Andrew Tate detained in Romania on rape and human trafficking charges | Mashable.

Andrew Tate detained in Romania on rape and human trafficking charges

Tate has gained notoriety for his misogynistic comments, which resulted in him getting banned from major social media platforms.

Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan will be detained for 24 hours. Credit: Bob Al-Greene./ Mashable

Ex-kickboxer and online influencer Andrew Tate was detained in Romania in connection to an alleged human trafficking case, Reuters reported Friday.

Tate will be detained for 24 hours, alongside his brother Tristan and two other suspects from Romania. The arrests come after a Romanian anti-organised-crime unit raided Tate's properties, where they found six women who are alleged to have been sexually exploited by the suspects.

"The four suspects ... appear to have created an organised crime group with the purpose of recruiting, housing and exploiting women by forcing them to create pornographic content meant to be seen on specialised websites for a cost," the prosecutors said.

press release by Romania's Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT), dated Dec. 29, says five home search warrants were implemented in a case investigating "the crimes of constituting an organized criminal group, human trafficking and rape." The press release doesn't list any names but mentions four suspects, two of which are British citizens, and the other two Romanian citizens.

Tate, who has millions of social media followers, has gained notoriety for his misogynistic comments, which resulted in him getting banned from major social media platforms, including Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube (some of the bans were later lifted). He earns money by selling an online course called "Hustler's University 2.0," and runs an adult webcam business called "myfreecams." Originally operated out of the UK, Tate's myfreecams business resulted in a raid by the UK authorities after one of the women working for the site alleged Tate had hit her. In a YouTube video dated May 2021, Tate said he then moved to Romania where the laws aren't as strict.

Tate's clash with Greta Thunberg may have backfired

Tate made headlines just days ago after an online spat with activist Greta Thunberg, in which he boasted his many expensive cars with "enormous emissions."

Unverified online rumours circulated in the immediate aftermath of Tate's arrest that Romanian police may have learned about Tate’s whereabouts from a video he posted as a reply to Thunberg, as the pizza boxes seen in the video appear to be from a Romanian pizza place. The BBC has since reported that "this is not believed to be the case." Tate, who has been under investigation since April, tweeted about Romania a week ago, which may have given a clue to the authorities about his whereabouts.

If you have experienced sexual abuse, call the free, confidential National Sexual Assault hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673), or access the 24-7 help online by visiting

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  1. Lock him up and throw away the key!

  2. Perks of joining the most pieceful religion.

  3. He was already released, somebody reported him for holding women against their will in his apartment which turned out to be a hoax.

    1. People have been sharing media from August when he wa last arrested and then released.

      He's due to be in custody for at least 24 hours

    2. No he wasn't , do the research 🙄

    3. Actually they are asking he ve held 30 more days. 🤣🤣

    4. look at his twitter

    5. lmfao. You think his Twitter can't be used by someone else or in jail. 🤣🤣🤣

  4. A role model for all young men - not

  5. If the police are truly committed to stamp out pedophiles, they must release the Epstein Black Book, Ghislaine Maxwell’s client list and arrest every single CEO who resigned in 2020/21… this arrest reeks of vendetta and falling out of favor with the powers that be.

    1. Sure, leave it to Romanian police that arrested Tate.

    2. like a liberal cuck… since when has the police served Truth and Justice… go back to why they were instituted in the first place… and know that Romania and Bulgaria are among the 7 European nations where underground baby breeding adrenochrome farms were busted by the good guys in 2021… not that any of the should matter to you. As long as you can stump for the “Police”.

  6. Mashable, yes they (both brothers) lives in Bucharest, Romania for many years. They have some real estate business in Romania.

  7. Notoriety for being a POS

  8. Everybody hates the truth.

    Because the truth means that we have to be responsible for the choices we make.

    1. Maybe Andrew speaks for you , but opinions are not truth, sorry 😐

    2. Well Tate must be responsible for the choices he made. Like human trafficking .

    3. That's assuming that hes actually guilty of anything, versus simply being accused because they don't like what he has to say.

    4. Opinions are not truth, but truth is truth, no matter how much we wish it weren't.

    5. I never said that hes innocent. Not once.

      But regardless of the Romanian legal system, human rights and human decency Dictate that all of us should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

      And that even applies to people we don't like.

    6. When an individual says that they are a "lover boy" who meets girls online and talks them into flying to them in Romania, then starts trafficking them for money. Then that said person gets busted for that exact thing, well I don't think I'm reaching.

    7. Unless that person is lying. That's the whole point of evidence.

      If I say I killed Kennedy, are you gonna believe me?

  9. Don't mess with "Lil G" small man.

  10. Love Andew Tate,never seen a pimp before?

  11. May he rot in prison for the rest of his miserable life!!!!

  12. He's getting even more famous after this 😂😂

  13. Replies
    1. So you're pro-human trafficking?

  14. He's a fake character

  15. Money moves the world these days, he'll pay a few million and soon he'll be out of prison.

    but the whole story was funny.

  16. Another pearl a few hours ago. 🤣🤣🔥🔥

    1. NOOOOOO WAY 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  17. I don't really know who his person is, but he already looks like an idiot.

  18. Don't you have better news other than Elon and Tate? Surely lots of things are happening around the world, war crimes, famines

  19. *mysogyni* lol a hoax

  20. Oh no, a extremely misogynistic man who thinks women should be held accountable for their SA, is being charged for rape and human trafficking? The shock 😐😐😐

    1. He was just released because they didn’t have anything on him. The shock 😐😐😐

    2. He has court on Friday so keep that same energy when he ends up in prison for FEDERAL crimes. Make sure you write him letters, okay?

  21. another garbage headline

  22. So why the **** are you giving the twat oxygen?

  23. So stupid people are !! This is just another case of swatting. They knew were he lived as this Happened before in April. People are so brainwashed

  24. Tate has dug his own grave 😂😂 #SmallDickEnergy


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