Trevor Noah says you can choose to listen to scientists or 'internet randos like Dr. Demon Sperm'.

Trevor Noah says you can choose to listen to scientists or 'internet randos like Dr. Demon Sperm'

On Tuesday, Americans woke to 'demon sperm' trending on Twitter. It's thanks to Dr. Stella Immanuel, a minister whose touting of dubious health material — notably praising anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a COVID 'cure' — has been shared by both President Donald Trump and his son despite the FDA warning against its use.

Then, Donald Trump Jr.'s Twitter account was temporarily frozen on Tuesday after he posted a Breitbart video spreading misinformation about the coronavirus featuring Immanuel. Get to the demon sperm, you say? Well, it's another of Immanuel's theories

All of this caused The Daily Show's Trevor Noah to urge viewers to question misinformation from dubious sources when it relates to our health and tackling a pandemic, despite the president's tendency to just go with it.

"Despite having the world’s top doctors at his disposal, Trump has decided instead to trust a doctor who believes that people get sick because they masturbate, and that vaccines are made from alien DNA," said Noah at the end of a COVID check-in on Tuesday.

"So look, America has two choices right now: Limit the spread of corona by following the science, or listen to the advice of internet randos like Dr. Demon Sperm."



  1. Unfortunately for Trevor and all the other naysayers, all the other Drs in that video came on today with their 2 cents and come to find out all of them are legit Drs also. The media is going to have a hard time trying to make dirt on all of them.

  2. Funny how the comments are peppered with quackery, the best as always left to last. Thanks for curing my ____ dr what's app!

  3. I think I will choose the scientists!

    1. Am single with no kids and am looking for a long term relationship so if you seems interested then send me a direct message

  4. We probably should listen to the doctors and scientists and not random TV personalities.

    1. How about trying some empirical approach? Look at the numbers of infected and deceased patients of COVID-19 in countries where people wear masks such as Taiwan, South Korea, etc and where people don't just like the US.

      To me, the difference seems to be staggering.

    2. Your asking too much of the republican cult.

    3. yeah. one scientist over a whole scientific body arguing against it until test and trials are fully done. Til found safe, I would agree to use it if there are no other alternatives. But until then, I go where the concensus of the scientific body is at.

    4. Did you even look at my links? A study posted by the National Institute of Health, an article written by a very well respected professor of epidemiology at Yale University and a study from the Henry Ford Clinic.

    5. Jennifer Rush I think I'll go with a TV personality over Dr. Demon Sperm in this case...

      2:30: She says that Incubus and Succubus spirits are responsible for medical conditions such as infertility and endometriosis.

      5:50: She says that a mixed breed of spirits & angels resulting from the flood of Noah, have an agenda to sleep with men and women. And these spirits are sleeping with people and people are getting physical ailments that are the result of spirits.

      9:00: She says that endometriosis is caused by the Incubus spirit.


  6. Somewhere I read USA's average IQ is 98, I'm pretty sure that's exaggerated.

    1. For republicans its in the 50 s and lower.

  7. getting corona at a chainsmokers concert is probably the worst way to go down

    1. I mean the name of the band is a big ass red flag

  8. That's cause our president damaged his brain in the tanning bed.

    1. the coronary virus it all fake. Each country uses it in its way to achieve special agenda. In my country Algeria the government uses it to stop anti government protest and to cause economic collapse. The corfimed cases are in rise but we don't know anyone having covid in real life.the world is ruled by criminals,.

    2. But you do trust this man even he is not a doctor

  9. Well, it proves he's not racist, right?

  10. As Mark Twain wrote, "Jesus died to make men holy, let men die to make us rich."

    1. Man like darkness rather than light

  11. Dr: you can't have sex with demons
    Anime fans: challenge accepted

    1. hentai fans

      because not all anime fans are hentai fans but all hentai fans are anime fans

  12. The Lord gives us common sense, for the people who think going to church will prohibit the spread...


  14. Imagine dying over of a Chainsmoker concert.. ew

    1. Imagine going to a Chainsmoker concert. What are ya doing?

  15. NZ is still safe. Our PM had led us through this admirably

    1. Ok, send visa, I am literally begging you. How do you guys manage the food chain. Is most food grown there? Does it come in by shipping and how do you isolate shipyard workers, etc. I'm curious.

    2. Glad that NZ cheif matamata got 11 years now for human trafficking/slavery this week. Sicko.

  16. She's what they call 'evangelists'. Talking of "doing it by yourself" a pediatrician who has 'treated 350 patients'. And again her clinic is a room within the church building. Sounds fake to me.

  17. why do people NEED to go to church? Like..are they gonna drop dead if they don't go to the church for a while?

    1. Even if they NEED to go to a service...they were outside. It would have been easy to have everyone socially distance themselves and wear masks. And yet they choose not to do that. This wasn't done to worship, this was done to tell the authorities that they (the worshippers) can do whatever they want and they don't care if people get sick or die. The bigotry, especially if they're supposedly Christian, is disgusting.

  18. She's a pediatrician? Can you imagine bringing your child to her?

  19. When the enemy is stronger,
    the war lasts longer..

    1. the coronary virus it all fake. Each country uses it in its way to achieve special agenda. In my country Algeria the government uses it to stop anti government protest and to cause economic collapse. People lost rheir jobs and some are already starving .The corfimed cases are in rise but we don't know anyone having covid in real life.the world is ruled by criminals.we must face them and stop them from getting us vaccinated. We have right for life we world population
      S not only the elites

  20. "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
    - Edmund Burke -

  21. “Jesus is supposed to die for you, not the other way around”

  22. Dr demon sperm is a cool name though - just the name nothing else - everything else is just crazy

  23. Looks like this virus is with us for a long haul, and we can’t get lax with it.


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