Every platform that took action against Trump accounts and groups so far.

Every platform that took action against Trump accounts and groups so far

President Donald Trump has been saying covertly and overtly racist stuff since before he became the president.

Now, after protests against police brutality and systemic racism swept the country, some social media companies are finally doing something about it.

In May, after Trump called for violence against protesters, Twitter took (mild) action. More companies acted after the president retweeted, and later removed, a video in which someone yelled “white power,” and more than 20 companies boycotted Facebook because it let Trump spread hate and misinformation.

Some companies banned groups that support the president. Others took action against the president's account. They probably won't be the last. As with Alex Jones' mass deplatforming in 2018, when the dominoes in a social media empire begin to fall, they all fall at once.

Here are the actions social platforms have taken against Trump accounts and groups so far.

1. Twitter

The president's social media platform of choice ironically led the charge when it came to articulating and enforcing new policies against hate speech. Its overall policy is not to remove Trump's account or content, but to flag content that violates its policies against misinformation, hate speech, modified media, and presumably more.

In May, it fact-checked two of Trump's tweets that contained misinformation about absentee voting. Days later, it hid a tweet glorifying violence against Black Lives Matter protesters. Most recently, it put a label on a fake video that Trump tweeted classifying it as "manipulated media."

2. Snapchat

The ephemeral content platform is allowing Trump's account to remain on Snapchat, but is drawing a line when it comes to promoting that content. Snapchat announced that it would no longer feature Trump's content in its Discover section, which is a curated content portal that Snapchat wants to be hate-free. Snapchat clarified that the president's off-platform actions — presumably, his Tweets and Facebook posts glorifying violence, and his tear-gassing of protesters for the sake of a photo-op — inspired the decision.

3. Reddit

The community forum site announced a new policy against hate and violence Monday, which it accompanied with the removal of 2,000 subreddits that routinely host content that violates its rules.

The highest profile subreddit to get the axe? r/The_Donald, a subreddit in dedicated to President Trump that was a cesspool of alt-right racism and misinformation. That's a reverse from Reddit's 2018 policy in which it deemed racism A-OK.

4. Twitch

The streaming platform levied a temporary ban against Trump's Twitch channel for "hateful conduct" Monday. Twitch banned Trump for posting his infamous racist comments about Mexican immigrants, including his campaign speech from 2016 in which he called them "rapists."

What About Facebook?

Despite employee protests and public outcry, Mark Zuckerberg has defended Facebook's decision to allow politicians to lie in ads, and to not do anything about Trump threatening protesters.

However, as more and more brands signed on to the ads boycott, Facebook announced Friday an incremental, and so far untested, change. The social network said it will allow some content that violates its policies (including hate speech) to remain on the site if it's "newsworthy" (i.e., posted by a prominent politician like Trump). However, it will also append a label saying the post violates its policies. It's not clear how often it will do this, and what the process will be for identifying and labeling these posts. Calling the new policy unclear is an understatement.

This story is developing...


  1. Joe Dementia not making sense


  2. We're going to drive this thing into the ground.

  3. i thought this guy had been impeached?

    1. "Impeached" by definition only means "Accused."

  4. Yea, he’s a mess

  5. #BigTech Cultural Marxists will have to beg for mercy when their companies get broken up for anti-trust, monopolistic, and anti-competitive practices.

  6. Well, at least Trump has Parler left.

  7. Say bye to section 230

  8. Joe Dementia in action.


    1. I want a good laugh. What's stopping you?

    2. Shall I link a video of Trump's gaffes?? I bet it is MUCH LONGER and more absurd.

    3. assuming you’ve never watched a trump speech then if you think it’s all one sided.

  9. Joe Dementia confused as ever


  10. This goes to everyone am honored to testify about Mama Anna who helped me in retrieving my relationship. I was in love with a man and both of us were living happily. Suddenly i did not know what happened, my love started developing hatred towards me. One day my love just came back from work and told me that first thing tomorrow morning i was to leave his house, i was so shocked and surprised because i did not offend him in any way. I did not know what to do next and i decided to plead with him, but he insisted not to see me around him again. The next morning he parked my things out and told me to go, i pleaded with him and asked him to forgive me if i had wronged him unknowingly, but he never wanted to listen to anything coming from me anymore so i decided to go to my sister's place and stay there, I loved this man so much even when i was in my sister's house i would still call him and plead with him all the time, but he told me to completely forget about him, and he even changed his phone number just because of me. This hurt me so much and felt so betrayed for years. One day as i was going through my Facebook news feed, i read a comment from a certain lady who had gone through almost the same situation as i was and was testifying how a certain spiritual healer Mama Anna helped her to get back her man. Immediately i wrote down her number +2782391426 and decided to contact her because i had been looking for help for years just to get my man back. When i contacted her, i told her everything, and she told me not to worry that my love will be back in just 24 hours , i did not believe her at first because it seemed impossible to me to just bring back somebody that had gone for three years in 24 hours , she said that is very possible and that she is the one that is going to do it and asked me not to worry about it. I had no option than to believe her, and she then made a love binding spiritual prayer for me. In the next 24 hours after she had made the prayers for me which was on Sunday morning, i heard a knock on my door i did not even think if he could be the one,wen i opened the door it was him, he went on his knees and started pleading begging me to forgive him i was shocked and was full of surprises and at the same time filled with happiness i accepted him without wasting anytime because of the much love i had for him. Thanks Mama Anna for making me the happiest woman .Don't cry alone call or whatsapp her for help +27782391426

  11. Joe Dementia classic. :D :D :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DbE2SmV2bs

  12. You are years behind on the facts. Obama requested more funds 3 times to protect Benghazi, but the Republicans shot that down because they were following their loudly and proudly self-declared plan to shoot down ANYTHING Obama wanted. The party-above-country Republicans are responsible for what happened at Benghazi.

  13. Fake news. Never confirmed. NYT liberal hack news.

  14. Eli DElia and the last president thought giving money back to Iran was a good idea and dropped the ball with benghazi among other things.


  15. you could not figure why you are the odd ball. Just go to any US naval base, majority of Filipinos are navy enlisted are conservatives, that includes the second and third generation.

  16. I know ur a filipino like me. I came here legally. Can’t speak about my relatives, I know most of them came here legally and some of them are conservative Republicans. Got me scratching my head on that one

  17. No. Legal immigrants like me fall in line ad follow the law. Illegals don’t folllow the law and fall in line. Nothing you can say will prop up your illegal law breaker relatives.

  18. it’s funny u got stay home save lives on one of ur profile pics and u believe in trump? Do u even see the disconnect?

  19. Avery Wu Kai Who said I'm Latino? I always checked "Non-Hispanic and non-Latino" on all forms asking for my race.

  20. This is way too funny. Joe Dementia did it again. https://youtu.be/3DbE2SmV2bs

  21. don’t be ridiculous

  22. We've heard many angry Democrat mob words since 2015. It does not shake us a bit. But, then when Joe Dementia forgets details which he should know, we die in laughter :D :D :D Trump 2020 #MAGA

  23. Not my problem if NYT published BS.

  24. you mean Trump. Look for the “oranges” of this story

  25. Trump should build a bigger wall so no latinos like you can enter this country or maybe you have a dementia... ;P

  26. Liberals and Democrats are the least of our problems right now. $100k for a dead US soldier?

  27. Funny, have you ever really LISTENED to Trump speak? He can't string enough words together to make a coherent statement. This GIF is how I feel after watching Trump give a press conference.


  28. yours can't drink without two hands or a sippy cup.


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