Twitter suspends several tech journalists without explanation | Mashable.

Twitter suspends accounts of multiple tech journalists without explanation

Let that sink in.

Twitter has suspended several prominent journalists who report on the tech and media industries late on Thursday, without explanation.

The journalists affected at the time of writing include Mashable reporter Matt Binder, as well as the New York Times' Ryan Mac, CNN's Donie O'Sullivan, the Washington Post's Drew Harwell, prominent commentator and former anchor Keith Olbermann, independent journalist Tony Webster, The Intercept's Micah Flee, Voice of America's Steve Herman, and independent journalist Aaron Rupar.

Some of those journalists, including Harwell, had shared reporting about the sudden suspension of rival social platform Mastodon's Twitter account; others, including Binder, had shared screenshots or tweets showing either the suspended accounts of other journalists, or others' reporting on Elon Musk.

The account pages now only display a boilerplate message noting that accounts will be suspended for violating the Twitter rules.

"I was banned on Thursday night immediately after sharing a screenshot from CNN's Donnie O'Sullivan moments after he was suspended," Binder said in a statement provided for this story. "The screenshot was an official LAPD statement regarding the incident Elon Musk was tweeting out about last night which led him to suspending ElonJet and its creator Jack Sweeney. I did not share any location data, as per Twitter's new terms. Nor did I share any links to ElonJet or other location tracking accounts."

ElonJet, an account which used publicly available data to track the movements of Twitter CEO Elon Musk's private jet, was banned, un-banned, and then banned again this week. Sweeney, the college freshman at the University of Central Florida who ran the bot account and several others tracking the jets of prominent public figures, also had his personal account suspended alongside his other bot accounts. (Musk last year had attempted to pay Sweeney $5000 to take down the ElonJet bot.)

Also this week, Twitter updated a policy limiting the sharing of "live location information" on the platform, and Musk tweeted that a car carrying his young son had been "attacked" by "a crazy stalker". In the tweet, Musk directly linked the publicly available information shared by Sweeney's bot account to the incident and stated that legal action against Sweeney had been initiated.

Other journalists have also shared the LAPD statement about the incident, but had not had their accounts banned at the time of writing.

Mashable has reached out to Twitter for clarification regarding the journalists' bans.

"Journalists being removed from any platform for doing their job sets a terrible and dangerous precedent," said Ziff Davis, the parent company of Mashable, in a statement released late Thursday. "We would like more information about what rules were purportedly broken here (we have found none) that would warrant such an action. The accounts of Mashable's Matt Binder and the other journalists suspended this evening should be restored in the name of free speech, for which Mr. Musk claims to be an advocate."

This a developing story, and has been updated since initial publication to add to the list of journalists suspended from Twitter and embed tweets from not-yet-suspended journalists for additional context, as well as the statement from Mashable parent company Ziff Davis and the below update.

UPDATE: Dec. 16, 2022, 3:07 p.m. AEDT Elon Musk has tweeted that the bans, which he claims are for "doxxing", are temporary suspensions lasting just 7 days. This contradicts reporting from CNN's media reporter Oliver Darcy, who tweeted a screenshot from his colleague Donie O'Sullivan's suspended Twitter account that stated that O'Sullivan's ban was permanent. Mashable's Matt Binder, whose account is still suspended, was able to join a Twitter Spaces on Thursday evening, as was Jack Sweeney via his suspended ElonJet account. It's still unclear what on earth is going on here.

More in Social Media, Elon Musk


  1. Report honestly. We KNOW why.

    1. chief twat doesn’t know what honesty is. That’s why they’re censoring people at random trying to create a safe space for misinformation.

    2. that's right, glad he's gone and Musk is in to release the bias that's plagued Twitter for so long. Why is the msm only now concerned, oh that's right cause they were doing the same. Now that it's being exposed they don't like it

    3. Honestly? You mean like when Elon lied about his son being in danger because he was throwing a tantrum over free speech?

      You don't want honesty. Quit lying.

    4. This is why 'liberal' media is losing credibility every day

  2. Funny, they media didn't seem to care how they suspended people pre bias there, lol

    1. but Musk claimed to be a free speech absolutist. Turns out he is just a petty snowflake who can’t take criticism. Also banning people for spreading lies and fomenting insurrection is different than being banned because the big bad journalists hurt his whittle feewings.

    2. i thought it was all about freedom of speech?

    3. I just saw him banning extreme activity and people sharing dangerous information. Who has he banned for hurting his feelings? You shouldn't form your opinion just based on intentionally misleading headlines

    4. yup, the truth always scares totalitarians. So much for his claim of being a free speech absolutist.

    5. they only banded people who sharing information about his current location. No one was banned for being critical of him. That's been an internet fantasy that was the reason for any of them

  3. Can hardly call the ones dropped reportersđŸ¤£it was OK when they were dropping peeps for a different view though
    Yea the country is in fabulous shape

  4. Elon has a very thin skin.

  5. Replies
    1. Childish. Know the difference between journalism and dis/misinformation. Authoritarianism/Fascism.

    2. So they weren't scheming to overturn the incumbent government or terrorize people? Not sure I see the similarity.. Especially from someone who claimed to be free speech absolutist.. I knew that was a complete ruse when I first heard it lol

    3. you guys have plenty of other platforms to post your racist memes and vaccination lies.

    4. lol. How many things can you call racist? And the vaccines are proven now to seriously hurt people. Check out Rod Stewart 11-year-old son who is now in the hospital from an enlarged heart. Does that seem normal? Watch the movie died suddenly. So sad. I really hope if you took the vaccine you’ll be OK. Many people are dying.

    5. "proven." Sure. That's the thing. You guys are projecting your own fears onto everyone else. Every death now is "bEcAUsE oF tHe JaB." You know what does cause heart inflammation though? The COVID virus.

    6. You are not very bright at all are you. Why is it always the least informed have the most to say. Go and read some more, then you'll understand how stupid you've looked here.

    7. oh sweetie the government is terrorizing people just not snowflakes

    8. Sure.. people can just say 'anything'.. but doesn't mean it has meaning to anyone but the dimwitted

    9. unfortunately you are willfully misinformed. Watch the movie died suddenly. Then we can talk. This vaccine is killing many people around the world. Over 100 football players have died suddenly of a heart attack. You can look that up.

  6. So they did what twitter did forever since their inception? Hmm, shoes on the other foot now?

  7. I keep notes regarding this issue in my orange notebook; the blue notebook is for things that matter.

  8. Actually there was an explanation. The journalists were retreating the account of the guy that was tracking Elon's plane with links to where the plane was. Elon suspended the account of the guy tracking his plane and said anyone who tweets or retweets the whereabouts of someone to be tracked will he suspended, no exceptions.

    1. All of it is public information and other Twitter accounts do the same thing with other celebrities, and he previously said that he wouldn't do anything to that account making him a big crybaby who is getting revenge.

  9. Elon did explain. They were doxing him and his family. Putting them in danger. Get your facts straight.

  10. Oh, how “free speech” of him.

    1. I've seen some comments that it was people who were linked to the guy who posted his jet's location. Which I believe is freely available info... So he made a new rule saying you can't post someone's location... and then promptly banned them.

  11. Good!
    Just in keeping with the old MO; difference is NOW the pendulum has swung the other direction

  12. Free SpeechđŸ™„

  13. speech.....right?

  14. I bet Mashable also call themselves "journalists".

  15. Build a new Twitter why bother with him?

  16. Without explaining... LOL

    Mashable = propaganda arm of the old Twitter propaganda team.

  17. It was actually reported why they were suspended. Maybe some honest headlines on your part would be appropriate.

  18. thank you Mashable for your regular Twitter and Elon Musk update

  19. Childish actions from a so called free speach activist... when he will fire and scorn anyone for having free speach.... thats called an egotistical insecure hypocrite đŸ™„

  20. Because they’re all creampie eating cuckolds, that’s why.

  21. People are too weak to simply walk away from Twitter. Too weak and too greedy. Twitter feeds on their egos and spits them out. The sooner Twitter disappears from the internet the better off we all will be. Load Twitter in the the trunk of your Tesla and drive it off a cliff.

  22. He can do what he likes, it is his. Just because it's huge doesn't make it a public amenity.

  23. The story about Musk suspending reporters accounts was the first story on every newscast this morning and plastered all over social media. Yet the real story at Twitter about the federal government working with Twitter to effect the outcome of the 2020 elections has yet to make it on the news at all. Does anybody see a problem with this? American citizens are being manipulated by the media and controlled by the government and what we care about is so called journalists being suspended by Twitter's owner.

  24. Mr. Free Speech Musk, unless he doesn’t like what you’re tweeting. What a man child.

  25. Oh look. My comment was instantly rated as not relevant, because it included information pointing to something FB doesn't want you to see. View all comments if you care what they are trying to cover up.

  26. Now the Soviet style Mashable is worried about people being banned?đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚

  27. He suspended them because they are colluding with the government and Twitter to suppress free speech. Do you notice a pattern with all of these journalist? Democrats leaning left maybe?

  28. They know EXACTLY why, don't lie!

  29. Must stop misinformation....They do fake news.

  30. Well I have to go back to what all the Twitter leftist used to say ...its a private company so he can do what he wants..tea remember hearing that from Twitter bots and FACISIST book bots.

  31. Oh no. You mean a private company made their own rules and regulations and didn’t give the liberals a reason, they ever so deserve, as to why?!? The horror.

  32. The irony here is that Musk has repeatedly said that he doesn't feel that (New) Twitter should go above and beyond the law. If people want some content to be kept from social media, they should pass new laws to make it illegal. That's what Elon Musk repeated a few times. So, rather than campaigning to change the laws, he's just instituting new censorship rules at (New) Twitter that go above and beyond the law.

    For everyone saying, "but, this is what (Old) Twitter did!" Exactly. The point is that Elon promised to *fix* (Old) Twitter and make something more open and free in the form of (New) Twitter. Instead, it looks like *nothing* has changed other than which arbitrary rules must be followed.

  33. The left does it all the time… It sucks doesn’t it?

    1. but you guys are simping for Elon because he promised "unfettered freedom of speech" though, correct?

    2. No one is simping for Elon… This is an indictment of Big Tech, consolidated media and anyone cheering on more censorship.

  34. Suspended for doxing. And using "journalist" very loosely.

  35. The explanation is that Elon is a snowflake.

  36. "fReEdOm oF sPeEcH lIbTaRdS"

  37. fraud, misinformation, ect... is no explanation to the lamestream media.. lol

  38. Musk is destroying Twitter faster than I expected. Idiot.

    1. Get real it was garbage when he bought that hot mess. They were inches away from filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy!!

    2. um yeah he's doin a real bang up job so far lmfao

  39. He's completely full of it when he talks about "free speech". He's simply just one man picking and choosing for himself. Hs right with the private company he bought and owns - but he can't pretend to be about free speech when he does this.

    Musk is quickly learning the free speech is not as easy as everyone gets to say everything they want when they want without consequence.

    1. and don’t you dare follow his jet when the flight plan is public knowledge đŸ™„

      I get it, it’s a private company… but he has no clue what “freedom of speech” entails.

    2. Sadly .. many Americans don't either.

      Freedom of speech was designed by the founding fathers to protect peope from being persecuted for speaking to power. In otherwords, our government couldn't jail us or stop us from speaking out against them. What freedom of speech doesn't mean is freedom from consequences of the speech you speak - and by consequence I mean societal. Freedom of speech has it's limits. No one should expect to say horrible and atrocious things and expect that we all will sit back and there won't be backlash to it.

      And, of course, there is a limit to being jailed for your speech too, specifically when and if your speech incites people to violence, bullies, slanders and/or screams fire in apublic place when there isn't actually one and it leads to injuries, death and harm.

      Companies are also free to disassociate themsleles from someone or something when their speech is such that association with that person tarnishes their brand/image and potentially could hurt business.

      Everyone is enititled to speak , but no one is entitled to a platform for that speech. We aren't obligated to hand them a megaphone for what they want to say. In this case, twitter, FB, INsta and TikTok can moderate with guidelines . They can't jail you, but they certainly can say "nope, not on my platform". Same with venues; when people protest a hateful speaker and declare they don't want it, that instutition or venue has the right to cancel that speaking engagement because the context of the speech could do damage to the venue or institutions reputation and relationships with those it relies on for its' business.

      Free speech is not absolute. I wish people understood that more. Sadly, many do not understand that.

    3. exactly.. shall we delve deeper into the constitution.. wait that’s far over Musty head and his minions

      I know it’s low class to call him musty, but people believe he is the next coming of Christ.. reminds me of another

    4. yadayadayadayada yada, scream fire in a public place yadayadayada, noone has the right yadayadayadayadayadasadly yadayada…. đŸ™„đŸ¥±

  40. He explained fully why this occurred. These so called journalists purposely went against the rules. Interesting when the shoe is on the other foot!!

  41. Wait you mean exactly what twitter has been doing for years

    1. When were multiple journalists banned for criticising Jack Dorsey? Wait you mean never?

  42. There was absolutely an explanation… you deciding to accept it or not is on you.

    1. they just want to push fake news and a fake narrative

  43. Of course Mashable never mentions Twitter’s weekly meetings with the FBI

  44. Except that the explanation was for doxxing. lol Ya'll keeping taking L's when Elons is exposing the lies.

  45. Free speech Elon? Its your company to pick and choose who gets heard depending on your own opinion. You cant criticize Elon, his fragile ego cant take it.

  46. Twitter is a private company. If you are not fine, get out.

  47. I saw that Keith Olbermann was banned. So, it could be accounts that commonly spread blatant misinformation.

  48. I like how they conveniently leave out the hours of discussion from Musk on why đŸ¤£đŸ˜‚

  49. So much for freedom of the press

  50. No eyes on Twitter insiders dumping stock?



  53. Ummmm. They spread misinformation.... you know like Russian collusion and Hunter Bidens Laptop. LMAO đŸ¤£ đŸ¤£ đŸ¤£

  54. Yea, that freedom of speech thing.

  55. Without an explanation!
    đŸ–• off, he absolutely did.

  56. Where's the whole "but its a private company..they can do what they want" chorus?

  57. Authoritarianism at it's crescendo.

    1. private company

    2. no - it’s authoritarianism.
      You don’t proclaim to be the “defender of free speech and the first amendment” as you’re censoring posts.
      That’s dictatorial.


  59. This is Elon's chance to be a dictator on a world level

    1. false or else Jack Dorsey would have already done it with the unethical banning they were doing.

  60. Everyday I dont wake up a Republican is a good one. Is there an animal more steeped if fraud and conspiracy. Of course he banned them, this was never about anything other than his false narrative.

  61. You weren’t complaining when Trump was exiled, flipping hypocrites!

  62. They did that 2016-2021 and you posted 0 articles about it đŸ˜‚ hope you know the entire population sees super far through the propoganda machine

  63. I just hope your silly hacks got suspended as well. If only someone would buy Facebook and kick you outta here too. No explanation needed.


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