly limited for Truth Social due to the nature of it being a politically conservative platform.

Adams and Boozer's decisions to leave the company are yet another major blow to the alternative social network. When first announced last year, an alpha version of Truth Social's unreleased website was quickly discovered by trolls who quickly defaced the platform with fake accounts and vulgar memes like pig poop balls.

Shortly after, Trump's social media platform was forced to publicly credit Mastodon, the open-source software it was built on after it broke its licensing agreement by omitting those details.

When Truth Social finally launched on President's Day this past February, most weren't even able to use the platform. Instead, potential users were met with a waitlist. Many potential users have still not been granted access to the platform. Those who have been let into Truth Social have found that these various issues have resulted in a fairly inactive platform, unless you're an established figure in the conservative movement. 

Billed as a "free speech" platform, users on Truth Social discovered that the social media platform is anything but. Just like the Big Tech platforms, Truth Social has its own rules that have resulted in bans and content being removed. In fact, one user reported that the username they registered on Truth Social was banned from the platform simply because a user with a similar username that trolls Trump Media & Technology Group CEO Devin Nunes on Twitter. Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) is the parent company of Truth Social.

Truth Social has seen its new iOS app installs plummet from hundreds of thousands of downloads to just 60,000 in recent weeks. The app is only available in Apple's App Store, with no web or Android version yet. To make matters worse, the man who the entire company is based around, Donald Trump, has been MIA on his own social media platform. Trump made one post prior to the app's launch and has not posted since.

It's unclear exactly why Adams and Boozer have left the company. However, all these issues certainly could have played a part. Their departure is already having a negative impact on the company as shares in Digital World Acquisition Corp., the shell company TMTG merged with in order to trade on the stock market, have dropped by as much as 14 percent on the news. 


  1. It needs work with the algorithms and the way it functions. They have more than enough money to make this work.

    1. If it's bilking the gullible for money, then it's performing as planned.

    2. what algorithms do they need to work on?


    4. i doubt if this true dear

    5. they was it flows and connects people. It also has lots of bugs.

    6. ahh they should hire you

    7. So the two top tech guys who are probably responsible for the way this BS site operates, bolted. Who would have guessed. Everything tfg touches,dies.

  2. this was a fail from the beginning ... and they haven't even had any hack attacks .... SAD!

  3. Call it what it is, Bulls*t Social :|

  4. They probably got fired !

  5. Well, who did not see this disaster unfold, except for the genius financiers who bankrolled it. Maybe they got out as well and had other suckers take their place.

  6. Why would it be any different than his failed casino, failed airlines, failed ice rink, failed attempt to become an owner of an NFL team, failed president, failed coup, the list continues. His reality TV show was a bit of a success but that was due to the producer. But he is an incredible success at conning fools across America.

  7. The truth is, it sucks. And I don't even have an account, nor will I ever.

  8. Just like everything else he has a part in.

    1. like his 4 Middle East peace deals, no war and energy independence? Biden is a complete failure and the most corrupt president outside of Barry!

    2. “energy independence” LMAO ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

    3. we were. Just because you don’t believe it does change the facts

    4. someone woke the Trump supporter.

    5. did you even read the article ? ;D ;D.. so during one week US exported more than imported. That’s not energy independence. Also article says “Trump doesn't deserve the credit for this boom. Oil companies do” .. ;D ;D ;D… “facts are scary” she says ;D ;D ;D

  9. You can TRY to digitize anything. A circus is best experienced in person CLOWN !!

  10. This app users and data will be a great database for FBI to “look into”

  11. Failed!
    Like everything else related to that name.

    1. his only success is conning fools into campaign contributions.

  12. It's fine .you can't stop what's coming.

    1. yes, jail time for the trumps.

    2. just google the name John Durham. It’s actually Hillary and Company that will be in jail very soon! Seriously Google it.

    3. yes. I agree.

    4. yes that would yell better results! WWG1WGA

    5. pretty sure you’re not going anywhere, solo or together.

  13. He seems to have an issue with staff retention. Can't think why.

  14. Over 1.47m waitlist to login into the app… yea it’s not floundering

  15. He should sell it to Musk, he might get a Tesla Model 3 for it.

  16. #CompleteFailure for #TFG

  17. Very good app (y)

    1. that you, Vlad?

    2. I don't have the app but I have heard from other people it is pretty good also-:)

    3. exactly right ;D ;D LMAO

  18. Devin Nunes will save Truth Social.

  19. How long until Devin Nunes is back to tipping cows on his dairy farm?

  20. This is a good example of those Trump chooses to do a job for him. Their pledge to him, is worth more than the knowledge that is needed to do something right.

  21. Still waiting for access

  22. #CompleteFailure for #TFG


  24. You should have named it Don Jr, you knew it was going to fail

  25. why can't he just call Mr Android and Mrs iPhone and make it work, i remeber him saying they are his great friends

  26. Truth Social stopped any chance of true, long-term success when it started censoring people who don't agree with it

    The only social media which has truly kept its promise of free speech is Gab - That isn't changing any time soon. The Parallel economy is going full steam ahead

  27. I'm sure Nunes will save it!!!


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