Why landing a NASA spaceship on the moon is still so challenging | Mashable.

Why landing a spaceship on the moon is still so challenging

"It's literally a one-shot thing."

An artist's conception of a NASA astronaut on the moon. Credit: NASA

At only some 1,600 feet above the moon's surface, Neil Armstrong grabbed control of the Apollo moon lander. The spacecraft's computer had guided the crew to a boulder-strewn field, so the legendary pilot had to quickly steer away. Meanwhile, errant alarms sounded in the module, and a gauge showed they would soon run out of fuel.

Thankfully, Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin touched down, and walked, on the moon in the summer of 1969. In fast succession, five more Apollo missions would land on the lunar surface over the next few years. Now half a century later, NASA aims to soon return astronauts to the moon, potentially as early as 2025. The space agency recently successfully launched its powerful new rocket, the Space Launch System, and in a pivotal test mission, an uncrewed Orion spacecraft is now orbiting the moon.

Yet landing people on the moon still remains a hugely ambitious feat.

"Just because we went there 50 years ago does not make it a trivial endeavor," Csaba Palotai, the program chair of space sciences in the Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences at the Florida Institute of Technology, told Mashable.

 "It is challenging — like a lot of the things we do."

NASA has already selected the space exploration company SpaceX to build its first moon lander, and earlier this year asked other companies to propose more landers. Whatever crafts ultimately land on the moon will endure daunting, but surmountable, challenges ahead.

"It is challenging — like a lot of the things we do," Tom Percy, a lead Human Landing System engineer at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, told Mashable.

the Apollo 11 Lunar Module
NASA astronaut Buzz Aldrin stands in front of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module in 1969. Credit: NASA / JSC

The moon has virtually no atmosphere

When spacecraft land on Earth, they use the atmosphere to slow down, as we saw when Space Shuttles and Apollo capsules returned. But the moon's atmosphere is extremely thin, comparable to the far outskirts of Earth's atmosphere, where the International Space Station orbits. This means that slowing down is dependent on firing out bounties of propellent.

"There's no atmosphere, so we cannot float down," Palotai explained. "There's nothing slowing you down except your engine."

Crucially, this gives astronauts smaller margins for error. Propellant is limited. NASA does provide enough fuel to tackle unexpected things — like a crucial flight correction — said Percy. But the mission, generally, can't afford any major mishaps.

"It's literally a one-shot thing," Palotai said.

an astronaut stepping onto the moon
An artist's conception of an Artemis astronaut stepping onto the lunar surface. Credit: NASA

No GPS on the moon

On Earth, aircraft rely on GPS, the U.S. government-run satellite navigation system, to provide precise landing coordinates as planes and other craft move through the sky. But there's no such satellite network encircling the moon.

"GPS doesn't work at the moon," said NASA's Percy.

So NASA must still generally navigate like they did during the Apollo missions over fifty years ago. They'll rely on the lunar lander's computers to calculate how the spacecraft must fire thrusters to stay on course for a specific landing spot on the moon. Importantly, astronauts will have the ability to take control of the craft, like Neil Armstrong did, if the system makes an error.

But today's astronauts will have significantly more help as they make their final approach. This modern technology, called "terrain relative navigation," uses a camera to map the ground during the descent. It will ensure astronauts are headed to the right place, and help the lander avoid any craters or boulders.

Accidentally landing on a boulder could be catastrophic. "There's a pretty good chance you're going to have a bad day," said Percy.

a view of moon navigation technology
An example, from an aerial view of the Mohave Desert, of how NASA's lunar "terrain relative navigation" will work. The technology matches camera images to known satellite images of the lunar surface. Credit: Draper / NASA

The lunar south pole is a strange, shadowy place

Apollo astronauts landed on the bright, sunlit side of the moon. But for NASA's new moon endeavors, a mission called Artemis, astronauts will land inside a crater at the lunar south pole. Planetary scientists suspect ice and other valuable resources are found in this profoundly cold, dark region.

There, the sun never passes overhead. It's always near the horizon, and can cast long shadows over the ground. These shadows will warp the view of what's below during a landing. "The long shadows make it difficult to discern what the surface looks like," noted Percy. "That's especially challenging when you're trying to land."

"It's going to be a very different environment than what astronauts experienced with Apollo," Percy added. 

NASA divers training in a dark environment
In preparation for astronaut training, divers at NASA's Johnson Space Center simulate the dark environments in the lunar south pole.. Credit: NASA / Johnson Space Center

NASA astronauts have walked and driven on the moon. But that was long ago. Our journey to, and exploration on, the moon is still in its early stages. After all, NASA plans to colonize our chalky, cratered satellite. "We're still in the infancy of exploring the moon," said Palotai.

 "We're still in the infancy of exploring the moon."

So landing on shadowy ground, without GPS or the help of an atmosphere, isn't simple. But the space agency is preparing for a continual procession of annual moon landings, starting around 2027. These endeavors, starting with a thundering blast-off from the Florida coast, will undoubtedly captivate the world, like the successful Apollo missions.

"Apollo inspired a generation of people to do something in science," marveled Palotai. "I think this will have a similar boost."

This article was originally published in April 2022 and has been updated.

More in NASA


  1. And all this is saying is that the initial landing was fake, we have much greater technology now

    1. More like saying that you have zero reading comprehension. The article recalls the landing of Apollo 11 and 5 subsequent moon landings. The issue is not whether they landed on the Moom back then. That is history now. The issue is that the Moon landing conditions (thin atmosphere, no Moon GPS, avoiding boulders) haven’t changed at all since NASA landed astronauts on the Moon between 1969 and 1972.

    2. There are retro reflectors on the moon that reflect laser light when you shine it on them. They were placed there by astronauts and are used to measure the distance to the moon.

  2. All the technology in the world doesn't mean a thing. You don't see nobody building pyramids and how long ago did they build them? Maybe we are not getting smarter at all. Just like most humans can't even remember phone numbers or write in cursive. Artificial intelligence is robbing us of our souls and we think we are evolving. Yea i bet it is very hard to figure it out these days...

  3. The 1969 landing on the moon was broadcast all over the world. I watched with excitement. I don't understand what so hard about it now. And don't say that they never landed on the moon because they did. Apollo 11 was the American spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:17.

    1. The easiest way to explain it is by using kids riding bikes. I’m sure you remember riding bikes for miles and jumping ramps and burning through rear tires almost monthly. That was the generation of kids back then. They were talented due to the technology available, or lack of. With bikes being the main source of entertainment, kids became professionals. Looking at todays kids, there is a very small percentage of kids that can do what kids in the 80s,90s and before could do. The age of learning to ride a bike increases too. So to get to my point, if humans were capable to ride bikes at a certain level, how is it that humans have declined in that skill? In the 1960s, it was all about the moon, getting to space, being the first to space, had the funding, had the support of the people. Today, it is much like the “kids on bike” analogy. We just don’t have the requirements or knowledge that we once did with a different generation of people. However Technology is more advanced than ever yet that doesn’t prevent the difficulty of this task. Safety has became such a major aspect of life. They may have used lawnmower tires for the land rover on the moon in 69. Today, they will most likely dig deep in the fund bucket to ensure safety.

      My opinion. Probably wrong but makes sense

    2. it was a miracle it didn't fail.
      It was a miracle it happened so early. Kennedy had made 2 speeches, one to congratulate them and the other to mourn their death.

    3. Nice try mr text on a monitor!

  4. Intense Math to do this! Did you know that there was once a human that did a mathematical equation for a moon landing faster and more accurate than a computer? Whoa!

  5. Don’t understand that it wont be easy when they managed it in 1969, surely it must be easier now. But maybe it did not happen in 1969. I wish the truth would come out.

    1. easier, but still not easy
      Risk v reward

    2. still not easy didn't say it isn't easier than last time.

  6. If it is hard now with today’s tech. Maybe we never landed back then.

    1. powered flying was Hard when we did that we still do it now

    2. there is always one and you’re it

    3. profile checks out.

  7. I am not saying it didn’t but I am saying it forms Doubt. You can’t just believe with out asking questions and be forced to believe something because everyone else believes. Our current tech should make it much easier with less challenges.
    No reason for everyone to hate, just trying to have a dialogue. If we can’t just have a discussion then social formats will be the society’s dimise.

  8. There are retro reflectors on the moon that reflect laser light when you point it at them which were placed there by our astronauts. Hard to refute physical evidence.

  9. They didn't have lasers back then!

  10. Should be easy, they seemed to do it more than once 50 odd years ago, surely things have moved on

  11. just replicate how you did it in the 60ies, 💯😂👍

  12. A bit of tin foil and a cardboard box and a few fireworks should do the job like the last time ye done it

  13. We did this over 50 years ago with minimum technology. 🤔

  14. Nasa should hitch a ride with Elon 🙂 He'll just drop them off on his way to Mars.

  15. Shouldn't it be easier than 60 years ago lol

  16. They already did in 1969. Or correct me if I’m wrong.

  17. It’s difficult because the first time is always the hardest.

  18. Well it is the first time so..... 😂

  19. How is it harder now than the 60's,?

    1. They didn’t say it has become harder, but that it continues to be hard.

  20. First time for everything...

  21. Robert Blake .. why it's soo

  22. tl;dr: It's because Kubrick is dead now.

  23. Offs, of course it happened.

  24. Given the negative comments it would seem the collective IQ is perhaps room temp. How could anyone with an once of intelligent thought think the space flights of years past were fake. Those guys has more guts, dedication, honor and and IQ than most of the idiots that doubt their success. You should be proud your country had to ability to succeed before all other countries.

  25. And still totally unnecessary

  26. And people still think this happens 60 years ago! Madness

  27. If it means I get to watch FlatEarthers get ratio again then "I got all the time in the world"

  28. The Ralph Kramden Mission?

  29. Because the first one was fake 😂😂😂

  30. They have been there for a very long time, they just wouldn't tell the people......Never A Straight Answer = NASA

  31. Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't it be easier to land on the moon since we have better technology since 1969?

    I'm not a Qanon nut, yet, but sh*t like this makes you head in that direction.

  32. If it’s not easy now, just think how it was in 1969!

  33. Probably because government can't do anything very well.

  34. You have to stand up for yourself, No one is gonna be with you on the way to success because the path of success is very hard and only few can go over it. so always be there for yourself and achieve your goals and dreams.

  35. Because its never been done

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  45. Won’t be easy to fool us in 2023. Was so easy in 1969 with 1mb ram computers ? 😃

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  52. We already landed on the moon

  53. Watch the Nat Geo film on IF they landed on the moon. After seeing this I don't believe they did. So many people involved with the first landing said it didn't happen. How many astronauts died in suspicious circumstances.

  54. Just don't for the Ozon.

  55. There's a first for everything 😆

  56. Even though they've done it before, several times in the last century? Weird. Did they lose their brains 🧠?

  57. I’m dying it’s fake so Dave can comment

  58. Well since the earth is a flat motionless realm under a dome, they should say this out loud and clear….

  59. Because thay lost old tehnology from 1960y haha..thay newer lend on moon

    1. They never lend to the Moon and they never borrow from the Moon either. 🙄 Another Dunning-Kuguer “expert” on moon “lendings”.


  61. I think it's hard to earthlings to go back to the moon because they were told by the being that were already there, if they come back, they are not going to peacefully watch them land or hang around. I think they were told to get on and don't come back if they knew what was good for them.

  62. They never landed on the moon!! WTF!
    WHAT A FREAKING JOKE! They landed on ARIZONA! lol. What , now if the fake land, it's going to be! Egypt? 🙄🤣👽

  63. Let trump and Putin br the first to journal there and stay there

  64. It'd be easier if the first mission does not aim to land in a shadowy crater 🤷‍♂️

  65. They lost their calculator!


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