ElonJet is back on Twitter, but now it has a 24-hour delay | Mashable.

ElonJet is back on Twitter, but now it has a 24-hour delay

Tracking Elon's private jet, but yesterday.

Elon Musk's jet locator is back, albeit with a delay. Credit: Sopa Images/Getty Images

If you want to know where Elon Musk's private jet is right now, you won't find that info on Twitter, due to the company's new policy that prevents posting a private person's location in real time.

But now, if you really must, you can find out where Musk's jet was exactly 24 hours ago.

Jack Sweeney, the student at University of Central Florida who was behind the original @ElonJet account (now banned), is back with @ElonJetNextDay.

Unlike @ElonJet, which tracked the whereabouts of Musk's private jet in real time, the new account does so with a 24-hour delay, thus possibly circumventing Twitter's new anti-doxxing policy.

The latest tweet from the account, which is less than a day old, says that Musk's plane landed in Oakland, California – yesterday.

Musk likely won't be too happy about it, but he did recently say that "posting locations someone traveled to on a slightly delayed basis isn’t a safety problem" and is "ok."

Twitter's official policy on this forbids sharing "live location information, including information shared on Twitter directly or links to 3rd-party URL(s) of travel routes, actual physical location, or other identifying information that would reveal a person’s location, regardless if this information is publicly available."

Sweeney originally launched @ElonJet two years ago, irking Musk, who called it a "personal safety risk."

Despite saying that his "commitment to free speech extends even to not banning the account following my plane," Musk however did ban Sweeney's @ElonJet account after taking over Twitter, citing an incident with a "crazy stalker." Musk's Twitter also banned the accounts of a number of journalists who covered Sweeney's story. At writing time, some of those journalists are still banned on Twitter for unclear reasons.

More in Twitter


  1. And why anybody needs to know about somebody flights? Even if it’s public data, what’s the purpose?! Kids today are crazy, doing things only because they can.

    1. there’s no reason not to

    2. I disagree. Everyone wants privacy.

    3. the information is already public. Privacy isn’t an option.

    4. the info is public but no one bother to search for a particular jet, only if has a reason for it. But make it more public, for particular persons, you dont see any bad in it, I certanly dont see any good of it. I’m not a fan of Musk, but in place I’ll do the same: ban them accounts.

    5. a large part of the reason that the information was originally made available was because Musk took a stance of pro-environment when he first inserted himself at Tesla. The amount of flights that he takes along with many other revelations have shown that he’s only pro-money and doesn’t care about the environment at all.

    6. those, who watch it. Not us.

    7. worry about Albania

    8. if someone wanted to use the data for nefarious reasons the fact that it’s not on Twitter won’t stop them. When it comes to information public is public. It’s not relative.

      It’s not about a personal opinion on an individual so your feelings about musk are irrelevant.

    9. who’s upset? And why should I be upset at them?

    10. because of idiots out there that would like to kill him. I’m sure you would like to know where you are at 24 hours a day.

    11. oops sorry I meant to tag the other guy..

    12. everyone wants privacy? .maybe you should be more concerned with the body responsible for originally providing information...not the kid who is just reproducing it.

    13. not what you want if the information is publically accessible. That means a 16 year old who lives with his granny can publish it LOL... try harder next time.

    14. To show that the guy building electric cars has the carbon emissions of a mid sized city.

    15. so why have an issue with the kid himself...he didnt hack anything..the info is ALREADY PUBLIC...yeah maybe he's not being considerate or whatever word you want to use to describe him but at the end of the day hes not doing anything wrong so action against him is unwarranted...thats the issue

    16. that may be true but why encourage idiots?

    17. well he def shouldnt be encouraged. Not saying that..if i was in Elon's position i would be annoyed too because now i'm pretty much under a microscope...but again, at the end of the dat hes doing nothing wrong. But i certainly wouldnt be banning him, and time delaying his tweets...THAT is wrong...Elon's should direct his energy at whoever is providing the information.

    18. it’s funny how everyone defends this hacker kid but not Elon. It’s his company!!

    19. wait until you find out about phone books. 😂

    20. the information is already public. Putting it on Twitter doesn’t change that. This is not a privacy or safety issue.

    21. so it doesn’t matter that the owner of Twitter blocks a jerk from posting sensitive information that he doesn’t like. It’s not what that information is disclosed for.

    22. a plane is not a person

    23. and you are not the owner of the company that has a twit posting personal information. By the way can I post about you every time you travel. You’re okay with that right. 😂

    24. nice attempt at moving the goal posts. The next time that I fly on a private jet, go ahead and get that public information and post it. How’s that boot taste?

    25. well, Mr. Top Fan, I would be glad to stalk your movements but I doubt you could afford that. You people are pretty silly.

    26. stalk people much? Weird thing to admit on social media.

    27. I personally would like information on everyone that went to Epstiens Island at all times

    28. sorry, I misjudged your intelligence.

  2. ElonJet guy might have saved his own life, borrowing one Tesla investor’s words: “Imagine what happens to that dude if his tweets lead something bad happening to Musk and some people lose money. Life is cheap.”

    1. Elons tweets cause investors to lose money all the time, so really no difference.

    2. Just today one old customer was blaming Musk for GM stock hitting the lowest this year.

  3. Too bad there wasn't a delay before he doxxed the guy that wasn't stalking his kid.

    1. Sure it did. He directly connected ElonJet to the 'stalker attack', posted a video showing the victims license plate, then kicked ElonJet off Twitter.

    2. sorry, misunderstood the direction you were going with that

    3. Glad we sorted it out.

  4. Give me one good reason Mashable is interested in tracking Musk.

    1. I don't think it's about wanting to track Musk, I think it's more about Musk trying to restrict access to publicly available information, while also claiming to be a free speech absolutist.

    2. Mashable seems to be another globalist disinformation site much like most of main stream media

    3. I don't think disinformation means what you think it means. hahaha

    4. distractions = disinformation

    5. Wow, the cult has added alt dictionaries to the alt reality. hahaha

  5. If someone wants to know where it is they can find out publicly. I don't understand why someone would have the need to have it posted it. People should get a real life.

    1. I see the Elon fanboy bots are out

    2. why do you care were someone you don't know is at anyway?

    3. I don't state not imply I cared where you were "at"

    4. no but you care where Elon Musk private jet is at. So why? I mean really why? By the way I am no one fan boy. You seem more of a fan boy then I since you must know where musk is at.

    5. Why would I delete my comment? Again I ask why is it such a problem for you to know where Elon Musk is right this minute? No cared what he was doing 8 months ago? Again I don't think it is a good idea to be giving out anyone's whereabouts. Why is that a good idea now. If it was good for him it should be good for anyone and then someone will end in a bad way. I don't want that to happen to anyone.

  6. Elon Musk still have more transparency than our Vacation in Chief, Dork Brandon😎

  7. The reason Musk bought Twitter lol

  8. Poor guy, he spends his young years on following stangers.... sad story...

  9. why would anyonr care where some rich dude's jet is?

    1. Haha no life kids that want to stalk a guy that is worth more then there country

  10. Does anyone care about where his jet is
    Cut this crap

  11. say it enough maybe you will start to believe it

  12. https://media1.tenor.co/images/0ece72206f273e6bb32af762bd381ff4/tenor.gif?c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2tfd2ViY29tbWVudHM&itemid=25303874

  13. https://media1.tenor.co/images/23c8d9bb6f481a6a2197343ba58fbc26/tenor.gif?c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2tfd2ViY29tbWVudHM&itemid=25501978

  14. People should be more concerned with what Bill Gates is up to.

  15. Well we see where Mashable stands on doxxing people.

  16. Does the idiot Musk think someone has a spare SAM lying around? If I had one I’d send it to Ukraine anyway. 🤣🤣

  17. Hello please 🥺🙏🥺 paypal me tag on @kennyla2 to get something to eat please and god bless you.

  18. Elon doesn’t ban accounts permanently unless they really deserve it like Ellen DeGeneres. Actually he even let her get back on. Lol. Do you see the difference?

    1. yes ....thank you for enlightening me on this information

    2. No problem brother. Did you read the Twitter files? Truly unbelievable stuff. I’m glad Elon bought Twitter so he could expose the criminal activities happening within our own government and social media. I’m truly shocked by what has been uncovered. The FBI literally hired 80 so-called misinformation agents after the 2016 election to monitor Americans social media posts. This is way bigger than Watergate.

    3. I agree ..I abandoned Twitter because of the gross amount of scammers on there....I hope one day I can go back to there and not be flooded with scam posts

    4. try it now it’s WAY better

    5. I will give it another go
      I have been using uhive lately

  19. It would be easier to pay the fee in public records to find and locate all properties he owns....he's not that bright

  20. This will teach people not to displease the god-king Elon.
    Let us all bow down to Elon's greatness.

  21. The origins of Musk buying Twitter:


  22. Yeah dumb hype meant nothing

  23. meanwhile, he live tweets his locations...😂

  24. It's really none of anyone's Business where Musk goes.

    1. his jet flights are public record. FAA rules 🤷‍♂️

    2. he knows where every Tesla driver is at any given moment.

  25. Free Speech, No Rules Musk didn’t last long.

  26. Bet the FBI paid for this hit piece


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