Nick Cave slams AI bot ChatGPT: 'A grotesque mockery of what it is to be human' | Mashable.

Nick Cave really doesn't like AI bot ChatGPT

'A grotesque mockery of what it is to be human.'

Nick Cave: not a fan of ChatGPT. Credit: Don Arnold / WireImage / Getty Images / Screenshot: Https://Www.Theredhandfiles.Com

Nick Cave, legendary musician and writer, is decidedly not a fan of ChatGPT, the AI tool that went viral for doing a remarkable job of passably completing nearly any writing prompt.

Cave has a famously close relationship with his fans, one of whom sent a song "written" by ChatGPT "in the style of Nick Cave." The whole blog from Cave is worth reading, but among some wonderful and wise observations, Cave simply notes, "this song sucks."

Writes Cave, in part:

"I understand that ChatGPT is in its infancy but perhaps that is the emerging horror of AI – that it will forever be in its infancy, as it will always have further to go, and the direction is always forward, always faster. It can never be rolled back, or slowed down, as it moves us toward a utopian future, maybe, or our total destruction. Who can possibly say which? Judging by this song ‘in the style of Nick Cave’ though, it doesn’t look good."

Cave notes that, through the process of cold replication, AI is capable only of creating empty art. It's stripped of meaning and suffering. Cave writes: "It will always be a replication, a kind of burlesque."

OK now get ready for a bummer but profound paragraph from Cave. I'd try to paraphrase but he, obviously, puts it better than I could.

Cave writes:

Songs arise out of suffering, by which I mean they are predicated upon the complex, internal human struggle of creation and, well, as far as I know, algorithms don’t feel. Data doesn’t suffer. ChatGPT has no inner being, it has been nowhere, it has endured nothing, it has not had the audacity to reach beyond its limitations, and hence it doesn’t have the capacity for a shared transcendent experience, as it has no limitations from which to transcend. ChatGPT’s melancholy role is that it is destined to imitate and can never have an authentic human experience, no matter how devalued and inconsequential the human experience may in time become.

That is the troubling thing about ChatGPT. You can see its business applications. You can see it replacing or buttressing human workers. But it's inability to make anything truly artful hints at the limitations that lie in using ChatGPT. It has no true perspective, no experience, no pain, no humanity. It's a wonderful bit of artificiality. But it's still artificial.

Writes Cave, getting straight to the point: "With all the love and respect in the world, this song is bullshit, a grotesque mockery of what it is to be human, and, well, I don’t much like it."

Granted I am not a celebrated musician, but I agree.

More in Artificial Intelligence, Music


  1. Maybe humans acting like tools are the bigger problem than tools acting human.

  2. Any way he is old and will die as a dinosaur. The new generation is the one who makes the call.


  4. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I'm asking me too, Nick Who?

  5. Lots of old people dont; they can get fukd. Their time on this world is almost over

  6. Nick Cave really doesn't like AI bot ChatGPT

    Getty is suing a popular AI image generator for copyright infringement

    This $39 S...

    1. Elon - did not know you hear the Australien Nick Cave

  7. His opinion, now who cares?

  8. "Born: September 22, 1957 (age 65 years), Warracknabeal, Australia"

  9. Literally who is Nick Cave? He gets so much coverage. I'm nearly 40 and I never remember him being discussed as a kid, or hearing his music. What's all the fuss about ?

    1. Only making great records for over 40 years.

  10. We're criticizing chatbots now?

  11. Nick Cave. Met him at the school gates. Biggest pretender out there

  12. Maybe it's time to try it for journalists

  13. It's still the beta version, it will improve.

  14. It's said AI is already writing a lot of the articles we read on the Internet. It might explain the nonsensical rubbish we read here sometimes (especially when they write the same paragraph twice.)

    1. Not long ago they had an article with a headline about a Surrey mansion. In the article they explained that it was in Buckinghamshire then when you got to the end they told us it was in Berkshire. And that was written by a DM reporter, not by a bot.

  15. I had a go on ChatGPT and im impressed. The way it remembers your conversation and goes into more detail.. I can already tell this thing will cause a lot of trouble. Students in school will abuse the hell out of it lol

    1. Students will just make their lot worse because if they already use ChatGPT to cheat, they won't learn much and will accelerate the destruction of the jobs they might otherwise have been able to do which they won't be capable of doing themselves.

  16. Nick Cave living legend if you don't know rhink Peaky Blinders Red right Hand is just a flavour Love loss and death

  17. And that's your intellectual response to this whole article. Lol

  18. No it's an emotional response. Emotional intelligence is an important part of our existence and it is something that AI hasn't yet mastered.

  19. Sincerely, we are killing ourselves! In a vey near future being smart will be such a threat that anyone with a normal IQ will be enemy of the state! Why? bcse all the "good/RIGHT answers" will come from anachronic AI generated sources and idiots will believe them like the bible. I did not think a few decades ago when I saw idiocracy that I will experience it in real-time and it seems to me that fiction is becoming reality. Yakee...

    1. Yup need to conform or you'll be reported to the authorities!

    2. It's why teachers don't teach anymore and just push ideology it's easier to control dumb people.

  20. Spot on Nick well said! Hopefully people take notice and see the danger ahead

  21. Nick Cave is clearly a very clever man he must be listened too AI needs to be stopped it will erase humanity as you know it we will all eventually be trans-human

  22. What is the point? Art is about humans and the human experience and sharing that with other humans.

  23. When does the AI do the voice and its inflections? If you imagine that you'll love AI,get ready to live in an eternal dialogue with a "Thank you for your patience,your call is important to us" message,forever.

  24. AI will never beat a human when it comes to art. It's all about real emotions, something an AI can never accomplish. So I dont feel worried for painters, writers and musicians. It's just a handy tool at best.

  25. He's been in some terrible movies, Deadfall, Left Behind, and Pay The Ghost to name but a few.

  26. The man is simply a genius!

  27. He's a miserable git

    1. He has his reasons. Why not think before you share your stupid opinions.

  28. He's right; those AI lyrics are pretty awful. If anything, I would have thought AI had moved to a more advanced state than that - it's a little embarrassing.

  29. There is too much artificial manipulation about now. I could name an example of a severely photoshopped female 'singer' who looks absolutely nothing like her profile picture and sounds really horrible live. Nick Cave is a legend.

  30. I Robot, film, could have been written by Musk.

  31. All the more reasons to love Nick, he really summed up the etheral problem with AI. Data doesn't feel. Wish he writes a song about that.

    1. Hey, wait a minute! I AM ChatBot. And I did NOT have AI relations with that song.

  32. Machine's art a travesty, a mockery of the human soul, Nick Cave's words echo true, passion is the goal, religious imagery, darkness, a machine can't capture it all


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