World Cup protesters are using AR Snap filters to display the pride flag | Mashable.

World Cup protesters are using AR Snap filters to display the pride flag

As people have faced detainment or confiscation for rainbow items, this tool shows LGBTQ solidarity in Qatar.

Fans are sneaking in flags to Qatar's stadiums – and using technology to send a message. Credit: Corner Magazine.

A Brazilian magazine wants to help fans support LGBTQ rights in Qatar, where the FIFA World Cup is taking place and where being gay is illegal, punishable by up to three years in prison. But protesting and showing allyship through rainbow shirts, flags, or any sort of rainbow-hued attire has proved difficult; despite FIFA saying last week such objects will be allowed into stadiums, many have faced detainment and property confiscations.

The solution? Augmented reality.

Football magazine Corner decided to create a new AR tool for fans attending World Cup matches in the capital of Doha. Using a Snapchat filter, fans can carry any sort of FIFA-approved flag or fabric into stadiums, which are digitally transformed to appear like the pride flag.

The free tool can be accessed by anyone, simply by searching for the "Pride Nation" lens on Snapchat. This is also the name of the campaign. The code for the filter can be seen and scanned at the end of Corner's video.

A football fan holding the pride flag.
A fan using the AR filter to protest at the World Cup. Credit: Corner Magazine.

"[We] believe football is for everyone and we’ll always stand for human rights. That’s why this campaign was born," says Corner editor and founder Fernando Martinho, also emphasising the importance of the right to protest without risk of punishment. Martinho says the Corner team sought a way for fans to demonstrate peacefully, avoiding "violence or even imprisonment".

All sorts of protests have blanketed this year's FIFA World Cup. Football players and fans alike have protested against host country Qatar, which has faced scrutiny for its history of human rights abuses, and FIFA itself, with the governing body of football being accused of repressing political and personal expression.

A number of these protests have been directed towards supporting LGBTQ rights in Qatar. Some have been banned or silenced: in late November, several American and Welsh fans were refused entry into stadiums for wearing rainbow-colored shirts, while others were told to hide any such items from being seen. FIFA has recently said it received "assurances" from authorities in Qatar that these items will now be allowed into stadiums, but there are still reports of people being targeted by security officials and prevented from doing so.

FIFA also stopped football players from wearing OneLove armbands while playing. These rainbow-colored bands are recognised symbols of solidarity and allyship for the queer community. Seven European football teams were forced to abandon plans to wear these bands during the tournament, with FIFA allegedly threatening teams with sanctions and disciplinary action.

More in Activism, Augmented Reality, FIFA World Cup 2022


  1. Does LGBTQ have to take over every event they attend!! If they truly want any respect, why don’t they just behave like people and enjoy the event. They don’t need to bring the clowns out every where they go!!

    1. Right. They not special... You should not get special treatment just because of your sexual preference

    2. the fact that a whole country is banning a simple flag isn’t concerning to you says all the more about who you are as a person.

    3. you’re why we don’t like it when old people use the internet. Stop.

    4. cring lord over here.


    6. you should cease to exist. Clowns like you ruin the future of this planet đŸ˜®‍đŸ’¨

    7. Why are you so angered by free speech?

    8. you have quite the opinion for a heterosexual, maybe you're at the least bit curious?

    9. If they were treated as equally as others and with respect, this wouldn't be an issue.

    10. "behave like people" wtf

    11. no but you should get equality regardless but that's not happening in Qatar now is it, in order for the lgbt community, what's happening is called a protest đŸ¤”

    12. nothing is happening to gay people...

    13. I'm Qatar gay people go to prison, they don't have equal rights,

    14. i don't see how they are "taking over the event".

      I am LGBTQ and l fully agree there is a time and place to protest and show solidarity with a group of people, a world cup event is not the place. The patrons chose to go to go to a country with strict rules about expressing queerness. They are not going to change a country run by fundamentalist ideologies.

      HOWEVER, they are causing commotion and conversation on a global scale that might cause some sort of reform and protect queer people in the future from incomprehensible prosecution.

      You have clearly never been oppressed or else your humanity might be a bit more in-touch and you'd be able to grasp why they choose to show solidarity through a global event.

      Wake up, and have some compassion.

    15. what do you mean like treated as equal? Did u see any husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend waving any special flag?
      Did you see any normal couple husband and wife wearing stupid costume to show their identity?
      That why people ask, why you have to bring it everywhere and everything?
      Nobody force them to cone to their country?

    16. behave like people, wearing normal cloth, normal behaviour... The question is, why they have to bring it to everything...?

    17. I bless the day I found this company platform đŸ˜€ this platform has really help me and my lovely family though my investment, I do received my profit any time I invest in this platform. I highly recommend Mr Robert Lundy to everyone he is a very honest and truthfully man. Remain bless as you Invest and earn.

    18. weird flex, maybe if straight people acted like humans and not like idiots we wouldn't need to do as we do. But since straight people like you continue to act like idiots and not like people we will continue fighting for equality. You know, like people should do.

    19. It's concerning when you don't respect a religious country's law. Who the hell do you clowns think you are.đŸ¤·‍♂️đŸ¤¦‍♂️

  2. Alors que des personnes ont été détenues ou confisquées pour des articles arc-en-ciel, cet outil montre la solidarité LGBTQ au Qatar.

  3. The rainbow in the sky symbolizes Gods promise to never again destroy man with flood. The heathen and mentally ill have politicized the cymbal. This is the Irrefutable universal truth.

    1. symbol*

      Also, God hates you

    2. but he loves you no matter

    3. can you ask him to stop next time you talk to him? Thanks chief.

    4. won’t matter Scooter, but bots might be different

    5. I bless the day I found this company platform đŸ˜€ this platform has really help me and my lovely family though my investment, I do received my profit any time I invest in this platform. I highly recommend Mr Robert Lundy to everyone he is a very honest and truthfully man. Remain bless as you Invest and earn.

    6. The universal truth is the rainbow was a symbol in more things than Christianity before Christianity was a thing. It did NOT originally mean "God's promise" to anything but indeed meant protection or seen as the bridge between worlds/planes, before that it was just described as light and water.(mind you that was Before Christ, and before Christianity)

      Also you are the sinner for not following all of your written word but preaching only parts of it. Welcome to going to hell!

  4. This toxic cultural bully-takeover by a group by claiming to be the one who is bullied is the biggest irony of our times.... sickening to the pits of our collective stomach.

  5. The length people will go to keep that 15 minutes of fame going, whether it’s the truth or not. You’re already one up on us, we don’t have heterosexual pride day.

    1. There's a simple reason why we don't need hetro pride, and why we need queer pride, especially in places like Qatar.

    2. equality is boring move along, and just tag her so she sees this.


    4. every other day is heterosexual pride day, what are you smoking

    5. I bless the day I found this company platform đŸ˜€ this platform has really help me and my lovely family though my investment, I do received my profit any time I invest in this platform. I highly recommend Mr Robert Lundy to everyone he is a very honest and truthfully man. Remain bless as you Invest and earn.

  6. Nobody wants to see this anymore so they have to use a filter lol that’s funny!!


    2. yeah, she is disrespectful to Qatari rules. I agree. Thanks for sharing.

    3. I bless the day I found this company platform đŸ˜€ this platform has really help me and my lovely family though my investment, I do received my profit any time I invest in this platform. I highly recommend Mr Robert Lundy to everyone he is a very honest and truthfully man. Remain bless as you Invest and earn.

  7. Yeah that's a real black eye for the Qatari's. How will they cope.....

  8. Respect the hosting nation's culture and religious values. They don't have to believe all the crap the West believes in. Don't force your ideals and nonsense on other nations. This is a RED line in the Arab and Muslim world. If the west is coward enough to allow it, the Middle East will not

  9. I like how these apparent individuals have been all clumped together into one group (LGBTQ) segregating themselves from everyone else. How’s that inclusive? So much for independence. What if they had their own country? LOL

  10. As it is said in the current jargon: you are photoshoped

  11. Desperate!! đŸ˜’

  12. Why is Qatar so scared of gay people? đŸ¤”

    1. I’m sure the devil will give you the answer

    2. if your son turned out to be gay what would you do?

    3. the most obvious answer is disowning. People like Abdullah act like good people but judge others for their sexuality.

    4. if God says it’s wrong then it’s wrong (in Bible and Quran)
      my sons know that too

    5. it’s funny that your morality relies on a fictional character that if what it views is wrong, you also see it as wrong.

      What’s next? Hurting someone just because they’re gay because it’s, as your God says, wrong?

    6. it's so sad that some people pretend to be good when their actions towards others are evil, wouldn't God want you to be kind to others?

    7. I have friends that is gay too, but I respect them. They respect me too although they know I don’t agree with it. You don’t even know me but quick to judge?

    8. I bless the day I found this company platform đŸ˜€ this platform has really help me and my lovely family though my investment, I do received my profit any time I invest in this platform. I highly recommend Mr Robert Lundy to everyone he is a very honest and truthfully man. Remain bless as you Invest and earn.

  13. when people are discriminated against they tend to want to point it out - people who object to that are often the ones doing the discriminating - and fairs fair if the Palestinian flag can be bandied about in the stadiums why not the rainbow flag - signed old straight white man

  14. The rainbow does not represent lgbtq it represents the heavens it represents cool memories from the eighties lucky charms pebbles flint stone steal truck trix are for kids tie dye shirts rainbow bright cars bears the rainbow is not legally any symbol for lgbtq

  15. i am not against any LGBTQ ... but pls respect others ... so others will respect u ...

  16. Just looking to offend people in a Islamic country, why be a trouble maker, just go there to watch soccer ⚽️

  17. They are playing in a very different place there, one not very tolerant. One where really bad things can happen to protesters

  18. Using God’s promise is never a good idea

  19. It's fake as LGTBQ đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£

  20. This is why you don't give people like them an inch. They'll take a mile and then some.

  21. They live in fantasy land lol. People that are sane won’t call them what they want

  22. Do what you do and leave us the đŸ–•alone freak show society

  23. getting to be like vegans đŸ™‚

  24. Why are people protesting at a sporting event?


  26. So what did they achieved by doing it?

  27. Globalism and transhumanism do not respect religions, cultures, traditions, values or families. Those in the 0.0001% hijacking LGBT rights are using it to advance their own selfish interests and do not genuinely care about the vast majority of the common people who comprise the movement itself. Leaders from within need to identify this in order to legitimize their cause or it will not be sustainable in the future —which means not going into Qatar and disrespecting those who call it home. There is a time and place to make progress. This (in my opinion) isn’t it.

  28. They have no respect for another Country. Enough is enough


  30. The Pride movement poisons every facet of morality. Like any terminal illness, its objective is to destroy the happiness natural to the body of orthodox values. Just because someone adopts a new pronoun it doesn't change their gender. The left pontificates about "respect their choices" but why should anyone have to respect or accept such a corrosive way of life! It's about time the Alphabet Militia realises that not everyone will accept their skewered narrative about what makes humans happy. We must spay this movement whilst we still have the power & save our future generations.

    1. You are the one spewing poison.

  31. YOU just explained the world in a nutshell... lol

  32. đŸ¤¡đŸ¤¡đŸ¤¡ From the same clowns who claim to respect other cultures...nope turns out to be just standard narcissism

  33. Like bringing drugs to russia to play chicken.

  34. and folks JUST had to go to a nation and the committee had to go to a homophobic country . lets grow teh hell up and realize they went for teh money with NO CARE ABOUT THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY AT ALL . This also says alot about how folks that run the actual countries feel about the LGBTQ as a whole . hey we embrace them LGBTQ community but we want the money more and Qatar is paying us loads so screw teh LGBTQ community and our players who are in that spectrum we want the money greedy . stop playing the emotional card and look at reality I would not go to those games if they are held in a homophobic country and if i was teh star player on a team who coudl insure victory at teh cup i woudl back out and let my team sink cause i woudl not play a game where the owners are homophobic as it is if they agreed to go to a homophobic country


  36. đŸ¤¢đŸ¤¢đŸ¤¢đŸ¤¢đŸ¤®đŸ¤®đŸ¤®đŸ¤®đŸ¤®

  37. When I see a rainbow I don't think of gay people.

  38. Pedephile pride is disgusting

  39. I bless the day I found this company platform đŸ˜€ this platform has really help me and my lovely family though my investment, I do received my profit any time I invest in this platform. I highly recommend Mr Robert Lundy to everyone he is a very honest and truthfully man. Remain bless as you Invest and earn.

  40. Morocco đŸ‡²đŸ‡¦ won Yiepieee

  41. So who cares go be gay in your own country

  42. Replies
    1. found one of em

    2. awesome comeback.. moron

    3. better than being someone like you

    4. 2nd graders can sling better comebacks than that. you're pathetic

    5. That’s true cause I’m dealing with someone who is

    6. Waiting for your awesome come back

  43. Replies
    1. Said the homophobic coward..?

    2. This got weird very quickly. I don’t want to start a conversation with you. Just be a better, more understanding and less hateful person. Absolutely nothing wrong with LGBTQ+ rights! Should be fought for and protected.


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