America's dad Tom Hanks is very disappointed in you for not wearing a face mask in public.

America's dad Tom Hanks is very disappointed in you for not wearing a face mask in public

If you're thinking of breaking social distancing rules and refusing to wear a face mask in public spaces, know this: Tom Hanks is very disappointed in you.

The actor, who was one of the first celebrities to be diagnosed with coronavirus back in March — and who has since fully recovered — made his views clear at a recent press junket, per People.

"There’s really only three things we can do in order to get to tomorrow: wear a mask, social distance, wash our hands," Hanks reportedly said.

"Those things are so simple, so easy, if anybody cannot find it in themselves to practice those three very basic things — I just think shame on you."

Hanks went on to drive the point home with a direct, bleeped-out address.

"Don’t be a p****, get on with it, do your part," he said. "It’s very basic. If you’re driving a car, you don’t go too fast, you use your turn signal and you avoid hitting pedestrians.

"My Lord, it’s common sense."

Coronavirus cases have now passed 2.6 million in the U.S., with over 127,000 deaths. The CDC recommends people wear face masks in public settings to prevent people who have COVID-19 from spreading the virus to others. As Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told us all back in April, wearing a mask is not about you.

Hanks is not the only celebrity imploring people to wear face masks in public, with the likes of Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston, and Schitt's Creek star Dan Levy posting on social media about the importance of the act. "Imagine seeing it not as an infringement on your freedom, but rather the simplest, easiest act of kindness that you can do in a day," said Levy. "Not just for yourself, but for other people who might have autoimmune issues, people who, if they were to contract COVID with those issues might have some devastating repercussions."

You can make a mask in around 45 seconds or buy one online, so it shouldn't be hard to help quell the spread of the virus, whether you have symptoms or not.

Lookin' at you, "Karens" and "Kens."


  1. It's common stupidity!!!!

  2. Americas dad? You've seen Chet, right?

  3. Screw you and your disappointments!

  4. Common sense is very uncommon!

    1. sad but exactly what’s going on. Common sense replaced by arrogance has become so deadly in America!

  5. He had corona early. He might know how much it sucks.

  6. He should stick to acting

  7. Did Hanks wear one on Epstein lsland????

  8. And I care why?


  10. what does being rich have to do with wearing a mask? Can’t working class people use them? It’s ironic to me that the absolutely cheapest way to get around this would be for every single person in America to wear a mask and somehow it’s become a class thing. I don’t understand.

  11. I'm disappointed in him for being a pedophile.

  12. And now the spreadnecks are mad at Tom Hanks.

    1. Why can’t people show humility? Mask are out of respect for others. Chose kindness and a warm heart over selfishness and self centerness.

  13. Maybe atleast one more will listen, protect each other

  14. Put away your ego and wear your mask.

  15. So what? Why should I care what Tom Hanks thinks?

    1. where a mask and this will end faster and you can get back to work and you won’t have to ask for money for you and your mom on a fundraising site

    2. Well... why should we care about what you think about anything...

  16. Go hump a volleyball !

  17. It is WE the people not ME!

  18. Now he is a medical expert? Oh, shut up, give me a break!

  19. Tom hanks is a big joke never liked any of his movies and don't care what he has to say

  20. Why do you have so much hateful comment? he's just warning you to take the mask like anyone else, that's why the world is like this, nobody respects anyone's opinion, nobody has empathy so sad.

  21. Practise what you preach.

  22. well you go right ahead and wear one i don't


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