Tom Hanks describes the different coronavirus symptoms he and Rita Wilson suffered.

Tom Hanks describes the different coronavirus symptoms he and Rita Wilson suffered

Back in March, Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson were two of the first celebrities to test positive for COVID-19.

But as the Oscar-winning actor tells Stephen Colbert in the clip above, their symptoms were actually very different.

"Other than a headache, she had a higher fever than I did, she had horrible nausea," says Hanks, going on to say that while his wife also lost her sense of taste and smell, he kept his.

"I had bones that felt like they were made out of soda crackers," Hanks continues. "Every time I moved around it felt like something was cracking inside of me."

His other symptom? "A really sore butt." (Muscle or body aches are on the CDC's list of symptoms.)

Hanks says it took them about eight or nine days to recover. As you can imagine, he's not a big fan of people going out in public without their face masks on.


  1. COVID 19 is Hypoxia////social distancing and masks are destroying peoples immune systems///Natural Herd Immunity ????Masks are causing insufficient oxygen intake and excessive carbon dioxide intake///oximete test///blood gas test ??)))Hypoxia can lead to Hypercapnia which can cause Pulmonary Thrombosis//Pulmonary Embolism etc. !!!

  2. At first glance, I thought Tom Hanks was being interviewed by Bob Saget.

  3. If he was a Trump fan he would get sympathy. Again, people are hateful. Go live your life

    1. You calling adorable me 'hateful'?

  4. Figured you might like this considering you’re such a HUGE Hanks fan, Dustin

  5. A$Holes like tom get to live while good people die

    1. thought the death rate for the virus wasn't worth to give attention to (•ิ_•ิ)?

    2. You’re and angry little man, aren’t you?

  6. You guys do know who tom hanks really is?... once you do, you understand why he talks like that

    1. he's a comedian.

    2. He's an actor and comedian who happened to live through this virus! Praise God!

    3. It's a false allegation being put out by the QAnon cult! It started on extreme right-wing chat rooms on 4 Chan & 8 Chan, but now Trump supporters are responding it against anyone who doesn't support Trump.

    4. Yes I googled it ! What a putz !

    5. found the QAnon sheep...

    6. you take your medications?

    7. ahh so child sex trafficking and pedophilia are not real huh? I guess bc theyre so rich they simply wouldnt do things of that nature? Over 500,000 missing children in America each year (more than the total death count of US covid cases) but where do they go? What happens to them? I guess to you all it just isnt a real thing huh cause the media doesnt discuss a single topic on it? “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isnt” Do some research and follow the money. One thing that is inherently true of this country and this world; Money is power.

    8. yes they are ask trump and Epstein

    9. Ok so you do agree w me by that logic. Tom Hanks himself has made trips to Epsteins Island. Wonder what kinda fun they had there 🧐. Btw I never said I like Trump nor do I support his character.

    10. Evidence is out there just takes a mindset to want to research it and look up the facts to become aware

    11. That is not true.

    12. If anyone would like a good place to start to get the picture of how high up child sex trafficking reaches, the FBI released classified documents pertaining to “the Finders” cult who practiced cult rituals, sold children and sacrificed children. Credible evidence was found and then covered up by VA police, CIA and other high up officials. Ask yourselves why would something that heinous be covered up by officials?

    13. knock yourself out and leave good people alone

    14. No, they're real. There's just no evidence Tom Hanks is one. For all I know, you might be one, but I certainly wouldn't put that out there with no evidence to support it. Nor should you when talking about Tom Hanks.

    15. @Michael didn't do any research whatsoever. Folk that do research show that research. @Michael drank the QuackAnon koolaid and is merely repeating ramblings he found on a message board that said all kinds of things that made lil Marc feel all smart.

      Don't be like @Michael.

    16. STFU.

      Start with this case. Read about all the evidence found and then ask yourself why would this be covered up?

    17. this makes no sense. The CIA doesn’t investigate domestic crimes and isn’t a law enforcement agency...They gather foreign intelligence...that’s it.

    18. You mean the same CIA that enacted Operation Paperclip? Bringing several hundred top Nazi scientists, completelty ignoring each’s war crimes to come work for the US gov’t here in America? Yeah that does sound totally preposterous

  7. Have you guys checked out “pizzagate”...

  8. Cool story broh

  9. He's a nut a lying one at that

  10. A real star Hanks. ★★❤

  11. Really don’t get the hate people are throwing his way.

    1. Because they're conspiracy theory sheep. QAnon is what they go by now...

    2. Trumptards think he's one of Epstein's friends.

  12. Yeah because he can fell what some one else is feeling... what no mask daddy

    1. Well, she IS his wife, and they more than likely communicated so.....


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