Netflix's password sharing crackdown is finally happening early 2023 | Mashable.

Netflix's password sharing crackdown is finally happening

Well, it was a good run.

Credit: Nikolas Kokovlis/NurPhoto Via Getty Images

For those using their significant other's or best friend's Netflix password, it's the end of an era: Netflix password-sharing is about to get difficult, with the streaming site actually set to crack down on this in early 2023.

In the company's earnings report(Opens in a new window) released yesterday, Netflix announced that password-sharing will be made unavailable early this year, likely before March, which will restrict simultaneous use of Netflix accounts beyond households. Instead, the company is focused on pushing its paid sharing option as well as its lower priced subscription plan with ads.

"Later in Q1, we expect to start rolling out paid sharing more broadly," Netflix's report reads.

Netflix said that account sharing, which it attributed to more than 100 million households, "undermines our long term ability to invest in and improve Netflix, as well as build our business." The clampdown isn't a new intention on Netflix's part; previously, it's tested extra fees and teased charging for shared accounts as far back as 2021.

"While our terms of use limit use of Netflix to a household, we recognize this is a change for members who share their account more broadly," read Netflix's report.

"So we’ve worked hard to build additional new features that improve the Netflix experience, including the ability for members to review which devices are using their account and to transfer a profile to a new account. As we roll out paid sharing, members in many countries will also have the option to pay extra if they want to share Netflix with people they don’t live with."

Under the new terms, a single Netflix account can be used by those living under one roof, keeping household to its strictest definition. This was already tested in the Latin American market(Opens in a new window), where those sharing passwords had to pay the new additional fees. The new rules resulted in some "cancel reactions," says Netflix, however the company expects "borrower households" to run with the new rules and set up their own standalone accounts, which would ultimately improve revenue for the company. Whether people actually do that or not remains to be seen — but Netflix is hopeful.

Meanwhile, all members can still watch Netflix while traveling, on any given device.

According to the Wall Street Journal(Opens in a new window), Netflix is the first streaming service jumping on a password enforcement policy. How exactly the company will enforce these adjustments(Opens in a new window) has not been disclosed. However, Netflix launched a "profile transfer" feature(Opens in a new window) in October 2022, likely gearing up for the coming process. With this, a person can transfer their Netflix profile (meaning the log of everything you've watched and your watchlist) if start their own membership.

Netflix is facing fierce competition from its peers, both old and new — and after losing one million subscribers(Opens in a new window) in 2022 after raising prices, the company is making big moves to reestablish itself. The company looks like its found its footing, spending $17 billion on content in 2022. But Netflix's competition extends to video streaming platforms like TikTok and YouTube, as the company writes in its report.

"It’s not easy to build a large and profitable streaming business," reads the report. "But we’re competing from a position of strength, as we lead the industry in terms of engagement, revenue and streaming profit."

Looks like you've got just a few more months of password sharing before you'll need to pay up.

More in Netflix


  1. I really don’t see how this is policeable. Any ideas anyone? I use my account in my house, at friends who don’t have Netflix, hotels and holiday apartments as well as on my mobile when travelling or if I’m away from my house, so each time I’m using a different IP address to the one at my house and I do it often. If I’m getting sh*t off them and having to prove it’s me every time I’m not in my house then I’ll just cancel it altogether and stick with my other streamers like I’m sure many others will too.

    1. they can tie it to device behavior.

    2. ah ok that makes sense. But couldn’t people just sign in to the other users on an account being used at different households like friends and vice versa to get around that behaviour tracking?

    3. very easy: tv’s and set-top boxes are only allowed once. Mobile devices unlimited. But must people share it with family and they have a tv set. That can’t be used anymore. If you want to see the usage in your account. Go to:

    4. it doesn’t make sense saying you can’t sign in on another TV if you’re travelling and staying in a hotel or away from the home wherever and your account is being used on your TV at home by someone.

    5. everything we have access to in our world is policeable.

    6. well. That will be the rules as far as I have read them

    7. well I pay for my families account. That includes my kids who use it at their moms house, my house, and cell phones. Are they going to start saying they can’t use it at their moms house?

    8. If that was true police would be able to find paedophiles who post pictures of children

    9. think that's what they are going to try and enforce

    10. they can add me to the list of cancellations as well then. I only have it for my kids anyway.

    11. I'm guessing not more than one IP will be able to run at a time on the same account

    12. but that would be crazy if someone in the house is watching it but one of the others on the account is travelling/away from the house and wanting to use it. It would just lead to mass cancellations doing that especially when you think of families with multiple kids, especially teens cos nobody is going to pay for a service they can’t use properly when they already pay for 4 screens.

    13. I don't disagree.

    14. what about those who have dynamic IP’s too

    15. fully agreed. This is basically what Hulu live did and I had to stop using it because I could not assign more than one household for use and I couldn't just change it back and forth as I traveled. They capped I at 2 times a year change or something. It completely made it dysfunctional and I got rid of it and went to Philo which is insanely cheaper anyhow.

    16. I’ll definitely be saying goodbye to Netflix if that’s the route they go down then.

  2. Netflix sharing is the only reason I pay for four devices. Most times the only reason I pay at all because my MIL uses it. Take away the option of password sharing and I feel as though this will cost the company much more than it will generate new revenue.

    1. The only reason half the people have it is because of password sharing. There's too much competition now so it's definitely going to hurt them.

    2. my thoughts exactly. Especially when there are devices you pay an annual fee and have unlimited choices.

      It’s about time that people put these large corporations in their place.

    3. I think the higher $ options with more devices would include multiple locations? I already pay the highest one for 4K and so my kids can watch at their places too

    4. Just checked their website. Looks like "household" is based on IP address so continued use at other IPs will get flagged

  3. What worries me is I have different homes, will they think I’m password sharing?!? I’m out if they do

  4. If I’m paying for it, I’ll share it with who I want. There’s better apps now anyway. 👋🏻

  5. What about families who share? One person is away at college, back at home, another out of town? 🤔

  6. I'm wondering how college kids in dorms and snowbirds who go south for the winter will be affected. I have both in my household. If we have to pay for three accounts because two out of the three members of our house sometimes live elsewhere, we'll just cancel.

    1. Disney + is like that.. I live in the Middle East, my parents live in northern north.. whenever I visit them on holidays, I can’t access my Disney account.. 😡

  7. It's really whatever. I'm watching YouTube now more than any other platform. I'll probably cancel Netflix anyway since their content now is so meh.

    1. I don’t even pay for Netflix (comes with my T-Mobile account) and I’m still ready to cancel it. I literally never use it. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    2. their new movies (and upcoming movies) have actually been really really good. Like they said, they spent $17 billion last year. That’s nuts! But it allows subscribers to have really good film options and not have to go to the movie theatres. But if they keep making too many changes, I might have to cancel also. I know several free websites to watch any movies anyway. 🫢

    3. I don't think it's been good for years. I prefer Prime

  8. It's ALL creed creed and creed. Drop them! There are other options. Peacock I was told has a lot of free stuff available to watch.


    2. you know from the bible 😂

    3. or greed maybe 🤔🙂

    4. creed, creed and more creed

  9. Apparently no one told them the internet is for connecting around the world? I mean its called WORLD WIDE WEB for a reason.Hence why I won't get an account. Sorry but total in my family I have a bunch of devices to connect half if which are mobile so leave with us when we leave so I would connect on the road, on weekend trips, if I travel and the iP address will always be different, if you can see it since I have vpn so not enforceable. Plus my account would be for multiple people since we ARE a family and share it. Sticking with HBO Max, Disney and Hulu, better content anyway and YouTube is free

  10. Anyone know what this means for college students under their parent's account?

    1. College students no longer have access

    2. won’t work. If one account tries to view 2 shows from 2 different ip it will flag

    3. well that sucks

  11. I travel for work and use my account in hotel rooms. I pay extra so that my husband can use our account at home while I use it when traveling so I will be pissed if they try to prevent that. We are one household using our own account

  12. Netflix Customers when they see this.

  13. This is probably the stupidest business move Netflix has made in years

  14. If anyone that had my Netflix cannot use it, especially with me paying for more screens I’m canceling Netflix lol

  15. Did my ex husband call ya'll?

  16. Good run for Netflix 😂

    1. should they make it more difficult than using pirate bay at there own peril

  17. Netflix can crack down however they wish. I’m still not purchasing my own account! 😎

  18. This will be their end.I subscribe,and help a couple family members out with my log in.If they hinder this in any way I’m done!It’s not like I’d be missing much anyway.🤷‍♂️

    1. so help your "family members" by buying them a couple Netflix gift cards now and then.

    2. You do you,how about that

    3. why? I pay for the top tier package that allows 4 people viewing at the same time, what difference does it make if they're not in the same house other than greed from the company?

    4. Exactly what I was thinking.They are not going to gain anything from this

    5. right! Top package why does it matter if nobody in my house is on it but my daughter is 3 miles away? Seriously they just keep adding more nails to their coffin

  19. I cancelled a while back. They barely have any new movies I think prime is much better Contant for half the price. Plus there’s a ton of stuff you can watch on YouTube nowadays really good documentaries hardly any commercials Netflix you’re going down lol.

  20. I already cancelled mine because they're getting absolutely ridiculous. I've used them since the days that they shipped you DVDs but there are too many other streaming companies that do not charge as much and I don't have to worry about it if I travel and log in somewhere else

  21. Hulu and peacock are better. I like Netflix but one article I read says they're going to charge extra to share a password. They hope the extra charge to one person's account will create new accounts.

  22. So what if I want to watch something at my son's home. It's still me!

    1. exactly. How are they going to manage this…

    2. by losing a lot of accounts

  23. There is nothing interesting to watch on Netflix.

    1. literally almost any movie including the old classic ones when I search to watch is not on Netflix. There are tones of useless serials but movie database is very poor.

    2. They make or share plenty of good documentaries. There's always something to watch on it like crime series .All for a very low price .

    3. Wednesday, Where the Crawdads Sing, That 90s Show. There’s lots of good stuff on Netflix.

    4. So 5-6 hrs of quality (Wednesday crawdada and 4 hrs of crap (90s show) it doesn't beat my 110TB home theater pc with over 1300 TV show series and 9,000+ movies

    5. There are recommendations on netflix such as the top 10 of watched in your country .There are also groups on fb that recommend things .

  24. Read a book. Better yet, read a library book.

  25. I’ve been signing in maybe three months out of the year. Marathoning and then canceling. They don’t produce enough to be a year round need

    1. that’s a decent idea

    2. this right here^^^. If they force us to choose, Netflix won’t make the cut for me…they just don’t have the content to justify this move. 🤷‍♀️

      Prime is a way better option and you get free shipping. Netflix only has their content and limited movie choices.

    3. ya I don’t think prime is going anywhere between content, shipping and whole foods stuff. But every few months out of the year there is some new Netflix show I want to watch. Wednesday was the last show that dragged me back. Then I want to rewatch peaky blinders or Seinfeld or comedians in cars while I’m at it

  26. Just canceled mine. I had 2 paid accounts in my household. My partner and my personal one I shared with my mother who lived out of state. Now I have Apple TV and am buying one off-s on Amazon with mom.

  27. I’ve always just had my own account. Never thought to share 🤷‍♀️

  28. What if I own multiple homes?

  29. Hope I am still able to watch this on the train using my phone.

  30. So begins the end of Netflix

  31. Do I understand this right?

    If you live in the same house with your family of four, then all four can use one account, but if you choose to live alone, you must pay extra?

  32. Me on my way to stream all Netflix shows on some shady websites

  33. Welp,Netflix is Over .

  34. and with their recent large percentage monthly price increase; I've been out for a while now...buh bye NetFlix...besides Crave and Prime are a much better value...ciao

    1. I have all the platforms and although Prime and Crave are nice, their content is just so frustratingly limited.

  35. Netflix sucks anyway

  36. They been cracking down on this Since 2019.

  37. Netflix would be worth it to watch and pay for their subscription if they didn't cancel every show after 1 season

  38. Cancelled a few months ago, used the money to cover a night school class at the local college


    1. can someone please explain the reference 😬

    2. oh!!! Got it! That’s good! Hahaha

  40. Netflix is too expensive not to share

  41. I knew I should’ve kept my account 😂 good job I got that fire stick


  43. Just use streamlabs OBS and screen capture all your favorite shows then cancel Netflix.

    1. PS: You have to turn off hardware acceleration in your browser, various browsers have it. Turning it off will prevent a black screen when recording.

      Just be careful due to copyright laws - etc etc etc - I just know people who stream on twitch that have mentioned this method.

    2. screenshot this so I can look into it later. Thanks!

  44. Looks like Netflix will be no more after this

  45. Netflix, you have a decision to make; do you want some of the money or none of the money? If this comment section is anything to go by ur gonna have a ton of cancellations and it will be all your fault.

  46. Let's hit Netflix hard. I want their biggest drop, profit wise, in the first quarter of 23 they've ever seen

  47. If I’m paying for it I’ll give the password to whoever I want

  48. That being said, get a popup blocker for your browser and you can watch any show or movie here:

    Let’s force them to revert this nonsense.👍🏻

  49. how do you think they can enforce this?

    1. I'm not really sure. Maybe needing to connect to a main home wifi, similar to how FuboTV and Xfinity do it

  50. I like Netflix content and understand from a business/financial perspective how problematic this can be, although we all want something for "nothing" or close to it anyway. It's all about the shareholders, right? 🫤 The potential extra fee is enticing versus making everyone pay the full amount. Amazon got rid of their sharing years ago, which ticked me off but were all at their mercy if we want their services. There are some family members we want to help with costs, so a small sharing fee vs. full membership would be doable if done right. But I hate streaming services you pay for that have commercials like Hulu lol. If I pay for it, I want no commercials. I knew years ago these streaming service fees would catch up to cable or satellite dish fees. You know what they say...when it's too good to be true...🙁

  51. Not sure how they will handle mobile devices and physically carrying devices like an apple tv or roku on travel beyond a "household".

  52. I'll just cancel my account

  53. Start it on your mobile device, then cast to the tv. Problem solved

  54. Time to just cancel

    1. good reason to cancel

    2. nope no body needs Netflix to cancel so ya

  55. Their stock has doubled since May

  56. I wonder if their perceived problem is why it is so popular but now they wrung out its notoriety

  57. It’s just lip service to make their business report look better

  58. What these idiots don't realize is that there are other video subscriptions platforms that are cheaper, like hulu, paramount, peacock, etc that do allow password sharing, or that have better content.... have you seen what Netflix has to offer lately, tons of Bollywood, movies from the 90s, etc, it sucks... we have options now

    1. hbo max and hulu all day . I can never find anything interesting on netflix.

  59. We don't share our passwords but we do travel a lot as a family of 7 and not always to the same areas at the same time. If it doesn't keep working for us we will drop it like many others. Unfortunate

  60. Lesson 1: always buy the disc versions for times when mega corporations get greedy

  61. Probably linked to your phone being near you.

  62. And that’s why I got rid of it! 💩💩💩

  63. This is dumb. Why not just create a friends and family tier?

  64. I thought their whole campaign was that you can watch on multiple screens from anywhere in the house 🤔

  65. Netflix accounts are quickly being canceled too.

  66. Netflix is garbage. I subscribed for a month and got bored with it very quickly and unsubscribed. It is not even worth watching for free.

  67. Good! It's time for freeloaders to pay the market price. The Communist crap has gone on long enough and it's high time that pinko password sharers get smacked with some good ol' American Capitalism! WOOOoo CAPITALISM! WOOOOOO! WHO'S WITH ME!

    I said WHO'S WITH ME?


  68. Netflix used to be a good platform for watching movies. Now it filled with foreign crap and when you search for a movie you want to watch it requires you to pay additional fees. It's crap now. Prime no better.

  69. What's going to happen with the people who connect via a VPN?

    Or what will happen if their ISP changes their IP address?

  70. Greedy bast**ds...all they think of is 💸💷💶💴💵

  71. shees... who cares cracking us!! we love sharing. We'arent selfless people. Are You??

  72. Netflix what if you’re traveling and watching elsewhere, how does that work?

  73. Isn’t that like making you pay for something but saying you have to be home to use it? Telling people where the have to stream content they have paid for…hmm

  74. You need to cheapen it up!!!😡

  75. Time to dump Netflix.

  76. Canceled Netflix months ago. Garbage woke programming 🖕🏻

  77. The minute it happens to me, I'll be gone!

  78. Meh just cancel on mass and go back too file sharing . Bring on BitTorrent !

  79. What if yoir ar your grandmas and wanna log in while your there ???? HOW THEY GONNA KNOW ITS NOT U

  80. Consumers will destroy you apart if you upset them. There is not reason to put a stop at sharing a password specially if you hold multiple housing and it’s included

  81. It’s rubbish anyway!!

  82. No way

  83. How will they Know have they bought some vans off the BBC Licensing Mob 😏

    1. they are already quite mean defining a household as 5 devices. I’m by myself and have it on 3


  85. And that’s the day you’ll lose my business

  86. Oh no, what will I do for inexpertly produced documentaries

  87. Well Netflix is officially dead. So long losers.

  88. Netflix shotgun to the head

  89. So 1 account = 1 profile?

  90. I look forward to seeing streaming services run themselves into the ground.

  91. No idea how this can even be enforced honestly. What happens when you're staying elsewhere for an extended period? What about mobile devices and watching on the go? How do they know whether you're the same household or not?

    1. If Netflix tell me that the only way to continue to watch their service is to pay more money, I simply just will not.

      They cancel shows constantly and churn out so much crap.

      And I'm sure plenty of others will too

    2. Iykyk

  92. Exactly my thoughts, so you have to be in the same household, well what about millions of students who use their family Netflix while at uni? Are they seriously suggesting this in this cost of living crisis?

    1. They are, yes!!

    2. Something else I saw highlighted as well, if you pay for say 4 screens, why does it matter where those 4 screens are?

    3. I’ve thought this. What if I go away somewhere and log in, will it just boot me? If I’m paying and want to watch whilst away I should be able to.

    4. Exactly! That's kinda the whole thing people use it for. I have no idea what system they've built to make this work.

    5. I honestly think they’re haemorrhaging so much money this is a last ditch attempt that won’t work out and they’ll have to go back on it. It won’t be worth the complains and cancellations when other streaming services allow it.

    6. Exactly!! It's not going to go down well at all. They fail to get that a lot of people use it because they're sharing an account and otherwise probably wouldn't.

    7. That and they’ve hiked the price up so much that in the middle of a cost of living crisis folks just can’t afford to run one account on their own. If folks are splitting the bill it’s cheaper for them or they’ll just cancel. (Which is almost guaranteed for some cases)

    8. It's worth knowing that there are multiple plans at different prices. I recently downgraded mine from premium to standard saving £5pm. There is even a Basic plan with ads at only £4.99pm. Although I prefer to pay to remove the ads!

    9. There are technical ways they can try and determine watching patterns, using IP address, ISP data etc. But whatever algorithms they use will be potentially flawed. They also could require two factor authentication more frequently to account holder's mobile.

    10. I also noticed recently you can't use Cast from a mobile device to a TV which is not logged in with same account. I was at brother's place and wanting to watch a show I had been watching where I had left off. Very annoying!

  93. Well, it was a good run.


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