Samsung to stop bundling chargers with phones next year, report says.

Samsung to stop bundling chargers with phones next year, report says

Samsung will stop bundling chargers with its smartphones, starting in 2021.

This is according to an ETnews report (source in Korean), which cites industry sources. The reasoning behind the move is the fact that most users already have a USB-C charger lying around. It would also save Samsung some money, offsetting some of the additional cost of pricy 5G components that are becoming the standard on new phones.

The report claims Samsung is talking to partners on how exactly it should go about the move, as it's likely to affect companies that supply the chargers for Samsung. It's also likely that Samsung will initially drop the charger from certain models only.

The news comes shortly after a report that Apple will stop bundling a charger with its phones, starting with the iPhone 12.

Not getting a charger with a new smartphone likely won't affect most users very much, and it has the positive effect of reducing the amount of unnecessary trash generated.

Still, an old charger may not provide the best charging speed for your new phone, and having to pay for a fast charger separately will certainly irk some buyers. Whether Samsung offers some extra value to phone buyers in a different way — perhaps via a coupon or some other extras included in the box — remains to be seen.


  1. People don’t need to be buy a phone every year.... it’s your choice to spend money every year... I have a six year old phone that still works, these brands put the phones out there, they don’t make us upgrade phone every year...

    1. yeah I agree. I've kept my S8 since it came out but I cant get a full day out of it anymore 3-4 years seems to be the most reason amount of time.

    2. yeah I do have to upgrade now, l was just trying to point out we don’t need to upgrade phones every single year. Every six years is a bit extreme I admit, but even every 2 or 3 years helps sending so much waste to the landfills

    3. After 6 years there is no way your battery is lasting a full day. With any recent phone they are non replaceable after 4 years you pretty much have to upgrade


    5. true...but who said anything about buying a phone every year?

    6. im still using an s5

    7. but in that case never update your phone

  2. This plus the fact that they recently added ADS to the free music player bundled with the phone is having me plan to not have a Samsung phone when I need to upgrade.

  3. I can see some reasoning for not including although changing capabilities of older charges concerns me. Many are not strong enough to charge the newer phones with larger batteries. Still, I understand that it "might" cut down on electronic waste.

  4. They need to. The batteries always die. They should try making better phones that run for longer than 12 months.

    1. my use is mostly communication and going through facebook feeds that include videos or youtube etc. But surely I am not stuck with my phone 24/7. So seems like you are just always video recording and have your GPS and wifi on? That's not the best way to use any device that has batteries

    2. you are definitely not a heavy user then. We are talking about people who drain their batteries fast and since batteries have a lifespan, there is only so many times you can charg

    3. on full charge I still use it easily for more than a day with a wifi or data connection on. If you are always on your phone all the time for sure it is gonna discharge the battery real quick

    4. its a matter of how long your phone's battery can last. I guess that either you are always close to a charging point or you have a power bank

    5. My Samsung S4 lasted 5 years with the same battery and S8 already 3 years with the same battery ^^

    6. i got mine for 3 years now

  5. Cause Apple is doing it and Samsung hasn't found their spine since the note 7. Straight cowardice. They're happy making their butt tons off of chips displays audio etc. Lifelong fan boy typing on his s20ultra who used to work for them.

  6. at least supply the cable, adapters aren’t necessary

    1. Yes it does. Wireless charging. If you had the charging dock for an S10 (for example)and you are upgrading to a newer for that wire isn’t necessary for the consumer if they already have a wireless charger that works universally.

    2. unless you work for Samsung.. I’m speaking as a consumer. wired is faster than wireless.. and I have a bunch of adapters that came with new phones that I never used but can always use cables. like Apple owners, Samsung users will buy it regardless.. I don’t use either, so makes no difference to me.
      ..and you’re only thinking about sales but should also consider marketing.

    3. The phone doesn’t function without a charger.

    4. Not if you’re trying to make profit. It’s unnecessary for the producers.

    5. Functional pieces of a phone should come with it.

    6. Faster charging should be something you go out of the way for and buy in store not supplied by the company that’s trying to find more ways to profit.

    7. faster charging & android auto

    8. Why when wireless charging exists?

  7. Who cares if I already have the charger I need "laying around"? If I'm shelling out hundreds for a phone, yes gimme a back up charger.

  8. Hey Apple managed to sell a monitor for thousands without a STAND! Samsung thought they’d get in on the profiteering

  9. I've replaced my old wall sockets with new ones that have USB chargers built in so the lack of chargers aren't an issue for me. Saves something else that needs recycling. I've got a high-speed charger for travel.

  10. haven't upgrade phone in years not going 2 either bring back phones were you can replace the battery yourself

  11. Samsung chargers are a lot more durable than Apple to be fair and last a long time. I'm pro this for the fact that it will be less environmentally damaging.

    1. but their phones don’t last lol

    2. really? My last phone samsung A8 lasted me 4 years. It still works great I just upgraded to the Ultra.

  12. Goodness next it will be the battery... Only $49.99 to have a battery installed ;P

  13. Not using bundled chargers for many years now, they just e-waste. Totally supporting this decision.

  14. Only way to redeem this is if truly wireless charging makes its consumer appearance

  15. Of course samsung had to do this, it's their habit to copy Apple.

  16. Nice. I heard the pixle is a good phone

  17. Because they can get away with it and it saves them money. most people have 5 phone chargers laying around the house and if you ruin your battery with the wrong charger it means you have to pay them more money

  18. Why? Because you have 5 of them already. I'm personally buying the @Fairphone 3, which comes without any accessories.

  19. while the apple heads keep on paying the price

  20. Samsung is copying what Apple is planning to do.

  21. Charger, ok i get it. But if there is no cable, i have an issue.

  22. It's not like they wear out, really.

  23. Wireless charging people phones wont have a port in 2 years or so

  24. To compensate for the loss due to the pandemic?

  25. It's not about the environment, it's about the money.

  26. Just like Apple?

  27. as same iphone decided.. samsung copied iphone :D :D :D

  28. Seriously if they do that I won't buy any Samsung phones anymore. Samsung should be a shame of itself being cheap to its customer

    1. R u encouraging corporate greed

    2. Dont you have a charger from your current phone? Or the phone before that?

    3. what half regrets? Thx

    4. Its ok. Had it for more than a year. Just like any device upgrade with half regrets

    5. how is the One plus phone

    6. Plenty of brands now and cheaper too. Think I will hold on to my s10+ for a decade until they can revolutionize a smarter comm device. Without Stevie J we r stuck in just upgrading w nothing new under the sun.

    7. if they do that I will move on to other companies.

    8. elcheapo companies like apple n samsung just wana make more money by cutting essential accessories


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