Tesla delivers first Semi electric truck to Pepsi | Mashable.

Tesla delivers first Semi electric truck to Pepsi

Three years late, but we'll take it.

Elon Musk unveiled it in 2017 and said it was coming in 2019. Three more years later, it's finally here: the first production Tesla Semi electric truck.

Tesla highlighted the milestone with a Semi Delivery Event on Thursday, held at the company's Gigafactory in Nevada, where the first Semi was officially delivered to PepsiCo.

The Semi is a class 8 electric truck powered by three motors on rear axles, with a 300- or 500 mile-range (depending on the configuration), load capacity of 82,000 pounds, and a 0–60mph time of 20 seconds. "This thing has crazy power compared to a diesel truck," Musk said during the event.

Like other Teslas, the Semi charges fast: Tesla specs say you can get a 70 percent charge in 30 minutes, thanks to Tesla's one-megawatt, liquid cooled charging tech (the same tech will be used for Tesla's upcoming Cybertruck, too). And it brings a ton of Tesla tech over from other cars, including the infotainment system, drive units, and the heat pump system. "It looks sick," said Musk. "That thing looks like it came from the future. It's like driving...a Tesla, literally."

To prove that the Semi really has a 500-mile range, Tesla recorded a recent trip where a fully loaded Semi covered the 500-mile trip from Fremont to San Diego. The company released a timelapse video of the feat; check it out below.

Prospective buyers, however, will primarily be interested in total cost of ownership. The Semi is pricy – $150,000 for the 300-mile version, and $180,000 for the 500-mile version — but the savings come in energy costs (the Semi consumes less than two kWh per mile), with the Semi saving up to $250,000 over a million miles according to Musk.

During the event, Musk reiterated Tesla's mission statement, which he says is accelerating the advent towards sustainable energy. This, he claims, is why the company hasn't stuck to only building passenger cars, but has also expanded to trucks and pickups, with the aim to "cover major forms of terrestrial transport." On a slide shown during the presentation, the categories of vehicles pictured were luxury (Model S and Model X), midsize (Model 3 and Model Y), commercial (Semi), pickup (Cybertruck), and a shrouded category called "robotaxi." Musk has spoken of these autonomous cabs several times before; in April, he said the company aims to produce self-driving robotaxis by 2024.

As for the Tesla Semi, Musk compared it mainly to diesel trucks, but other companies, including Volvo and Daimler, have already brought, or are bringing electric trucks to the road. Musk didn't say how many Semis Tesla plans to produce and sell, but given the competition, it'll be an interesting race.

More in Tesla, Elon Musk


  1. Ooooh! One grossly underweight electric truck! He’s such a disruptor and genius! What next? Is he going to deliver an electric oven to that Pizza Hut on route 9 by my house that never seems to cook my supreme long enough? I can’t wait!

  2. All those citing the pandemic...3 years ago was 2019. Pandemic supply chain issues began late 2020. Tesla was late prior to the breakdown in the supply chain.

  3. How many Pepsi points did that take? 🤣

  4. You guys love pulling Elon in to these articles don't you you know you going to get a lot of clicks out of it LOL

  5. Congratulations with more Elon Musk's we will have a different world much better I think

    1. as long as he dosen't fire his engineers. LOL

  6. You know I watched their whole presentation and they don’t say How long it takes to Charge or how Much it Costs to Charge or how long the battery lasts or what it Costs for a new battery. And I guess that 500 miles is ok but I averaged 700 miles a day Soooooo Hmmmm. And I haven’t seen any charging stations anywhere but I’m sure their out there somewhere.
    Things that make you go Hmmmmm.

  7. 3 years late...people forgot about the pandemic already. It has impacted the car industry in a big way

    1. already has EV rigs on the road. Pandemic didn’t slow them down much 🤷🏼‍♂️

  8. Except that the pandemic was in 2020, and the truck was supposed to be released in 2019.

    1. What does time matter if it gets done eventually?

    2. But delays always occur. In this case maybe it was suposed to be one year later of delays and that slowed them down further anyways.

  9. We have a electric school. Bus barely makes route without needing a chrg. Who are they kidding. 🥵

    1. I was wondering how that $300,000 bus was doing. I believe that's what they said it cost before the grants.

    2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtgaYEh-qSk

    3. just hoping it doesn’t burst into flames while the kids are on it. Lithium battery thing.

    4. buses have to be refuelled too…

    5. Then you don’t want your kids to be riding in a bus with an internal COMBUSTION engine

  10. All your negativity is keeping him running strong 💪🏻 keep hating

    1. All your simping just makes you look like you have daddy issues.

    2. yep Elon keeps pulling all this stuff off and all the cry babies can do is tap on their phone and their keyboards because they know there's nothing else they can do

    3. I have two moms that hurts 😂

  11. I'm no Musk fan, but it was late due to supply chain issues stemming from the pandemic. Those issues happened all across the auto industry so I really don't understand these digs.

    1. well cause your not smart enough kid. This truck was to be delivered in 2019. Before supply chain issues began at the end of 2020.

    2. already has EV rigs on the road. Theirs were delayed a bit but not multiple years. 🤷🏼‍♂️

    3. 579EV and Peterbilt 220EV are both on the road already.
      And they don’t look silly

    4. So 3 models? And how many of them did they manufacture?

    5. Looks like they’ve made less than 100 EV trucks.

      Tesla has made 100,000 Model 3s and Model Ys during that time.

      They also make the Model S, Model X, Roadster and they are in the process of manufacturing the Cybertruck and Semi.

      How many of those has Peterbilt made?

    6. I’d have to check.
      Big difference between model 3’a and Semi’s though.

      You do realize Elon didn’t invent Tesla, right? He bought it.

    7. No one is saying he invented it you knee cap.

      Lots of people buy companies and make them better. Ever heard of Shark Tank?

    8. lol ok. Why are you offended by that? Elon your daddy?
      It was just a statement. Triggered by it though I see lol.

    9. It’s an unresearched and naive statement ya. But you’re humble enough to take criticism so that’s all good right.

    10. lol wtf are you taking about? All I said is, another company already has EV semi’s on the road. Then dared to mention that Elon didn’t invent Tesla. And You got your panties in a bunch.
      Lol and un researched? I work in the industry you dolt. 😂

  12. Are you sure that wouldn't be better expressed as "electric Semi truck"?

  13. Why is everyone hating on Musk?

    1. It's the thing to do to be a member of the comfortzone-herd. It was pretty much the same miserable situation when the car came and when sewing-machines came. People being people. Same same!

    2. well that's a unfortunate reason. A guy who runs several business, trying to advance / improve human existence and I just read hate all the time.

    3. I suspect that the people that don't want things to improve for the human race are funding this type of irrational criticism against Musk

    4. he's a douch with a savior complex.

    5. because he's a grifter.

    6. pretty sure a high percentage of Twitter employees don’t feel that way

    7. It's fashionable these days. I've even seen some people suggesting that Elon worships Trump even though he said he voted for Hillary in 2016, that Trump shouldn't run again, that he wouldn't vote for him if he ran again, etc... There's some cognitive dissonance going on, big time.

    8. Because he keeps doing ridiculously stupid things? Isn't that enough?

    9. cuz they can’t afford Tesla

    10. pure jealousy..

    11. he has good ideas but does stupid things... Twitter fiasco, not accepting new better, more reliable technology for his cars... Love his rockets though.

  14. What are we supposed to say good boy?

  15. Awwww someone is sad about their truck being late. Grow up. People are beyond spoiled and entitled

    1. depending on the truck and product if your late you may not have a job anymore

    2. yeah I know I've worked a shipping job for a lot of years. No one has been waiting on this truck for 3 years to make a delivery....absolutely no one

    3. well I agree on that I also think they shouldn’t have ev semis tho

  16. It’s a 1000 kWh vehicle that will cost as much as the diesel fuel it’s replacing to obtain a full charge. And, it’s a major, possibly deadly fire hazard at the very least. And, it will cost upwards of $300,000.00 in 8-10 years when the batteries need to be replaced. And, due to the battery weight even with the 2k overweight allowance it will carry a smaller load than a conventional semi. So I wish whoever ends up with one the best and I wish them success. But those are the real facts surrounding this truck.

  17. Now if they'd deliver that jet to that kid...

  18. It’s good for two deliveries on a 14 hour charge to the wall ..!

  19. Ridiculous! I want Biden and his co harts to fly an electric plane, it’s his bright idea.

  20. You’re aware Musk didn’t invent Tesla technology, right? He bought it.

  21. Wait till they see how fast the battery goes down when hauling merchandise.smh

  22. Mercedes makes fools of themselves.

  23. Yup you love posting videos always late mash

  24. I’ve never met a Democrat truck driver, so guess who loses jobs?

  25. Oh well thank God that Mashable will "take it", you had the stars and planets worried there for a sec. Unsurpassed benevolence.

  26. NO Pepsi, "COKE" !!! 😫

  27. They will be able to deliver the Harrier Jet maybe.

  28. When does the Tesla toaster become available?

  29. Was it Tesla that made the public transit bus in newhaven that burnt up in the newhaven ct transit depot .
    Granted , there’s some kinks that have to be worked out , but a bus isn’t one to be used as a trial and error especially when there’s so many people that use the buses every day .
    And the roads potholes are not kind to battery packs .

    1. Nope, and it's why Tesla is at the top of the EV mountain at the moment. They were never the first, but they were the ones that surpassed the quality of the other offerings.

  30. tesla stocks will jump HARD once people start see tesla trucker around lol

    1. Yes definitely ! We will have a good ride ahead !!

    2. yeah it will be while for sure lol

      so just drink coffee and just chill and let flower grow lol

  31. Keep in mind Pepsi also wants you to mix its cola with milk.... 🤦

  32. Tech sites cry thee absolute most....

  33. Ban Elon musk from the news.

  34. Hello please 🥺🙏🥺 cash app me tag on $kennyla2a to get something to eat please and god bless you.


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