X reacts to President Biden dropping out of 2024 presidential race | Mashable.

X reacts to President Biden dropping out of 2024 presidential race

We exist in the context of all in which we live.
By Matthews Martins on 
Credit: Antonio Masiello/Getty Images, @LolOverruled, @Grace_Segers, @queenofjeansPHL on X


  1. Mashable is such garbage…”let’s report on the sewer that is Twitter as though it’s a real place” . Great journalism 🤦‍♂️

  2. He wasn’t really fit for the four he was in. Very sad for this country.

  3. I have an opportunity to acquire wealth steadily for the first 6people to hit me up with in my DM“GOD DID”

  4. I was right 🤣

  5. It is clear now that the collected Donations 💰command the leftist USA 🇺🇸 political party……a powerful tool…
    The existing flow of taxpayers funds 💰💰sustaining Political Corruption and wars will go on….
    Covid is an elegant excuse …2 letters…to pretend that Harris is just ok….
    just to keep big donations in a way out…..💰
    By luck, the press stopped the plot to convince the world that an elder brain 🧠 impacted by Time (so evident) could improve the decision making process needed in USA 🇺🇸 ….the circle protecting a fraudulent image is crying and lost, switching fast the Superman mask for the saint mask….now other Politicians decide who represents a political party ignoring the voters…

    1. what are you..you dont exist
      What fascist nation you from

  6. Dems are preparing 100 lawsuits to hit the new Trump administration with. They are selecting left wing activist judges .... RIGHT now

  7. This is all a scam.... it was always the plan to drop out before he was pushed in there.

  8. 👍😀😁😛🤪😉

  9. Yes, he should take a break from all this stress, he deserves rest.

  10. https://imgur.com/a/jUSEZX9

  11. https://giphy.com/gifs/reaction-xT9IgmYU3ZVaCjGafm

  12. It's finally Joever

  13. About damn time.

    1. Seriously, wasted too much of it

    2. he was a milktoast option 4 years ago. why can't we have more options!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Because the party itself is milquetoast, centrist business-as-usual, etc. Progressives barely exist in national politics because they're not welcome in their party.

    4. yes of course but people are still stuck on the false dichotomy which is perpetuating these circumstances. with social media and the abundance of celebrities and people will platforms in our modern era there should be no problem getting a voice out to choose a different candidate that isn't a part of the hen house. the people who say shit like "its a waste of a vote" i consider to be worse than the xenophobic conservatives.

  14. Kamala was so unpopular she had to drop out because she was going to lose her home state.

    1. And while I'm sure she's doing her job, I haven't actually seen Kamala Harris since the balloons dropped.

      If they wanted to protect themselves from this scenario, they should have spent the last 4 years spotlighting her as a superstar. Instead they're nominating someone we remember from 4 years ago who was less popular than the crystal lady.

    2. So what's the Republican attack, that she's boring? That's an asset here given how sick most people are of exciting politics, and the things actual Leftists dislike her for can't be used by Republicans against her. They'll call her a DEI president and all that other shit and claim the border's all her fault but she's not really tied to anything else that would further alienate their voters and her selection provides an out for groups Biden's shafted in the Democratic base to palatably fill out the top of the ticket.

    3. its funny how short peoples memories are for what is supposed to be an incredibly important event. people forgot that trump was running for election back in 2012 too. and he flirted with the idea many times before then. i know i'm not voting for kamalla or trump no matter what it comes down to.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. We do not permit homophobia, racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, sexism, ableism or any kind of prejudice.

  15. There’s not a Democrat alive who deserves my vote. They’re still obedient little servants of the billionaire corporate donor class, will fuck over the working class at every opportunity, have embraced GOP positions on immigration, love forever wars, support apartheid and genocide in Israel, have hard ons for wars with Russia/Iran/China, will deliver no healthcare, no housing, no education…but they put on rainbow filters in their twitters come June.

    Fuck Biden, Fuck Trump, Fuck Harris, Fuck the Democrats, Fuck the GOP, Fuck America’s rotten and corrupt capitalist institutions. This changes nothing

    1. Big true. Capitalist rot has consumed American policy beyond redemption, and some really revolutionary changes would have to be made to avert a truly catastrophic collapse of our system. At the end of things, all I know is that Trump is obviously dangerous for humanity, but we're somehow really grasping at straws.

    2. I think rot from Crony capitalism would be more accurate.

    3. That's just capitalism.

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    6. Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed to do so by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil. See more on our position here: Rule 6 "no lesser evil" rhetoric - is it accelerationist or doomer? Is it intended to discourage voting?

  16. If nothing else it'll be interesting to see how the gaslighting brigade spins this one now that the "best person possible" is gone.

    1. The blue MAGAs have built the entire election up to be "Dark Brandon, the most progressive man ever, destroyer of evil, man who bombs slightly less children than his opponent would" vs "literally Hitler". Now they'll have to delete all of their past comments where they say he's the best and the only one who can beat Trump, since the DNC will expect them to push their next nominee just as hard. They definitely won't use this as an opportunity for introspection, just like they didn't with Hillary in 2016.

    2. lol where are these people? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Biden Stan… He’s tolerated but that’s it.

    3. i'm more worried about people forgetting how terrible of candidate harris is, her campaign in 2020 was awful.

    4. They'll switch on a dime and you know it, the institutional party is spineless and will go along to get along just like always.

    5. I mean I have a couple guesses

  17. I hope genocide Joe is afforded every dignity he gave Palestinian children as his brain rots in front of his wretched nation.

  18. To be replaced by someone who washed out of the primaries after polling below Andrew Yang in her home state. Great democracy we got here.

    1. It was always going to be smokefilled backrooms given the fact Biden ran again at all and the primary was on paper only. Having an open convention or something now would be a ridiculous misstep, though I agree we need a system with more democratic accountability in general, expressed through more than two parties.

  19. kamala is going to get obliterated in november. democrats exist to lose.

  20. The DNC still delivering winners, great job.

    1. Kamala didn't really do anything of substance during Biden's term and is pretty boring in general but I think that in a contest against Trump being boring is to her advantage, I think most of the cow-eyed independents in this country would see someone boring but much younger than Trump and peak so hard that everyone around them could feel it. Things have gotten a little too high-energy for the average person over the last decade and they're sick of it. Give her Pritzker as a running mate and the Rust Belt's a lock, add in that she's a nonwhite woman and broke with Biden's Israel policy in a relatively minor but public degree and that gives the constituencies he's alienated a palatable route to voting again. On top of that Trump is still Trump and Vance is a Thiel bloodboy and absolutely repellent.

  21. About fucking time

  22. What a farce of a democracy...

  23. We’re all going to die.

    1. You are technically correct, the best kind of correct

  24. Both parties are colluding together to bring Project 2025.

    1. Seems like it with all these "random" things happening

    2. Project 1980-2024 went as planned for them too.

    3. Democrats don't want Project 2025, but they also don't want it to go away. They see it as a talking point weakness to exploit more than they see it as something to prevent.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. We’re in for a Trump presidency. Brace yourselves. I

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed to do so by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil. See more on our position here: Rule 6 "no lesser evil" rhetoric - is it accelerationist or doomer? Is it intended to discourage voting?

  28. (More obvious) Authoritarian capitalism looks pretty possible now.

    1. Amerika has been an authoritarian capitalist hellhole since 1776…

  29. r politics coping so hard now hahahaha

    1. i was trying to peek at the main democrats sub and couldn't get anything to load due to high amounts of cope lmao

  30. Can’t wait to see the breakneck speed at which the default subs become suddenly on board with this, after telling everyone it was a racist deep state plot to reelect Trump up until like 3 hours ago.

    1. It’s wild to get into one of those /politics megathreads before the mods have had a chance to clean house and then accuse everyone of being a Russian robot.

  31. I’m voting third party regardless but Dems need to come to terms with the fact that this shit is just a popularity contest for a deeply racist, sexist, vapid society and nominate Gavin Newsome or something

    1. Vote PSL Comrade!

    2. Why do you like Claudia over Cornell and Jill?

    3. Cornell has engaged with Patsoc's and is not a Marxist-Leninist. He's also engaged in conspiracy theories, though I don't know to what extent he's still engaging with those things, I have not been too keen on him.

      Jill Stein is a liberal. A green liberal, but a liberal still.

      Claudia De La Cruz represents my Ideological Staring of thought as a Marxist-Leninist.

      I admit my knowledge is imperfect and that also tints my opinion.

      PSL represents me the best and both running mates are young, which I believe gives them staying power and relatability.

    4. Gavin has absolutely no chance to win. He is too far to the left to pull the votes he needs.

    5. Californian here, he is absolutely NOT far to the left. Maybe compared to Trump he is, and definitely a bit more progressive than Biden, but he’s just another neo-lib at the end of the day.

    6. Yeah, that's too far to the left to win this time around.

  32. Democrats must all be Trump supporters or Russian bots since that's what I was called for suggesting Biden drop out a few days ago.

  33. finally, now let's watch the libs nominate someone just as shitty at the convention, like copala harris

    1. Unfortunately it’s looking 99% like it’ll be the cop.

  34. I dont think there's a chance in hell Kamala Harris can ever win vs Trump.

    The chances of Biden winning were slim to begin with and tanked after the debate.

    We are fucked.

    and the dems in their 4 years have done nothing to bring Trump to justice (so what if he was convicted, he should be in prison and barred), try to fix the completely biased supreme court, and all their other promises. I don't understand why the liberal party is so weak and always lets the other side win.

  35. wtf is this. If it goes on like this, people will prefer living in a official dictatorship rather than a shit show of democracy

  36. Even though he endorsed Harris, there was no Primary. So doesn't this mean it will be an open Convention? If so, the big money doners who don't want Trump will decide who gets to run. I have no idea who that may be. Maybe Buttigieg?

    1. Seems like he's getting tee'd up for it yep.

  37. Is it because of the billionaire tax he proposed ?

  38. About fucking time

  39. I really hope that democrats don't lose this race against old convicted felon, rapist poopy diaper man. Please tell me they have someone that's a more enticing option for voters.

  40. Not the best picture, I thought he was doing black face

  41. I'm still voting green.

  42. I’m ready for a Marianne Williamson presidency!

    1. She lost me on Israel/Gaza. No genocide sympathizers.

    2. She ran on a platform of crystal healing and people still liked her more than Kamala.

    3. The crystal healing portion is bs. She had a fantastic platform and beautiful message. But it’s true that people still liked her more than police officer Kamala

    4. Her platform was the best of ANY candidate that ran in the primaries. Stop believing propaganda.

    5. Williamson?

      Like most of America, what I learned about her was what she said during the debates. There was no "propaganda". People joked because she was extremely vague in her answers, and when faced with challenging questions on how to fix the nation, her answers boiled down to projecting vibes.

      But she was also not considered to be a serious candidate, which is why nobody hated her for being there. Kamala, on the other hand, was a serious candidate, and people hated her for being there.

  43. Why did me mum see this coming? When I spoke to her over the phone she told me “I feel like Biden’s SO gonna drop out. Sooner or later”

  44. Bye, Felicia! 👋

  45. About damn time old man. He wasn't even fit to run 4 years ago. But the party ignored all the signs.

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  47. Yeah Biden sucks but I'm sure whoever replaced him will suck too.

  48. It’s a new race.

  49. Finally some good fucking news

  50. good! but that doesn't mean we have to vote for harris!

  51. No establishment democrat is going to beat Trump. Buckle in for Project 2025.

  52. Now who will save us from the dog face pony soldiers with morels of an alley cat ?

  53. So where's all the people saying it would hurt the party for Biden to drop out?

  54. Hillary Clinton will be the nominee

  55. I keep forgetting that this sub is full of libs who think late stage capitalism is bad, while early and mid stage capitalism is the bomb and must be defended tooth and nail. Lol.

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  60. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-donated-kamala-harris-1928209

  61. Biden is out, gg assholes

  62. "If you smeeeelllll, what the Rock is cooking"

    "By God, it's Dwayne the Rock Johnson, comming to claim the nomination! Look at the crowd here at the DNC. They are going wild"

  63. A tweet to announce resignation, and on X? Could it be a coup? Some people who use some critical thinking are asking on X.

    Who on is running the country? Blinken and Sulivan?

  64. The deep state is in control no matter who comes to power. Capitalism is a chariot with firm operating as horses, and the deep state is the charioteer!

  65. Okay, I can’t be the only one to think that shadow over his face looks a lil sus

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