Golden Globes host Jerrod Carmichael nailed it with his opening speech | Mashable.

Jerrod Carmichael's monologue made the Golden Globes gloriously uncomfortable

"I'll tell you why I'm here. I'm here because I'm Black."

Golden Globes host Jerrod Carmichael truly called out the Hollywood Foreign Press Association with his opening speech at the award ceremony on Wednesday.

"I'll tell you why I'm here. I'm here because I'm Black," the comedian began.

In his monologue, Carmichael addressed some hard truths about the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which runs the Globes and which faced scrutiny last February when the Los Angeles Times revealed that it is 87 members included no Black people. NBC subsequently refused to air the 2022 Globes ceremony.

"I'll catch everyone in the room up," Carmichael said in his speech. “This show, the Golden Globe Awards, did not air last year because the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which — I won’t say they were a racist organization, but they didn’t have a single Black member until George Floyd died. So do with that information what you will."

In October, the organisation the HFPA included six Black members in its new additions.

Carmichael spoke about being asked to host the show by producer Stephen Hill, and being "unfireable" as the first Black person to host the Golden Globes. "One minute you're making mint tea at home, the next minute you’re invited to be the Black face of an embattled organization. Life comes at you pretty fast, you know?"

Carmichael wrapped up by joking about taking the gig despite thinking nothing had changed at the HFPA, and giving a genuine moment of respectful admiration for the nominees: "This industry deserves nights like these."

Want to see who won the gold? Here's the list of Golden Globes nominees and winners.

More in Golden Globes, Celebrities


  1. If you want funny watch Kimmel or Colbert. This was a watershed moment to openly confront a history of racial and gender bias that has existed in Hollywood forever. Kudos to him and the HFPC for allowing this confrontation.

  2. People really need to lighten and start learning the difference between racism and joking, social media had spawned a generation of snowflakes who want to judge everything to be offensive or an attack it's clearly a much better world now..🙄🤦

  3. Jarrod hosts the Golden Globes 🌎 because asked him to do it. I bet he never does it again. The day people can realize joking a out racism isn't funny. They didn't need him to host anyone could have done it. It's like making a joke about someone being bald oh He is lucky he didn't get slapped.

    1. you need to watch his monologue

  4. Why did he have to do that? Dude don’t tell us. Show us. Actions speak louder than words. He wasn’t even funny. The opening monologue felt like a lecture from a college professor. 😂😂

    We get it ur black… “instead of saying I’m here bc I’m black” show up and be an amazing comedian would be more powerful than the preaching.

    1. you totally missed the point of the monologue.

    2. no I got the monologue. It’s just exhausting bc it was the mood and way he did it.. I just think there are productive ways and places for that.

    3. he made one point at the end after he made everyone feel
      Awkward that he should have led with. Bc it was a good point and would have been more productive to lead with it. I just like to focus on art not politics.

    4. it was about why the globes didn’t air last year.

    5. it just rubbed ppl the wrong way. I’m not saying he had bad intentions… it was just cringe and uncomfortable the way he delivered it. Not what he was saying, the mood and delivery and just cringy tension.

    6. it was on purpose and needed to be that way based on why it didn’t air last year.

    7. ahh well he didn’t do a good job of doing that.. the whole room felt uncomfortable it was globally palatable.

    8. Omg! It was about 80 yrs of the Hollywood foreign press being bigots!!!

    9. racism looks bad on you

    10. yeah cause for the past 79 ceremonies the organizers, viewers and attendees had no idea there were amazing black comedians...your statement is on some " tell me your white without saying it"

    11. You had better be joking. His monologue was brilliant, hilarious, and deeply meaningful. It was a stroke of genius. Your reaction literally makes no sense. I’m convinced you didn’t really watch it.

    12. no, just’ showing up and being an amazing comedian’ would have been like him selling his soul for the money he talked about earning for this, i think that’s why he talked about it the way he did…..he was gracious enough to provide a few small laughs in a situation that truly isn’t a laughing matter. there are appropriate times and places for laughing really hard to forget the troubles of the day and just enjoy good times with friends and earned rewards, this was not it, the HFPA made a step in the right direction and so they get the bit of grace he just delivered them.

    13. Right?! I thought it was outstanding. And it was supposed to make folks uncomfortable, to make them think. Plus, he was hi-larious when it was appropriate, and I loved that he dropped in the figure as well. Never seen the man's work before, will rectify that

    14. so you see why they choose him.

  5. He was awful - never heard of his “comedy” but this wasn’t it

    1. Omg. You are totally missing the point of his monologue

  6. gloriously uncomfortable!
    Nice way to put it.

  7. Fred G. Sanford!!! Watch it sometime

  8. The opening was appropriate and Jerrod did well. So many ads - could have been a half hour shorter. Loved the pianist.

  9. Les gens t'aiment comme un comédiens

  10. The blacks have racism in there life but that is ok ?

  11. One of the worst GG presenters ever.

  12. It this sort of crap is why I will never watch this show.

  13. Why does hollywood feel they deserve award shows in the first place???? They just do their jobs like anyone else. I dont think the trades people, emergency service people, taxi drivers etc, have televised awards shows.

  14. A little lack lustre, if I'm kind. If, if, I had been in the same situation, I'd be a little more direct. Another opportunity lost. Happy Hollywood!

  15. Worst host ever. That guy should never work again. Not one joke was funny. Awkward and uncomfortable, yes.

    1. yes, very uncomfortable for the bigots in this world. You are clearly showing yours.

  16. The white fragility here is epic. A black man speaks his and the Globe’s truth, and you just want him to ‘shuck and jive’. Must be hard living like that.

    1. it is ridiculous isn’t it. One thing about social media, at least it is easy to see the fragile ones.

  17. Was boring in general , too long , sorry

  18. Bring Ricky Gervais back! Period!

  19. That’s pretty cynical. What’s that say about him that they only thought that was his highest quality

  20. This is just becoming exhausting


  22. How many Indians and Chinese are in it? You know the world's most largest communities are from India and China, not Africa...😁

    1. The organization reports that it is the largest and most diverse class of new members in its history — in addition to noting that six of the new members are Black, the HFPA reports that 10 are women, six are Latinx, five are Asian and four are Middle Eastern/North African. נאגה פול - The google is your friend don’t be afraid to ask it these questions.

  23. These comedians sell racism for cash 💸 💰

  24. It was not necessary.

  25. Lol, At least he's honest, unlike Donald:

    1. congrats, you found a way to make this about Trump. That's pretty sad dude.

  26. Big yawn! Blah blah blah.

  27. Just wanna say a big thank you to everyone that has followed my page 💙❤️ As a musician I really appreciate it. Let's keep following each other guys, God bless you

  28. And now maybe you leftists will understand. They didn't pick him for his talent, it was a diversity pick. But I have a feeling the leftys won't figure it out.

  29. Another victim of life 🙄🙄🙄

  30. It's just like Cat Woman in Harley Quinn:

  31. Is that the same old tune I hear?

  32. He was fantastic all night.

    1. his stand up is amazing too. On HBOMAX!

  33. Victimizing is the worst thing there is.

    1. Black people always ask for equality in everything and the first thing they do is to victimize themselves, this just shows that they see themselves as less.


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