A new Alexa jamming device for people who don't own a hammer.

A new Alexa jamming device for people who don't own a hammer

Smart speakers are error prone, leak personally identifiable information, and line the pockets of bad actors like Facebook and Amazon. That said, if the worst person in your life still insists on owning one, the least you can do is buy them an Alexa-jamming device.

Say hello to Alexagate, a new ultrasonic speaker that fits neatly on top of most Alexa-enabled smart speakers. The idea is simple enough: while turned on and placed on top of your device, Alexagate uses "pulsed ultrasound to jam the Echo's microphone."

You clap three times to turn it on, and another three to turn it off.

"It is possible to shout through Alexagate's blocking, but we could only do it from about six inches away, yelling until our throats were hoarse," reads the product's FAQ. "Believe us when we say that the blocking is good."

The device costs $99, and is made by MSCHF — a novelty product company profiled by Business Insider in January — apparently for people too young to remember The Clapper.

The Alexagate is the latest in an ever-growing line of add-ons meant to protect you from the prying ears of your smart device. The best of which — a bracelet which emits ultrasonic noise to interfere with the microphones common on smart speakers — is meant to be taken with you, but is unfortunately not for sale. Notably, all these privacy-focused devices take as a given that smart speakers are recording users — even when not triggered by wake phrases like "Hey Google" — and represent a fundamental violation of users' privacy.

It's unclear, then, why the simpler, and more effective solution, is not offered for sale: that of a hammer.

True, barring those who rely on smart speakers for accessibility reasons, the out-of-touch people who actually own Echos and Google Homes may take more kindly to an Alexagate gift than you wandering around their home and smashing their invasive electronics.

But hey, a return to some moderate semblance of privacy has to start somewhere — a fact that MSCHF is clearly counting on.


  1. By the way, Google Home has a mute microphone button. You can see if it's muted, because 4 orange leads are constantly glowing while it's muted, and it even says "The mic's muted" and "The mic's back on" as you turn it on/off.

  2. Hey I bought this device that does X and I bought this other device that prevents it from doing X.

  3. Or, the cheapest option: don't buy an Alexa

  4. What's the point of buying an Alexa if you are blocking it's main perpose?

    1. u can extort people or something and buy other 3 Alexa with the money

    2. The idea would be to stop it hearing certain conversations rather than you know, turning it off or going somewhere else.

  5. Or just touch the button to turn off the mic?

  6. Easier: get rid of the Alexa

  7. Can't you just.... unplug it?

  8. In case you like spending money and hate DIY...

  9. Welcome to the new industry of devices to protect us from our devices.

    I find it hilarious that people need to spend $99 to protect them from an Alexa device that they could turn off.

  10. @internetofshit It was only a matter of time.

  11. @jmorse_ @mashable this is a shit article that should never have been considered for publication

  12. Who doesn't own a hammer?


  13. People who complain about Amazon listening in on echos and still own smartphones are the dumbest people on the planet.


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