This spot on the sun is so big you can see it with no equipment (but use equipment anyway) | Mashable.

The sun has a shockingly huge spot on it right now

Also: Spots like this can explode.

Credit: NASA Solar And Heliospheric Observatory

Don’t look now, but the sun has a big dot on it. Like, literally, don't look. You could permanently damage your eyes.

At almost five times the diameter of Earth, sunspot AR3190 is an attention-seeking blob on the surface of our star — so big you can currently see it whenever the sun is shining. But don't give into the temptation to gawk unless you have a pair of eclipse glasses or goggles, preferably ones certified by the International Standards Organization(Opens in a new window) (ISO). 

And by the way, it’s a good time to stock up on eclipse glasses because they tend to get expensive in the weeks before a solar eclipse, and there’s one coming on April 8.

So what’s the deal with this huge sunspot?

At the start of the current solar cycle — the sun’s roughly eleven-year pattern of only-somewhat-understood(Opens in a new window) magnetic phenomena  — astronomers predicted(Opens in a new window) that the peak year for solar activity such as sunspots would be 2025. It’s only 2023, and we’re experiencing extraordinary levels of solar activity, including impressive eruptions of plasma(Opens in a new window), and quite a few big spots — though none of the others are nearly as large as AR3190. Sunspots like this are unusual, but far from unheard of(Opens in a new window).

Does this sunspot pose any danger?

This sunspot probably poses no actual danger, but it does have a decent chance of, well, exploding.

When a sunspot this size explodes, one can expect a release of energy called a solar flare. Astronomers expect that AR3190 would produce an "X-class" flare, the most intense kind. X-class flares send things like radio waves, X-rays, and gamma rays out into space at the speed of light. When Earth gets hit by a strong flare, the results can be good things like beautiful auroras at northern and southern latitudes, but also radio blackouts, satellite damage, and power grid disruption.

A sunspot explosion can also be accompanied by a coronal mass ejection (CME), which is a relatively slower ejection of particles from the sun's "corona" — its atmosphere, basically. CMEs also cause beautiful auroras and also have the capability to disrupt communications and knock out power.

But it's anyone's guess if any of this will happen before AR3190 rotates out of view — which will also reduce the potential for the ensuing activities to cause problems on Earth.


  1. I looked at this and said straight away: ‘It’s a classic beta-gamma-delta magnetic field.’

  2. Somebody should have reminded the telescope staff manager that skipping the cleanings was not an efficient way to cut on costs....

  3. Oh great. One more thing😑

  4. It's the off button

  5. ""X-class" flare" sounds like something else and related to "Uranus".

  6. Well, they say that too much sun may give you cancer. I'd hate to be the dermatologist that has to treat that spot!

  7. The sun has gone woke! Somebody tell Desantis to put it on a plane to Martha's Vineyard.

  8. The Sun can have as many spots that it likes, as it's what middle aged things do. It would be interesting, however, if the Sun were able to watch and comment upon us, then would the numerous blemishes and dark spots cause it to wonder if its blue 🔵 friend needed a lot more than just its abundant warmth to sustain itself.

  9. Wouldn't be surprised if that spot is 10x the size of the Earth.

  10. So a sunspot, apply sunblock

  11. Don’t squeeze it, you’ll just make it worse.

  12. There’s goes all the satellites once this bursts.

    So what’s the deal with this huge sunspot?
    At the start of the current solar cycle — the sun’s roughly eleven-year pattern of only-somewhat-understood(Opens in a new window) magnetic phenomena — astronomers predicted(Opens in a new window) that the peak year for solar activity such as sunspots would be 2025. It’s only 2023, and we’re experiencing extraordinary levels of solar activity, including impressive eruptions of plasma(Opens in a new window), and quite a few big spots — though none of the others are nearly as large as AR3190. Sunspots like this are unusual, but far from unheard of.


  14. Just needs a good dose of Clearasil.

  15. If we get a flat it'll knock out everything

  16. Almost like a sun spot

  17. Its just in a bad mood


  19. You just know that there are some people that are like, oh a spot? Can I pop it? It wont hurt I promise. 😈

  20. I thought that was the floating black spots in my left eye.

  21. “You can see the spot but don’t look at it” cue an alarming number of dumbasses in this country now outside looking at the sun

  22. Ok I am hiding 🙈 under the bed 🛌 🫣🥴😩😩😬😁😂🤣

  23. Yes and Amateur Radio operators are having a blast as well

  24. How do we know this? Is it because they have exploded before and we are still here to talk about it?

  25. so fuking what ? is normal !

  26. Ohno !!! I won't sleep fr days 😪

  27. Electromagnetic arc.

  28. A little concealer will fix that blemish right up.


  30. Skin cancer maybe? 🤦‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️☀️

  31. Could be cancerous from too much sun exposure…


  33. So what tax will the worlds various governments levy to help fight it?!?

    Asking for a friend.


  35. Does anyone know what happens to nuclear plants during a Carrington event?

  36. I have always wanted the best for me and my lover We live together so happily that we had never have issues which we can't resolve . He was the best for me . We have been married for over 3 years now . I was lost in confusion when told me he don't want our marriage anymore , this happened when he came back from his trip with all the saying that he has found another woman he love so much and want a divorce . pleaded with him and he should please consider our kids too . My words where so useless to him . I was so confused that I have to seek for help and solution when I came across this prophet . he told me what I need to do so I did and after 7hours my lover came back apologizing for everything he has done and want us back again . Now I am happy to share this with everyone for what DR okojie has done for me You can also seek help from him by contacting him directly on his facebook page


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