Stephen Colbert blasts CBS for hiring Trump aide Mick Mulvaney.

Stephen Colbert blasts CBS for hiring Trump aide Mick Mulvaney

"Why would the Tiffany Network's venerable news division put this craven toady to a tyrant on their payroll?"

Late Show host Stephen Colbert has weighed in on CBS' much maligned decision to hire former Trump staffer Mick Mulvaney as a political analyst. Unsurprisingly, he isn't thrilled.

"What the f**k," Colbert said, looking straight down the barrel of the camera and unequivocally ridiculing his own network over the move.

"I for one can't wait to hear Mulvaney's trenchant and objective political analysis, considering that back in 2020 he suggested that coronavirus was the 'media hoax of the day,' and after his boss extorted [Ukranian president Volodymyr] Zelenskyy for dirt on the Bidens he said 'get over it,' and just days after the election he announced, 'if he loses the former president will concede gracefully,' adding 'He'll fight hard to make sure the results are fair, and in the end he'll accept the result whatever it is.'"

Colbert also noted that CBS' decision appeared to be an effort to appeal to Republicans — a notion he isn't shy about being phenomenally disinterested in.

"[They're] reworking our programming in the hopes of cosying up to the GOP, so get ready for our new spring lineup: Young QShamanBob Restricts the Reproductive Rights of Abishola, and Blue Bloods."


  1. Not sure he understands what a tyrant is.

    1. if course he doesn't he is paid by democrats

  2. Their corporate master's want Trump back. All the Wall St scavengers want that.

  3. "That's a private company and is their decision they can do whatever they want"

  4. Hats off to you SC for saying it like it is. Shame our politicians can't be straightforward like you, we'd all be in a much better place.

    1. Throwback to the Colbert Report, which, when O'Reilly @ Faux news, would get so pissed @ SC & Jon, yet two way different networks, one, being a COMEDY network...

  5. Stephen Colbert is a national treasure. Full stop.

  6. Go Steven! You outdid yourself with calling out the mulvaney issue!

  7. That was history in the making. Stephen really went against his own network's decision and direction. He is a man of conviction.

    1. It's really cool that people of a certain level of fame, who know that they're not in danger of getting fired because of their popularity, actually use their platform to tell whatever they want, daring the execs to fire them. John Oliver does it too, repeatedly bashing HBO sponsors in his bits.

    2. I wonder if Stephen will be fired ?

    3. Here's hoping Mulvaney and TFG will soon be men of CONVICTED.

  8. Remember, Mick Mulvaney resigned only after the insurrection. He helped cause it.

  9. How Mick Mulvaney has any currency left with anyone is a mystery. Democrats should hate him because he was an enabling toady, Republicans should hate him because he left their sinking ship (even if only at the last possible minute), and Independents should hate his "Kroger-brand Hugo Strange after being punched too hard by Batman" vibe (and pretty much everything else).

    I hope Republicans get crushed in the midterms so that CBS is stuck with Mick Mulvaney and the knowledge that they made a deal with the devil for nothing.

  10. HOLY BEEJEEZUS! I'm absolutely flabbergasted, this is peak comedy Stephen ! Thank you for broadcasting news raw and uncut. Not just entertaining but relevant and delivered exquisitely. This was savage af🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂

    1. News? ;D ;D ;D ;D LMAO. I bet you believe Comcast puppets too?

  11. Stephen never disappoints! I have to admit I was very interested in his thoughts on Mulvaney and Steve said precisely what I thought he would. Bravo!

  12. Nice to see Stephen have big balls unlike some of our politicians

  13. Wow, Mick Mulvaney should never ever again have a platform on TV unless it's to testify. Disgusting.

  14. Mulvaney to CBS is more startling than Rudy as The Masked Singer. These guys have a knack for rubbing the right elbows.

  15. Congrats Mr. Colbert for being willing to dump crap on his corporate overlords.

  16. Thank you Colbert for sticking up for truthiness and blasting your own Network. What is wrong with CBS/Paramount?!?!

  17. Wtf cbs. Guess you don’t care about democracy. Stephen you told the truth I still respect you.

  18. The most shocking thing wasn't Will Smith hitting Chris Rock but the standing ovation! What Will Smith did was disrespectful not only to Chris but also to all the guests and viewers. The standing ovation basically validated Will Smith's action. No one openly spoke for Chris. Sad to see Hollywood - the culture of America - stumbles down its own rabit hole.

  19. It takes MEGA-BALLS for Stephen to go after CBS for their horrendous decision, but then to show that it goes even deeper was astounding. We are not worthy. Hell, I was happy with jst the Uncle Phil joke before that. LOLOL

    1. He has the most to lose - I’m sure also moral & ethical reasons but he’s definitely gotta be the most popular show on here…
      He can’t afford this ban… tbh cbs can’t afford to lose HIM…

    2. I agree with all of that, Lady.

  20. I really love that 95% of the comments are praising his thoughts about Mulvaney and CBS.

    Bravo Stephen, that took guts. ❤

  21. Was just waiting for the Mulvaney mention. You didn't fail me. I know CBS explained why they are hiring him .... but why are they hiring him? Brilliant segment, as usual. ;D ;D

  22. Thanks for not letting me down Stephen. When I heard about the Mick M. farce I wondered if it would come up and figured you would be the one to do it! This is why I watch late night shows instead of television news. It's much more honest.

  23. Mick Mulvany as a political contributor on CBS? I am totally in agreement with Colbert, WTF!

  24. Now that's a man. He didn't need to do any physical slapping and just did a knock out with his words.--> Against his new boss no other. Colbert practices what he preaches.

    1. U guys need some privacy miss Colbert?? ;D ;D LMAO

    2. oh yeah that's hilarious. :|

  25. Underlings who feared telling the bad news to their dictator boss? Hey, it just happened in the US not that long ago!

  26. Looking forward to Stephen providing the 'other side of the aisle' responses to his new coworker's propaganda without any blowback from CBS execs.

  27. Well Stephen is at least going to have plenty of comedy bits to work with out of every single one of Mulvaney's bone headed political "analysis" segments in what should hopefully be a real short stint in the network.

  28. Stephen is such a national treasure.

  29. Thank you, Mr. Colbert, for pointing out that other Oscar winners have done far far worse than Will Smith and kept their Oscars.

  30. Props to the animators and editors who put in the clips of Slap-Happy Smith and Melting-Face-Nazi Mulvaney. Very well done; unexpected and hilarious!

  31. Massive respect to Stephen and all crew involved! Give em hell! They deserve it!

  32. Kudos to Stephen for criticizing CBS/Paramount+ cozyng up to the GQP by hiring Mickey Mouseiney: it's gross.


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