Stephen Colbert blasts Trump's plan to deploy secret police throughout the U.S.

Stephen Colbert blasts Trump's plan to deploy secret police throughout the U.S.

This year is already frightening enough, but if there's anything 2020 has taught us, it's that things can always get worse. In an unfathomably terrifying development, unidentified federal agents in Portland, Oregon have been detaining protestors and loading them into unmarked vans. The U.S. has been in a tailspin for a while now, but this really, really does not bode well.

"We cannot have secret police abducting people in unmarked vehicles," said Oregon governor Kate Brown. "I can’t believe I have to say that to the President of the United States."

"Really, you can't believe that?" Late Show host Stephen Colbert responded on Tuesday. "Because it's just one in a long list of other things you shouldn't have to say to the president of the United States, like 'Frederick Douglass is dead,' 'Don't drink bleach,' and 'You can't date your daughter.'"

Considering President Donald Trump's well-known admiration of dictators, his disturbing use of secret police is unfortunately not out of character. It isn't stopping in Portland, either. Claiming that his unsettlingly authoritarian move is actually helping the city, Trump has said he's looking at deploying federal agents in other cities such as New York and Chicago. Unconvincingly trying to justify this incredible overreach, Trump asserted the situation with protesters is "worse than Afghanistan, by far."

"Well I guess that means we're going to war with Chicago for 19 years," said Colbert, before breaking out his Trump impression: "'Look, they gotta have some oil in that deep dish.'"


  1. All the drug dealers and drug pushers don’t want government intervention it must be done to protect the law biting citizens and the people that don’t do drugs

  2. Chicago is already at war with itself,so many deaths .

    1. So I need to ask. Do you think blood flows down the streets in Chicago like a river?

    2. Are you wanting to know if its a great place to stop for a meal,gas or to stay over night...well that's up to you.

    3. hope to seep this same ALM energy when school shooting season resumes.

    4. no comparison . Shootings in Chicago far out way

    5. sounds like en educated response from someone... from Alabama.

  3. You're right.

    No one should criticize China. We should Not say a thing when the CCP rounds up 2 million Uighars, murders them and harvest their organs for other CCP members.

    We shouldn't say a thing about the CCP murdering Hong Kong protesters.

  4. not to mention its Trumps job to step in when local leaders can't or won't do the job .

  5. Homeland security has the right to protect the federal buildings and federal statues from this mob.

    Homeland security also has the right to go after domestic terror groups like antifa in any state.

    The Insurrection Act gives the president whoever they are the right to go into states with federal police and even troops if the case need be.

    Most people on this post are just reading headlines or letting the news wash over them and have zero critical thinking skills to find out what's legal.

  6. Now all of the sudden Donald cars about “Democratic” cities? Of course he doesn’t — he just wants to flex in some vain attempt to try and show that he’s a tough guy. Won’t work.....most Americans figured out long ago that he’s just a draft-dodging poser.

  7. President Trump cares about Americans.

    President Trump cares about being re-elected as well.

    These governors and mayors not enforcing the laws letting these peaceful protesters destroy the cities by rioting, looting, burning down small businesses, murdering people, stabbing people and creating chaos.

    The more chaos in these cities the longer the shutdowns last. These Democrats want the economy shut down so they can say look the economy's bad It's the president's fault.

    You have zero critical thinking skills. You have no idea what's going on. It's quite pathetic.

  8. Yea, you lost all credibility in your first sentence. Eff off.

  9. Don't cry little baby. It sucks hearing the truth doesn't it.

    You don't like sex either. lol.

  10. I don’t think it is Democrat’s that are doing the rioting it is the Republicans on Trumps orders the man is sick and why only the Democrats cities

  11. Yeah, you go sell crazy somewhere else.

    Stay off your crack pipe.

  12. How was the island Stephen ... maybe it’s time to shut the F up

  13. Colbert was funnier before he was one of them.

  14. does anybody really listen to this clown?

    1. sadly not many actually listen. There is an old saying 'I know you think what I said bt I'm not sure you understood what I meant,'

  15. Man your LEAF BLOWERS people!

  16. He should quit imitating Putin

  17. Colbert is a tool.

  18. A lie to form gestspo

  19. Vermelha é a cor do amor, I love


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