SDCC: Robert Downey Jr. returns to Marvel as Doctor Doom in 'Avengers Doomsday' | Mashable.

Robert Downey Jr. returns to Marvel as Doctor Doom

'Avengers: Doomsday' will replace 'The Kang Dynasty.'
By Matthews Martins on 
Credit: Jesse Grant / Getty Images for Disney


  1. Loki has variants of all different shapes and sizes. Spider man too… kang was same guy in every multiverse, now this? I’m so confused

  2. Doom should appear in a fantastic four movie first, not avengers

  3. How desperate is Marvel, that they need to bring back Robert Downey Jr. in a completely different role...?💩

  4. I couldn't be less excited

  5. imposibru

  6. There was no one else available?

    1. no one less that brings in the money

  7. Really wanted Glenn Danzig as Dr Doom

  8. This sucks on so many levels - he is taking away a role that could go to another Actor who hasn't had the chance to play every piece on the board as they say. He doesn't need the money. Sadly, based on timing, it looks like RDJ doesn't like others stealing thunder - why announce when Deadpool & Wolverine is being released. Trying to get an extra bump for a bad idea. Selfish, arrogant. Marvel could have waited a few weeks before making this announcement.

  9. Marvel trying real hard to recreate the magic…

    1. Yeah! I mean after earning only half a billion during the opening weekend of its most recent film Marvel has its back to the wall

  10. Dear Disney. April fools is april 1st. Tell your executives to stop making decisions because clearly they’ve lost that ability

  11. Who will be Spiderman?

  12. Are you sure that's not Jim Jones? 🤔

  13. Weird. After all, he IS Iron Man...

    1. he's still going to be.
      These lazy clowns have already said variant.
      It's not going to Victor Von Doom.
      But Tony Stark in a poor man's version

  14. Ya can't use iron man that's crazy

  15. What if !! 💪🏾They right !!

  16. that will be interesting when Iron Man battles Doom

  17. Why pick Ironman for that roll

  18. My wife just said “this is exactly the kind of shit Stan Lee would pull in the 70s to bring readers back” and you know what, she’s 💯right.

    1. I honestly thought it was a joke when I saw that reveal. The outfit and mask they were wearing on stage didn't even look that good. I thought it was just like a last-minute, "haha, wouldn't it be funny if we had Robert come out on stage and act like he was Dr. Doom."

  19. Remember RDJ's advice, folks: Don't bet against Kevin Feige.

    I know you're tempted to! But don't do it.

    1. Well Feige failed to deliver plenty of times post-Endgame


    2. We really still saying that in a post Endgame/Phase 3 world? Love Feige still he has done some incredible stuff for the movie industry and comic book film genre in general but let's not act like everything his name is attached to is gold.

      Black Widow - Mid

      Eternals - Mid

      Quantumania - Awful

      Ms. Marvel - Mid

      Echo - Bad

      Love & Thunder - Awful

      Multiverse of Madness - Mid

      She-Hulk - Awful

      The Marvel's - Bad

      Secret Invasion - Awful

    3. Okay, bet against him then, disregard RDJ's advice. I'm just the messenger!

    4. Which recent marvel projects have given you faith in Feige, exactly?

    5. Kevin Feige has done terribly so far

    6. Sure hope so.

  20. Just a stupid and desperate casting. RDJ was iconic as Ironman and this just going to stain his legacy as that character. Should have just brought him as Tony Stark. Dr.Doom deserves a separate casting.

  21. This really bums me out. He’s already Iron Man. There are SO many other actors… just why?

    1. Deep down, you know why, friend.


  22. I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt as I think the Russos, RDJ, and McFeely can do Doctor Doom justice. But I can also acknowledge that this is a pretty lazy casting choice and I would have preferred if they went with someone else.

    But I’m sure that when the movie releases and if RDJ has a good to great performance people will forget about their initial dislike of this for the most part.

    1. How is it lazy it’s like the biggest swing they could possibly make

  23. Imo they should’ve recast Kang just like T’Chala should’ve been. Kang can continue being a multiverse menace while Doom builds in the background now with a much more menacing actor killing him in Avengers 5 leading into Secret Wars. RDJ is a PR move and it’s almost laughable.

  24. Should have let Kirk Lazarus play Kang

  25. Reaction seems to be very mixed to this. I don’t know if that is a good or bad thing for Marvel. Like if they had just revealed someone like Cillian Murphy as Doom then I would say 99% of fans would be on board.

    1. They pretty much could've cast anyone that isn't already a major MCU character and the fans would've loved it. But with RDJ being the face of the MCU for over a decade, now it's all but assured that he's going to be some kind of Tony Stark variant, which feels disrespectful to the character and RDJ's own legacy.

    2. I was hoping it would be Cillian or even Mads. This is legitimately disappointing and doesn't make any sense. Surprised the reaction to this here is lukewarm as well- I assumed the subreddit would be fully onboard with this


  27. I'm confused. Is he going to be the one and only MCU Dr Doom that we'll have? Or is he just a variant and the main MCU will have a new Dr Doom in the future?

    1. Even if there is a future version, do you think it would top this in terms of impact?

  28. Only way this works is if they're totally lying about this and he's not playing Doom at all.

  29. I’m not excited about this at all

  30. My biggest fear is that he barely even wears the mask

  31. Kevin Feige has officially lost it. Sell da company

    1. When Deadpool and wolverine did the same exact thing having 5 different wolverines literally 5 days ago and were going to accept that but trash this? Okay?

    2. How on earth is this the same thing??? They're bringing back rdj (the guy who played Tony stark) to play doom, a character that has never had anything to do with Tony stark, or multiversal variants or anything of the sort, he's his complete character with his own story and mythos and now they're dragging his name through the mud instead of just adapting superior Ironman

  32. I’m baffled by many of the reactions and assumptions concerning why RDJ was cast from a creative perspective (besides the obvious $$$). Consider just a couple of things:

    1.) RDJ must have gotten a shit load of massive cash to return + a major stake in the movies’ profits, presumably making this one of the most expensive casting decisions in filmmaking history. Never in a million years would any studio - let alone Marvel Studios under Disney - take such a step, only to then hide Downey’s face! He may receive makeup into looking disfigured, who knows, but either way we will see his face! It will be obvious to the audience that Dr. Doom is played by RDJ.

    2.) This brings us to the question as to why Dr. Doom will look exactly like the MCU’s Tony Stark. Sure, some actors like Ebon Moss-Bachrach (who has already appeared in the now canonical The Punisher show for Netflix and who now plays The Thing in Fantastic Four) have played multiple characters throughout the course of the MCU. This can totally be done with extras (Peter Quill’s mom who apparently has also met Cap on tour in the 1940s) or minor side characters (especially when they’ve only briefly appeared in a show so far), but we are talking about Robert Downey Jr. here - THE main star of the MCU who kickstarted this entire franchise, carried it for many years and who got a massive send-off when his character sacrificed himself in Endgame. There is not a single chance in fucking hell that “both Doom and Stark just happen to look like RDJ”! In the contrary: We are talking about the finale of the Multiverse Saga, there will abso-friggin-lutely be some sort of variant explanation as to why Doom is also portrayed by RDJ, there is simply no way around it.

    How will this be explained? Well, we will need to wait and see, but I am leaning towards some of the theories I’ve read so far, according to which this is a variant of Tony’s who was either adopted or who for some other reason turned more extreme or even bad and became Dr. Doom instead of Iron Man. Furthermore, he doesn’t need Latverian blood to flow through his veins in order to carry a name that may have been bestowed upon him by his adoptive parents. Additionally, the Avengers (particularly Peter Parker and Rhodey) having to face a villainous Tony in the form of Doom opens up some very interesting possibilities for heart-breaking drama. Infamous Iron Man also gives us some ideas in terms of how both characters might be intertwined. Maybe Victor von Doom doesn’t even know he’s a Tony Stark variant. Maybe he thinks that the Sacred Timeline’s Tony Stark is a Victor von Doom variant.

    Again, we obviously have no idea how this plays out, but beyond this being a brilliant tactical move by the studio to renew interest in and hype for the MCU, RDJ’s casting will 100% also have a creative reason within the MCU and its lore.

  33. I do not think Marvel has it in them to NOT have a scene in which he’s unmasked and Spider-Man has to be all “!” and sad about having to kill him. I hope I’m wrong about that.

    1. I thought it was weird that Tony Stark so dwarfed Spider-Man’s character arc and all of his enemies. But now Tony Stark has literally absorbed Dr Doom smh

    2. agreed. This would work so much better if little/no attention is brought to the man behind the mask. I want to see his eyes and hear his voice only. IMO that would be so effective given it's RDJ

  34. So we can assume Doomsday will end with the heroes “losing” just like IW. No way they bring him in just to lose in one movie.

    1. Well, didn't Kang lose to Ant-Man? I don't douby anything at this point, lol.


  35. I think that if they have this Doom as a variant of either Tony or Victor, it could work.

    However they would have to completely leave the MCU Victor who we don’t know yet untouched which could also work. RDJ Doom could be this multi era al threat and the MCU Doom who we don’t know yet could just be a world threat.

    I just don’t want the same Doom twice please

  36. You heard it here first, Avengers: Doomsday will be a spiritual successor to Tropic Thunder and will be a one man show. Everyone is RDJ.

  37. This is so dumb lmao

  38. This was not the way to cure Marvel ennui, by bringing back the same actor you already centered twenty films around, but he's a different guy now, we promise? Hard pass. Christ, what a hard pass.

  39. Does this mean they are totally abandoning the Kand storyline? It's kinda shame cause I liked how the multiverse was developing Kang as this ultimate bad.

    1. Me too I hope we at least get like a special hour long what if or something to see what would’ve happened in kang dynasty

  40. I'm calling it right now, if RDJ plays the actual Victor Von Doom from the sacred 616 timeline this is going to be the worst cast decision in cinema. There's no way they actually thought that the biggest face from the MCU playing 2 characters at the same time was a good idea.

    1. He's in F4 so he's probably from their universe.

  41. I think he’ll be an English actor pretending to be Dr. Doom that was hired by the real Dr. Doom to shoot commercials.

    1. Are you ready for another lesson?

  42. For me it's a terrible idea.

  43. The amount he's gonna be paid for this has to be absolutely mindblowing, especially since there's 0 doubt they're also gonna bring him back as a Tony Stark variant in at leat Secret Wars. I'd at least be mindblown if that doesn't happen.

  44. Man, I don’t know how to feel about this

  45. I hope we get more info soon (mainly how this came about, because I’m curious, and like a double down that he’s playing Victor not Tony)

  46. Very intrigued how they do it. There's almost no way there won't be a reference to Stark. I mean, he's the most recognizable character in the MCU. And there's no way they are gonna cast RDJ and not show his face even once.

  47. I have a big feeling they are pulling wool over our eyes. Not to say RDJ won’t play Doom, I just think there will be some big twists and we might be left with a different Doom after the dust settles. Especially if they go the route of the comics, which is that the multiverse will be destroyed in secret wars, then we get a single timeline afterwards. Doom’s timeline. And who’s to say that would be the same Doom? This big announcement has definitely gotten everyone’s attention, and maybe that’s exactly what they wanted… to distract us from that they may have a bait & switch up their sleeve. Regardless of what they decide to do, this is going to be an exciting ride.

    1. He could be 60 year old Doom with the main story focused on another actor playing 20-40 year old Doom.

  48. Oh my god they’re gonna Tropic Thunder Doctor Doom

  49. I don’t wanna hear one god damn person object to my idea that Michael b Jordan from the multiverse should be recasted as black panther after this

    1. I’d personally have them cast the lead from snowfall

  50. I have to wonder if it was ever considered to keep Doom’s casting a secret until the release of either Fantastic Four (assuming he makes an appearance) or Doomsday as a major plot twist for audiences to discover on screen. It’s not like it hasn’t been done before with Tobey and Andrew in No Way Home, though it was the worst kept secret. But I guess it was decided that leaks would be inevitable, and they couldn’t pass on being able to promote RDJ’s return to the MCU to sell seats.

  51. Shrapnel tore his face up instead of his heart, so he's a variant of Tony Stark that becomes Doctor Doom maybe?

  52. I'm honestly perfectly okay with this if they play into the him looking like Tony thing. I don't mind the idea of if it can be used for some good drama. I know that doom never takes his mask off but you could say have Spider-Man knock his mask off and then that's instant good drama right there between the two. Plus I do find it interesting how the first big threat of the MCU was Loki who is now saving the multiverse, and the face of the man who saved the universe is now the Man who may destroy it. Plus I doubt Downey would come back if this was just a gimmick. I trust the Russo's

  53. I’m hoping for a Mandarin situation here lol

  54. I smell Skrull fakery

  55. If he appears in Fantastic 4 then it’s not even adopted Tony because Victor would’ve been born in like the 1910s/20s since FF is set in the 60s

  56. I'm excited and worried about this decision

  57. So, now they waste yet another great written villain because they f*cked up Kang.

    1. Your right let’s judge this with no information on the movie what so ever


  58. “Why would they cast RDJ and not show his face?” The reaction/press they got at Comicon? This thread?

    Pedro Pascal is filming FF:FS right now, even as THE MANDALORIAN & GROGU is also shooting. It’s not impossible to believe that they got Downey on board without opening the bank by letting a lot of it be v/o work too. And even when he’s playing “normal” Von Doom, they can use prosthetics on his unscarred face. They’ve had plenty of films getting fans used to the concept that the same actors can play different roles, including one that came out this weekend.

    The audience will know it’s Robert Downey Jr., but the characters in-universe don’t necessarily need to.

  59. Better have Laser FinGahs

    1. Read that in Bill Burr’s voice.

  60. Just say he’s Superior Iron Man instead and all this discourse is gone.

    1. As a counter to that Then you legitimately get “he’s just iron man but evil” which sounds lame

      At least when he’s playing Victor he should (on paper at least) be something entirely different

  61. Major Question is: WHO ARE THE AVENGERS NOW? With two dead, one retired from the main cast, who are they going with now?

    I know there will be a tonn if superheroes in both the movies but as the movie is titled "Avengers", a particular group of superheroes will be Avengers right? Who are they going with this time, can anyone enlighten me?

  62. My emotions are confused about RDJ being doom, especially after end game.

  63. Since the F4 is in an alternate universe I’m guessing the Tony Stark of that universe butts heads with Reed only instead of becoming Iron Man he becomes Doom

  64. I would assume he's the doom of this upcoming FF movie right? and probaly appear in that movie.

    if they are leaning heavy into Hickmans secret wars would need some kind of build up of the relationship of him and reed.

  65. Let him be a variant of stark that came from a world where the other half of the universe was snapped away (excluding himself) and developed multiverse travel instead of time travel to fix it, he ends up killing every Thanos and wants to build a suit of armor around the universe, under his heel.

  66. So, am I the only one that realized that oficially, Kang Dinasty is dead?

    1. I think we all realized that “Kang Dynasty” was dead the day Jonathan Majors got arrested for manhandling a woman

    2. True, but was still curious about the plans Marvel makes, maybe a recast, but nope, pivot to something else.

  67. Everyone needs to calm down. RDJ is an ACTOR. So he's suppose to play just one character his entire life?

  68. So I’m thinking Allegra works for Doom and that’s who owns Avengers tower. Wouldn’t that be a real kicker.

  69. He is either Superior Iron Man in all but name, with an MCU-original idea of why he got the name Victor, or Tony Stark Superior Iron Man who has killed/hidden away the real Doom and taken his place.

    That or he is Doom in Starks body which would be a fun twist.

  70. “I’m a dude, playing a dude, disguised as another dude”

    1. 😂😂

  71. Ryan Reynolds: Gets praised for his acting with a mask and another mask beneath the mask (prosthetic face) by Deadpool cast and crew, and gets Chris Evans back into the MCU as a different character.

    RDJ: “Hold my Oscar.”

  72. Anyone acting like he’s not a Tony variant is operating on a level of thinking I can’t comprehend. 2+2=5 type stuff

    1. I’m just hoping they don’t do that and take some risks instead.

  73. I wish they got a Romani actor.

    1. Seriously! They always make the chicken s*** decision. Quite weird to me. It's the same thing with the new Kraven the hunter movie starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson for some reason... Why not get an actual Russian descended guy who at least looks more like Kraven than Quicksilver does!?...

  74. I'm pretty sure Russos, RDJ, and McFeely all sat and thought to themselves about avoiding making RDJ's return seem like a cheap gag.

    I don't think RDJ would risk his standing in the MCU by just making a cash grab move. We just have to wait to see how the thread will connect.

  75. He got BIG mad about that Record Hugh keeps breaking.

  76. In all honesty I think he’s gonna be the F4 universe’s Doom for Doomsday and Secret Wars then maybe we get a proper 616 Doom. I don’t see 60 year old RDJ playing Victor in the long run and no matter what make up or voice they have him in, he’s still widely recognized for playing Iron Man so that baggage will always be there regarding him playing Doom which just feels off to me idk, I like Doom for his character not the cool metal mask and green cape he wears.

  77. The multiverse allows for anything I think he will be amazing for it

  78. My guess is it's a Tony Stark from another universe. His parents get killed as he is a young child while his father is in a mission in Latveria Romani on a mission for Shield. This leads to your typical Doom origin story where he is raised by Latveria Romani tribe. The tribe are experts in sorcery which he combines with his brilliant mind with technology. As RDJ probably doesn't want to play the role with an accent the story would be finally goes back to US as his genius attracts attention worldwide. He then meets fellow student Reed and forms a rivalry. Years pass and eventually the accent is gone showing an older Doom (RDJ). The standard Doom backstory plays out, he would be an amalgamation of both Tony and Doom, they have similarities with being a genius and cocky. The big twist would be he ends up in the prime timeline as a threat.

    Similar to how Infinity War shows Thanos backstory I think the same would happen here with Avengers Doomsday showing Dooms backstory. This would be played out through multiple flashbacks in the movie. I think he will track down TVA and the last Kang left and kill him like the way Thanos did with Loki. Obviously Majors won't play Kang but perhaps a comic accurate version of Nathanial Richards instead, killing him and saying something like you can't hide by changing your appearance I'll eventually find you all implying he also killed all the Majors versions of Kang, showing flahsbacks of Kang Dynasty courtyard burnt to the ground we see in previous post credit scene. They could also imply He Who Remains being killed weakened the Kang Dynasty somehow and he basically gains Kangs knowledge/power.

    1. RDJ is good with accents. Tropic Thunder was him flexing his Irish, Australian, and Africa-American accents


  80. So, he's gonna be the villain of another universe ( where Fantastic Four exist ). The MCU as we know, doesn't have a Victor Doom. Then something happens and brings him to the MCU, I guess.

  81. Feel like the actual best part of this that no one is talking about, is the fact that the Russo bros are directing both. These guys hit it out of the park every MCU movie they’ve made.

  82. In the run up to Secret Wars, where we all hoped/assumed RDJ would be back, I’d hope that whatever the fuck is going on is just a lead-up to a huge payoff in that film where we get to see him as Iron Man one last time before the inevitable reboot.

    If not, I’m truly confused at this. It blew my mind last night when it was announced (not in a good way), I just hope Feige knows what he’s doing.

  83. Did this get leaked at all before hand? I’ve seen bits and pieces saying someone reported on him coming back as Doom but I haven’t been able to find a proper source for that

  84. It’s crazy if it is a variant, bc that’s such a niche thing from the comics. Literally pulling at straws for stupid fan service. I can’t with MCU anymore I’m done lol. I’ll just watch x-men 97 and chill.

  85. Do we think it possible he plays a heroic or antihero variant of Iron Man while simultaneously playing the main villain Doom? I had my heart set on seeing a RDJ Tony Stark/Iron Man variant kicking ass with Hugh and Tobey in Secret Wars…

  86. They’re gonna make Doctor Doom a variation of an alternate iron man suite aren’t they

  87. In both hyped and tired of this bullshit at the same time

  88. What if Tonys parents actually ended up having twins. Victor was either stolen or given up for adoption or the von doom family paid for victor

  89. Deadpool "3" had wayyyy better spoilers than this news 🤭 iykyk

  90. He’s possibly going to be a doom that becomes Ironman right ?

  91. So no more time travel multi verse stuff now?

  92. There is a comment about Variant Tony being adopted as Victor Von Doom…this would certainly lead to the easiest Infamous Iron Man transition or flip-flop version of that story

  93. Everyone will know it’s him. Doom never takes mask off anyways.

    Actors do get paid for their voices. Probably easy af to convince investors to go that route… considering it’s RDJ…

    Can still do press, and interviews, it’s not like we won’t know it’s him.

  94. I think the Russo’s know what they’re doing and will probably show a lot of variants of different characters, so doom being a tony variant from a far away multiverse wont matter too much. Wont even need an explanation if they do it right.


  95. "As proof of the unimaginable possibilities in the Marvel multiverse, we give you the one person who could play Victor von Doom."

    @ Meta AI .. why "could" and not "will" ?

    The use of "could" instead of "will" in the statement suggests that the person being referred to has the potential or ability to play Victor von Doom, but it's not a confirmation that they actually will play the role.

    It's likely a teaser or a hint from Marvel, leaving room for speculation and excitement among fans. By saying "could", Marvel is acknowledging that the person has the talent, charisma, or presence to bring the iconic villain to life, but it's not a definitive announcement.

    It's possible that Marvel is testing the waters, gauging fan reaction, or waiting for the right moment to make an official casting announcement. The use of "could" keeps the possibilities open and creates anticipation, which is perfect for building hype around their future projects!

    I'm leaning towards this.

  96. So they don’t recast Black Panther because the original actor is dead.

    They recast General Ross because the original actor is dead.

    They revamp the F4 in a separate universe. No one died but they reuse the face of the MCU as the new villain in a universe that has nothing to do with the MCU.

    Am I getting this right? Are they running out of actors?

  97. He’ll only have 10ish mins of screen time. Little more time than a small cameo like the Deadpool and Wolverine Cameos. But by announcing him early, they can put his name and face on the poster and guarantee 500 million first week.

    1. 10 min screen time in an avengers movie with doom in the name. And as a cameo in a movie named DOOMSday? In a movie that leads into secret wars where dr doom is the main villain and becomes god emporer doom, wipes out the entire multiverse and creates an entire planet from pieces of the multiverse, in the same comic doom literally rips KING thanos’s spine out of his body? What are you on?

  98. Doom is a Stark variant. Stark was the anchor being of 616. Doom needs to be in 616 for it to survive.

    Nothing makes sense but that's what is happening.

  99. Wondering if he’ll end up becoming infamous iron man at any point,it’s a fun story


  100. From what I've seen from IW and Endgame, these folks usually go for the simplest explanation possible, like just get the stones, snap and get everyone back. Also beat Thanos in the way most people expected. All of you vs all of me. (Here in this sub, I read some way more interesting plot lines.)

    So the simplest explanation here. He is VVD, who just looks the same. Like Evans in DP&W. That's it. Why does he look like that? Forget about it! At most, it'll be some anchor being messiah BS.

  101. I got the feeling the Doom mask will be just like the Iron Man mask. Not just a regular mask but a high tech mask. That way, even when RDJ is wearing the mask, they can still show his face under the mask.

  102. Stark Cinematic Universe

  103. What if this is the Stark from Illuminati universe we have seen in DS 2 ? There were one empty chair on the council and we have seen ultron bots. Wanda killing his friends may be the motivation for this Stark variant to become Dr.Doom and he is trying to find Earth 616 Wanda ? Or somehow he changed his face to match with Tony’s to give hardtime to avengers after studying them. Even if was not Stark variant, we can consider that in the illuminati universe that empty chair may belong to Von Doom who looks like Earth 616 Tony ? A lot of ways can be speculated. All I want is good Dr.Doom storyline.

  104. Look I love Robert Downey Jr. as much as the next guy, but having him play Dr. Doom in the Marvel universe is like getting Chris Pratt to voice your animated character. Again.

    Time for some new blood.

  105. Once he got that Oscar and respect, he went right back to getting that money. Can't be mad it, good for him.

    1. I can't really blame him though. That is one thing that pissed me off about Battfleck. He was so upset that people only wanted to talk about Batman to him when Batman is one of the biggest superheroes out there. RDJ made Iron Man into a big deal while Affleck stepped into a role that was already iconic and IMO did a great job as Batman, but he didn't want to only be associated with Batman. While Cavil and RDJ are completely okay with forever being a superhero.

  106. Post Credit Scene of an upcoming Marvel movie:

    At the end of Fantastic 4 we just see the team and Doom leave their destroyed Earth through the arc, we never actually see them land safely in 616 or if we do we only see F4 do it and not Doom.

    Doom actually gets caught between timelines and lands in the TVA. Similar to Deadpool and Wolverine, he lands in a section of the TVA with monitors and a select few staff members that he instantly kills. On the monitors it is showing our 616 timeline and is showing the end of Endgame.

    With an exhausted breath Tony Stark says, "I am Iron Man," and snaps away Thanos and his army. Doom watches as a man, with his face, saves his entire universe. His mind races with the thoughts of this alternate version of himself and the life he could have led to make him this revered hero.

    Doom places his hand on the monitor as Pepper tells Tony that he can rest now. Sparks fly between Dooms fingers and the screen as Doom mutters a simple, "Pathetic."

    Doom slowly puts his mask on and slowly looks up from the monitor and says, "You all loved him, let's see if you all will love me too.

    Cuts to black as Dooms maniacal laughter can be heard in the background.

  107. The only issue I have with this is that it's clearly course correction. And it's course correction with a big swing. And any big swing has the potential to be a big miss.

    The Kang Dynasty was announced years ago and the feeling i got was Kang would appear throughout different projects until that movie. Doom wasn't announced or teased at all.

    Now I don't doubt Doom would have shown up at some point, probably in the F4 movie. But I think it's clear he wasn't meant to be used as the next Thanos type villain, certainly not for Avengers 5.

    If Doom was always planned to be involved in Secret Wars, they haven't done anything to set the stage for that like they have with Kang. And clearly Avengers 5 has had it's entire concept changed to fit Doom.

    This makes me wonder what other course correction measures they've taken that we don't know about. Perhaps other characters that are in the pipe line and possibly returning characters? I think Secret Wars might go down the nostalgia-fest route similar to No Way Home and Deadpool & Wolverine have.

  108. Such a stupid ass decision... Robert Downey Jr is a great actor and I'm sure he'll kill any role that he is cast in, but once again, Disney is using the same old actors instead of getting new ones. Why the f*** would I want to see iron Man as Dr Doom instead of Dr Doom as Dr Doom....?

    It just makes little to no sense and there better be a twist down the road.

  109. Reeks of desperation lmao

  110. I will continue to have a problem with this even if it turns out to be an incredible movie. The infinity saga, for all its flaws, was unprecedented. That they immediately shat the bed with their multiverse saga (how??? This was obviously going to be complicated- does Hollywood still use story boards? Did they just wing it?) and have continued to do so save for a few mildly entertaining films over the past 5 years, is infuriating. It's like Game of thrones all over again.

    The amount of money time effort and overall resources that goes into these films is truly awesome, that they cannot manage to get the best and do the best is beyond my understanding. RDJ will absolutely kill it in this role, but it's not his role, he just happens to be filling it because the decisions coming out of Disney have been garbage after garbage after garbage.

  111. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens

  112. Unbelievable lack of common sense posts here

    Anyone who actually thinks marvel is making such a huge deal out of re-casting RDJ just to make him a) behind a mask all movie b) a character unrelated to Tony Stark is out of their goddamn mind lmao, of course he's going to be a Stark variant, come on now

  113. To anyone saying they want to see DOOM as a Stark variant..... Have y'all even read The Books Of Doom or know anything about the character's back story?

    Not asking to be patronizing, genuinely curious.

  114. Do people genuinely believe that Marvel will bring back the main actor of the MCU, the STAR of every single one of the previous Avengers movies, during the multiverse saga where variants are a primary plot device, and have RDJ's Doom NOT be related to Tony Stark in any way whatsoever? That's crazy to me.

    There is very obviously going to be an in universe reason as to why he looks like Tony Stark. Having the multiversal villain be a variant of THE hero of our main 616 universe protaganists instantly adds emotional stakes and conflict to the team of Avengers we'll be following.

  115. Just imagine if those Tom Cruise/Tony Stark rumors were to finally come true NOW.


  116. Two questions that will EASE most of us being critical about this.

    1. Is Victor a Tony Stark Variant?

    2. Did RDJ audition for this role?

    1. He definitely did NOT audition for this role. The screams of desperation from Disney/Feige. Feige originally didn't even want the Russos to come back but the other directors and writers walked off. Obviously Majors threw a huge wrench into thinks forcing Avengers 5 to change titles/storyline. So Feige went back to the well of what worked in the past contacted the Russos and I bet the Russos probably said we will come back if we get to work with RDJ again. So Feige called up Iger to ask if it would be okay to pay RDJ $500 million dollars to come back. Iger saw the current state of the MCU and said sure we need to bring this ship around. Then Feige hit up RDJ and asked if he wanted to come back and he probably said yeah but not as Tony to not undo his arc and Feige suggested to him Doom and he probably agreed.

  117. My coworker just told me about a run from the 2000’s where Victor and Tony swap bodies and are unable to swap back. Victors mind in the body of Tony. What are the chances they’re doing that?

  118. This is basically the end of the MCU. *

    If it does well, it's just because he was back, if it does badly, then not even that creative team and actor could save them.

    They already tried relaunching without RDJ and lost people's interest, now they're trying again, which means they'll need to restart again after he is defeated.

    And worse, they haven't actually fixed any of the core problems with people's relationship to the MCU:

    Wandavision told people to ignore lore hints and focus on character, Multiverse of Madness taught people that character will be discarded for plot, and multiple different shows ending in the same kind of big CGI battle, and Secret Invasion particularly taught people that it isn't worth waiting for the resolution of the plot either.

    After an amazing high-point of payoffs and nostalgia fuel in Endgame, there have only been a few things that properly develop on previous stories (No way home, X-men 97) while a mass of open-ended possibilities, teasers without good payoffs just feel fake and unreliable.

    They need to show the possibilities of these characters interacting as people, what it is about each character that works dynamically when put up against each other.

    One big caveat, that I appropriately used an asterisk to note earlier..

    *unless Thunderbolts is good.

    Thunderbolts is actually the Avengers again, put these characters together, see if this can work.

    If Thunderbolts is good, if these characters can interact as characters, bounce off each other, and produce a dynamic that you'd want to see again, then the MCU has a future, but otherwise, Stark Doom will be its end, and even if these other films are good, then I think secret wars will be many people's final final Marvel film.

  119. Confirmed RDJ Doom kills Happy

  120. did they say he was also going to be in secret wars?

  121. My guess is that he's a version of Tony Stark that actually was able to put a Suit of Armor around the world and went all Knights Templar.

    And that he's A Doom, but not THE Doom.

    Kind of interesting that RDJ himself said "Different Mask, Same Task"...

  122. Looking forward to it. But I'd rather have Viggo Mortensen play Doom. But RDJ will be good.

  123. 80 million bucks for rdj that's not money will spent.the budget is going be he's salary is going over inflate the rest of the casts

  124. Is Holland still the lead for the movie? Seems their setting up Holland vs RDJ.

  125. What if he is a Stark variant, that for some reason wanted to change/hide his identity and so start calling himself Victor Von Doom

  126. I'm really looking forward to it.

  127. I think they’re hiding the lead somehow. Not everything is as it appears sort of situation.

  128. No one bringing up the Demon in an Armor What If comics proves no one here reads comics.

  129. He’s covering for the fact Cillian Murphy will be the reveal in the film. Also hides his involvement as an Iron Man variant. Only way it adds up.

    1. The cope is real. As much I want to believe this myself.

    2. Yeah it’s a high dose of copium I’ll admit

  130. I think having spider man from different timeline make it a possible explanation that stark is dr doom in another timeline


  131. This just reeks of desperation.

    This is Robert being jealous of Ryan and Hugh, so he had to call Kevin to insert himself into the MCU once again.

    I think this is the worst casting choice I've ever heard of.

    I have no interest in seeing this movie. I'm done with Marvel.

  132. This is just bullshit. It would’ve been so awesome to get a different actor as Doom, and be excited we’re finally getting this iconic villain. Instead we’re just getting an evil Iron Man in a green hoodie. Doom is not supposed to be a Tony Stark variant!

  133. Lol why is this been approved or posted in first place, we already got this

  134. I know a fact that everyone will be after movie: ”HOLY SHIT RDJ NAILED THIS! ”

  135. he is a villainous tony stark in the FF4 universe but gets transported with the 4 to 616, but gets told there is already a tony stark who is like a savior in this universe and decides to change his name to von doom


  136. you guys are overthinking this.

    winter soldier assasinates the starks. steals tony. drops him in the balkans next to black sea. von doom family desperately needs an heir. he tells them his name is victor.

    there you go. victor von doom

  137. Doom will have the same tech as Tony Stark. An Arc Reactor (but with a green light). And maybe even his own Jarvis/ Ultron and Avengers tower (Doom Fortress).

  138. Wolverine can come back why not dr doom in tony stark body like in comic

  139. Welcome to 24 hours ago when this was news.

  140. My only ask of Marvel going forward is that they bring back all six of the core actors as variants of other characters. I think it makes the most sense if they’re bringing RDJ back in a different role and have brought back Evans as Johnny. Even if the others are small cameos. To me, this is the only way this makes complete sense. After Secret Wars, close the book on the MCU completely and start an entirely new shared universe with all the Marvel properties getting fresh starts.

  141. I don’t know why people have glued themselves to the concept that he has to be Tony or related to Tony or a variant of Tony because he’s the same actor who played Tony - Gemma Chan was Minn-Erva in Captain Marvel the Sersi in Eternals - it’s called Acting Ability and Makeup - but maybe he IS a Tony variant in this one, who knows - but the people who are like dying on that hill about there needed to be a connection need to chill out.

    1. The Gemma Chan thing is not even comparable. She played a character in Captain marvel with very few lines and maybe 10 minutes of screentime and that's being generous. She became a bigger actress since shooting that movie so they gave her another role since it was clear they could do better.

      RDJ has been in 9 movies as Tony who was a main character. There's no reason to cast RDJ unless he's playing a variant as there's a sea of other great actors who could do the role.

    2. There are plenty of reasons. This thread with over a thousand comments is one of them.

  142. I always thought RDJ would return as The Beyonder

  143. This is so interesting you have to make Spider-Man the lead then

  144. He will be a Victor variant that looks like Tony Stark. I don't get how people don't understand this.

    1. I don’t think they’ll even show his face - ever.

  145. I feel everyone's blowing this out of proportion.

    This is the Multiverse Saga. We got movies with variants of Spider-Man, variants of Kang, variants of Wolverine, variants of Fox's characters, etc. The way I see it, RDJ is playing a variant of Doctor Doom that just happens to look like Tony the same way (D&W spoilers) a variant of the Human Torch looks like Captain America . Remember, the Fantastic Four are from an alternate universe. RDJ's Doom is almost certainly from that universe and not the 616 Doom. I mean, cmon, this is Doom we're talking about. You guys really think he'd stand and watch as Reed & co moved to a different universe permanently ? I believe the prime Doom will arrive later.

  146. This is gonna suck so bad

  147. Replies


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