Elon Musk's Twitter CEO resignation poll gets a cheeky response from MySpace Tom | Mashable.

Elon Musk's Twitter CEO resignation poll gets a cheeky response from MySpace Tom

"Should I step down as head of Twitter?"

Credit: Getty/Carina Johansen/Chris Weeks

Despite the fact Elon Musk's Twitter polls clearly aren't going all that well, the social media platform's current CEO (emphasis on current) can't seem to stop doing them.

The latest asked whether or not he should step down as head of Twitter, and – at least at the time of writing – "yes" in on track to win with around 58 percent of the vote. Musk said in that tweet that he will abide by the results, although it's worth noting that he has previously confirmed he doesn't intend to be CEO for the longhaul anyway.

As well as 16.5 million votes, Musk's poll also received hundreds of thousands of retweets and a huge number of comments — the standout of which may have come from none other than MySpace co-founder Tom Anderson.

In response to Musk's question about stepping down of head of Twitter, Anderson simply replied, "Depends who you get to run it!" with a little thinking emoji tacked on the end for good measure.

MySpace and its parent company were sold to News Corp in 2005 for $580 million. Anderson stayed on as president until 2009. According to his Twitter bio, he's now "enjoying the good life."

Did MySpace have its own problems? Yes, absolutely. But at least when it comes to quick-witted social media retorts, Anderson's clearly up to the job.

More in Twitter


  1. This is one of the most “not even an article” I have ever read in a long time.

    His response isn’t cheeky, it’s not even interesting… So, all in all, it’s just a post about the poll, who Tom is, with zeeeeeero takeaways.


    1. I really appreciate these kinds of comments

    2. your reason #2,634,257 on why I always go to the comments first

    3. I think it’s cheeky because Tom is saying he’s up for the role without really saying it.

      That’s why he used the 🤔 emoji…

      If him and Elon worked together it could be a good thing, he’s universally liked and seems to know how to stay relatively neutral on hot topics.

    4. nah, its 100% just a genuine question in regards to how much Elon sucks at it and who Elon is trenching with.

      But with that said. Doesn’t take away from how bad of article an this is and how click-baity it is.

    5. oh I agree 100% clickbait

    6. Yeah I like to click on click bait articles just to complain about click bait! 🧐

  2. Smartess reply all the others are thinking they are getting revenge, this isn't a popularity contest...Elon showed the world again how moronic people.are

  3. He knew the outcome before he conducted the poll. He did what needed to be done and is ready to move on.

    1. did what needed to be done? So you’re saying his plan to buy Twitter, have a bunch of bad ideas, ban a bunch of users for their opinions after touting freedom of speech and lose tons of money was his plan all along? And now that he’s successfully implemented that plan he’s just airport posting his departure for attention? Weird flex but whatever

    2. you're playing checkers but I like checkers too.

    3. you must have been on the debate team. I gotta admit, you really turned me around on this one.

    4. exactly! When your plan is to lose and you lose, you actually win! Way to go Elon!

    5. so do you just cherry pick what topics to improve your argument? What about the evidence and files exposing government corruption. Plus, censorship of freedom of speech didn’t matter until Elon took over twitter. (I denounce both parties actions of censorship) If you’re gonna have standards of conduct, at least apply it to all parties involved

    6. the argument put forth was that Elon Musk “did what needed to be done” and then created a poll to add drama to an already planned departure.

  4. If you can buy a company much more you can pay master technicians and administrators to fill in...

  5. He’s not seeing things through. Hasn’t sorted things out with dr shiva.
    Hard to believe he’s authentic.

  6. It's your company.you run it on who you see it.
    It's about time someone cleans house.

    1. are his boots tasty?

    2. Sorry, I don’t speak moron. 🤷🏻‍♂️
      Read it twice and no idea what you’re trying to say. 😆

    3. delusional of intelligence

  7. Musk should absolutely bow out as CEO of Twitter

  8. He’s not moving on he’s just weeding out people that don’t like him.😂🤣

  9. I don’t think his ego’s going to let him step down. I get the feeling he’s going down with the ship, until he finds out who stole his strawberries.

  10. This article is the definition of “it could have been an email”

  11. Never stop being you!

  12. Tom : "depends on who you get to run it 🤔"

    1. because tom seen what happened to myspace when he sold out.

  13. What is MySpace again?

  14. Poor thing just craves attention.

  15. Spends $44 BILLION to buy a company, gets bored with his new toy after a month. You can't tell me the system ain't broken.

    1. His money his choice. I suppose he is allowed to spend his money as he wishes. How is the system broke?

    2. not exactly. He leveraged his stocks... Essentially leveraging another company which he doesn't entirely own plus took out loans. It's not all without harm if this all crashes.

    3. His stocks his choice. The government gave him money to prop up the sales of EV's. He took advantage of stupid governmental policies. There are risks and rewards with any business. Not everyone gets a trophy.

    4. he’ll presumably still own Twitter, he just won’t be CEO of it. They’ll hire someone for that.

    5. his stocks... Not entirely his company. What happens to other stockholders if the business loses money or failes? Yes, risk, but if you are going to risk other people's money... It makes you not a stable or trustworthy person.

    6. Be America I bet the other stockholders would settle for not losing money or having to go through bankruptcy

    7. Do you not realize that buying stock and investing carries a risk? Elon is not breaking the law. The banks assume risk each time they make a loan. The only conclusion I can come to is you either have Tesla stock or you are a socialist. When a person decides to gamble and they lose it is not the house's fault.

    8. Be America I never said he was breaking the law. Just that he is unstable and not trustworthy. Period.

    9. most billionaire don't run companies and he has a few others. The system is broken that is why he bought it.

    10. Be America He’s not writing you a check.

    11. No he's not. We all have choices.

    12. LOL...you do own stock. If you think investing is without risk you are not very smart. It always amuses me that the same people that brag about owning stock when times are good are the first people that cry when things turn bad. If you put all your eggs in one EV basket then prepare to be disappointed.

    13. I don't own stock. I'm just an intelligent person. Anyone that tries to be CEO of 3 companies, uses them to leverage the other companies, and runs a company based on popularity polls.... Is not stable or trustworthy. That's not business. It's juggling while plying musical chairs. When the music stops, he won't be the only one hit with dropping objects. I'm sure none of the other stockholders invested thinking that this dude would use the company they invested in this way nor that the CEO would be CEO of 2 other companies. Yeah.... Again, unstable and untrustworthy.

    14. and it's still broken

  16. Yes just put someone in place to do as you require.
    But if you’re happy running it . Then absolutely not .

  17. Myspace has entered the chat

  18. Civilizations collapse. Digital civilizations collapse at digital speed.

  19. why would anyone trust a poll from the CEO of the app its run on.

  20. Coming soon, all the accounts that voted yes will go poof! 😂

  21. Get an adult next time.

  22. Nope, why stepping down? Stay and give hell to the woke

  23. I don't think Musk wanted to be a ceo. I'm sure his next title is excutive chair, like Jeff Bezos has

  24. Musk for Twitter and Freedom!

  25. Should he resign...

  26. Yes get Ye to run it.

  27. well i certainly wouldnt be nasty to the person saving the UNITED STATES from certain doom. a lot of dum f cs in the world today

  28. 42% the same percentage as any favorable Trump poll… coincidence? 🤔

  29. mind you, Mashable, the Twitter Voting System Platform, Software, and Hardware are Connected To The INTERNET. What could possibly go wrong? Move Along, Move Along, Nothing To See Here.

  30. He’s going to run it like many of His other businesses.

  31. A true African American

  32. MySpace is still alive???😂😂😂

  33. Elon is a emotion stunted business man
    Him and Twitter mix together as well as oil an water ..he says he's about freedom of speech but yet he does all this and then pull a narc move ...he's a hypocrite

  34. #ElonMuskPoopsStandingUp

  35. "not interested" is being checked off now

  36. All indian voters 🤣

  37. I wish Mr musk would let someone else take over Twitter like president Trumps wife and then he could focus on building a lunar base on the moon to help mankind get to mars

  38. Fascinating to watch Mashable squirm. Musk lives rent free in the editors’ heads.
    MySpace like someone cares….🤨

  39. You can't believe everything you read.

  40. So this great mind is going to manage by polls?

  41. you need to kick some more people out of there

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  43. I would love to see active user #s since he took over. I have some very conservative friends who just now joined but I also know some liberal and middle of the road people who left. With the stories of how many advertisers have left Twitter I wonder if it's losing as much money as it once was or more now?

    But the social media link sharing thing is a nonstarter for me. I like to link pages to other things across the web and who knows the way his rules change if you're violating TOS from minute to minute.

  44. Absolutely not! That’s your choice as boss? Not the woke crowds. You know better than to ask fools that.” Your money your choice

  45. https://media.tenor.co/4Jun5fkmgVUAAAAC/tbt-myspace.gif?t=AAXwLI__zT8IWoiz2AYpCA&c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2s&itemid=4275674

  46. Who is myspace Tom? LOL

  47. I just went over to Twitter and got suspended in less than 10 minutes. There is no free speech like the cult believes. I'm going to get booted permanently once my suspension is over. hahaha I should probably think about getting a Truth Social account so I can get booted there too. haha

  48. แล้วแต่คุณ

  49. Everyone:
    Vote for him to stay and make the spoiled brat work for once...and watch the "multi-tasking genius" myth collapse to the ground, together with twitter and some of his "fortune"
    He is looking for ANY excuse to leave Twitter without saying he ran away from duty and ward work

    1. You sound like a jealous, America hating, Godless, open borders, China embracing leftist.

  50. Will people get banned if they say yes?

  51. Elon if you step down then shut it down

  52. I speak for everyone here when I say "It's fun to see Elon struggle with basic relationships. He's losing billions misunderstanding humanity. The fact that it's happening right before Christmas is a delight. It's better than A Christmas Carol because it's real."

  53. Yes 🙌🏾 please!! I vote for Tom form MySpace !! Lol

  54. Who’s laughing at MySpace Tom? Dude sold his company for north of half a billion dollars, retired at 40(ish) and is now a “travel photographer”.

  55. Musk to stay in charge after mail-in votes counted….

  56. Why bother purchasing Twitter at the cost he did only to step down?

  57. Wouldn’t it be great if Putin did this?

  58. Weak.
    Phase 1 of Musk’s assumption required his personal touch. And it has been magnificent. Step 2 will be a growth phase that does not need him to be active. He’s still bringing power to the people, enough thrust to drive without a degree in international banking and to claim our crown full of stars starting with Mars. I hope he installs the original founder of twitter as the leader. It would be the kind of crazy brilliant worthy of one of the original founders of PayPal.
    Thank you.

  59. MuSpace is still alive???😂😂😂

  60. https://tinyurl.com/4khnxnnh

  61. Who cares you dumb goon. Ppl like you only know one thing. Go to Mars.


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